Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
10:48pm : God is with me. My iPod reminders to call into phone ck-ins got me to realize that i needed to ckin here and make a list And i have to go to bed soon.
that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of christ, that surpasses knowledge - Ephesians 3:17b-19a
3. Expect as being normal, that for a time, perhaps a long time, you will recurringly experience:
c. the craving, not for a drink as such, but for the soothing glow and warmth a drink or two once gave you
7. Don't allow yourself to either think about or talk about any real or imagined pleasure you once did get from drinking.
8. Don't permit yourself to think a drink or two would make some bad situation better, or at least easier to live with. Substitute the thought: "One drink will make it worse - one drink will mean a drunk."
Today I need to:
Finish discussion refs (will do this soon)
Microburst revised discussion Clean up from MH Make list of action items (SO CLOSE ON THIS, just need to update paper notes) Do PCR clean-up and sequencing rxn
Clean bench
Check on experiments
Plan bible study (have started this)
Do genotyping PCR (working on this now)
Read about S's work
Email about committee
1 hr work on career plans
Quick grocery shopping
Finish dishes, finish cooking
Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.
Check-in @ P.A. Process my inbox completely
meditate 15 mins.
Complete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of: -- dishes -- clean
-- back exercise/practice -- massage
Appointments: 7pm COOK
8pm RUN
If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.
Things I did well today:
I got massively massively massively depressed around 6pm ET. I was so sad that I felt strange sensations all over my body. I felt horrible but I knew if I changed the input (i.e. not sitting at the computer & doing something good for myself and useful) it would lift a little. I still feel pretty crappy but I can see that I am not entirely my negative thoughts. I still feel as bad as I have before, but I have some space around it now. This is an improvement. Before when I would get like this (for one reason or another, often through avoiding my tasks/life) I wouldn't see a way out and thought that "I am _________". Now I am saying "I feel ______" and not identifying with it as strongly.
Things I can improve on:
Today I've realized that I've let some things slide.
I need friends. I have let my friendships go through embarrasment and shame about what I've been struggling with and doing this past year and a half. Right now I'm so zeroed in on my problems that sometimes I can't see that I'm basically a good person - I don't mean anyone any harm, and I would never intentionally hurt someone. I want to help others have a nice life, and feel seen and known. But when I'm by myself so often (and with my BF, who knows me the best of anyone) I only focus on my problems - 1) procrastination, and 2) assuming that other people judge me negatively. #2 often happens with the BF, and then I go to #1 to try and feel better through escapism.
SO, staying in touch with friends and sharing with them my troubles and their troubles might help me feel like I'm not JUST those problems - and that even if I have those things, all other people have their own things.
I know this is taking up an awful lot of space on the daily check-ins, so thanks for letting me vent here, everybody. It really helps me process it.
3 things I’m grateful for:
1) The ability to look at what doesn't feel good, and learn from it.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
Haven't been here in a long time. I hope everyone is doing great!
To do today:
Stay OFF the @*#&$ internet.
Do laundry
Go for a walk
Get groceries
Tidy up
Balance checkbook
Try on clothes in daylight & decide which ones to send back
Call L & A tonight
Prep lunches for week
Off to work. See you all later,
Wow, not feeling great and my energy level is totally not where I thought it was today. Gotta change plans and do some triage; first priority is just to take care of myself. So:
Eat something NOW.
Take a walk -- DONE
Laundry - underway
Get healthy takeout from Korean place, stop for gas on the way
I think I've got plenty of time to do everything I need to do today; the problem, of course, is keeping forward motion...
Here's what I plan to do:
Write 1000 words (1-1/2)
Clean (1-1/2)
Did great with the writing, but as the morning wore on, found myself in a funk. I'm going to keep working off the same list, but my mottos now are "slow and steady" and to be patient with myself...
Yesterday wasn't as constructive as I would have liked. I got a bit done, and we shall put the rest down to R&R ready for this week. I really appreciated everyone's thoughts of me.
Today I will
Shower! (believe it or not, I do get this done every day)
Washing on - later as DH in kitchen working
Washing out
Invoicing x 4 poms2/4 was all that was needed
Call A
Pay ST Done already!
