Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday 24th January 2013
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My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Received a phone call from my voc rehab counselor4. Received spraying in my apartment for bedbugs5. Cook and eat breakfast6. Went to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting7. Eat lunchThings I will do today
1. Do numbers
2. Read Bible
3. Cook and eat dinner
4. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
5. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
6. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting
7. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
8. Wash dishes
9. Take out trash
10. Clear off tote
11. Clear off tables
Thanks for letting me share
Crazybug CI
Still hiding out from work. Told them I was away at a meeting. I hate lying, but the truth is too hard to voice. That I'm completely over my head and drowning due to the weight of this procrastination addiction. I almost quit kicking to come up for air yesterday. I wouldn't call today a rally, but I did read some positive literature and downloaded a couple of apps to help with tracking daily habits. I'm not hanging my life jacket on the apps though, but at least it felt proactive.
Back at the bills and receipts today. I have written my todo's on individual slips of paper so that I can focus on only one thing at a time.
tila - Thur
Was away from computer for a couple of days, what a relief. Plan for today:
Hypatia's check-in
The mad rush is now on as I'm going on leave tomorrow night
kromer 10 CI
OK, today I need to:
Update refs (will do this soon)
Email about committeeFinish Updating graph formatting
Send out draft
Email w/ congrats
Mtg w/ KCSeminar on careers in science writing
Check on exptsEmail about Philly accomodations
Buy meatcurious ad on this site
Here's a screen capture of an Ad i saw on this site today:
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
gotmusikk's Thursday
SO. Today will be a rather un-orthodox day. While I've been having a hard time getting back on the boat, so to say, things have been piling up around here. At this point the physical clutter is becoming distracting and lends to a cloudy mental atmosphere. Also, I just feel the demand tugging at me when I see a pile of dishes and a pile of laundry to be folded/put away.
1. Call dentist and reschedule appointment
2. 3 x 15/5 Laundry
3. 3 x 15/5 Dishes
12:02pm: SO. For future reference: All that took from 9:30-12. 2.5 hours. Now I have to eat and get ready to go to my appointment. This afternoon is quite busy, but I will be able to do #4 before my students come. Not all is lost!
4. 1 x 15/5 clearing out my workspace
5. 2 x 15/5 asking HP what is most important to do today - normal routines, other work (also backed up), or a little of both?
I hope this is a little more sane of a way to deal with backed-up stuff than time bingeing. I have NO IDEA if my estimates of how long it'll take are accurate, but I will hold myself to sticking to this schedule.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
clement ci - day 76 attempting abstinence
9:13am : it's been 13min since i last went off plan. Got up 1hr later than i planned. Simply could not get out of bed. Asked God. He was able to get me out of bed, but he chose to let be lie there, because it suits his purposes somehow some way. I think it is because he i still working on me to get me to turn it all over to Him, to rely and depend on Him, and not my own power & skill. I have asked him to transform me in this way, because it is what the bible says, and i know he will.
9:55am : it took 35-40 min to post that Kromer Ad. Was that worth it? On plan? Probably not. I feel the force of habit encouraging me to write these tasks:
:) ci
:) v task
:) quiet time
:) rtask
sort tasks
:) pj task
do tasks
1pm leave for appt 1:30
admin hour.
10:11am : started quiet time 10:05. That's good.
[Be] eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. - Ephesians 4:3
11:44am : it's been 1 min since i last went off plan. 1hr 33 min have elapsed since i last posted. I worked on my quiet time. I went to record that verse, and came across my email window, and read and responded to email fr my wife, and some financial stuff, and a job opportunity. Nice, but off plan. I need to have an "admin hour" in my plan. There, i just added one. Also, i totally blew off the 11am pa phone mtg. :( :( Well, just back on schedule.
12:29pm : It's been 1 min since i last went off plan. And i'm running out of time.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Thanks, Jalla, for the inspiration.
Lately, I've been pretty productive as long as I can get up and writing. This morning, it's taken me about 45 minutes to get started, and now I only have 45 minutes to write. So the first task at hand is to see how many words I can lay down in 45 minutes. I'll check in after that.
Well...about 250 words. With yesterday, I'm about 1500 short of my goal, so I'll have to make it up at some point today. My next task is to get ready and get to work on time. Here I go...
Well, I got up to about 750 words, got to work on time, came home, was reasonably productive...and then let it all go at about 7:45.
