Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday, 14th January 2013

 What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence.

 Dr Johnson 

Innertruth's late start

Finding it very difficult to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. I've hardly done a thing and feel so terrible.

Rather than attempt to do too much today, I will concentrate on doing some small things:

  1. Booked room at MH
  2. Write CC message and send to Donna

  3. Write elert and send to Donna
  4. Connect with people I met on Wednesday evening
  5. Spend at least 1/2 hour on LI and post something to groups
  6. Go for 1 hour walk (went for 15 minute walk)
  7. Check job ads
  8. Wash and put away clothes
  9. Put clean dishes away and wash all dirty dishes 
  10. Get ready for work and school tomorrow
  11. Put away groceries

  12. Clear path between kitchen and living room by putting things away

  13. Trade clothes with sister
  14. Find class notes for M.O.
  15. Order NB T-shirts
  16. Read papers and recycle
  17. Cancel Zoomers subscription
  18. Call Roseanne



CI 1:31pm

It's been a long time since I've been back to this site.  Not that I have improved my productivity skills, only that I had more hope than ever that I could overcome 30+ years of struggle with this debilitating set of behaviors.  I landed what I would call my 'dream job'. All excuses for not being interested in my work were now gone.  Procrastination still rears it's ugly head and I feel more hopeless than ever.  I've read every book on time managment and procrastination, analyzed myself and have been analyzed until I'm blue in the face, written copious journal entries, and still feel like no forward progress has been made.  I have never strictly done the 12 steps, though, and guess it's my last hope...

Here's a task that I can focus on for the next 25 minutes:

1. take notes on article.


That's all I can cope with thinking of right now. 

Pele - First time check-in 1:00pm

Hi Everyone,

First time checking in. I'm hoping the check-in will help me be accountable since I've been procrastinating. Feeling like something is wrong with me bc I can do the things I need to get done.

Task List:

Get back to client

Test and confirm settings for user X are correct

Update spreadsheet


Do laundry

Clean apt

Eat healthy dinner

Keep items ready for juicing tomorrow 


Will check in later tonight to post my progress. Thank you!


clement ci - day 66 attempting abstinence

11:40am : But i barely even attempted abstinence yesterday. But i did make a small attempt during some of the day. I want to write on dopamine, addition, and planned tasks...

12:12pm : it took 29min to write on addiction and dopamine in my bookmarks

:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) ci
:) start clone
:) v task
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:) o task
:) pj task
:) sort tasks
:) k task
:) MIT big huge
:) ebay
:) more MIT big huge

1:12pm : It's been 1 min since i last went off plan. Got distracted by news item. Dang! :( But it's ok. New beginning right now. quiet time.

3:35pm : it's been 1 min since i last went off plan. I am very disappointed in myself and very fearful about the time i have lost and whether i can get everything done. This happened at the end of my quiet time which i never finished. I am so sad!

3:41pm : It's been 7 min since i last went off plan. The 66 day habit makes it easier to re-start. Not "automatic" but i can feel a leaning within myself to just do it that way without effort.

3:51pm : It's been 17 min since i last went off plan. Minor family crisis. Want to get back on plan but it's emotionally dragging me. Going to rearrange order to something that fits the emotions better.

4:56pm : How did that take 1hr 5min? Let's say it's been 15min since i last i last went off plan.

5:47pm : it's been 51 min since i last went off plan.

6:48pm : it's been 1h 52min since i last went off plan. I give all the Glory to God.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


gotmusikk's Monday

Thank you Mole for the threadstarter... it's JUST what I need today!  I've been attempting recovery for approximately a month now, and I was starting to slip into the illusion that it should already be easy to stay on task... and have been feeling resentful that I couldn't do it with ease.  Practice makes permanent, so I've just gotta keep on practicing! :-D

Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.


Check-in @ P.A.
Process my inbox completely

meditate 15 mins.

Complete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes
-- clean
-- back exercise/practice
-- massage

1pm - Weekly Review
2pm - RUN
4pm - Dunk
7pm - Cook dinner (korean rice bowls!)

If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.

