Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 28th January 2013
Below is an Irish blessing for everyone at PA!xoxo
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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RisingUp Check-In 1/28 Mon.
I need to have a venting check-in today, will post task list separately.
It's Monday, and I don't feel good!!
I want my mommy, waaaaahhhh (just kidding, sort of)
I'm doing everything right, but just feel panicky and out of sorts. Having the signs of an impending cold is not helping. I already went for my walk, ate fruit and vitamin C, etc.
Now I just would like to work, followed by applying for a job. I am going to have to break this down and be OKAY with just doing what's in front of me. My perfectionism has me wanting to do it all in one day! That's not possible, or fair to myself. It's enough to do the task clearly at hand.
I think I will do my back stretches right now just because without them it will be difficult to do my work.
Just sneezed 3 times. God bless me!!! Lord thank you for healing me and please prevent me from getting what my bf has. Thank you.
"TRUST in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
gotmusikk's Monday
After a nutso weekend, I *want* to do all my routines again. I want to be on track. I want stability.
Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.
Check-in @ P.A.Process my inbox completelyjournalmeditate 15 mins.
shower/dressComplete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes-- clean-- back exercise/practice
-- massage
12pm COOK4pm Dunk
anytime Weekly Review
If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.
Things I did well today:
-- I kept going, even though I did things in the afternoon/evening that I wish I could do in the morning. Progress, not perfection. Taking pride in my work anyways!
Things I can improve on:
3 things I’m grateful for:
1) Knitting... it's fun!
2) Martin Seligman.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
katia 1.28
I am Irish, so I have seen that blessing many times :)
Errandy things
-Drop off stuff to S
-meet with person buying bag
-small # of groceries
Contacty things
-contact HHW re shipping-contact other chick re shipping-CALL KKSchooly things
-Get problem #1 done on optics hw
-download albums to itunes and ipod (for music class)
-Get problem #1 done on OTHER optics hw
-Get #1 and #2 done on math hw
Homey things
-figure out something delicious for dinner/lunch tomorrow
-make it
-run dishwasher-spend some time putting clothes away
I hope I am not being to ambitious :-/
Piqued's check-in
Starting thoughts:
Not sure what these are yet...
Complete third documentation reviewDONE--
Back up old version of database and restore new versionDONEAnother day:
Prepare for meeting with H on TuesdayDONE--
Discuss with mgr how I handled pre-req defect; get feedback/suggestionsWAITING FOR FEEDBACK FROM MGREnding thoughts:
Feel deflated despite accomplishing goals. Need attitude adjustment.
clement ci - day 80 attempting abstinence
10:30am : it's been min since i last went off plan. I was reading stuff on this site. Interesting. But should be reserved for a designated break. Still i'm doing MUCH better than yesterday and Sat and Fri. My Goal for today is RELY ON GOD, not myself.
:) ci
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) pj task
sort tasks, choose (hard)
do tasks
:) 1pm appt
:) v task
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
kromer 9:45 CI
Working from home today, and , so I need to be careful in how I use my time. I will pick relatively simple projects that I can work on. (And I will not expect full productivity, since I'm pretty sick. Aiming for about 6 hrs of good-quality work.
From home, I can:
*Email about rotation project
*Proofread and send email to S about committee
*Finish catching up on papers
*1 hr work on fst/ret project (will do this soon)*Come up with 10 preliminary internship options in the B. area
*Look up info for career fair
*Do online registration*Brainstorm improvements to table
Then, I need to stop by lab to check on experiments. I'll do that in the late afternoon/evening, (going to do these tasks now)*Check on expts*Run geno. gel (working on this now)
*Pick up books
Vic 1/28/13
Show up (done), plan , exercise
Snow day, son off from school, all plans change now, incl. sports games..paperwork times. Blessed are the flexible for they will never be bent out of shape.!!!
feel irritated. things that work: GRATITUDE, STAY IN NOW, CONNECTION, REPLACE AND REDIRECT THOUGHTS, REST, EXERCISE, TAKE CARE OF SELF, SERVICE.(my old sponsor would say read, write, talk, listen,pray)
Thanks for starter jalla, love that blessing.
Caly checks in
Goal for today: 16 pomodoros today on book chapter.
And other stuff (administrative, sport) will be done around the edges of that main overarching goal.
Allowing HP to lead the way and not my will.
Jack's check-in for the day
Thanks jalla for the inspiring threadstarter.
For today:
- breakfast
- CS at 9
- 10 mins Tues MF
- put away laundry
- 1pomo on diary stuff - TM, JF ...
- call L
- 2p on R
- lunch
- 1p on S4
- 2p on FT
- 1p email - GUO, OL & JM
- 1p tidying tbc
x3OR,leave 6pm for M- early dinner
- prayers by 11pm then into bed
Knitfisher's CI Mon 28th Jan 08:05
Don't normally post on a Monday but want to do other things than just go to my client and come home, so here I am. Got a lot done yesterday, both in number and importance of tasks. Not all, but enough so that I should feel good about it. This morning I have moosed a little, but am still on track to get to work by 9 which will be a rarity.
Today I will:
Visit mum's to read meter and collect paperwork and socksDo lots of hours at work. Try to keep calm.Call JSalamander's check in - Mon 28 Jan 2013
Thank you, jalla, for creating this thread. Hello, everyone. Off the rails for a bit but I'll just keep getting back on until I stay and it sticks! :-)
Today's tasks:
Follow morning routinePrint, sign and post tax document to accountantBook dental check up, then phone AA re datePhone plumberClear hotspot in sitting roomSort cat food for Lily and kittens"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Eat breakfast
3. Go to see the nurse at 9 a,m,
4. Go and get my refils for perscription medicine
5. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
6. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
7. Cook and eat lunch
8. Read bible
9. Take shower
10. Get dressed
11. Get dinner ready
12. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
13. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting
14. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Hamlet's checkin
1. FoY exercise(DONE)
2. Meditation
3. eat healthy snack
4. de clutter study
5. note to Phil re India
6. FS tracker
7. China ODI
8. notes to AND and Ling
finish draft one reply report and send d, v, m to editcut it down and send d, v, v mlaundrypack bagwrite list for appt dhtidyreadingsHIOwrite email to c re appt g and ddRESTgo to apptget letter to faxgo to pharmacypay fee a coursebankinga classMole's check in
Lovely, Jalla, especially soft rain and the wind behind me.
L will bring coffee yay
9-12 work on brainstorming and prep for K
G for A
2-4 brainstorm with k
tidy for T
walk to town
7- 9 ringing practice
bed by 11
EleanorBE's Monday List, posted early as am going away.
This is so great, Jalia, that we have all these days set out in advance. Now I can go away for my short break not worrying about what I might have forgotten for Monday!
So, Monday -
- get up old Ip materials (from W's email)
- do sheet for Ip students re. perf.expts.
- copy above
- go through TPA, adding where poss
- make notes for Tuesday's TPA meeting
11.30, meet HM
- teach Ip class
- this actually not necessary- 2nd mark S's Ass students (or on Sunday night, if poss)
- collect further assignments from K