Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday March 4th, 2013

Monday March 4th, 2013

Let us march forth
-- with Joy --
on March Fourth!

(ok to dance forth, jump forth, stumble forth, tiptoe forth, and flow forth, too.)

Journey 2 pm

Quite the late checkin.  After a nice weekend with the grandkids, i woke up last night feverish and ill and called in sick to work.   I am feeling better now, guess it was some little bug I picked up from the rug rats.   I'm working from home a few hours this afternoon, and I'm considering today a gift of time to regroup and think about my goals.  


"Don't Panic" - Douglas Adams

LizzieT Marching forth

For today:

Plan how to accomplish goals for week, which are:

Complete paying work deadlines

Start work on adolescents paper for school

Update ethics log and plan for working on ethics paper 

Reading for all three classes:


For today: Update Ethics log; read assignment for paper

Find references for Adolescents paper and choose 20 for reading/annotating

Self care: Meditate, exercise, log. 

kromer 10:20 CI

Kind of bummed I didn't get selected for interview for an internship, but oh well. Win some lose some.

Today I need to:
Check on expts

Microburst financial record-keeping
Order books
Update calendar
Go to jc

Work on writing:
*Finish figure legends, m&m
*Set up mtg(x2) (set up 1 mtg; admin is out sick so can't set up 2nd until Fri)
*Finish up stats (have made some progress on this)
*Microburst discussion
*Make small figure updates (will do this soon)
*Format slide figs.  (will do this soon)
*Add TE to dropbox

Work on job search
*Email J (will do this soon)
*Email D (will do this soon)
*Email C
*Come up with 6 more possible internship options

*Set up career ctr appt. to discuss cover letters


clement ci - day 114 attempting abstinence, 34 from self

Abstinence from unplanned time.

Abstinence from relying on self.

:) ci
:) v task
:) sched
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:) t task
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) prj task
sort tasks
do tasks
do tasks
do tasks
do tasks
do tasks
do tasks
pre-plan tmwr

10:01am : One of my favorite verses of all time: "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you can decide what is best, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ." - Philippians 1:9-10

what i love about it is it starts with love abounding.
and the knowledge and discernment come from the love.
and deciding what is best, comes from the love.
and being pure and blamless on the day of christ, comes from the love.

12:04pm : It's been 3hr 4min since i last went off plan.
It's been 9hrs since i last relied on self.
I am grateful to god for the temptation to go off plan ( demand resistance ) because it is in those moments that i can receive from God new learning about resisting the temptation

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


show up (done) plan,

show up (done) plan, exer

use whatever tools that work.

thanks for starter moving, what helped me was "us"

ms monday

  • transfer 1st
  • transfer 2nd
  • transfer 3rd
  • transfer 4th
  • transfer 5th

Knitfisher's Check In 4th March 08:25am

Yesterday went OK in the end. Even managed to be social for a change, most odd for me and DH! The sun is shining on the south of the UK today, so am also determined to go take my virtual dog for a walk round the park later.

Today I have: 

  • put my workout gear on
  • Got my breakfast (eating as we speak)
  • Put some washing on 

Today I will:

  • Do workout
  • Have shower
  • Get washing out
  • Check audio setup for webinar
  • Webinar at 11am
  • Take photos of stuff to go on FB done 1 lot
  • Put stuff up on FB done 1 lot
  • Text M to see how she is
  • Call EF for W
  • Work for 4 poms on W done 3/4
  • Work for 4 poms on inbox done 1/4
  • GO OUTSIDE FOR A WALK (even 15 minutes makes a difference) well done me!
  • Empty DW started
  • Small Washing up
  • Prepare dinner for slow cooker (yum)
  • Turn down slow cooker once 5 hours up
  • Do compare for house insurance (when DH gets home) 

riddled marching forth...

... because my bicycle has a flat tyre today.

So, to do today after work (and probably some days after):

  • bring both bicycles home (the one with the flat tyre from the town where I work, and the other one from the train station in the town where I live)
  • find/buy: bicycle repair kit / new tube / new tyre if necessary / bicycle pump / bicycle pump lock
  • repair tyre
  • fit pump to bike with pump lock
  • while I'm at it: sort through & make inventory of spare bicycle parts
  • transport bike back to town where I work

Well... the inventory and the pump & lock were due anyway. And my other bike is still in working order.

Edit: It took 1:30h to push both bikes home from the train station. Then it was dark and I postponed all the rest.

aotp March 4, 2013

good enough. good enough is my goal. good enough is great. 
10 min point 2     
10 min point 3    
10 min overview  A v.mod.
break 100-105
10 min point 4
10 min point 5
10 min chronology of A v.mod (prob-sol)
 break  135-140
10 min review of pts 1-5
10 min refine point 1
10 min chronology A v.mod (prob-sol)
715 wake, m
720 exercise
750 start breakfast
755 shower, dress
815 kids breakfast, dressed
10 refine point 2
10 refine point 3
10 chronology of A v.mod
break 930-935
10  refine point 4
10  refine point 5
10 chronological timeline A v.mod
break 1005-1010
10 save copy of C. presentation for script and one for slides
10 edit slides
10 review suggestions for AVMOD
1040 dressed and go
100-200 meeting
10 edit slides C.
10 select video for C.
10 review AVMOD
stretch break
10 review video for C.
10 10 review AVMOD
pick up k
snack and prep for class
pack bags
review video for C; finalize choice 
40 edit slides
pick up dinner
practice please
bed 11pm

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Cook and eat breakfast

4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

5. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

6. Wash dishes

7. Clear the tables

8. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

9. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

11. Call my friend

12. Cook and eat dinner

13. Take shower

14. Get dressed

15. Go to work ar 5:30 p.m.

Thanks for letting me share



Elvira's Monday

Thanks, movingalong
  • exercise
  • pray
  • look for job
  • garden work
  • housework
  • find library card
  • go library
  • start hat
  • learn something

Mole's check- in

Thank you movingalong - you must have sensed the wobble in my knees, but now I shall prepare myself to go forth like a Valkyrie when I wake up tomorrow.

7.30 cafe and read through CC poss RM and that is allowed. Text E and write not for A re free evenings

ringing emails 

9-12 write with poms - work on scenario think about Shakespeare 


wash up

TLC with CC

3.30 walk to NH for meeting with R and editor 

depending on how long: 

? Home and eat?  

Or eat in town and straight to ring?

7-9 ppractice bed by 11 



responded -emails etc, reports. 

Engaged with people 

Hold my own in a discussion 


My writing did not go well this morning 


H giving me a lift home 

RM's cryptic