Go through possible options for funeral and make notes
I've always appreciated that candle quote, but never thought of it in terms of procrastination before. Now that you post it here, I can see how it totally relates!
And, in fact, thank you for all your recent thread-starters. They've been very inspirational.
Movingalong's Monday Focus:
Complete more of the online documents.
Do some cleaning.
Ask higherpower what to do next.
Get to work through the snow (UK transport infrastructure falls apart in snow)
Check mail
Write to W re. what to do about last week's s work
If time in morning, grade 2x M papers; if no time, save them for evening and do them with other 3 - but do 5 by end of day.
Plan week: Work out when you're reading J and B's work and when you're meeting then; work out when you're getting photos for book; work out when you'll plan Wed lecture
Get contract printed for CG - no need, he's off sick
Plan replacment for CG session with W
Teach session - if students get in through snow!
Do DJ's amendments though need to a bit more when more info sent tomorrow
Put in K's money.
Get kitty money out and put in kitty
Charge up ecard
Today worked out very differently from expected as I had to plan things for students to do in place of something that was cancelled - and give lots of unexpected advice to students, ex-students and colleagues. So some of this has to go into tomorrow.
(The birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.
is a legal holday in the USA,
observed on third Monday in January.)
Here follow some miscellaneous quotes from
Martin Luther King Jr.
(relevant to procrastination recovery):
"We may cry out desperately for Time to pause in her passage, but Time is adamant to every plea and rushes on."
"It all boils down to the fact that we must never allow ourselves to become satisfied with unattained goals. We must always maintain a kind of divine discontent."
"We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart."
"With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair ... a stone of hope."
clement ci - day 73 attempting abstinence
10:48pm : God is with me. My iPod reminders to call into phone ck-ins got me to realize that i needed to ckin here and make a list And i have to go to bed soon.
:) ci
:) quiet time
:) sort tasks for tmrw
:) 15 points for an alcoholic to consider when confronted with the urge to take a drink at url
:) bed asap
that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of christ, that surpasses knowledge - Ephesians 3:17b-19a
12:29AM : from : 15 points for an alcoholic to consider when confronted with the urge to take a drink at url
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
tiptree CI
to be done by EOB Monday:
- round trip implemented for cv and ce 2 3/4 hr
- round trip impl for cm 1 3/4 hr
- usr report - 1st pass 1 1/4 hr
- rehearsal 2 3/4 hr including driving time
x download music pre-rehearsal 1/4 hr
- prep laptop for shipping 1/2 - 1 hr
- clean up code in pdf feat. 3/4 hr
- refine tracking algorithm 1 hr
x clean office 1/4 - 1/2 hr
- meditate 1/4 hr
- exercise 1/2 hr
- finish DVD
- restring guitar
- practice guitar
kromer 11 CI
Today I need to:
Finish discussion refs (will do this soon)
Microburst revised discussion
Clean up from MH
Make list of action items (SO CLOSE ON THIS, just need to update paper notes)Do PCR clean-up and sequencing rxn
Clean bench
Check on experiments
Plan bible study (have started this)
Do genotyping PCR (working on this now)
Read about S's work
Email about committee
1 hr work on career plans
Quick grocery shopping
Finish dishes, finish cooking
gotmusikk's Monday
Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.
Check-in @ P.A.
Process my inbox completelyjournalmeditate 15 mins.
Complete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes-- clean-- back exercise/practice
-- massageAppointments:
7pm COOK8pm RUN
If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.
Things I did well today:
I got massively massively massively depressed around 6pm ET. I was so sad that I felt strange sensations all over my body. I felt horrible but I knew if I changed the input (i.e. not sitting at the computer & doing something good for myself and useful) it would lift a little. I still feel pretty crappy but I can see that I am not entirely my negative thoughts. I still feel as bad as I have before, but I have some space around it now. This is an improvement. Before when I would get like this (for one reason or another, often through avoiding my tasks/life) I wouldn't see a way out and thought that "I am _________". Now I am saying "I feel ______" and not identifying with it as strongly.
Things I can improve on:
Today I've realized that I've let some things slide.
