Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I tend to misplace things (joys of ADHD), but this time it's serious - I can't find my keys ANYWHERE. I've been looking for 45 minutes. I'm starting to freak out.
I started looking when I wanted to go out and pick up some stuff for breakfast tomorrow, and on the way bring down trash and recycling. But I'm scared to remove anything from my apartment for fear that's where my keys are. Did I throw them away?
Not to mention that I can't leave without my keys - can't lock my apartment, can't get back in the front door.
I have a habit of always putting them in a particular drawer, just for this reason, but I didn't this time. They should be on a surface somewhere - must have just dropped them coming in - but I don't see them on any surface. I've looked in my bags and in every pocket - no joy.
I'm a little afraid that I left them in the door and someone took them (they're not in the door now), but I have a vague recollection of removing the key from the door when I came in.
I'm starting to pick up my apartment in desperation (it's not too neat, at the moment).
I've done a lot of picking up in here, and not only have I still not found my keys, I discovered one other thing that's missing. I feel like I'm going to go crazy.
What do I do if I can't find my keys? What if I left them in the door and someone took them?
Woke early today, and so still late to start in comparison, but better than yesterday.
I have a great quote from Stephen Covey of the 7 Habits that is very applicable to my current mind-set.
"Efficient management without effective leadership is like straighening deck-chairs on the Titanic"
I feel like the ship is going the wrong way, but I am busy arranging deck-chairs. In another way, I am also dreaming of the destinations I can visit, but doing nothing to change the direction of the ship. (the analogy is a bit stretched here, but it's still pretty accurate)
I dream of financial independence for myself and my husband, but I lack the application to earn the money to get there. I dream of helping people to learn things, of making their lives better in some way, but I am frightened to put myself in a position to do it. I know that I can achieve, but I am afraid to do it. I have made some important steps forward in the past week or so, but I am still operating at 30% at best. I don't need to be a super-person, and nor do I have to follow the flock. I just need to be able to say I've done my best.
First things first today. I need to remove the fear and 'stuckness' by doing two things that I have been putting off. I can take the cowards way out if I want (email) but I need to do them in order to feel more right in myself.
Email SD - Nice inv progress, docs/visit -done. a bit nerve-wracking. But at least it's done.
Email W - how are you? visit. done - a bit easier, but it's work i do for a friend so way too much baggage!
Now onto usual business.
Today I have already:
Had breakfast
Had a shower
Put on washing
Unloaded DW
Today I will also:
Study & another assignment (or 2?)
Dry washing
W work
Washing back in
Write one post for b
Plan travel for Sat
Book grocery shop
Start menu
Email P re availability next week & week after
Have a good lunch
Finish off last bit of LP work
11.42 Need to rebot washing and get a snack. Then onto a bit of study.
11.50 back. Start study pom.
14.24 long call with client instead of study. Good stuff though.
Late check in this morning as slept until eightish which is a blessing. Today I am exhausted and need to take things easy. So list for today:
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Email solicitor to see if she has contract
x Have a shower soon - when removers have finished
Check exercises online and from notes for advice from friend
x Reply to email from friend
x Take it easy and relax I am so badly stressed
x Think what to do next.
Solicitor phoned and later emailed me to say that contracts are exchanged and the flat will be mine next Friday. I have a few things to do in the meantime, like pay for it, but there is no going back now.
Spent a lot of time talking with friend on phone this evening
Now confused and relieved and can't think properly
So the few things left to do today:
x Write journal
x Prayer and reflection
It only seemed impossible until if was done and my thoughts about buying my new flat. Even this morning I was wondering if it would happen and I thought it would take at least a month not only a week.
Kind words, congratulations, good wishes, helpful advice, etc would be most welcome.
10.20 am: I will do 2 x 15 mins on G and then make/drink my juice. Starting bursts now!
11.55 am: After the first burst I just kept going, that first burst was all it took to get me started. Have completed and sent G such a relief! Taking break now.
procrastinating procrastinating procrastinating. Why? Somehow dreading next step. What is it about the next step? Am I clear about what the next step is. Do I need to back pedal, work out options again? Or do I need to break it down? Am I dreading the technology? Afraid of working my way into a corner? Am I unclear about the purpose of the next step?- whether it is more likely to lead me astray than ahead. Is the next step in fact a red herring, disguising something else that is more important but also more scary. Would it be better to take a break? Or is that procrastinating? So hard to tell the difference.
Vic 10/25/13 ck in
mainten basics, exer, plan
pretty good day, need to getsleep ready for tomorrow.set alarm for 4am
vanishing stuff
I tend to misplace things (joys of ADHD), but this time it's serious - I can't find my keys ANYWHERE. I've been looking for 45 minutes. I'm starting to freak out.
I started looking when I wanted to go out and pick up some stuff for breakfast tomorrow, and on the way bring down trash and recycling. But I'm scared to remove anything from my apartment for fear that's where my keys are. Did I throw them away?
Not to mention that I can't leave without my keys - can't lock my apartment, can't get back in the front door.
I have a habit of always putting them in a particular drawer, just for this reason, but I didn't this time. They should be on a surface somewhere - must have just dropped them coming in - but I don't see them on any surface. I've looked in my bags and in every pocket - no joy.
I'm a little afraid that I left them in the door and someone took them (they're not in the door now), but I have a vague recollection of removing the key from the door when I came in.
I'm starting to pick up my apartment in desperation (it's not too neat, at the moment).
finally found my keys
My keys were under the covers of my bed (??). I'm incredibly relieved. It took 4.5 hours to find them.
I never had dinner and I'm hungry, but I didn't go out to get food because I couldn't find my keys.
