Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday, 25th February 2013

Weave yourself a small container of time today, 20 minutes, say, and do with it your heart's desire.

with thanks to Michael Nobbs at 

elvira's evening

  • run dishwasher
  • put dry clothes away and shift damp ones round
  • check closing date for job application
  • start applying
  • email P & S
  • empty dishwasher and put stuff away

kromer 11 CI

I am feeling overwhlemed today, and am not sure how to get started (I am coming back from a long weekend, and still haven't gotten going)
Today I mostly need to work on revising:
*Revise section 1 (working on this now)
*Revise section 2
*Revise section 3
*Revise section 4
*Revise section 5
*Make antibody table

I also need to work on job search:
*Draft cover letter for genzyme
*Watch video from JK

And I need to check on my expts, unpack, pray, and email about thesis committee. And make a schedule/plan for the week.

Maybe I'll do thesis committee first, then revisions

kromer 7:15 CI

I'm going super-slow today, but so far I have:
Revised section 1
Revised secton 2
Revised section 3
Revised section 4
Revised section 5
Worked on figure legends (done instead of antibody table, ended up being more urgent/important)
Checked on expts
Emailed about thesis committee

Now I will get dinner and revise sections 4 and 5 and email, then go home and unpack, pray, and watch JK videos.

Thanks for the encouragement journey!

good luck with the job/internship search!

I know you've been working hard for years and I hope you find the perfect position.

"Don't Panic" - Douglas Adams

Journey 11 am

Quick check in . . .in the office today, doing ok, see ya later 

Update 5:15 pm:  This has pretty much been a perfect day as work days go.   One of my projects has completed except for the final wrap up stuff.   That puts my workload down into the manageable range for a while, thank the Lord.  I stayed focused and worked pretty hard today and completed all items on my todo list.  

First question:  Why aren't all days like this?    I need to think about staying focused and completing my todo list EVERY day.  

Second question:  How to maintain the sense of urgency and get stuff done now that the pressure is not so intense?

Third question:  How can I get the guy in the next cubicle to SHUT UP?  Oh well, everything can't be perfect lol. 


"Don't Panic" - Douglas Adams

gotmusikk's Monday

Still trying the new format.

Hello day
dress, brush teeth

I feel good if I do these things:
process inbox
monster talk

8:45-10:30 - Dentist
2:00-3:30 - Weekly Revue
4:00-4:45 - Dunk
7:00-8:00 - Cook dinner (korean rice bowl)
anytime - call Dad (1 hr)
anytime - Finance routines (1hr)
anytime - meditate, practice, back exercise (30 mins)
anytime - RUN by myself (45 mins)

Make cornbread?

All of this will work only if I take time to identify my resistance, be kind to it and find out what I can do to support myself.


"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"

-- Pema Chodron

v 2/25/13

show up (done), plan, exer

progress not perfection, better than I was, thank you HP

Language of Letting Go with Melody Beattie: "Accepting Imperfection              Why do we punish ourselves by thinking that
we're inferior while believing that others are perfect - whether in
relationships, recovery, or a specific task?
It is far more accurate and beneficial to tell
ourselves that who we are is okay and what we are doing is good enough.
That doesn't mean we won't make mistakes that need correcting; doesn't
mean we won't get off track from time to time; doesn't mean we can't
improve. It means with all our mistakes and wandering, we're basically
on course. Encouraging and approving of ourselves is how we help
ourselves stay on track.

Today, I
will love and encourage myself. I will tell myself that what I'm doing
is good enough, and I'll let myself enjoy that feeling."


jays monday 25 feburary

people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily

zig ziglar

finances, qvc

lwood returns

change euros

SOL letter -make notes -post

phone PO

card to R thank you

phone mum

phone sis

phone r

essential shopping

cook stew

SIFT NOTES file and shread

busfare for wed

gas- bank number inform

dance workshop-


riddled's Monday ToDos

  • morning routine
  • phone dentist
  • shopping list
  • shovel snow
  • fetch HI card from dentist
  • buy new computer mouse
  • buy groceries -> back at 10:00!
  • breakfast
  • (break down the next two & specify intermediate goals)
  • learn
  • file
  • weave myself a small container of time (20 minutes) and do with it my heart's desire

Hamlet's checkin

1. mail package to V

2. Review  WEEE and draft Q

3. mediatate

4. call mike and angela

5. take a risk/reachout

6. GCLR blog

7. declutter study

8. healthy snacks

9. Check AA upgrade

10. email phil re Dec. check

clement ci - day 107 attempting abstinence, 26 from self

Abstinence from unplanned time.

Abstinence from relying on self.

11:34pm night before : pre-planning

:) ci
:) sched
:) v task
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:-( t task
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) sort tasks
:) client k
:) prj task
ht task
p task
do tasks
do tasks
do tasks
:) pre-plan tmrw

8:03am : It's been 1.5 days since i last went off plan.
It's been 14hr 14min since i last relied on self. but i am STRONGLY tempted this morning. Since i might not get thru my quiet time, i will first read my translated "15 points for a self-oholic to consider when confronted with the urge to rely on self and not God".

10:11am : it's been 1 min since i last went off plan.
It's been 16hr 22min since i last relied on self, altho i am still tempted.

8:25pm : It's been 4min (thank you TitleLog_Tweaked for allowing me to look up the exact time) since i last went off plan.
it's been 1hr 55min since i last relied on self.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


RisingUp Check-In 2/25

Today is Monday Action Day. Cool

It just means I am starting to take actions that will support myself, with the help of God. 

I'll just do this as a bullet list for now: 

  • Wake up at 4:30am (as long as in bed by 10:30pm)ACTUAL: woke up hours later, out door by around 9am
  • Drink water, prepare bfast & lunch ahead of time (pack ice)
  • Do floor exercises
  • Eat bfast, take supplements, take shower, get dressed
  • Read Bible, and book if time
  • Leave by 6:45am, go for walk
  • Start work by 8:30am, outside Starbucks  ACTUAL: phone calls, delayed, work start at 11:30am 
  • Text owner re: money for Tues.
  • Do 3 assignments
  • Make list of agencies: industry & temp (find online/YP) to call tomorrow
  • Send 1 resume for job ad
  • Attend UA or DA phone mtg at some point
  • Call SM re: automatic payments dates
  • Night: Dinner, Do last 3 assignments

  • RELAX! Read, soap, movies

  • Practice!

  • In bed by 10:30pm

ms monday

  • cancle lighs
  • post letter
  • rearange flm
  • get help for the new day
  • video green
  • call watch
  • book hair
  • call k
  • key call
  • do edit and email

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Cook and eat breakfast

4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

5. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

6. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line

7. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

8. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

9. Take shower

10. Get dressed

11. Get my medicine

12. Eat dinner

13. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

Thanks for letting me share

Mole's check-in

7.30 cafe - develop work plan for week

9-12.30 write with poms


2 TLC CC review and plan, and conf call agenda 

Tidy kitchen, living room and bedroom

practice pbm 


7-9 ringing practice

check in 

bed by 11