Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 28th February 2013

Thursday 28th February 2013

(thank-you to PA member RisingUp who contributed the idea for this thread-starter)

elvira's evening

Got to fill in and send job application tonight, finding it very hard to get started.


  • Fill in job history
  • fill in referees
  • open word processor, paste in person spec
  • start filling in to create letter. 


Vic 2/28/13

show up (done), plan, exer
use tools that help, thanks

Feb 27:

"We do not
need to punish ourselves for having denied reality; we need only love
ourselves into safety and strength so that each day we are better
equipped to face and deal with the truth. We will face and deal with
reality - on our own time schedule, when we are ready, and in our Higher
Power's timing. We do not have to accept chastisement from anyone,
including ourselves, for this schedule.

We will know what we need to know, when it's time to know it.

I will concentrate on making myself feel safe and confident. I will let
myself have my awarenesses on my own time schedule."

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie


RisingUp Check-In 2/28


Thank you, movingalong, for posting that one. Appropriate for today, since I am in a deep depression since yesterday. I really do feel like giving up actually. Holding on and staying positive feel very difficult right now.

Last day of the month, which is a reminder that I have been in my temporary home for 3 months now, with no progress whatsoever. In worse debt than before, no savings, no prospects for a new home, still not applying to jobs, relationship going nowhere. I feel like the ultimate loser. Maybe I really am just a loser?

I listened to a sermon this morning discussing the difference between faith and unbelief. You can have only a mustard seed of faith and it is enough, but it will be negated by any "unbelief" ... unbelief shows up as worrying, fearing, constantly caring about an issue by thinking about it constantly ... in other words, everything I do. No wonder my HP cannot get through to me.

So my prayer for today is: God, please remove completely any unbelief/disbelief that remains in me. Remove my fear, so that the Holy Spirit can come upon me unobstructed. You are my only hope. Please deliver me from this, restore me now. Amen.  Complain, it remains. Praise, you are raised. 

kromer 10:30 CI

I'm a little slow getting started today, but am confident I can get good work done anyhow. I'm mostly going to work on writing:
*Finish results draft and email DP (working on this now, making good progress)
*Finish methods section

I also need to:
*Check on expts (will do this soon)
*Update notes (will do this soon)

*Email AB, DY

*Go to friend's celebration
*Microburst email to MK (will do this soon)
*Email about thesis committee (working on this now)

Journey 10:30

I'm in the office today.   I've been to the gym, commuted in to the office, checked email and calendar, and made todo list.   I thought I was getting a slow start but I guess I'm doing ok!   I'm sitting in a meeting now posting this.  I'll check back after lunch. 


"Don't Panic" - Douglas Adams

Knitfisher's Check in 28th Feb 11.20am

Late one today. But intentionally so. Treated myself to a lie-in after my regular Weds late night and feeling much better for it instead of waking/getting up early and limping through the day. I have done quite well with work this month (although bad performance in previous months was not only due to procrastination) So I feel I can dedicate time to getting up to speed with GTD. I need a good wash and brush up organisationally and although I know it requires daily and hourly effort to keep on track, getting this virtual mountain of open loops in order feels important. It's a mental de-clutter if you like.

So today I have already:

  • Had a good breakfast
  • Put DW on

Today I will: 

  • Shower
  • Load of washing on
  • Empty DW
  • Do small washing up
  • Work on physical GTD inbox at least 6 poms
  • Work on email inbox at least 2 poms
  • Walk to libarary to sign up (ah, blessed exercise)
  • Put pots on for dinner at 6pm
  • Don't be on the PC when DH gets in Smile (I should explain, we're not in a police state here. But it would be nice for once to be downstairs to say hi to my beloved when he comes in from work rather than saying "I'll be down in a minute" and appearing sheepish 45 mins later)

clement ci - day 110 attempting abstinence, 29 from self

110 days

A retrospective: after 110 days the possibility that i am addicted to going off plan, and that abstinence means living a life entirely on plan, seems to fit better than it did 110 days ago. The fit is getting better, not worse. A year from now perhaps i will have a different opinion, but for now, yes, it fits.

