Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
I just couldn't bring myself to check in this morning. I felt ashamed that once again, I didn't get out of bed until almost 9:30 a.m. I thought it's not worth posting if all I have to say is that I got up, got ready for work, worked, came home, got ready for bed - my "to do" list would look ridiculously short. But, I took the time to read some of your posts while I was on my break at work this evening, and saw that others were struggling through their day today as well. Not that I enjoy seeing others struggling, but it gives me comfort to know others share the same frustrations.'s what my day looked like.
eat breakfast/read (forgot to take vitamins)
wash hair/wash face/brush teeth
get dressed
check that cat has enough food
get lunch/snacks/water together for work
leave for work a bit early as roads may be slippery
work 12-8 (latte on the way home)
feed cat
read emails
What I'll try to do yet tonight:
clean toilet
wash face/brush teeth
take recycling downstairs
read before bed
Today I'm thankful for: this website and the encouragement I can take from it.
we're all in the same boat here. some days you'll post and some you won't, but you aren't judged. the very act of posting your to-do list is a productive thing. some days it will be short and others long.
Okay. Resume is emailed out. Now I'm going to scoop the cats' pan, take a quick shower and get to bed.
Already done:
Fix/eat dinner
Feed cats
Choose abilities to emphasize
Do more dishes (5 min)
Set up mtg w/ BB
Find old resume
Put away clothes (5 min)
Match abilities to achievements (started)
Send resume to betas
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
Actually, everything got taken care of today, even though my attempts at meditation and reflection were cut short by the phone. The quality of the tasks could've been a little better, though. I need to work on that part without crossing the perfectionism line. I hope everyone did well today.
I'm making good progress. I think I'm going to stay up as late as I need to to get a rough draft done and sent out. Going to shoot for being in bed by 11:30 pm, midnight at the latest.
Already done:
Fix/eat dinner
Feed cats
Choose abilities to emphasize
Do more dishes (5 min)
Set up mtg w/ BB
Find old resume
Put away clothes (5 min)
To do:
Match abilities to achievements (started)
Send resume to betas
Scoop pan
The place where I've been interviewing contacted me late this afternoon and said they wanted me to come back next week to talk to some more people. That's good.
I just came back from dinner with friends, after a meeting. I'm feeling a lot better than I did earlier today. Tomorrow I'll be more productive. I needed a "mental health day", as they say.
Well, I chose to mostly work on the applications, but even then I worked pretty lackadaisically--I was really tired. Still, I got three application packets in the mail, early enough to (barely) meet the deadlines, and hung out with my little girl for over an hour.
Now it's 6:15 here in California (that would be 2:15 a.m. the next day in Britain?), and I'm going to the library to get something done that I need to get to students tomorrow.
NB: Actually, it's the International Date Line you want moved from the Pacific to the Atlantic. That way Americans would always be first in whatever day it was, and British--no, actually, Icelanders--would be last. But Britain was the center of the world when planetary time zones were developed in 1884, so the prime meridian is there.
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
To do:
Find old resume
Choose abilities to emphasize
Match abilities to achievements
Send resume to betas
Set up mtg w/ BB
Email other contacts (if time)
Scoop pan
Put away clothes (5 min)
Do more dishes (5 min)
X Wake up at 8 AM.
X Breakfast (8:45).
X Shower(9)
X HC (9:20-10:45)
X Laundry.
X Iron clothes.
X Get Graham and Z's books.
X Leave at 11 AM.
X Meet HR and CE.
X Change tax paper (HR).
X Photocopy certificates.
X Call old boss F.
X Quick room.
X Update CV.
X Send CV to F's guy.
X Send CV to Dev's F.
X Ped.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
A few things had to be postponed till tomorrow (not my fault, honest!). Not much left to go :)
X Wake up at 8 AM.
X Breakfast (8:45).
X Shower(9)
X HC (9:20-10:45)
X Laundry.
X Iron clothes.
X Get Graham and Z's books.
X Leave at 11 AM.
X Meet HR and CE.
X Change tax paper (HR).
X Photocopy certificates.
X Call old boss F.
X Quick room.
X Update CV.
X Send CV to F's guy.
- Finish cover letter.
- Send CV to Dev's F.
- Update portfolio.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
I don't think I like the fact that the Brits are all done by the time we are only getting started in California. Move the prime meridian, so that the day first starts in America!
edit: although, you are 10 hours ahead of the West Coast, that must be 2 hours ahead of the zero meridian. Eastern Europe? Still...