Now I've got an hour and a half left in the day to salvage it. Here I go...
welcome back, Jack
RisingUp Check-In 1/24
That's pretty, thanks jalla!
*Finish job for client by todayWork 1
Job app 1
*keep alternating with preferably 4x work and 2x job apps (As Denise Austin would say, "You could do it!")
(Start just 2 grafs daily for GE)
Cancel doc appt. & make appt. with other doc
Call dental appt. / PT appt / GN appt
Call back: C, S
Keep track of: water, meals, supplements, breathing
UA/DA mtgs
Lit/Insp. Reading
Get mail & gas & cash & calendar & Hplex!
Decide which bills to pay
Do nails
Start lists: agencies to call, BBB/CofC companies to apply to
Contine job apps
Save weekly for loan due
Save weekly for brakes
Decide: car claim?
Knitfisher's CI thurs 24th Jan 09:30am
Breakfast (15 min)Shower (30 min)Washing on (10 min)Find old old address (10 min)Do at least 6 poms for P (3 hrs)done in 4Eat lunch (45m)Write out slip for cheque (5m)Jack's check-in for the day
Thanks jalla for a lovely threadstarter. I've been working the steps in another fellowship, feeling ready to look at my procrastination again.
Tasks for today:
1. breakfast
2. dict x1 pomo
3. call R
4. print C to update for R
5. shower, dress
X6. attend S1
7. see D
8. take glasses in to be fixed
9. FT x1 pomo
10. attend s2
11. x3 OR & fellowship
12. in bed by 11pm
ms thursday (in which I finish this text!)
write up tut away from homeWORK ON ESSAY IN 10 BURSTS1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10drink 2 bottles of waterno naps/sleeping inwatch spendingVic 1/24/13
show up(on thurs) , plan,exer
can plan tonight(wednes) to get up early - best time for me. 1. priint out another series of data
2. review one series of data. not something I want to visualize tonight but if it works why not? I can try it.
Thurs. It really did help- happy I tried.I may be powerless but not helpless, praying to keep trying.
Thurs. (show up) 8:30am,(done). Well I have been uo since 6:30am. Did my routine work, and I think planning at night seems to have brought a bit more acceptance to what I need to do. So at 9am, I will start the printing, and focus on one thing.
I love MA quotes, thanks for starter Jal:
"I can be changed by what happens to me. but i refuse to be reduced by it.”Maya Angelo
movingalong's Thursday
Thank you Jalla, for all the lovely thread-starters
chopping wood, carrying water
(metaphorically speaking)
LOL its thursday not friday!
I have copied and pasted yesterdays list into today with some additions as i have had something come up today that diverted me. So heres to a better day of action ahead!
@mole - it is lovely to see you back here! I also love this quote. For me fear is such a monster and mayas words gave me solace! Shes fantastic - i recently read her autobiographies - brilliant read.
@eleanorbe - have a lovely long weekend away! Enjoy!
readingstidyHIOdo f fcast lcemail v backemail torganise filescull js fileaccountsemail Cring Cg form filled outring re language coursering pharmacywrite journalring a organise t report for sataccountsHIOgroceriesdinnerHIOring sponsorMole's check-in
Oh Jalla, you dear kind thing - and such an appropriate and life affirming quote.
This is when I should be writing. It is 10 am - and I dedicate 9-12.30 to this using pomodoros and timer to keep me on track. I have both going at the moment and am in my dedicated writing space, from which i usually ban the internet. i feel i must check in, though. And tomorrow i will do so before i start work, if not the night before when i am better able to plan.
So when this pom is finished and I have had a 5 min break I shall:
nut out outline, snowflake style:
key sentence, 2 poms
key paragraph, 2 poms
eat healthily
Walk to Prov with project ( identify exactly what beforehand)
post letter to D
buy proper food - fish?
4 filing 1 pom
planning 1 pom
5.30 - 6.30 walk if not too hot
Review garden
bed by 11 if not too hot.
EleanorBE's Thursday List
Thanks for the week's starter's Jalia! It's really encouraging to see them all stretching out like this.
I'm going away for what I think will be a very lovely long weekend tomorrow. But I have scary amounts to finish off before midday.
Update CV
Send CV to M
Look at W's ideas for ip
Write to W re ip
Look at J's message re evaluations
Write to J about above
2nd m K's papers
Write to K re. paperspack H/A papers
Check mail
Put out of office on
Yay! Bye all, back on Monday! xx