Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 16th June 2013

@ katia

Solidarity from me too. This must be a difficult time for you. I hope that this site can help you ease you way through this period and onto happier times.

clement ci - day 218 attempting abstinence, 138 from self

bookend, i like that graphic, 10:44pm.
bookend 10:46 2 min. wow.

23:03:25 ‹clement› bookend my own personal pa step 4 work
23:23:33 ‹clement› rather, off plan facebook, but it's part of work, but still.
23:27:58 ‹clement› 4min doing some tasks, cuz i had to add one.
23:28:09 ‹clement› task list organizing, that is
23:28:19 ‹clement› now back to step work
23:48:36 ‹clement› ok i read Good, Better, Best
23:48:51 ‹clement› very helpful.
23:50:53 ‹clement› bookend: done step work 22min. extremely reasonable
23:50:58 ‹clement› now when we retire at night

mini todo:
:) reflection
:) pre-plan tmrw

00:16:49 ‹clement› Done prayer. God's redemption. 3 min. totally reasonable.
00:17:34 ‹clement› done with all.


Not missed my stepwork meeting.
Kept up with my ipod reminders.
Not watched tv when i ran out of gas.
Not spent 2 hours on trivial things on the web site.
I was pretty focused fr-su but there were periods of lost focus.

THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR (everything i "did well" comes from god, either thru gifts he's given me or the way he's transformed me)

Thank you God for this new mode, of checking my task list at all time, and always selecting the highest priority thing. There are still a lot of un-done things on that list, but the highest prio things are actually done. and that feels different. The guilt over the 2nd prio things not being done is naturally less without using any kind of tool or coping or self talk or prayer or divine intervention.
TY that i got the pool done.
TY for my new testing kit, and the fun puzzle i got to solve with it, when it was the highest prio.
TY for the time with family today.
TY for fun swimming in the pool.
TY for me getting to clean the fridge coil.
TY for ice cream.
TY for red wine and its medicinal quantities in moderation.
TY for delicious hot dogs and baked beans.
TY for my new client. Pls help me serve them well. Even excellently.
TY that i only watched 1 hr of off plan TV.
TY that i got the church website reg form done!! big one.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb




Vic 6/16/13

Show up (done), exer, pllan

praying for  willingness to be willing. showing up matters.

katia checking in

Hi everyone . . . I have been absent the past few weeks. Unfortunately it is because I left my parents' house. I could not take the emotional abuse (calling me slob/trash/etc when I really do try hard).

So now I am at my friend's trying to figure out what to do. I have so many negative feelings going on right now.

Domestic things
-wash comforter -dry comforter
-wash clothes -dry clothes -organize clothes
-meal plan

Job things
-resume on Dropbox
-resume to LG
-apply for 1 job -apply for 1 job
-schedule for tomorrow

-do something fun w Connor
-call T
-post on BM

riddled's Weekend ToDos

look up details of new rental agreement Now I'm prepared to negotiate with my landlord about the remaining questions. (Would have done so today, but he isn't home.) I'm glad I did this, it had top priority and was rather complicated.
continue inventory
notify landlord

go swimming

... and a lot of stuff from the list from Saturday.

KF check in Sun 16th June 08:15am

Up early because of worry about something. But I am doing well with some other things, so I should give myself a lot of credit for that.

Today I have already: 

  • Got breakfast 

Today I will: 

  • rest of car ins comp
  • choose/book car ins
  • canx old ins (if pos)
  • pack away shopping
  • unload DW
  • read and sign forms
  • do budget
  • reply to text messages J S N
  • Have a shower
  • decide outfit
  • paint nails :-)
  • leave at 2pm
Have also:
  • Washing on

Mole's check in

Thank you lovely jalla.

onwards with the courage to change what I can.

8 market? Or 8.30 lift with K 

9-10 ringing - me?

F's with band

MAC exhibition.? 


take sstock

plant beans

tidy living room 10 mins each surface 

half hour correspondence

something for pleasure - a walk

cook for week 


skype M or R 


check in 

bed by 11


 Kept moving, bought healthy food, put it away, cooked, washed up, dis some kitchen tidying.


been more sensible with my arm., not got hooked on the computer. 


jalla for starting these threads

being able to break out of being down