Gee it really helps me to login and see that there are people plugging away, getting things done that day. If I'm sitting there with my first cup of coffee reading what someone's already gotten done, I'm greatful that my chance is comng toward me.
That is, if I were a Brit - or in Britain, for that matter ;)
But you're right, it must be very annoying (not to mention slightly disheartening) to find a new day's thread already up when your day hasn't even come close to ending. So what I will do is either wait till 3 PM to post my list if no one's started a thread yet (Monica is usually up by then), or just postpone it till later, depending on how busy I am around that time. Sound fair enough?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
My daughter is home sick today, and I stayed home with her.
I spent most of the morning procrastinating or working on something that doesn't have a today deadline. Meanwhile, she's watched cartoons all morning. (She's almost six.)
So now I can do something with her, and not get done what DOES have a deadline today, or work and have her watch more cartoons. They're PBS, so they're not bad, but it is a lot of TV.
I have three application letters that are due next Tuesday. Here are my choices:
1. I can complete them tomorrow, spend a lot more to make sure they make the deadline, and get my daughter off the TV, or
2. complete them today and spend a lot less, and have her be a major couch potato.
I'll at least start on the letters, and see what happens.
I was recording a movie, and got a call from a headhunter. The area code made me think it might have been about the job I interviewed for yesterday so I answered. I wish I hadn't. Now my movie recording is messed up, so I just deleted it. I should go outside, but I don't feel like it. I'll be going to a meeting later.
1.Call DO for new Rx
2.Mail model horse
3.Call credit union
4.List more model horses for sale.
5.unload/load dishwasher
6.Scavenger hunt: plumber's bill, my ID # for insurance, Rayman Raving Rabbid's game, medical bills & receipts, letter from school, Mastercard, Visa, box for sold (YAY!) porcelain horse
7.E-mail mortgage holders
8.Declutter 10 items from each room
9.Feed horse
10.Feed kid
11.Play tennis (Wii style)
12.Put away clean laundry
13.Give kitten meds
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe - Albert Einstein
My mother is screaming at me for being depressed. I'm dressed now. After I make my bed I'll go out where she can't yell at me. Or maybe I'll just stop checking my email.
X Wake up at 8 AM.
X Breakfast (8:45).
X Shower(9)
X HC (9:20-10:45)
X Laundry.
X Iron clothes.
X Get Graham and Z's books.
X Leave at 11 AM.
X Meet HR and CE.
X Change tax paper (HR).
X Photocopy certificates.
X Call old boss F.
X Quick room.
X Update CV.
X Send CV to F's guy.
- Finish cover letter.
- Call I2C abt postponing.
- Send CV to Dev's F.
- Update portfolio.
- Call T and update about job situation.
- Clean bathroom.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Are you feeding the procrastination monster again? Break its hold, Monica - it's all in your head! You can do it! Yup yup, outta that bed, one inch at a time, even if it feels like your wrenching your heart out! Come on! You can do it! Huzzah! *waves around pompoms*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
You are enabling each other. One uses the other's "bad day" as an excuse to take it easy. I used all of your "bad days" to decide not to go to work today, and work from home instead. My job allows me to do this occasionally.
You don't know what happened to Monica to bring her down today, and you don't know what happened to me. In any case, don't be harsh to anyone in this forum, or you will not remain a member.
Furthermore, I'd like you to remove the word "asshole" from your signature.
pro, I thought I was being helpful. Regarding the signature, this happens to be one of my favorite Platoon quotes. I'll delete the sig since you find it offensive.
The day doesn't have to be completely blown just because something went wrong in the morning. It's early afternoon - there is still a lot more to the day, and we can start our day over at any time.
I just got out of the shower. Are you dressed yet? If not, you should take a shower, too. You want to do a chat so we can give each other 15 minute challenges?
I'd like to reciprocate your kind offer from yesterday. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll be around all day today on & off the site, so just let me know.
Good morning everyone. I hope you're all okay. I was supposed to go somewhere else to work today, and I was anxious about postponing it. When I told him I had too many unfinished things here, he said it would be just fine. (Relief!) Some folks are doing some minor construction here tomorrow, and I need to make room for everything today, instead of running around like a crazy person in the morning (usual procedure with such things). This may sound odd, but does anyone here ever pretend you're someone else (who doesn't procrastinate) to get things done sometime? It seems to work for me, but I don't know if it's a good thing to do very much. (Hope it doesn't sound creepy)
Morning routine
Heat workshop
Meditate and reflect
Finish small project in workshop
Call about getting rid of giant project I just finished (again)
Cancel dental appt.
