Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 25th January 2013

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.

 If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.

 Mother Teresa


Piqued's check-in

Starting thoughts:
Thanks for the inspiring threadstarter, jalla!! Well, it's been just shy of a month since I last posted on the daily check-in thread.

-- Complete work on doc-related defects STATUS: Completed one, did my part on another one (now waiting on someone else), and haven't started the third one yet
-- Exercise
-- Back up old version of database and restore new version

Another day:
-- Prepare for meeting with H on Tuesday
-- Discuss with mgr how I handled pre-req defect; get feedback/suggestions

Ending thoughts:
Pleased to have gotten some work done, even though I didn't complete everything I wanted to.

kromer 10 CI

I need to:

*Send reminder emails about annual meeting, and get phone numbers so I can do reminder calls tomorrow

*Re-certify for basic (also started intermediate)
*Get library books
*Finish updating refs
*Email about Philly accomodations

*Set aside D1 for MG and pass on primers
*Ship book
*Check on expts

*Email w/ congrats
*Draft email to S about committee 

*Buy stuff for green salad
*Work on paper catch-up


RisingUp Check-In 1/25


Thanks Jalla, I really could have used that last night! (and thanks Mother Teresa)


Work 1

Job app 1

*keep alternating with preferably 6x work and 2x job apps (As Denise Austin would say, "You could do it!") 

(Start just 2 grafs daily for GE)

Go to Staples for ink/calendar?

Go to V. Shop

Go to Greenwise for food + Walmart: hair Target for #7

Order 3L & AA & DA online

Pay phone + storage bills online

Cancel doc appt.

Keep track of: water, meals, supplements, breathing





UA/DA mtgs

Lit/Insp. Reading


Send mail / get rent cash / get all shopping list items

Decide which bills to pay: phone, storage


Do nails

Start lists: agencies to call for Monday, BBB/CofC companies to apply to

Contine job apps + work + daily GE


Save weekly for loan due

Save weekly for brakes

Save weekly for new home

Decide: car claim?

Call dental appt. / cardio appt / PT appt / GN appt

Call: G, C, S




Thank you so much, Jalla. I love that quote and have needed to read it lately.

Well, I'm proud of myself for last night pulling myself out of a procrastinating tailspin, shutting off the t.v./internet and finishing the last couple hours of the day doing what I needed to do.

This morning I haven't been perfect, but I'm ready to get down to business and am willing to use my Freedom app to do it. Here's what I hope to accomplish today:

1. Write 2000 words (1000 word deficit from yesterday.)--did 1500

2. Get to work on time.

3. Finish reading D, J, and make film chart

4. Get e-mail close to zero

5. Do 5 things off my to-do list: fax, bank, Tues., Fri., ? 

6. Clean (clutter, fold, kitchen, dust, sweep)

7. Drink smoothie/vitamins

8. Lang (R)

9. Read

10. Fr. B

11. ros 

Jack's check-in for the day

Thanks jalla for the thredstarter!

Tasks for today:

1. breakfast

2. book opt for Sun

3. diary x1 pomo

4. CV & letter x2 pomos  & send

5. lunch

6. OR x3, S at 4pm

7. S4 - x 1 pomo

8.  FT x 1 pomos

9. arrange Sat

10. meet tonight tbc

11. in bed by 11pm



ms friday, in which I keep on going.


  • 3 bursts 1,2,3
  • send to r
  • gym
  • pay rent
  • put contract in the post
  • reply to amy
  • get r to send a link
  • 2 bottles of water
  • eat with thought and kindness
  • no napping or sleeping in
  • watch spending 



Hypatia's check-in

This is the pre-holiday rush to clear the urgent stuff

  • 2 observations
  • e-mail J re panel summaries
  • lunch
  • TAC
  • ring SW
  • ring M's mum
  • ring J's mum
  • ring SCH
  • ring A'S MUM 
  • Ring K re H
  • EEG form
  • MRI form x2
  • SLT letter
  • J's TAC report
  • verification
  • washing up
  • clear desk


Quotes by Kent Keith; found framed @MotherTeresa's children home

What *matters* is that Mother Teresa -- or someone on her staff -- liked the words.

What *matters* is the spiritual intention.

to clarify: Mother Teresa never said those words.

(it was actually written by Kent Keith).

Kent Keith's poem was found on a wall of a "children's home" run by Mother Teresa's organization.

It was observed there years after the poem was originally written by Mr. Keith.

Therefore someone on Mother Teresa's staff (or possibly Mother Teresa herself) put the poem on the wall.  But it was already an old poem then.

This was mentioned, accurately, in a book about Mother Teresa.  However, that section of the book is often incompletely quoted, and thus the words are often misattributed on quote websites.

In the links I just gave, you will see that Mother Teresa's official organization's website agrees that she never said these words.

And furthermore, the version posted on Mother Teresa's wall was worded differently.  As it gets quoted and requoted, things have been added and subtracted from the original poem (as explained on the link above.)

However,  ... Does it really matter?  The spirit of the words is more important.  Regardless of the author, I'm glad these words were posted!

Vic Fri

show up (fri))plan exer

planning now -thurs.nite do not want to do this but will do it anyway.tired, busy all day,  ok tomorrow am, look through data. I did go out tonight so would not have to tomorrow am, so am visualizing and intending.


show up (fri)

well I need to surrender to the fact as MT would say "In the final analysis, it is between you and God."

I am not having the productive day I had yesterday, however, I heard gratitude reliquishes all sorts of things, so grateful I am trying, not choosing to be a  victim , consistent-I can do 10 minutes of paperwork, I am not alone, and backdown on my knees (thankful on my knees now, before it took x,yaand .z..) , ok I am humbly  admitting to the world I need help.and my HP does for me what I can not do for myself.  " Others may put you down for depending on your HP all the  time. Depend on your HP anyway"me

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank jalla for starting this trend

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

6. Cook and eat breakfast

7. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

8. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

9. Take shower

10. Get dressed

11. Fix dinner

12. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

13. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting

Thanks for letting me share


@mole - we are in this together friend! i appreciate all your wise and kind comments and solidarity and am so glad to see you back here again! Have a great day todayCool


  • readings
  • tidy
  • pool and gym rehab
  • pay fee a course
  • texts
  • call about appt specialist
  • call di bday
  • appointment pt
  • bithday cards fe, t, k and card for fd
  • post and stamps
  • do po b
  • go to meeting
  • pick up pharmacy
  • go to U
  • read articles and notes
  • update writing plan and print
  • finish reciepts
  • email to eddie
  • print out reciepts
  • print out s4 sheets
  • print out report specialist
  • articles read and make notes
  • amend writing plan and print
  • dinner
  • rehab


Mole's Check-in with thanks

These days are a lovely gift from you Jalla, generous and bountiful. Thank you for your kind deeds, words and welcoming back.

 Embrace the day

 7.30 cafe ... Journal. Walk block.

8.30 breakfast and exercises 

9  - 12 writing with pomodoros. Snowflake outline chrs

12.30 lunch with C

2. 30 - 3.30 prov sketch  

walk home

Review week. Plan next.


Water garden, plan


bed 11