Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday, 2nd May 2013

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

Henry Ford 

katia's check in

Ok, so I kind of made a list last night and making the list made me think that now that it was written down I didn't have to do it. That is not true! lol.

Things to do today.
If I can get 90% of these things done, (and 100% MITs) I will earn myself a special treat!

-Finish 262 hw
-attempt 287 hw #9
-download music

Other things
-remove one chunk of crap from car
-10 minutes bass practicing
-10 minutes organization

Other things of note
-emailed classmates
-registered for the one class
-emailed professor

Piqued's check-in

Excellent thread starter, mole. Thanks!

-- Write EP clipboard
-- Write EP precedence
-- Order meds
-- Pick up meds

clement ci - day 173 attempting abstinence, 93 from self

Abstinence from unplanned time.

  • The one thing, the only thing, i can do impulsively is write something on my todo list.
  • The one thing, the only thing, i can do off plan is recovery, something to maintain my sobriety, when tempted. I have come to believe that it is more important to maintain sobriety than to get things done.

Abstinence from relying on self. AA Big Book says to rely on God. Quoted in my bookmarks : scroll down to "AA Big Book on fears : relying on God not self-reliance:"

:) ci
:) start Instant Boss
:) v task
:) sched
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:) t task
:) 11am appt
:) sort tasks
:) j task
prj task, skip
:) pud norton - tue - progress
pud disk - install - run hd tune, had errors, run again
pud disk install - bill4
:) h wrk - recommendation - progress
pu wrk - iDev
pud fan
:) jd hp nb install hw - done?
kuf wrk - recontact
client ku sat?
later: g wrk
later: ht task
put away clothes
:) reflection
:) pre-plan tmrw

8:58am :
It's been 0days 00hrs 14min since i last got distracted (online researching).
It's been 0days 00hrs 14min since i last went on an off-plan bender >15min (16min)
It's been 8days 04hrs 17min since i last went on an off-plan bender >1hr (5hrs 21min, before that 5days abstinence)
It's been 8days 04hrs 17min since i last went on an off-plan bender >2hrs (5hrs 21min, before that 5days abstinence)
It's been 8days 04hrs 17min since i last went on an off-plan bender >3hrs (5hrs 21min, before that 25 days abstinence).
It's been >37 days since i last went on an off-plan bender >6hrs (6hrs on 3/25).
It's been 173 days since i last went on an off-plan bender >1day
It's been ~273 days since i last went on an off-plan bender >1week
It's been 13days 14hrs 01min since i last relied on self. (14 days before that)

1:19pm : "For this light and momentary affliction [tho it seems huge to me] is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:17-18


went off track 3 times. 2 to avoid. Once persuing some topic which should have been left for another day.
and i could not have gotten so overwhelmed.

THINGS I AM GREATEFUL FOR (everything i "did well" comes from god, either thru gifts he's given me or the way he's transformed me)

Got brought me back from great distress with that bible verse above.
firefox inspect element.
I felt overwhelmed most of the day, and very frustrated at times, but i managed to keep working thru it. The recovery training god is doing in me paid dividends today.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Vic 5/2/13

nShow up (done), exer, plan

Thanks for starter Mole, when I say "I want" x,y,or z"  DONE   instead of saying, I need to seems to help make obtacles more like challenges. Thaanks

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Went to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

Things I will do today

1. Get dressed

2. Fix and eat breakfast

3. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.

4. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.

5. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

6. Cook and eat lunch

7. Pick up paper off floor

8. Shred material

9. Warm up dinner

10. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

11. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

12. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

13. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

KF CI thurs 2nd May 09:30

update 11.15 am Major procras this morning. nevermind. onwards. 

Today I have already: 

  • Had my important thurs lie-in
  • Made breakfast
  • Replied to a few messages

Today I will:

  • Shower
  • Yoga
  • Washing on
  • Washing out
  • Washing up (lol)
  • Do work for P (6 poms at least if work lasts) done 4/6
  • Plan what I need for W work
  • Do a running costs analysis for W
  • Finish assignment (3/4 poms)
  • Plan new client proposal (1 pom)
  • Lunch
5 min tasks:
  • Dandelion battle!
  • 5 mins of raking?
  • Chase S re: tomorrow
  • DW on
  • Nails
  • check donation money
  • Invoice A
  • Invoice P


Thanks dear mole for the great starter. So true!!

  • readings
  • HIO
  • tidy
  • sort out printing of r for BM 
  • mess
  • find out meeting time
  • call b back ) left msg)
  • get doc r
  • check all BM 
  • drop in to her or post
  • write master to do list may 
  • schedule for j w and r /ex completion
  • call m and mar
  • call m lback re rs
  • call o mal c back
  • write journal 
  • go appointment
  • meeting
  • dinner
  • laundry
  • 1 hour r and xc
  • s work 30 mins
  • decide about wend
  • leave money j
  • look at bf rehab centre
  • HIO


EleanorBE's Thursday List

Thanks Mole!

Find hospital letter

 Go for scan

Go into work

sort out and write to H and E with dates

- sorth eths. and RA 

- write to all re above

- write to J re above

- go through to-do pile on desk, do quick things, make list of when to do others

- go to K's s.p. if it's still on

- go to The T. 

- go swimming 


Mole's check in

Missed checking in today. -full, though, so not a lot of time for procrastination.

7.30 cafe with D or CC review

put ip to rrest 

put living room to rest 

9-12 write with poms

pom breaks: lightbulb in hall, clear dish rack, tea, refill pencil 

eat healthy lunch

email dean, and volunteers 

prov with mem

3.30 museum 

5 -6 ST D with D  

6.15 bus

eat healthy meal  


bed by 11




Chaos of painting w small children

ping pong affirmations

S's insights, the amazing transformation of J, G on May Day and union choirs when I bumped into her in the dark, J on the Arbroath stone at veg shop, trying to distract C from the steepness of the hill and the cold, discussing Emily Dickenson and group dynamics inter alia, learning from animals and J, the colour of bruises,