Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 18th February 2013
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
― Maya Angelou
― Maya Angelou
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Marcelor checking in at 7.30 - Let's all get along :-)
First of all: I moved a couple of years ago from Europe to the American West Coast and have had a hard time getting used to being "behind" so I can relate to the Aussies on this forum.
I have so much enjoyed the always supportive atmosphere in this community - I am over-sensitive to criticism so even the constructive kind can be too much for me... Hope we can all get along!
Haven't been checking in here regularly but thought I would do so today:
Shower, get dressed before call
O call
Bank contact details *2
15 pomodoros on intro
gotmusikk's Monday
Hello everyone!!! :-D
I feel so much better today than I have in a long time. I was just on a trip (in Colorado) and am excited at the possibility that we might be moving there. I feel like I have something to work for. There are wonderful things awaiting, kind people, and beautiful nature. I have also decided to put my healing FIRST in many respects, and am already feeling better from the results of that decision. SO, I'll try my best to keep up the energy now that I'm back!
Kindness towards myself comes first.
Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.
Check-in @ P.A.Process my inbox completely
meditate 15 mins.
shower/dressComplete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes-- clean
-- back exercise/practice
-- massage
4pm Dunk
5pm call Mom
7pm Cook
8pm RUN, then eat & Skype J.
If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.
Things I did well today:
-- I did what I completed with enthusiasm and energy. When I felt the negative voices creeping in, I talked to them kindly.
Things I can improve on:
3 things I’m grateful for:
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
clement ci - day 101 attempting abstinence, 20 from self
Abstinence from unplanned time.
Abstinence from relying on self.
11:29am : it's been 5min since i last went off plan. Went off plan reading emails.
11:30am : it's been 0min since i last went off plan. Mind wandered as i was writing prev line. :P Anyway, time to get going on my day.
:) ci
:) v task
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:) t task
:-( 11am pa phone mtg
:) prj task
:) sort tasks
:-( do tasks
12:06:39 ‹clement› my stuckness was not due to relying on self, it was just due to my addiction rearing its ugly head. BUT, my response to it was self-strength self-skill, instead of immediately turning to God for help
12:14pm : it's been 1min since i last went off plan. mind wandering.
It's been 14min since i last relied on self.
2:44pm : it's been 3min since i last went off plan. tv was on when i walked thru room and i got caught.
It's been 2hr 44min since i last relied on self, tho i have been tempted!
2:55pm : it's been 1min since i last went off plan. Got distracted.
It's been 2hr 55min since i last relied on self. I am seeing my distraction as a defect, not a morally wrong choice.
3:44pm : it's been 1min since i last went off plan. Bad day.
It's been 3hr 44min since i last relied on self. Very close to collapsing in guilt, but God pulled me back just in time from the edge. And i let him.
4:23PM : it's been 5min since i last went off plan. But i finished my quiet time.
It's been 4hr 23min since i last relied on self. Hmm, interesting.
7:44pm : it's been 3hr 26min since i last went off plan, altho i'm slow.
It's been 7hr 44min since i last relied on self. An abstinent day so far.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
kromer 11 CI
I need to be efficient today:
*Read through results comments
*Email DP about mtg*Email about thesis committee mtg
*Finish updating resume for millenial
*Email B, join awis
*Finish discussion section (did about 2/3-3/4 of the remaining work on this, which isn't quite as much as I'd hoped but is much more progress that I'd been making last week)*Check on expts
*Interview prep
And see my bf!
Vic 2/18/13
show up (done), plan, exerThanks for starter Jal, so true. one day at a time, progress not perfection.
ms monday
new times for studentsElvira's Monday
out to lunchHypatia's check-in
Morning all! I'm driving down to Birmingham this afternoon for a course (about 2.5 hours away). There are some things I just MUST do this morning, but my brain is all over the place. Here goes...
cats to vetone cat now under investigation for diabetesmake dentists appointmentget money from bankshopping for buttonspackingwash hairlunchnH.