Housework brushup
Get ready for guys tomorrow
Move car to backyard
Start next project
DoItNow FINAL CI 12:32am PST
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
DoItNow CI 10:50pm PST
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
jj's only CI today - 10:00 p.m.
I just couldn't bring myself to check in this morning. I felt ashamed that once again, I didn't get out of bed until almost 9:30 a.m. I thought it's not worth posting if all I have to say is that I got up, got ready for work, worked, came home, got ready for bed - my "to do" list would look ridiculously short. But, I took the time to read some of your posts while I was on my break at work this evening, and saw that others were struggling through their day today as well. Not that I enjoy seeing others struggling, but it gives me comfort to know others share the same frustrations.'s what my day looked like.
eat breakfast/read (forgot to take vitamins)
wash hair/wash face/brush teeth
get dressed
check that cat has enough food
get lunch/snacks/water together for work
leave for work a bit early as roads may be slippery
work 12-8 (latte on the way home)
feed cat
read emails
What I'll try to do yet tonight:
clean toilet
wash face/brush teeth
take recycling downstairs
read before bed
Today I'm thankful for: this website and the encouragement I can take from it.
Goodnight everyone.
don't be ashamed...
we're all in the same boat here. some days you'll post and some you won't, but you aren't judged. the very act of posting your to-do list is a productive thing. some days it will be short and others long.
i hope you have a better day today.
scarlett CI 12:00 am EST
Okay. Resume is emailed out. Now I'm going to scoop the cats' pan, take a quick shower and get to bed.
Already done:
Fix/eat dinner
Feed cats
Choose abilities to emphasize
Do more dishes (5 min)
Set up mtg w/ BB
Find old resume
Put away clothes (5 min)
Match abilities to achievements (started)
Send resume to betas
To do:
Scoop pan
Email other contacts (if time)
doitnow CI 8:53 PM PST
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
pro's last check-in - 11:25pm
I'm ready for bed now - bedtime routine all done. I did manage to take at least one dose of pills today. One isn't three but it's better than none.
Good night!
Lark's 11:00 pm CI
Actually, everything got taken care of today, even though my attempts at meditation and reflection were cut short by the phone. The quality of the tasks could've been a little better, though. I need to work on that part without crossing the perfectionism line. I hope everyone did well today.
scarlett CI 10:30 pm EST
I'm making good progress. I think I'm going to stay up as late as I need to to get a rough draft done and sent out. Going to shoot for being in bed by 11:30 pm, midnight at the latest.
Already done:
Fix/eat dinner
Feed cats
Choose abilities to emphasize
Do more dishes (5 min)
Set up mtg w/ BB
Find old resume
Put away clothes (5 min)
To do:
Match abilities to achievements (started)
Send resume to betas
Scoop pan
Email other contacts (if time)
pro's CI - 9:45pm
The place where I've been interviewing contacted me late this afternoon and said they wanted me to come back next week to talk to some more people. That's good.
I just came back from dinner with friends, after a meeting. I'm feeling a lot better than I did earlier today. Tomorrow I'll be more productive. I needed a "mental health day", as they say.
I hope Monica is okay - did she post again today?
on getting a 'callback' on your interview. that's terrific.
it's a big relief!!
I was truly surprised, but happy. It still may fall through, but it hasn't yet. :)
I didn't take any of my meds today, or vitamins. That's not good. I can at least take one dose now, before going to bed.
I should get ready for bed now.
scarlett CI 9:40 pm EST
I'm going to run out of time. Or stay up too late. There are literally not enough hours in my day today. Darn it.
Already done:
Fix/eat dinner
Feed cats
Choose abilities to emphasize
Do more dishes (5 min)
Set up mtg w/ BB
To do:
Find old resume
Match abilities to achievements
Send resume to betas
Scoop pan
Put away clothes (5 min)
Email other contacts (if time)
Thomas C.--done
Well, I chose to mostly work on the applications, but even then I worked pretty lackadaisically--I was really tired. Still, I got three application packets in the mail, early enough to (barely) meet the deadlines, and hung out with my little girl for over an hour.
Now it's 6:15 here in California (that would be 2:15 a.m. the next day in Britain?), and I'm going to the library to get something done that I need to get to students tomorrow.
NB: Actually, it's the International Date Line you want moved from the Pacific to the Atlantic. That way Americans would always be first in whatever day it was, and British--no, actually, Icelanders--would be last. But Britain was the center of the world when planetary time zones were developed in 1884, so the prime meridian is there.
doitnow CI 5:52 PM PST
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
scarlett CI 8:41 pm EST
Been a while since I checked in in the evening...
