Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 5th November 2013

Mollie's check-in

By some seeming miracle, I have been saved from what I anticipated to be a disastrous outcome to something I procrastinated on for years. Now, I need to finish this thing by mid-day tomorrow or, in the alternative, Thursday morning. I am not far away from being done. I skipped two meetings tonight in order to come to a Starbucks & work on this. I did work on a new development that wound up taking a long time because of a computer glitch. Then I got distracted. I now have 1.25 hours til they close. I want to focus and be highly productive (even though I'm feeling sicker & sicker with a cold that's turning nasty). Setting the intention to do this thing!

Mollie's update

OK, I did some good work on this. However, I am feeling sicker & sicker & tireder and tireder. I need to get up early to take son to school & then volunteer at school for an hour. And then finish this project and drive an hour to meet with client & then drive an hour back & then go to a meeting & then take care of son and then get up Thursday & take son to school & submit this thing I'm working on & then drive a LONG way for a meeting & then drive a LONG way home in horrendous rush hour traffic. So, all of this is to say that it really is OK to stop now. Though maybe I should go to the car, call client, ask the questions, then drive home. OK, that's the plan.

Vic 11/5/13 ck in

Maint. basics, exer, plan, ft

Love the artwork on the SP Jal. and praying for willingness to be willing  to be willing.

Moving ever so slowly but not shut down, and still showing up. thanks all for being here.

marcelor Tuesday CI

Good talk yesterday.

Try working with FB and FAW first. If it doesn't work, do freedom

You want to do this

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.

I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone meeting

2. Take shower

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Eat breakfast

5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting

6. Get dressed

7. Go to get my medication

8. Go to the 12 noon telephone CLA meeting

9. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting

10. Go to my mom's apartment

11. Cook and eat dinner

12. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone OA meeting

13. Go to the 7 p.m. telephone OA meeting

14. Go to the 8:30 p.m. telephone ACA meeting

15. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

KF check in 5th Nov 9am

Nice early start as DH here working too. Feeling sleepy though.

Today I have already:

  • Had breakfast
  • Had a shower
  • Text J1 & J2 
Today I will: 
  • Invoicing
  • Assignment + More study (2/3 40poms) done 1/3
  • Reply to P
  • W Work done 3 40  min pom
  • P work  (3/4 40poms)
  • Draft for 30 mins on first BP
  • Unload drainer & Washing up
  • Have lunch
  • Get cash out for DH
  • Buy engagement card for S
  • Check out what ID needed for library
  • Visit library
  • Plan ML are actions
  • Budget
  • cancel DDs and email them
  • update F notes to reflect cancelled items
  • MC

Rexroth Check In 08.2?

Slept right through the night until 6.30 this morning which is a blessing. I am a lot better but not well yet and I feel very tired. So list:

x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Make and post this list
x Think about sorting heating as one electric fire is not working
x Reply to friend's email
x Rest and think prayfully about what to do - I have rather a lot and for once feel relaxed about having a lot. Much is important or at least seems so, little if anything is urgent.

Update 15.03

I feel tired and very irritated and can't concentrate and I want to get on with things.

Update 17.43

Somehow I have got on with some things and I don't know how. I would like to know how as this might help me again.

Emailed charity to whom I spoke this morning
Emailed counselling service for more information
Emailed about an order to check how I'm being charged
Wrote to bank to close account
Washed up and dried up and put things away and rubbish out
Replied to posting which I thought I might this morning

Now I'm back in a resentful heap of self absorbtion.

Update 21.10 Which I have now got out of and written a letter with enclosures to Building Society to try to sort out a problem, written most of a letter about a claim for camera repair and sorted the papers some for copying tomorrow and made a shopping list. Also decided that asking a friend to help me with a project will waste both of our time and agreeing to help him with his will certainly waste mine.

So prayer and reflection and a very early night. How on earth have I got so much done?

Peace Rexroth

@ unstuck-ing

I LOVE what your wise sister said in your post below! So true! Have a good dayxo

A new day...

I admit that I am powerless over my procrastination and debt and that my life had become unmanageable.  I came to believe that a Power greater than myself could restore me to sanity and I made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God. I humbly ask God to remove my shortcomings. I pray constantly and unceasingly only for knowledge of God's will for me today and the power to carry that out.  


Its not about the tasks - its about listening to the moment and going with the flow of the spirit - today and NOW.

Its not about the money, its about listening to the simplicity of need and contentment - today and NOW.

Thanks to Jalla and Mole for the mornings inspiration.

Main priority today:

concentrate on cardio pharm

6 hrs of 4x10min timers

Important tasks:

download payslips to reconcile

contact j re: moving costs

book dentist apt

book car service

ring gran

Pleasures for today:

MT with R & bub

exercise - 5k run

eat healthy


Thanks for letting me share and my encouragement for your respective days!

As my sister said last night, got to go through it, can't get around it!

So far...

Some quality time today! (and it is a glorious day here - bright sun, blue skiy, fluffy clouds, purple jacarandas...)


Done : baby cuddles and chat w friend (overdue)

rang gran & gl

booked dentist and car service

applied for removal quotes

healthy lunch

Don't worry about payslips today as just need to dive into pharm. try do it tmr am.



the courage to change the things I can.

  • readings
  • tidy 
  • try to do 5 mins meditation
  • HIO
  • call about pp rs
  • print out the return form for book and do package
  • rewrite list for appt
  • write with pomos(1,2,3)
  • get ready
  • call d re tomorrow visit
  • laundry
  • go to appt DB at SI
  • a f h
  • talk to v and ask about m b and talk re d
  • HIO
  • s a shop for d
  • write card d and post pack
  • r pick up at printers
  • bank
  • post office send pack x2.
  • go to leather repair pls to see if they can fix my fave bag
  • glassesX
  • b
  • groceries
  • sort bag
  • diary
  • file away a s
  • accounts
  • accounts d update
  • input r to excel
  • make up file for s & c 
  • call a and l
  • write journal 
  • make list for k for tommorow
  • dinner 
  • rehab excercises
  • try to meditate 5 mins
  • HIO
  • bed earlier than midnight! XTongue out


@ Mole

Me too!!!! (((hugs)))-some days i say the serenity prayer what feels like  athousand times for that very reason!! Have a great day dear Mole. We are all in this together!xoxo

Ps-I often say the same about your starters too! Just what I needed tpo  read is my usual reply!!!Thank you for everythingxoxo

Mole's check in

How do you do it, jalla? - read my mind, I mean. I am sure that one of the prime reasons for my procrastination is the uncertainty around discerning priorities, choosing between things, sifting out the important stuff, not stressing about things that are either beyond my control, or things I do not have to deal with yet.


hang out sheets

7.30 cafe w G and C

9-12 write with poms BUT my mind is so full of other stuff, i shall dedicate the first pom and perhaps even the second to clarifying my day- eg

working out how much time I need to prepare for tomorrow's performance, from that work whether I can manage L & co this PM and if so for how long, get back to L asap to let her know. 

12 book accomm. This is preying on me as i may have left it too late.

Healthy lunch

1.30- 3 prov with proj - reravelling.

3.30 - 6.30 L or prep - balance- if prep use timer for each stop and develop in rotation

put out rubbish

bring in washing

make bed 

eat healthy meal

more prep 


Prep for C 






db appt