I need friends. I have let my friendships go through embarrasment and shame about what I've been struggling with and doing this past year and a half. Right now I'm so zeroed in on my problems that sometimes I can't see that I'm basically a good person - I don't mean anyone any harm, and I would never intentionally hurt someone. I want to help others have a nice life, and feel seen and known. But when I'm by myself so often (and with my BF, who knows me the best of anyone) I only focus on my problems - 1) procrastination, and 2) assuming that other people judge me negatively. #2 often happens with the BF, and then I go to #1 to try and feel better through escapism.
SO, staying in touch with friends and sharing with them my troubles and their troubles might help me feel like I'm not JUST those problems - and that even if I have those things, all other people have their own things.
I know this is taking up an awful lot of space on the daily check-ins, so thanks for letting me vent here, everybody. It really helps me process it.
3 things I’m grateful for:
1) The ability to look at what doesn't feel good, and learn from it.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
Falcon CI Monday
Hi everyone,
Haven't been here in a long time. I hope everyone is doing great!
To do today:
Off to work. See you all later,
Wow, not feeling great and my energy level is totally not where I thought it was today. Gotta change plans and do some triage; first priority is just to take care of myself. So:
Vic 1/20/13
Show up (done), plan, exer
Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech reminds me of the power of dreams/visualization - he knew...thank you Dr. King
Thanks, Jalla,
I think I've got plenty of time to do everything I need to do today; the problem, of course, is keeping forward motion...
Here's what I plan to do:
Write 1000 words (1-1/2)
Clean (1-1/2)
Did great with the writing, but as the morning wore on, found myself in a funk. I'm going to keep working off the same list, but my mottos now are "slow and steady" and to be patient with myself...
Finish paperwork (1)
Finish email (1/4)
Meet W
Make dinner (1/2)
Do 5 to-dos (1)
Read (1/2)
Lang (1/2)
Hypatia's check-in
Most of the day is free for paperwork and I'm procrastinating +++. Time for the chatbox methinks.
verificationtoday's reportAH lettersWednesday's reportH.
Knitfisher's CI Mon 21st Jan 08:40
Yesterday wasn't as constructive as I would have liked. I got a bit done, and we shall put the rest down to R&R ready for this week. I really appreciated everyone's thoughts of me.
Today I will
Shower! (believe it or not, I do get this done every day)Invoicing x 4 poms2/4 was all that was neededCall APay STDone already!Call at least 2 funeral directorsCall SolicitorsGet M email addressCall JMovingalong's Monday
Thank you for today's thread-starter, Jalla!
I've always appreciated that candle quote, but never thought of it in terms of procrastination before. Now that you post it here, I can see how it totally relates!
And, in fact, thank you for all your recent thread-starters. They've been very inspirational.
Movingalong's Monday Focus:
Complete more of the online documents.
Do some cleaning.
Ask higherpower what to do next.
EleanorBE's Monday list
Thanks, Jalia, what a great proverb.
Monday goes -
Pack papersText C re M's numberGet to work through the snow (UK transport infrastructure falls apart in snow)
Check mail
Write to W re. what to do about last week's s work
If time in morning, grade 2x M papers; if no time, save them for evening and do them with other 3 - but do 5 by end of day.
Plan week: Work out when you're reading J and B's work and when you're meeting then; work out when you're getting photos for book; work out when you'll plan Wed lecture
Get contract printed for CG - no need, he's off sick
Plan replacment for CG session with W
Teach session - if students get in through snow!
though need to a bit more when more info sent tomorrowDo DJ's amendments
Put in K's money.
t and put in kittyGet kitty money ou
Charge up ecard
Today worked out very differently from expected as I had to plan things for students to do in place of something that was cancelled - and give lots of unexpected advice to students, ex-students and colleagues. So some of this has to go into tomorrow.
ms monday
schedule whole projectmake calendar and put in studioorder whole listsoftware regularly and nutritiouslydrink 2 bottles of waterthe third Monday in January
(The birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.
is a legal holday in the USA,
observed on third Monday in January.)
Here follow some miscellaneous quotes from
Martin Luther King Jr.
(relevant to procrastination recovery):
"We may cry out desperately for Time to pause in her passage, but Time is adamant to every plea and rushes on."
"It all boils down to the fact that we must never allow ourselves to become satisfied with unattained goals. We must always maintain a kind of divine discontent."
"We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart."
"With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair ... a stone of hope."
"The time is always right to do what's right."