Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday 29th January 2013
"I can be changed by what happens to me. but i refuse to be reduced by it.”
Maya Angelou (As quoted on Thursday by Vic- thanks Vic!)
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clement ci - day 81 attempting abstinence
from RisingUp Check-In 1/28 Mon. at url :
That's a message from HP cuz that's exactly what i'm struggling with. I have concluded at this time that i am addicted to
today i have not relied on self, but i have not quite relied on God yet, just made space for Him.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Piqued's check-in
Starting thoughts:
Out of sorts, but ready to settle in and work.
Test add/deleteDONE--
Look at old problem logSTARTED-- Write a time budget for rest of this week (re: work tasks)
Appt with HHDONE--
Schedule appt to see new primary care docDONEAnother day:
Ending thoughts:
While doing riddled's daily dare today, I worked for 30 minutes straight and enjoyed what I was working on. Is there some way to let myself look forward to doing my job since I actually enjoy doing it? Right now I'm pounding myself with so much self-doubt and recrimination that even thinking about working is anxiety provoking.
ms tuesday
• email j re tomorrow• contact amy• reply d• reply lou• a gift• post card• download images/sound files.• set up friday tut
• email SH
mail ed• wash sheets• gym
email r final file• sort out heatingkromer 1:30 CI
Today I am still feeling pretty sick. But I want to get a little bit of work done anyhow.
So far, I have been to 3 hrs of meetings
I want to:
Make alternative versions of fig. 3/table (made good progress on this)
Check on exptsGo to colloquium
Go to drug store and see if I can get some stuff to make me feel better
1 hr for on fs/rt project
list of 10 internship options
OK, working on alt. versions of fig. 3/table now
gotmusikk's Tuesday
Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.
Check-in @ P.A.
Process my inbox completely
journalmeditate 15 mins.
shower/dressComplete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes
-- FEED SOURDOUGHS - 1, 2-- back exercise/practice
-- massage
12-8pm Teach
If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.
Things I did well today:
Things I can improve on:
3 things I’m grateful for:
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
ms tuesday
thanks for the starter Jalla
email j re tomorrowcontact amyreply dreply loua giftpost cardMS: Keep it up!!!!!
You're doing great. Just keep going forward!
thanks chatty, you are a
thanks chatty, you are a great help. x
Vic 1/29/13
Show up (done), plan (done) exer.
Thanks for starter jalla, yes one of my favorite quotes!!
RisingUp Check-In 1/29 Tues.
Work 3 in morning (10:45a-2:45p) / *Break 2:45-3:00[DONE: ✔✔✔counting one from yesterday]
Prep next 3 for tonight
Job app 1 (4:00-5:30pm)
Dinner/Get ready/Grafs 5:30-6:30
Leave 6:30
Come back by 10pm
Work 3 10p-1a
(Start just 2 grafs daily for GE: I know you don't want to do it, but
it's the right thing to do, so just this small amount daily and it will
be over with in 10 days!)
Keep track of: water, meals, supplements, breathing
*During breaks:
Bible + Prayer
Lit/Insp. Reading
Watch soap
*Wed. Call appt/pay!
Decide: car claim? chiro?
Call agencies!
Start lists: agencies to call this week, BBB/CofC companies to apply to
Call storage about rate increase
return Target (probably Thurs.)
Walmart: products
Get blank CDs + practice
Do laundry and mop floor
DA mtgs *get brochures there
Save weekly for loan due
Save weekly for brakes
Save weekly for new home
Call dental appt. / cardio appt / PT appt (Later: GN, Eyes, ENT)
Call: G, C, S
Order 3L, TT, Osteo, EFA, B12
Buy Sephora
Journey 7:30
Happy Tuesday! Working from home today. I've been away because I've just been so busy with work there was no chance to procrastinate. Still busy but immediate pressure is off so now I feel like slacking off. But I'm behind on household chores and routine work stuff like email as well, and I need to keep my projects moving along too, so it's not time for slacking off! It is time to do a reasonable amount of work and get a reasonable amount of rest as well.
Right now I am going to exercise, have a healthy breakfast, attend a conference call at 9 am, then make todo list for the rest of the day. I'll check back here about 10. See ya then!
Update 10:30 here is today's list
exerciseProject R meetingProject M - Run and review AProject M - Prepare FProject M - Run and review FProject M - Install plan QProject M - Prepare XProject C - Find email from B - what info does he need?get car inspectedvitaminsplan meals and snacksUpdate 6pm - done with work - didn't quite finish everything on my list but that's enough for today. Now I'm going to change the cat litter, finish up dinner, do the dishes, put away 1 load of folded laundry and put the washed laundry in the dryer, have that quiet time that I meant to do this morning, and call it a day. I'll report back in the morning if I did the above. Have a good evening everyone!
Update: did everything except the most important thing, quiet time!
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
KF CI tues 29th jan 09:00
sort of. Went to work anyway.Go to work with grace
Not panic about meeting
Forgive myself for being human
Visit shop to see if crock pot is on offerBuy crock pot online if not on sale above
Re-do flowersChoose clothes.
Jack's check-in for the day
- morning prayers
- breakfast
- read HR
- prep CS
- lunch
x3 OR,SP 4pmHamlet's checkin
1. FoY exercise
2. Meditation
3. eat healthy snack
4. FS tracker
5. Verdant blog
6. Declutter study
7. China ODI
8. Toss an item
9. cook veggie and fish
Thank -you Vic - love that
amend with edits back m d and vemail to Cemail to mv and dreadingstidyHIOpool and gymHIOgo to meetingcall db againcall about ptreturn all calls and texts ydaycall sponsorpost cardmake appt ptdinnerMole's check-in
THANK YOU JALLA and maya A and vic
i realise one of the thing I like about checking in the night before is just like go on a trip, you wake up in your destination, and you can launch into the new place straight away.
7.30 cafe and G ?
Tidy for T: 15 mins ea. for bedroom living room and kitchen
roll down exercise
9 - 12 writing :
write up notes from brain storm with K
9.30 - 11 start outlining.
11 - 12 complete papers for C
healthy lunch
lie down back exercise
1 Walk to prov mems and corresp or more outlining
3 walk to L
3 - 6.30 with L & co
7 hour with A
oops forgot, take disgusting stuff from fridge plus bad apricots and put them out with the rubbish
plan tomorrow and work in declutter program
bed at 11