Already done:
Fix/eat dinner
Feed cats
To do:
Find old resume
Choose abilities to emphasize
Match abilities to achievements
Send resume to betas
Set up mtg w/ BB
Email other contacts (if time)
Scoop pan
Put away clothes (5 min)
Do more dishes (5 min)
Edge's Closing Entry
X Wake up at 8 AM.
X Breakfast (8:45).
X Shower(9)
X HC (9:20-10:45)
X Laundry.
X Iron clothes.
X Get Graham and Z's books.
X Leave at 11 AM.
X Meet HR and CE.
X Change tax paper (HR).
X Photocopy certificates.
X Call old boss F.
X Quick room.
X Update CV.
X Send CV to F's guy.
X Send CV to Dev's F.
X Ped.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
doitnow CI 2:47 PM PST
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
doitnow FIRST CI 1:13 PM PST
get dressed
oral care
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
refill humidifier
spend 15 minutes cleaning the room
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list
Excuses are like assholes, everybody's got one!
Edge's CI - 11 PM
A few things had to be postponed till tomorrow (not my fault, honest!). Not much left to go :)
X Wake up at 8 AM.
X Breakfast (8:45).
X Shower(9)
X HC (9:20-10:45)
X Laundry.
X Iron clothes.
X Get Graham and Z's books.
X Leave at 11 AM.
X Meet HR and CE.
X Change tax paper (HR).
X Photocopy certificates.
X Call old boss F.
X Quick room.
X Update CV.
X Send CV to F's guy.
- Finish cover letter.
- Send CV to Dev's F.
- Update portfolio.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
I don't think I like the
I don't think I like the fact that the Brits are all done by the time we are only getting started in California. Move the prime meridian, so that the day first starts in America!
edit: although, you are 10 hours ahead of the West Coast, that must be 2 hours ahead of the zero meridian. Eastern Europe? Still...
Excuses are like assholes, everybody's got one!
Time Zones
Gee it really helps me to login and see that there are people plugging away, getting things done that day. If I'm sitting there with my first cup of coffee reading what someone's already gotten done, I'm greatful that my chance is comng toward me.
I'd agree -
That is, if I were a Brit - or in Britain, for that matter ;)
But you're right, it must be very annoying (not to mention slightly disheartening) to find a new day's thread already up when your day hasn't even come close to ending. So what I will do is either wait till 3 PM to post my list if no one's started a thread yet (Monica is usually up by then), or just postpone it till later, depending on how busy I am around that time. Sound fair enough?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
time zones
Sound fair enough? I'm not being serious. Do what you want / have to do. On the plus side, trying to catch up with others is good.
Excuses are like assholes, everybody's got one!
Caught on a bit late
I blame the late hours :p
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Thomas C.--not happy
My daughter is home sick today, and I stayed home with her.
I spent most of the morning procrastinating or working on something that doesn't have a today deadline. Meanwhile, she's watched cartoons all morning. (She's almost six.)
So now I can do something with her, and not get done what DOES have a deadline today, or work and have her watch more cartoons. They're PBS, so they're not bad, but it is a lot of TV.
I have three application letters that are due next Tuesday. Here are my choices:
1. I can complete them tomorrow, spend a lot more to make sure they make the deadline, and get my daughter off the TV, or
2. complete them today and spend a lot less, and have her be a major couch potato.
I'll at least start on the letters, and see what happens.
pro's CI - 3:15pm
I was recording a movie, and got a call from a headhunter. The area code made me think it might have been about the job I interviewed for yesterday so I answered. I wish I hadn't. Now my movie recording is messed up, so I just deleted it. I should go outside, but I don't feel like it. I'll be going to a meeting later.
scarlett CI 3:17 pm EST
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Type up/enter/print proj 1
Prep meeting
Attend meeting
Email forms/print/file
File proj 1
Sent email re: follow-up access
Reviewed follow-up comments
Find R email
Review proj 2
Take picture for proj 3
Review proj 3
Follow up two comments (pending...)
Type up/enter/print/file proj 2
Type up/enter/print/file proj 3
scarlett CI 2:50 pm EST
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Type up/enter/print proj 1
Prep meeting
Attend meeting
Email forms/print/file
File proj 1
Sent email re: follow-up access
Reviewed follow-up comments
Find R email
To do:
Follow up two comments (pending...)
Review/type up/enter/print/file proj 2
Take picture for proj 3
Review/type up/enter/print/file proj 3
Yoda To Do
1.Call DO for new Rx
2.Mail model horse
3.Call credit union
4.List more model horses for sale.
