Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 22nd December 2012

'My life consists of single moments. I occupy them one at a time, savouring the fullness of each, and find that there is no room for fear.'For Today, Pg 293

clement ci - day 45 attempting abstinence

5:38pm : It's been ... not sure since i last went off plan. but i want to thank and praise god for some learning : today has been a day of forced activities, not me choosing, but when they ended and i got home, i got back into task planning. Altho i did not check in. So progress, but not all the way there yet. But i did attend 2 phone ckins and that helped me remember to ci here. So again, progress. And checking my tasks reminded me of my quiet time. And when my wife asked me to keep her company shopping, i could count the exact cost, not some nebulous "i dont have time" or "i dont have anything to do". I could look at my sorted task list and say, Yes, these tasks can be done later. That is very new for me. Thank you God i know you love me.

quiet time

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Vic 12/22/12 Sat.

Show up (done), cal, exer.


Thanks for the great starter. Here's my day:

8:45-10 write/breakfast

10-11 clean

11-2 errands (Walgreens, recycling, school, bank, groc, Pol. Mus., Pol. bookstore?) call UIC, Tresha

2-3 paperwork

3-4 email

4-4:30 shower

4:30-6:30 church 

6:30-dinner, relax, read, etc.


Rexroth Check In 09.42

Up early prayed and reflected
Checked emails and posts
Checked benefit rules for friend
Washed up and cooked some food
Replied to phone call from friend
Phoned other friend regarding arrangements for today
Tidied a little

Wait for phone call from friend re walk
Cook for friend for this eveing
See friend this evening

All done and written up journal prayed and reflected and now for sleep.

Night Rexroth 23.25

Suppenkasper - Saturday

Hello everyone

0915 auf, fs, hair, dusch, wasch
1030 klausurbeginn
1130 spül
1230 klausur
1330 bad
1430 klausur
1500 mittag, call daffi
1600 klausur
1700 ...

regards Suppenkasper

Thesis' conscious being-present accomplishments for the evening

Thank you Jalla for such a beautiful thought which has inspired me tremendously. Sometimes being 'present' and living each second fully is the biggest gift we can give ourselves. No past, not future, NOW.


1. I am doing my sect on W.B in max 1,5 hour. - 9x10 

Starting now.  Go! 8x10 done..STOP READING!!

2. I am doing my final sec on B. in 1 hour - 6x10

2. I am reading through and editing in 1 hour. - 6x10


Allovertheplace's Saturday December 22, 2012

8 am: wake up with alarm: coffee, m, wash face, contacts, brush teethcloser to 10 am and no exercise to be had

2. dressed 

3. coat on, music, leash for dog and bags

4. walk/run/move 

5. return and shower, dress

6. take kiddo to event

-update check-in

-plug in cell phone, set alarm for 11:30

-get dressed for holiday get together 

-bring small just in case gift

-pickup of kiddo (remind)


-go to lunch; have fun! 

-order cake 


-make cookie dough 

-RSVP for L,K (find invitation to RSVP!!)


-check email for responses from K and V for party; call if needed

-update gift list with purchases made; list what is outstanding

-update this week's event list into: scheduled and yet-to-be-scheduled events (e.g. drop off cards/small gifts (?and maybe put tasks associated with these into "would be nice" and "essential" categories)

-check in

this evening tasks: to be able to put away work for the next week: process inbox, list documents outstanding for this week; BRIEFLY list essential points for said documents; email re: mtg in Jan.; print items on computer desktop and file

Be Flexible, work for completion, progress not perfection

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Eat breakfast

3. Go to the food bank

4. Put groceries away and give some groceries away

5. Go to the 11:30 a.m. telephone DA meeting

6. Cook and eat lunch

7. Wash and dry Christmas clothes

8. Wrap Christmas clothes

9. Scan computer

10. Wash dishes

11. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks

12. Clear tables

13. Get my formats and literature stapled

14. Clear floor

15. Cook and eat dinner

16. Take shower

17. Get dressed

18. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting

19. Go to the 10 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Mole's check in

What a lovely thought for the dayJalla, or should I say for the richness of moments that this day will bring. 

So far - cafe and good writing morning


walk to get bread

go to Eu for pud

pick up wrapping paper on way back



1 pom in shed if not too hot 

back exercise 

 4 pick up papers.


 Pick up cherries  

5.30 walk with C 

plan this weird week ahead. Make sure each day that I see at least one other person.

Sleep at 11 



  • readings
  • HIO
  • tidy
  • laundry
  • voucher coffee lady
  • call dad
  •  journal
  • bday card and baby card send
  • present am
  • go to gym and pool 
  • go to meeting 
  • call May
  • go to U
  • print out accounts
  • do accounts
  • do more of lit review
  • print out step four sheets
  • j ws
  • print js
  • try to fix printer
  • rehab excercises