Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Ugh. I am so frustrated with how little I got done. However, I did do two very special things with my son yesterday, and I am really glad I decided to do those things. I just wish I used my other time more effectively for other things. But I feel great that he got to have a great day with his mama <3
Things to do
-AME read 1/2 1 chunk textbook
-Overdue Acoustics hw
-Attempt problems on take home midterm
-birthday party planning
-Schedule for week -math hw 1 2 3 4 5 6
Up prayer and reflection
Made this list
Checked emails and posts
Tidied up a little
Studied French
Phoned friend for support and advice - who suggests I take two or three days off to get well again
x Finish todo list for week and I did the first thing on it which was to do my end of month accounts
x Do weekly update on master list which I don't want to do as I haven't done much work on it this week
x Possible chat with another friend on phone later this evening - in fact she came round supper together
x Write journal
x Prayer and reflection
Thank you so much for starting the thread, jalla. Hope you have a great Sunday.
life is pretty hectic at the moment. I have done what i needed to do this morning - that was easy and scheduled and enjoyable, but for the last week i have just been in reactive mode. Now l have a lot that must be done but little scheduled. It is noon, and time to take stock or i shall fall into a procrastinating heap.
check in - now
cook healthy meal
Two priorities
1. Plan November and December. I really need a countdown plandfor several different areas of my life, until i have clarified what they are i cannot prioritise them properly, this is important and urgent.
do this with poms: pom 1 brainstorm. Pom 2. Mark out areas on sheets of paper on floor or wall and add things to be done as i think of them. Pom 3 +. Take topics in twos, if needs be break them down further and detailwhat next actions should be. Cluster actions by Town, email.....
2. Very urgent prepare script for Wed, and enough prepared for discussion tomorrow pm - 1 pom each stopping point on a different sheet. Pom 2 topics for each stopping point. Pom 3 brainstorm what i need to research further. Pom 4 and subsequent. Shorts bursts of research for each topic so i don't lose myself down rabbit holes.
4 pm walk with B - that will be nice
take stock of what i have achieved so far, and work out a plan of action.
Eat healthy meal - no food in house - go and buy some veggies.
katia Sunday
Ugh. I am so frustrated with how little I got done. However, I did do two very special things with my son yesterday, and I am really glad I decided to do those things. I just wish I used my other time more effectively for other things. But I feel great that he got to have a great day with his mama <3
Things to do
-AME read 1/2 1 chunk textbook
-Overdue Acoustics hw
-Attempt problems on take home midterm
-birthday party planning
-Schedule for week
-math hw 1 2 3 4 5 6Other stuff
-emailed prof re textbook/project
Prometheus's check in
9h-10h Wake up and eating
10h-11h Procrastinating
11h- Calculs
Vic 11/3/13 ck in
show up (done). exer,plan,follow t
thx for starter jal. do not have to punish self for not being perfect. grateful.
Rexroth Check In 12.45
Still not well but better than yesterday.
Up prayer and reflection
Made this list
Checked emails and posts
Tidied up a little
Studied French
Phoned friend for support and advice - who suggests I take two or three days off to get well again
x Finish todo list for week and I did the first thing on it which was to do my end of month accounts
x Do weekly update on master list which I don't want to do as I haven't done much work on it this week
x Possible chat with another friend on phone later this evening - in fact she came round supper together
x Write journal
x Prayer and reflection
22.11 now for bed and sleep
Peace Rexroth
Progress not perfection.... today getting anything down on paper(aka computer screen) is good enough! Happy Sunday everyone!
readingsdiaryput in new appts1,2,3,4,5)podcast listentidylaundry awayrestwrite in journalrestfind ms bs and put toether her packemail m and dtext v re ml rreply m & SCall b bacltry and fix heater in bedroomcookrest1,2,3,4,5)do step writing 25 minswrite list DDwrite list DHwrite list DBemail confirm time v for tuescall d ask about v call & c atext mp thank youcall arehab excercisesbed earlyHIOMole's check in
Thank you so much for starting the thread, jalla. Hope you have a great Sunday.
life is pretty hectic at the moment. I have done what i needed to do this morning - that was easy and scheduled and enjoyable, but for the last week i have just been in reactive mode. Now l have a lot that must be done but little scheduled. It is noon, and time to take stock or i shall fall into a procrastinating heap.
check in - now
cook healthy meal
Two priorities
1. Plan November and December. I really need a countdown plandfor several different areas of my life, until i have clarified what they are i cannot prioritise them properly, this is important and urgent.
do this with poms: pom 1 brainstorm. Pom 2. Mark out areas on sheets of paper on floor or wall and add things to be done as i think of them. Pom 3 +. Take topics in twos, if needs be break them down further and detailwhat next actions should be. Cluster actions by Town, email.....
2. Very urgent prepare script for Wed, and enough prepared for discussion tomorrow pm - 1 pom each stopping point on a different sheet. Pom 2 topics for each stopping point. Pom 3 brainstorm what i need to research further. Pom 4 and subsequent. Shorts bursts of research for each topic so i don't lose myself down rabbit holes.
4 pm walk with B - that will be nice
take stock of what i have achieved so far, and work out a plan of action.
Eat healthy meal - no food in house - go and buy some veggies.
check energy level about what i can do tonight.
check in
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
4. Go to the 8 a.m. telephone OA meeting
5. Eat breakfast
6. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
7. Take shower
8. Get dressed
9. Go to the store
10. Go to church
11. Eat lunch
12. Go to the business meetingat 1:30 p.m.13. Warm up and eat dinner
14. Type up questions for tonight's meeting
15. Go to the 7 p.m. online EA meeting
16. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
17. Go to the telephone PA workshop at 9 p.m.
Thanks for letting me share