On the plus side, my apartment is much neater now, and also I vacuumed the rug. :p
I wish I didn't lose things all the time. There is one other thing I can't find anywhere: a can of tinted wood wax. It's so freaking annoying.
Good luck pro!
Hope your keys have turned up by now. I know how awful it is to misplace vital objects.
still can't find my keys
I've done a lot of picking up in here, and not only have I still not found my keys, I discovered one other thing that's missing. I feel like I'm going to go crazy.
What do I do if I can't find my keys? What if I left them in the door and someone took them?
Steppin evening CI
Proud of myself for getting things done today. What needs to be done:
Practice choir score :)
Do dishes :)
Take out the trash :)
Shower - I'll do it in the morning, makes more sense
Listen to music :)
Go to bed before midnight :)
'The best way to get something done is to begin.'
marcelor CI Friday
Right now: shower and get dressed. do not return to computer until ready.
Listen to recording
Start working because today will be a short day
Friday: Lots to review
By Noon:
Finish up yesterday's Second lectureDo today's first lectureDidn't get to library until 11, so I'm a bit behind.By 1pm:
Do today's second lectureBy 4pm:
Review L37, 38, 39,By 8pm
KF check in Fri 25th Oct 10:20am
Woke early today, and so still late to start in comparison, but better than yesterday.
I have a great quote from Stephen Covey of the 7 Habits that is very applicable to my current mind-set.
"Efficient management without effective leadership is like straighening deck-chairs on the Titanic"
I feel like the ship is going the wrong way, but I am busy arranging deck-chairs. In another way, I am also dreaming of the destinations I can visit, but doing nothing to change the direction of the ship. (the analogy is a bit stretched here, but it's still pretty accurate)
I dream of financial independence for myself and my husband, but I lack the application to earn the money to get there. I dream of helping people to learn things, of making their lives better in some way, but I am frightened to put myself in a position to do it. I know that I can achieve, but I am afraid to do it. I have made some important steps forward in the past week or so, but I am still operating at 30% at best. I don't need to be a super-person, and nor do I have to follow the flock. I just need to be able to say I've done my best.
First things first today. I need to remove the fear and 'stuckness' by doing two things that I have been putting off. I can take the cowards way out if I want (email) but I need to do them in order to feel more right in myself.
Email SD - Nice inv progress, docs/visit -done. a bit nerve-wracking. But at least it's done.Email W - how are you? visit. done - a bit easier, but it's work i do for a friend so way too much baggage!Now onto usual business.
Today I have already:
Today I will also:
Dry washingW workWashing back inBook grocery shopEmail P re availability next week & week afterRexroth Check In 09.26
Late check in this morning as slept until eightish which is a blessing. Today I am exhausted and need to take things easy. So list for today:
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Email solicitor to see if she has contract
x Have a shower soon - when removers have finished
Check exercises online and from notes for advice from friend
x Reply to email from friend
x Take it easy and relax I am so badly stressed
x Think what to do next.
Solicitor phoned and later emailed me to say that contracts are exchanged and the flat will be mine next Friday. I have a few things to do in the meantime, like pay for it, but there is no going back now.
Spent a lot of time talking with friend on phone this evening
Now confused and relieved and can't think properly
So the few things left to do today:
x Write journal
x Prayer and reflection
It only seemed impossible until if was done and my thoughts about buying my new flat. Even this morning I was wondering if it would happen and I thought it would take at least a month not only a week.
Kind words, congratulations, good wishes, helpful advice, etc would be most welcome.
Bed and sleep
Peace Rexroth
My Daily Wins
To consider this day a great day, I'll realize these 3 results:
1/Submit the writing assignement of C.E.W
3/Meditation about focus, nutrition & other stuff.
P.S: I'll put smileys near the items I executed !
@ Mole
Early Friday
Thank you dear Mole and my hero Nelson Mandela!!A short sentence full of truth. I will take that with me today. Thanks!xo
laundry awayreadingsdiaryphotocopy p for hosp lettertidypostal pickup place for parcelgo to medical store(went but need to go to hosp tomorrow inst)ead.sort books to d and mgpackage deemail dcall vemail N back
HIO now...s/hcall angappointment eaccountshealth storedinnerrehab excercisesHIOkatia Friday CI
Starting this now, finishing later!
-3 math problems
-Finish Optics hw
Findingaway CI
Thank you Mole - so true!
10.20 am: I will do 2 x 15 mins on G and then make/drink my juice. Starting bursts now!
11.55 am: After the first burst I just kept going, that first burst was all it took to get me started. Have completed and sent G
such a relief! Taking break now.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephoone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
4. Cook and eat breakfast
5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting
6. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
7. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone UA meeting
8. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting
9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
11. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone UA meeting
12. Take shower
13. Get dressed
14. Eat dinner
15. Go to the movie
16. Go to the 8 p.m. face to face NA meeting
17. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Mole's check in
7.30 cafe
9-12 write with poms
procrastinating procrastinating procrastinating. Why? Somehow dreading next step. What is it about the next step? Am I clear about what the next step is. Do I need to back pedal, work out options again? Or do I need to break it down? Am I dreading the technology? Afraid of working my way into a corner? Am I unclear about the purpose of the next step?- whether it is more likely to lead me astray than ahead. Is the next step in fact a red herring, disguising something else that is more important but also more scary. Would it be better to take a break? Or is that procrastinating? So hard to tell the difference.
12.30-2 lunch with K
2-3.30 prov w proj
tower business
next step EU
pack up for stalls
6 G pick up
7.45 L pick up
dinner w L