Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday 22nd 2013
Copied from movingalongs lovely quotes this morning from the great Martin Luther King-thanks moving along!
"We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart."
"With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair ... a stone of hope."
"The time is always right to do what's right."
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elvira's evening
I have realised I can't afford to take time off, even for Christmas & birthdays. I've got to do something planned every day, even just a bit.
Tonight I am going to
kromer 11:40 CI
Today I need to:
Analyze genotyping data
Finish bible study prep
Mail bookOrder pizza
Run geno. gel
Ask CH if he wants to get lunch
Email RH with congrats
Go to bible studyGo dancing
Update refs
Update graph formatting
Email Mary about short-term fastingRead about S's work
Check on exptsUpdate notes on paperCrazybug CI 11:23am
Update @3:58pm:
Ironically, I am now writing fairly well, the catch is that I have one hour to go and am not sure if I will even be able to finish in time to meet the deadline. sheesh.
I have wasted the day, yet again. From what I have read online there is no such thing as a truly reformed procrastinator. All the books seem to be written by 'outsiders'.
Why does this have to be so hard?
11:23am - here again. Once more up against a hard deadline. This is what I would classify as almost my 'dream job'. So why do I continue to sabotage myself?
My task today is to finish the final draft and submit.
gotmusikk's Tuesday
Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.
Check-in @ P.A.
Process my inbox completelyjournal
meditate 15 mins.shower/dress
Complete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes-- Feed Sourdoughs -
2:30-8pm TEACHIf there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.
-- Email 1 friend to say hello
-- Fill out/scan Johns contract
Things I did well today:
Things I can improve on:
3 things I’m grateful for:
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
clement ci - day 74 attempting abstinence
10:19am : It's been 45min since i last went off plan.
:) ci
:) v task
:) quiet time
:) 11am pa ph mtg
:) sec hu fav eph 4:6
:) r task
:) j task
sort tasks
pj task
10:45am : bearing with one another in love - Ephesians 4:2b
11:56pm : It's been 1h 22min since i last went off plan.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Journey 9 am
I've been a bit overwhelmed with work lately and have let some self care and housecleaning habits slide. Things have settled down somewhat although still very busy, so today I will recommit to daily meditation and watching my diet. I've been just eating whatever is convenient for the last couple of weeks, and letting laundry and filing pile up a bit. It doesn't help much that we've had an ongoing issue at work that has resulted in my phone ringing at midnight or 1 am for the last two nights !
The good news is that I haven't been procrastinating because the work pressure has kept me going. Now it will be tempting to goof off because the pressure is off a bit and I'm tired and feeling sluggish from poor diet and sleep.
I just finished a conference call and I am going now to exercise, shower, and have a healthy breakfast. I guess it goes without saying that I am working from home today :) I will be back with a todo list for the rest of the day by 11 am.
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
Vic 1/22/13
Show up (done), plan, exer
Did some calls, now have some deadlines, thathelps my focus
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meetingThings I will do today
1. Cook and eat breakfast
2. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
3. Take shower
4. Get dressed
5. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
6. Call for an appointment to file taxes
7. Go to get my state ID
8. Test blood sugar twice
9. Cook and eat dinner
10. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone OA meeting
11. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
riddled's ToDos
make appointment with N
mail W about K(no email address, will ask tomorrow)write W reportfile today's notesfinish P programlaundry
take trash out
order P online, send M a mail about it
Eleanor BE's Tuesday List
Thanks Jalia!
Here's Tuesday
- get up at 6am- grade 3 papers- go in to work- grade last 2 papers- write to J and ES re Do D's aims etc.Res from DTP post- Ask M re H's pay- Write to H re pay- Sort Wed session
- Borrow computer for Wed session
- Do powerpoint for Wed session
- have Diss meeting with L
- decide re. reader for EE.
- do c.card
- pay K
- decide when you'll do feedback on H and A
- write to those who haven't done H and A assignment
- decide when you'll read B and J's wk
- check dates for meeting B and J
- print of map for meal and show with R
- confirm with R
- go to meal and show with R
So, that was pretty full on and I got a lot done, especially as it was Boring Tuesday, the mainly-admin-and-meetings day which I don't find very stimulating, so quite often I end up working more slowly and wasting time. But all the immediate things pushed out the planning ahead things so I must find time for those tomorrow.
Thank You Lennon
Thanks so much Lennon for taking over these past 4 weeks in leading the 07:30 morning checkin meetings. Much Appreciated.
Calypso checks in
First want to exporess my gratitude for being able to have such a long holiday as I did have- 3 weeks holiday in Nepal and Christmas in UK. Thank you HP for allowing me this opportunity to be with family and explore new countries.
Now back at work and needing to focus, I am going to give my tasks to HP and aim to pick ip the tools and promises of PA where I left off before my winter break. Today I will practise visualising as a tool and breaking projects up into small pieces and using a timer (pomodoro style).
1. 3 hrs work on paper
2. phone S
3. check excel file & plan rest of the week.
4. buy flight ticket.
jays tuesday 22 january 22 2013
people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily
zig ziglar
really must find some motivation today, thank you jalla, i will take small steps, i did find yeaterday when i was lacking faith, that activity helped quash the anxiety
to do now:
tidy kitchen 2x10 min bursts
1 sort tablets 10 mins
2 tidy bedroom 10 mins
3 tidy hall shelf
4 tidy bathroom 10 mins
make smoothie
read AOTP thread & listen to motivation
put burgers on
look at finances
put sheets in to wash
DENTIST- decide and implement
go for a walk
make an exercise plan
carry on sorting ebay clothes
have a good day everyone
Blue-eyes' Tuesday check-in
1. two lesson plans - 1 hr max
2. car - 15 min
3. shopping - 45 min
4. laundry
This is so do-able, except the procrastination monster is peeking around the corner yet again. I'm also really tired but I think that will go away if I can only get moving. Maybe I'll do 2. and 3. first.
Make it count!
tidykitchen and floorslaundryaccountssort l msort mmsort filesreadingscall areturn email KHIOcall Lcall pharmacycall sponsorWrite journalreaffirm aHIOgo ulook at guidelinesjws printjs file updateprint accountsym and pool rehabgdinnerrelaxHIO