Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 9 January 2007

Welcome to Tuesday.


Graphics added by pro.

doitnow final CI 1:06 AM PST

oral care
lunch meeting
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
work 30/5
oral care
prepare and post tomorrow's list

CJ's CI 2:33AM EST

Well, I am disappointed because I didn't get to work on the report for 3 hours as I'd planned. This ALWAYS happens. Something takes me away. This time, my friend D called and we talked for 2 hours. She needed to talk but still I knew I'd be on the phone for awhile once I picked it up, but I did it anyway. I know myself, I can predict how I will behave and yet I distract myself from the important things again and again and again. Not that she's not important but I've delayed this report for a ridiculous length of time.

I read one of the posts tonite about procrastination being a drug and that was a revolutionary idea. It is SUCH an addiction!!! Brilliant. And the psychological community doesn't see it that way. There really needs to be more research into procrastination from that theoretical angle... There is no doubt that procrastination can be just as destructive financially, relationship-wise, health-wise, etc.

Anyway, didn't mean to go off and sorry if this is not the appropriate format for my musings. This is my first day online here. Now, back to what's left of my check-in:

So I only did an hour's worth of work, which in itself wasn't even that productive. Tomorrow is a new day..lots to do. I am hopeful with this tool, though!

jj's 11:30 p.m. CI

Should be easy to make my list tomorrow as I've got lots of leftovers from today! But I still accomplished a few useful things and I feel positive.

X make bed
X wash face/fix hair
X get dressed
X internet search
X put pleasant music on CD player (this prevents me from turning on the TV and never turning it off!)
X eat breakfast/take vits/read
X check email
/ dusting (did a teeny tiny bit)
X make list of questions for dr. appt.
X appointment with manager from window cleaning company
X phone R
X phone Mom back (unplanned but nice)
X sort thru cards in wallet (this was unplanned but useful)
- walk
- ironing
- water houseplants
/ eat lunch (more like afternoon snack & I watched TV instead of reading, and then didn't turn the TV off until now, so I don't feel like giving myself full marks for this)
- check email (afternoon)
X work on morning and bedtime routines
X make news years resolutions more specific (still more to do, but making progress)
X phone bank and apply for credit card
- clean master bathroom
- put towels in laundry and fold
X feed cat
- make supper
- do dishes
X check email (evening)
X scoop litter
X empty garbages and put out reminder
X wash face/brush teeth
X watch TV program (well, actually it was 3 which = 2 hrs)
X read before bed

Today I'm thankful that: even though the meeting with the window cleaner guy didn't turn out as I hoped it would, I didn't get all depressed about it.

Goodnight everyone.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 12:00 am EST

I'm going to bed before I sabotage another morning routine.

Final Results:
[Ø] Wake at 5:00 am
[x] Shower
[x] Oral care
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Devotional time
[x] Make bed
[x] wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Get son ready for school
[x] Take son to school
[x] Scrub kids’ tub
[Ø] Clean glass doors (front and back doors)
[Ø] Wipe down kitchen cabinets
[Ø] Clean waffle iron
[Ø] Fold laundry
[x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
[x] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
[x] Pick son up from school at 3:15 pm
[Ø] Help son with HW
[Ø] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
[Ø] After dinner cleanup
[Ø] Spray Shower
[Ø] Type up next day's to do list (No need to do this. I can use this one again since I accomplished very little today.)
[Ø] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set alarm
[Ø] In bed before 11pm

Bonus Item:
[Ø] Treat myself to a foot bath before bed


If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

pro's last check-in - 11:15pm

I'm ready for bed now. I'm not going to set the alarm. Maybe I'll try this again sometime, but not tomorrow. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon, and it's more important that I be rested than that I get up at 6am.

Good night!

setting the alarm clock

I just thought of advice one of my professors in college gave us. He said to set the clock for the time you wish to go to bed! At that ime, if you NEED to set it for the morning, go ahead and do it. After a short while it works okay. AND, he said it was a novel way of getting his kids to turn in. Thought I'd pass it on.

Monica's picture

Monica's CI - 10:35 pm EST

I really want to drink deeply from the cup of procrastination right now. The reason... 'cause I can't have my way. My day has been completely off and I resent it. When things don't go the way I want them to go, I desire to throw the baby out with the bath water.

  • I didn't get up on time, causing my morning routine to be abbreviated. That bothered me.
  • I had to run an unplanned errand in the middle of my day, which threw off my afternoon routine. That bothered me too.
  • I spilled candle wax all over my work area, just as I was about to leave work ON TIME. Set me back 20 min trying to clean it up.That really bothered me.
  • I had to attend a board meeting I forgot was tonight. And on top of that, the meeting was a complete disaster. That really, really bothered me.
  • And to top it all off, I still haven't found a way to put my "to do" list on my cell phone. Grrrrh!!! Can life get any worse?