And the drug is "going off plan". It DOES NOT MATTER what the plan is or the off plan activity is. If i schedule myself to research something on the web, i will want to clean the kitchen. As bizzarre as that sounds, that is what is happening to me.

Living life entirely on plan often feels suffocatingly restrictive. In the last 110 days i believe i have figured out why. I think it's because as an addict, my brain is chemically dependent on my behavior, specifically going off plan. When i live life entirely on plan, i dont get a "hit" of my drug. So that suffocatingly restrictive feeling is...withdrawal symptoms. Never would have guessed that, but there is medical research to back up becoming chemically addicted to a behavior.

Also, living on plan is becoming somewhat of a habit. It's getting easier, more automatic. At the rate i'm going, it might take me another 6 months for the habit to become fully ingrained.

I have walked this journey with God by my side and as my light and guide, so, God, thank you very much. I love you!

end retrospective

Abstinence from unplanned time.

Abstinence from relying on self.

10:21pm night before : Now the question is, was that retrospective on plan? I just realized, no, it was not. Well at least i'm not lost in an off-plan binge.

:) ci
:) v task
:) sched
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
t task
:) 11am appt
:-( prj task (it's ok)
:) sort tasks
:) do tasks
:) do tasks
:) do tasks
:) do tasks
:) do tasks
:) do tasks
:) pre-plan tmwr

10:13am : it's been 2min since i last went off plan. I checked my email, then since there was nothing important / urgent to read, i read something less important. Geesh. Also, i think i have realized that i can't recover in the hour or 2 after going off plan. During that time, i am "high" from going off plan. It's only when the "high" wears off, and i get the urge to go off plan again, that i can re-start my recovery. Here "recovery" is defined as resisting the urge to go off plan, minute my minute, for the rest of my life. Or until the urge fades.
It's been 2days 16h 45min since i last relied on self. VERY tempted this morning since i am convinced i can not get what i have to get done by fri. And if i do, i can't get enuf work done on top of it. But then i trusted God. Yesterday i realized that even if i can't get everything done, i can make progress on everything. I dont know why that's not an automatic thot for me.

1:56pm : It's been not sure since i last went off plan.
It's been 2days 20h 28min since i last relied on self. I was VERY tempted twice. And i used "15 points for a self-aholic to consider when confronted with the urge to rely on self and not God" (my translation) and it worked. Thank God. I was really close to cratering.

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" - Philippians 1:6

2:09pm : it's been 1 min since i last went off plan. Lost focus.
It's been 2days 20h 41min since i last relied on self.

2:55pm : it's been 47min since i last went off plan.
It's been 2days 21h 27min since i last relied on self.

11:30pm : it's been about 2hr since i last went off plan.
It's been 3days 6h 02min (i do the math to the minutes to keep my brain exercised) since i last relied on self. Was very tempted during this period. The Lord has really trained me these days to turn to him in times of guilt. I haven't had the problem of selfish pride recently. Haven't been doing that well to have that problem. God has a plan for my life, and i am willing to walk whatever he lays out for me.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Take shower

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Get dressed

5. Fix and eat breakfast

6. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.

7. Go to individual therapy at 10:30 a.m.

8. Go to church at 12 noon

9. Get printouts of the 12 Promises and order form for DA

10. Eat lunch

11. Go to vocational group at 2 p.m.

12. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks

13. Cook and eat dinner

14. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone ACA meeting

15. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

16. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

17. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Mole,s check-in

Thank you, thank you, thank you movingalong,

a busy day:

7.30 D, cafe and either report for  C, feedback to,CC or letter to B

Check 10 days for K and send text 

9-12 type up and edit synopsis

1 to prov w mem, take b letter and  ergo details

3 appt with E 

wash up 

work on C, CC and or B

Work out detailed menu

6 shop 


tidy kitchen and dining room table 

make plan for Sat.

Check in

bed by 11 


Discovered that I could hinge my neck from the bottom of my ears.

didn't succumb to a nap 

when I couldn't get anywhere with the synopsis, I found another task to be getting on with instead of going into a decline 


Made a clearer pom plan this morning

taken more notice of what I told C I would do last week 


E for showing me how my skeleton works

the full moon

movingalong for beautiful images

The first signs of autumn