Things I did well today:
-- When I had some ideas of things I want to learn about/explore, I wrote them down and put them in my inbox to process for later, instead of grabbing onto the feeling that "I *need* to do this NOW!" and allowing it to become a vehicle for procrastination.

Things I can improve on:
I can do the systemic things first, even if it means I think I won't get any "real" work done today.

3 things I’m grateful for:
1)  Pema Chodron.
3)  Blankets and coziness.


"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"

-- Pema Chodron

kromer 10 CI

I have had some rough days...last week was really unproductive.

Today I need to:
LIMIT SURFING! I want to limit non-work websites to 30 min (I've stuck to about 45 min, which isn't great but isn't terrible)
Start PCRs
Finish refs (working on this now)
Update action lists
Mail package

15 min galaxy microburst
Check on expts (working on this now)

Go to jc
See bf!
Move data off computer
Read paper
Make dr's appt. 

Vic 1/14/13

Show up (done), plan, excercise

key to changing a habit is not to resist is but to replace it.
what you resist persist, need to refocus, renew mind listen to right thing, not wrong thing.

RisingUp Check-In Mon. 1/14


Morning. I've been very sick for the past 24 hours, seems to be a case of food poisoning. I also got into a minor car accident last week (I was hit, and a week later definitely feeling the impact). It's been a rough week. 

I realized that what has not been able to be resolved through therapy or recovery efforts is most definitely strongholds (thought patterns) in my life. I'm reading about spiritual warfare, and no doubt negative entities took residence in my life and I will no longer allow them! I feel more empowered already just knowing what the problem is. I command each and every spirit of fear, deprivation/poverty, limitation/defeat/failure, infirmity/illness, depression to leave my mind and body now in the name of Jesus Christ! Be gone, and don't come back. 

I will continue to speak God's Good Word into my life, from the minute I get up to the minute I go to sleep. I will not allow myself to further degenerate. Enough is enough! 

For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

I CAN. Just because I've been suffering for the past year does not mean it has to continue! It won't. 


Go to ATM


Work 4 [2 done by 2:30pm! it's a miracle ... LaughingLaughing]

Do hosp. project

Start job app

Do 1.5 hours daily of outstanding project: 2 days each one, due Friday

New project: just do what you can each day, at least $50 very early/late in day

[so far $100 done]

Pay rent at 4pm

Decide what to do about claim? Viewed claim info & sent correspondence


Start lists: agencies/BBB/CofC

UA/DA mtg

Walk 1/2 hour 

1/2 hr stretching [done: p.tilt]

1/2 hour toning


Keep track of: water, meals, supplements, breathing

Lit/Insp. Reading 


Blue-eyes check in

My list for today:

1. organize desk

2. make to do lists for today, this week, this month, etc.

3. clean out inbox and do those tasks right away!

4. do tasks on today's list!!

5. Compliment myself and enjoy relaxed feeling!

Make today count!

jays monday 14 january 2013- to do this week

thank you mole, love it, relevent to me at the moment that is what i'm working on

make smoothie

listen to happiness

read AOTP thread and reply. read work sheets and pull out pre decisions

food shopping

order organics

to do this week

phone l'woods try to work out bill + rollnecks

desk draws- filter- file- shread - make list

make smear appt

make doc appt

appeal- get report- how long- delete tape

make a financial projection

gas bill

phone HA gas


tai chi


online business

texts- sort out phone

find out how housing benefit will affect me

r case- read and FILE make bullet notes- print out emails- phone solicitor af SG meeting

list a few things per day on ebay

hazyjane ci monday

  • unload dishwasher
  • walk dogs
  • get to uni
  • be present and focused
  • take notes if needed
  • write something anyway as a 'log'
  • make healthyish dinner
  • get to bed early (after walking the dogs)

It's an inside job...

Mole's check-in


brainstorm chapter. Watering, armcare, in breaks.

eat well


get cake for R

walk town


organise transfer 

ring  K re keys and cake

ring Unchr

card for S

wash up

practice pbm 



walk to town 



bed by 11 


ms monday

  • finish ba in bursts
  • finish ext in bursts
  • read over/get to read over
  • see if paper stock
  • leave house by 12.30
  • check re studio
  • get hair apt
  • eat mindfully
  • watch spending
  • no naps