  • And now I'm home and all I want is a tall glass of Binge-olais (I know... corny :p ). I just want things to be perfect, and when they're not, I feel like life's just not worth living. So I escape into which ever world will oblige me (Internet world, TV world, card game world, telephone world, book world... you get the idea).

    With all of that said, I do see one thing on my list I can do. I have enough motivation to do my daily devotional. So I'll start there and see where it leads me physically, spiritually and emotionally.

    Be blessed everyone.

    Current Results:
    [Ø] Wake at 5:00 am
    [x] Shower
    [x] Oral care
    [x] Facial
    [x] Pedi-care
    [x] Dress to shoes
    [] Devotional time
    [x] Make bed
    [x] wipe down MBR vanity
    [x] Get son ready for school
    [x] Take son to school
    [x] Scrub kids’ tub
    [] Clean glass doors (front and back doors)
    [] Wipe down kitchen cabinets
    [] Clean waffle iron
    [] Fold laundry
    [x] Leave for work at 9:45 am
    [x] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
    [x] Pick son up from school at 3:15 pm
    [Ø] Help son with HW
    [Ø] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
    [Ø] After dinner cleanup
    [] Spray Shower
    [] Type up next day's to do list (No need to do this. I can use this one again since I accomplished very little today.)
    [] Set out mouthwash
    [] Set alarm
    [] In bed before 11pm

    Bonus Item:
    [] Treat myself to a foot bath before bed


    If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

    "I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

    pro's CI - 9:55pm

    I just got back home from my trip.

    Whatever possessed me to think I didn't need allergy medication? I let my prescription run out, and I've been in hell for two days. My nose is sore from blowing. I got a new prescription from my doctor, but I want to fill it through mail order because it's cheaper. Tomorrow I'll get some of that over-the-counter allergy stuff - forget what it's called. It starts with a C - used to be prescription. I just took two Benedryl. That puts me to sleep, but I should be asleep soon anyway.

    I need to unpack, then get ready for bed.

    CJ's CI - 10:14PM

    Hi all,

    I'm new to the site. It looks like a great resource and I'm interested in trying it out.

    I'm not sure if this is the correct way to post a CI (or just respond to the previous post) but I'm testing it.

    It is 7:10 Pacific Time.

    In the next 4 hours I plan to:

    - shower - 8PM
    - Work on my report 8-11PM
    - Call BF - 11PM

    scarlett CI 9:50 pm EST

    Okay, got a start and know what I need to do next. Now I'm going to scoop the cats' pan, take a shower, and review the inventory in bed.

    Already done:
    Fix dinner
    Eat dinner (started)
    Check on package
    Fwd itin to Alan
    Pay bills
    Rough out timeline

    To do:
    review inventory
    Scoop pan

    Review achievements for current job
    Find old resume
    copy stuff

    scarlett CI 9 pm EST

    Realistically I am not going to finish tonight, but I hope to have a decent skeleton of a resume in an hour or so.

    Already done:
    Fix dinner
    Eat dinner (started)
    Check on package
    Fwd itin to A
    Pay bills

    To do:
    ROUGH DRAFT OF RESUME (this is very important)
    - Rough out timeline
    - Review achievements for current job
    - Find old resume
    - copy stuff
    - review inventory
    Scoop pan

    jj's 6:10 p.m. CI

    Watching TV is bad for my health. When will I learn this? I eat too much while I'm watching TV and I end up with a headache, probably because my posture is horrible, so now I feel gross.

    X make bed
    X wash face/fix hair
    X get dressed
    X internet search
    X put pleasant music on CD player (this prevents me from turning on the TV and never turning it off!)
    X eat breakfast/take vits/read
    X check email
    / dusting (did a teeny tiny bit)
    X make list of questions for dr. appt.
    X appointment with manager from window cleaning company
    X phone R
    X phone Mom back
    X sort thru cards in wallet (this was unplanned but useful)
    - walk
    - ironing
    - water houseplants
    / eat lunch (more like afternoon snack & I watched TV instead of reading, and then didn't turn the TV off until now, so I don't feel like giving myself full marks for this)
    - check email (afternoon)
    X work on morning and bedtime routines
    - make news years resolutions more specific
    X phone bank and apply for credit card
    - clean master bathroom
    - put towels in laundry and fold
    X feed cat
    - make supper
    - do dishes
    - check email (evening)
    - scoop litter
    - empty garbages and put out reminder
    - wash face/brush teeth
    - watch TV program
    - read before bed

    scarlett CI 8:10 pm EST

    Okay. Big plans for tonight, less than 2 hrs to do them.