5.unload/load dishwasher
6.Scavenger hunt: plumber's bill, my ID # for insurance, Rayman Raving Rabbid's game, medical bills & receipts, letter from school, Mastercard, Visa, box for sold (YAY!) porcelain horse
7.E-mail mortgage holders
8.Declutter 10 items from each room
9.Feed horse
10.Feed kid
11.Play tennis (Wii style)
12.Put away clean laundry
13.Give kitten meds
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe - Albert Einstein
scarlett CI 1:50 pm EST
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Type up/enter/print proj 1
Prep meeting
Attend meeting
To do:
Email forms
Follow up two comments (JA)
File proj 1
Find R email
Review/type up/enter/print/file proj 2
Take picture for proj 3
pro's CI - 1:40pm
I'm showered and dressed, and the bed is made. I'm not sure what I'm going to do next. Lunch, maybe.
pro's CI - 1:15pm
My mother is screaming at me for being depressed. I'm dressed now. After I make my bed I'll go out where she can't yell at me. Or maybe I'll just stop checking my email.
Edge's CI - 7 PM
X Wake up at 8 AM.
X Breakfast (8:45).
X Shower(9)
X HC (9:20-10:45)
X Laundry.
X Iron clothes.
X Get Graham and Z's books.
X Leave at 11 AM.
X Meet HR and CE.
X Change tax paper (HR).
X Photocopy certificates.
X Call old boss F.
X Quick room.
X Update CV.
X Send CV to F's guy.
- Finish cover letter.
- Call I2C abt postponing.
- Send CV to Dev's F.
- Update portfolio.
- Call T and update about job situation.
- Clean bathroom.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
never mistake motion for action, but...
Motion sure beats the hell out of lying in bed. I'm going to move now, into the shower.
Good on ya, mate
That's more like it :) Keep the motor running ;)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Another Day Gone Wrong
I'm going back to bed.
Are you feeding the procrastination monster again? Break its hold, Monica - it's all in your head! You can do it! Yup yup, outta that bed, one inch at a time, even if it feels like your wrenching your heart out! Come on! You can do it! Huzzah! *waves around pompoms*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
you and me both
Is it something in the air? I've spent all day so far in bed, too. I'm feeling very down.
Let's both get dressed. I'm going to get dressed and make my bed - not sure what afterwards, but that much.
You are enabling each other.
You are enabling each other. One uses the other's "bad day" as an excuse to take it easy. I used all of your "bad days" to decide not to go to work today, and work from home instead. My job allows me to do this occasionally.
Excuses are like assholes, everybody's got one!
Ease up, DoItNow
You don't know what happened to Monica to bring her down today, and you don't know what happened to me. In any case, don't be harsh to anyone in this forum, or you will not remain a member.
Furthermore, I'd like you to remove the word "asshole" from your signature.
Thank you.
pro, I thought I was being
pro, I thought I was being helpful. Regarding the signature, this happens to be one of my favorite Platoon quotes. I'll delete the sig since you find it offensive.
thank you...
...for understanding.
start your day again now...
The day doesn't have to be completely blown just because something went wrong in the morning. It's early afternoon - there is still a lot more to the day, and we can start our day over at any time.
I just got out of the shower. Are you dressed yet? If not, you should take a shower, too. You want to do a chat so we can give each other 15 minute challenges?
I'd like to reciprocate your
I'd like to reciprocate your kind offer from yesterday. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll be around all day today on & off the site, so just let me know.
sorry to hear that
hope things get better for you.
You have great thread starter images, Edge!
Thanks for these great "welcome" images in the day thread, Edge. They're great!
Glad you like them, Pro :)
They're actually the fruits of my procrastination monkey getting its way Good thing they don't take that long to prepare :)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Lark's CI 9:50 AM
Good morning everyone. I hope you're all okay. I was supposed to go somewhere else to work today, and I was anxious about postponing it. When I told him I had too many unfinished things here, he said it would be just fine. (Relief!) Some folks are doing some minor construction here tomorrow, and I need to make room for everything today, instead of running around like a crazy person in the morning (usual procedure with such things). This may sound odd, but does anyone here ever pretend you're someone else (who doesn't procrastinate) to get things done sometime? It seems to work for me, but I don't know if it's a good thing to do very much. (Hope it doesn't sound creepy)
Morning routine
Heat workshop
Meditate and reflect
Finish small project in workshop
Call about getting rid of giant project I just finished (again)
Cancel dental appt.
Housework brushup
Get ready for guys tomorrow
Move car to backyard
Start next project