Hamlet's checkin
1. OZ visa waiver
2. staple coupon
3. email phil --Fri BD call, Dec check
4. email rachel
5. cook fish, make dumplings
6. GCLR blog
7. mail
8. meditate
9. healthy snack
10. reachout/risk
11. toss one thing/declutter
12. gardening blog
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
3. Cook and eat breakfast
4. Take shower5. Get dressed6. Go to get my perscriptions7. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
8. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
9. Wash and dry clothes
10. Read Buddhist material11. Put clothes away
12. Wash dishes
13. Fix and eat dinner
14. Test blood sugar twice
15. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
16. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
17. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting
18. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Mole's check-in
7.30 cafe and review for CC
9-12.30 get synopses to first draft standard
Depending on heat:
walk to town
or go to TLC and so mem
work out work schedule for S and H
Ringing practice
social til 10
bed by. 11
Thanks to jalla
Jalla's thread starters have been really wonderful for me. I'm still not really back on track but am heading there! My time zone is about 16 hours ahead of the US and to top it off I find I need to check in the night before - I have to ban myself from going on the Internet in the morning.
i am so grateful for this site and generous thread starters.
@Elvira - no worries
Hi Elvira- No worries post away. if you don't mind posting ahead a week or so that would be appreciated.
Jalla is just doing Mole a favour :)
Sending love and kindness!
@ mole
Hello to my friend mole - hang in there. I am thinking of you and sending you lots of good vibes and best wishes for a great day today. take good care of yourself and lovely to see you back here- i know how hard it can be and i think you have done great getting back here to check in. We can do this one day at a time together. xoxo
What a lovely quote, Eleanor. I have written it out and will keep it with me for awhile. I was going to say cut it out, which might have been rather devastating for my iPad.
I have fallen out of my tree and back into the mire of procrastination, indecision, and tiredness and want to get myself back on track for a dynamic year. Part of my descent has been because I haven't been checking in. Asking myself why I haven't I know that because it is hard for me to do at the moment, actually starting a thread becomes overwhelming, and if I wait for the day,s thread it is already mid afternoon here and much of the day wasted.
If there is some kind, in-a-better-space person out there, or several of you, who could post a daily thread starter ahead of time until I am back on my feet? I would be very very grateful.
clawing its way out of the procrastination hole,
I see
OK, I see - that makes sense now. Thanks for explaining
Bagging the starter
I don't wish to seem critical, but maybe some other people should be given a chance to start a check-in thread?
Re: Bagging the starter
I agree with you, Elvira. The starters have been lovely and I do appreciate them (also certainly not wishing to be critical) but it would be nice if the task was open to everyone, without anyone feeling the need to post days or a week in advance to be able to do them. It's nice to see a variety of perspectives for the starters. Also agree with Vic that they got confusing being posted so many days in advance. Just my humble opinion :)
Daily starters: living in Aust/NZ/Asian time zones
I know I no longer post regularly in the daily forum, but did want to comment on this. Not, I hope, to be critical of anyone, but just to offer my perspective.
Maybe it's difficult for some PA members to understand what it's like, for those of us who live in Australian/New Zealand/Asian time zones, to be nearly a day ahead of members in American time zones?
I do sympathise with Mole as a fellow Aussie in wanting to have the thread for her day ready the night before. When I was a more regular poster I sometimes started the thread so I was on the 'right' day. But as I didn't want to commit to doing it all the time, I settled for posting on the previous day, but I have to say it really never felt quite right.
I'm sorry it is confusing for those in other time zones to have the post for tomorrow already up, as well as the current day, but for us here it is today. Is it possible avoid confusion just by always checking what the date is on the starter?
I have so much enjoyed the interaction and support from members all over the world. It enriches us as a group, and I hope it doesn't have to be a source of disagreement.
Starters got confusing when they were osted 1, 2, 3,4 days in advance.