    Already done:
    Fix dinner

    To do:
    Eat dinner (started)
    Scoop pan
    Check on package
    Pay bills
    ROUGH DRAFT OF RESUME (this is very important)

    Mollie's Check-In 6:35pm

    I'm really having a hard time getting myself to do the 2 projects I promised myself I'd focus on today (but at least I haven't been playing computer games, which has been one of my most compulsive routes to procrastination). I've done some work on one project, none on the other. Given my plans for the rest of the night, I have about an hour and a half left to work on them.

    To Do
    Read CwG
    Write in journal
    Take recycling out
    Do laundry (1.5h)
    Leg exercises (15m)
    Make bed (3m)
    Breakfast & vits (5m)
    Put away dishes (2m)
    Feed Mattie (2m)
    Clean litter box (2m)
    Shower & dress (1h)
    Straighten office for 15 mins
    Call TL (5m)
    Call BRH (15m)
    Call KF (10m) left mssg
    Call DCL (10m) left mssg
    Call MPD (10m)
    Call MC (15m)
    Call LB (10m)
    Call TC (15m)
    Call NP (15m)
    Go to PO (5m)
    Go to SPC (3h)
    Organize RL file (partly done) (1h)
    Break RL project down (15m)
    Do 4 10-2 hrs on RL (4h)
    Finish entering 1/4-1/6 hrs (15m)
    Do CG bill (30m)
    Do NP bill (30m)
    List all closed cases (3m)
    Date w/JMC (2h)
    Eat a salad (30m)
    Set up breakfast (2m)
    Wash dinner dishes (15m)
    Renew Norton Internet Security
    Call PW

    Lark's CI at 3:00 pm

    I'm doing okay so far today. So far so good! See you later.

    jj's 1:00 p.m. CI

    I think I'll have to revise my list, or have lots of leftovers for tomorrow, as I spent almost 1 hr talking to my Mom on the phone, and a substantial amount of time with the window cleaner manager guy, although I wouldn't classify either as time wasted.

    X make bed
    X wash face/fix hair
    X get dressed
    X internet search
    X put pleasant music on CD player (this prevents me from turning on the TV and never turning it off!)
    X eat breakfast/take vits/read
    X check email
    - dusting
    - make list of questions for dr. appt.
    X appointment with manager from window cleaning company
    X phone R
    - walk
    - ironing
    - water houseplants
    - eat lunch/read
    - check email (afternoon)
    - work on morning and bedtime routines
    - make news years resolutions more specific
    - phone bank
    - clean master bathroom
    - put towels in laundry and fold
    - feed cat
    - make supper
    - do dishes
    - check email (evening)
    - scoop litter
    - empty garbages and put out reminder
    - wash face/brush teeth
    - watch TV program
    - read before bed

    Mollie's Check-In 2:45pm

    OK. Now I just have icky stuff to do on my list. I've been procrastinating for awhile. I've gotta start doing it.

    To Do
    Read CwG
    Write in journal
    Take recycling out
    Do laundry (1.5h)
    Leg exercises (15m)
    Make bed (3m)
    Breakfast & vits (5m)
    Put away dishes (2m)
    Feed Mattie (2m)
    Clean litter box (2m)
    Shower & dress (1h)
    Straighten office for 15 mins
    Call TL (5m)
    Call BRH (15m)
    Call KF (10m) left mssg
    Call DCL (10m) left mssg
    Call MPD (10m)
    Call MC (15m)
    Call LB (10m)
    Call TC (15m)
    Call NP (15m)
    Go to PO (5m)
    Go to SPC (3h)
    Organize RL file (partly done) (1h)
    Break RL project down (15m)
    Do 4 10-2 hrs on RL (4h)
    Finish entering 1/4-1/6 hrs (15m)
    Do CG bill (30m)
    Do NP bill (30m)
    List all closed cases (3m)
    Date w/JMC (2h)
    Eat a salad (30m)
    Set up breakfast (2m)
    Wash dinner dishes (15m)

    doitnow first CI 9:56 AM PST

    oral care
    lunch meeting
    work 30/5
    work 30/5
    work 30/5
    work 30/5
    work 30/5
    work 30/5
    work 30/5
    work 30/5
    oral care
    prepare and post tomorrow's list

    Thomas C.'s busy Tuesday

    Just spent almost an hour procrastinating: playing only one game of Mini-Putt 2, but then making sure I went over nearly all the online newspapers and blogs I usually read.

    Bad idea, because I have so much to do. But I am really tired, and that's when I procrastinate the most.

    But keeping pro's re-post about why checking in works in mind, I am posting to bookend.

    - It would be nice if I were to call my potential DA sponsor. I really need a sponsor. He seems willing, and has a lot of recovery. Actually, there are 3-4 people to call.

    - I have five--count 'em, five--letters of application to get out the door today. Two are drafted, but I need to revise assignments in one class as a sample of my teaching style. So that's two letters to revise in a minor way, one major assignment revision, and three letters to write. Of course, writing means rewriting a boilerplate, but that can still take a lot of time.

    - I have two lectures to rewrite--one is minor, but the other has to be a pretty thoroughgoing revision.

    - I have some training this afternoon on how to set up online quizzes.

    So it's time to get to work! Thanks for being here.

    scarlett CI 12:40 pm EST

    This kitty cracks me up - pretty much sums up how I feel.

    Eat breakfast
    Take pills
    Answer phone
    Print out report & create file
    Process emails (10 min)
    Do work orders (2)
    Email forms
    Review license application
    Follow up on missing data
    Review list of reviews
    Eat lunch


    Mollie's Check-In 12:20pm

    To Do
    Read CwG
    Write in journal
    Take recycling out
    Do laundry (1.5h)
    Leg exercises (15m)
    Make bed (3m)
    Breakfast & vits (5m)
    Put away dishes (2m)
    Feed Mattie (2m)
    Clean litter box (2m)
    Shower & dress (1h)
    Call TL (5m)
    Call BRH (15m)
    Call KF (10m)
    Call DCL (10m)
    Call MPD (10m)
    Call MC (15m)
    Call LB (10m)
    Call TC (15m)
    Call NP (15m)
    Go to PO (5m)
    Go to SPC (3h)
    Organize RL file (partly done) (1h)
    Break RL project down (15m)
    Do 4 10-2 hrs on RL (4h)
    Finish entering 1/4-1/6 hrs (15m)
    Do CG bill (30m)
    Do NP bill (30m)
    List all closed cases (3m)
    Date w/JMC (2h)
    Eat a salad (30m)
    Set up breakfast (2m)
    Wash dinner dishes (15m)

    jj's 9:00 a.m. CI

    Up around 8:20 - improving.

    X make bed
    X wash face/fix hair
    X get dressed
    X internet search
    X put pleasant music on CD player (this prevents me from turning on the TV and never turning it off!)
    - eat breakfast/take vits/read
    - check email
    - dusting
    - make list of questions for dr. appt.
    - appointment with manager from window cleaning company
    - phone R
    - walk
    - ironing
    - water houseplants
    - eat lunch/read
    - check email
    - work on morning and bedtime routines
    - make news years resolutions more specific
    - phone bank
    - clean master bathroom
    - put towels in laundry and fold
    - feed cat
    - make supper
    - do dishes
    - check email
    - scoop litter
    - empty garbages and put out reminder
    - wash face/brush teeth
    - watch TV program
    - read before bed

    scarlett CI 11:10 am EST

    Hello. Fighting a cold or something, didn't get much sleep last night. Need to start slowly today and be very patient with myself.

    Eat breakfast
    Take pills
    Answer phone
    Print out report & create file
    Process emails (10 min)
    Do work order
    Review license application
    Review list of reviews


    pro's CI - 10:45am

    I showered and dressed, then went out for breakfast. I'm packing up now, getting ready to check out. I won't be online again until tonight when I'm back in New York.

    safe travels!

    see you when you get back.

    9:00 am CI for Lark Making up for yesterday

    Several things steered me away from my intentions yesterday, so I've decided to straighten them out today. Seems I've been in a slight fog for several days, and I need to break out of it. One goal for today is to minimize distractions.
    Morning things
    Meditation, if only for a few minutes
    Correct yesterday's work glitches
    Work on small project
    Put laundry away
    Sweep, mop kitchen
    Put shop in order a bit
    Help friend this evening

    Edge's CI - 3:55 PM

    Was planning on waking up at 10 AM today, but ended up working till 4AM yesterday so woke up at 2PM :( Anyway, will try to focus on the big things that I've been putting off for the past few weeks. Here goes:

    X Lunch.
    - Call HR about the tax document and get location for proper department.
    X Call Dev's friend and set an appointment.
    - Complete university registration form.
    X Facial.
    X Bath.
    - Reply to Maria's email.
    - Check Suzy's feedback and finish cover letter.
    - Photocopy certificates, reference letters, magazine feature, and passport (more?).
    - Finish Mike's voiceover.
    X Send Mike voiceover demo.
    X Do dishes.
    - Update CV & send to WW.
    - Update portfolio.
    - Clean bathroom.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

    Monica's picture

    Monica's CI - 8:00 am EST

    I went to bed on time last night, but I wasn't sleepy. So I took my laptop to bed with me and surfed the Internet all night (BAD MONICA, BAD MONICA!!!). I knew I was bingeing, but I wouldn't stop. This addiction thing is a real mess. I started off searching for a way to put my "To Do" list on my cell phone, so I'd have it with me all day, and ended up on MYSPACE, looking at scrolling pictures. :? I didn't go to sleep 'til 2 am. I totally sabotaged my 5 am wake up and my morning routine. :(

    But, as my favorite quote says, "Promise comes on the wings of the morn." Here's to new beginnings (I like new beginnings :) ).

    Have a great day everyone.

    To Do:
    [Ø] Wake at 5:00 am
    [] Shower
    [] Oral care
    [] Facial
    [] Pedi-care
    [] Dress to shoes
    [] Devotional time
    [] Make bed
    [] wipe down MBR vanity
    [] Get son ready for school
    [] Take son to school
    [] Scrub kids’ tub
    [] Clean glass doors (front and back doors)
    [] Wipe down kitchen cabinets
    [] Clean waffle iron
    [] Fold laundry
    [] Leave for work at 9:45 am
    [] Take Lunch break at 2:00 pm
    [] Pick son up from school at 3:15 pm
    [] Help son with HW
    [] Give son bath before bed to streamline morning routine
    [] After dinner cleanup
    [] Type up next day's to do list
    [] Set out mouthwash
    [] Set alarm
    [] In bed before 11pm

    Bonus Item:
    [] Treat myself to a foot bath before bed


    If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

    "I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

    inducing sleep

    I don't have a laptop, fortunately, or I could see myself doing something similar! I'm often not really sleepy when I go to bed, so I read in bed every night, usually until I'm tired enough that I can't concentrate well anymore. I also find reading helps take my mind off the events of the day, or whatever might be bothering me, so I can fall asleep easier. Anyways, that's what seems to work for me, most nights :)

    Mollie's Check-In 6:45am

    Since I tend to create unrealistically long to do lists, I tried to estimate the time each thing would take on this list. The initial list I created totalled 17 hrs., excluding one item the time of which depends on another item. Since it's 6:45am now and I go to bed by 11pm, that's more hours than there are, so I took some things off. I also think I really overestimated some stuff.

    Also, there are two important projects I didn't work on at all yesterday: one is due Friday and the other is billing. I want to work on both today.

    To Do
    Read CwG
    Write in journal
    Take recycling out
    Do laundry (1.5h)
    Leg exercises (15m)
    Make bed (3m)
    Breakfast & vits (5m)
    Put away dishes (2m)
    Feed Mattie (2m)
    Clean litter box (2m)
    Shower & dress (1h)
    Call TL (5m)
    Call BRH (15m)
    Call KF (10m)
    Call DCL (10m)
    Call MPD (10m)
    Call MC (15m)
    Call LB (10m)
    Call TC (15m)
    Call NP (15m)
    Go to PO (5m)
    Go to SPC (3h)
    Organize RL file (1h)
    Break RL project down (15m)
    Do 4 10-2 hrs on RL (4h)
    Finish entering 1/4-1/6 hrs (15m)
    Do CG bill (30m)
    Do NP bill (30m)
    List all closed cases (3m)
    Date w/JMC (2h)
    Eat a salad (30m)
    Set up breakfast (2m)
    Wash dinner dishes (15m)

    unclosed tag alert

    Hi Mollie,

    You "To Do" had another bold tag instead of a closing tag, so it turned the whole board bold. I fixed it. :)

    Thank you!

    Hi Pro,

    Thank you so much. Sorry for the screw-up. Perhaps I best not play around w/this stuff without knowing what I'm doing.

    Thanks again,

    Rexroth 08.49 GMT

    Todo today

    up prayer, reflection meditation
    get room ready for fried
    work on legal/admin project
    clean up area in livingroom after heater removed yesterday
    write up account of accident
    contact landlords to arrange meeting

    and what else???????

    prayer and reflection
    bed and sleep

    Regards Rexroth

    Rexroth 21.21 GMT

    Nowt finished but a lot done and legal/admin problem is going well. The problem has been with me for 25 or so years and I'm not sure what I going to do when I finished.