Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Thursday 13 December 2012

P.A. Recovery Tool #7: Avoid Perfectionism


macgrl check in 09.18 gmt

Have aimed to start earlier today and try not to waste time throughout the day. Will see what happens..


Today I am going to read two cases, make notes..with my ability to tell who long something will take being very bad I am just going to work in 30 min blocks and see how far I get.

Stopped at 11.15 having done 3 x 30 min blocks since 9.18. So thats 1.5 hours worked out of 2. Having a break for a bit then back on it.

Bit longer break than I had envisaged, it now being 4.08 that is something  I need to look at. Going to do a bit more article reading.


Just realised that  I have put this post in the Thursday thread when its for Friday!Embarassed

 Oh done now have just finished 2 x 30 min chunks plus 10 mins


Total is 2 hours 40 today.

 I haven't done as much as  I had hoped but will I ever?

12.13.12 CI Babarino

work on this speech get anything done to get some momentum


:) got ten minutes done. that is something

plugging away at this but really struggling.

Thank you all for being here. Asking HP for guidance.


done the best i can. going to bed.

Tabula Rasa - Thursday

Struggling a bit, but I'm here. 


  • Breakfast
  • Call w/J
  • Emails re: ad
  • Work on WP site
  • Work on billing
  • Newsletter for SC


Hamlet's checkin

back from business trip

1. meditation

2. eat healthy snack

3. christmas shopping

4.  sew PJ

5. laundry

6. edit VL's document

Piqued's check-in

Starting thoughts: Ugh. Instead of listing "test new feature" yet again, I am going to force myself to break the task up into smaller chunks. This feels pointless.

-- NL, use spray DONE
-- Review install doc
-- Find default value info DONE
-- Confirm defaults are used DONE
-- Figure out values used for input file #1 DONE
-- Figure out values used for input file #2 DONE
-- Test input file #1 DONE
-- Test input file #2 DONE
-- Write summary DONE
-- Email B DONE
-- Test fix for installer defect #1
-- Test fix for installer defect #2
-- Email NR's M about carpooling DONE

Another day:
-- Pick recipe for intimidating potluck
-- Call NR's B?
-- Put out feeding log for woodpeckers
-- Finish RV app
-- Run standard installer tests (break down into smaller tasks on main list!!)

Ending thoughts: Despite feeling pointless, the "breaking tasks up into smaller steps" approach actually worked. I wasn't even willing to start the big task when it was present in the list as a "big task"; however, I was willing to start picking away at tiny parts of it. And the ENTIRE (supposedly "big") task took far less time than I expected and was far, far less tiresome than I expected. Argggh!!! Lesson learned.

Tiptree CI

to be done:

- implement rest of pdf feature
- work for 1-2 hrs on track feature
- clean office
- take out trash
- meeting
- finish novel
- read 10 nyt articles
- exercise
- practice piano
- go through 1 box
- finish/test script

gotmusikk's Thursday

OK!  So yesterday was a bad and weird day and I'm kind of numb to it.  I hope I can understand or resolve some of the issues that came up... and keep going with my anti-procrastination routine in the meantime!

Check-in @ P.A.
Process my inbox completely

meditate 15 mins.

Complete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes
-- clean
-- back exercise/practice

-- massage

If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.

3 things I did well today:
1)  I did the 1 cycle without doing anything in between 15 minute bursts, hurray!
2) When meditating I was able to adopt a healthier view.
3) I meditated.  It's so tempting to NOT do that one... when it's actually the most useful thing I can do to help myself.

3 things I can improve on:
1) This morning I read some websites for an hour or so before I started my day.  That was not my intention.
2) Because I started the morning that way, it was harder to stay focused when I did finally get to work.
3)  ? I'm sure there's something, but I don't know what.

3 things I’m grateful for:
1) I was able to work things out with the BF, and don't feel so alienated and scared now.  Through talking with him I was able to come to an insight about my assumptions and how my mind works that I think will be useful going forward.
2) A new interval timer!!! YAY.  15 minutes of work, 5 minute break, and I don't have to reset a timer every time anymore.  (This is courtesy of the BF... an early Xmas present.)
3) My baby strength that is growing stronger every day.
4) My beautiful cozy bed cover.

 This was DAY 4 of actually following my plan!!! YAY!


"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"

-- Pema Chodron

riddled's evening ToDos

  • dance & rejoice over successful completion of a Most Dreaded Task! Cool
  • put all the paperwork needed for that task out of backpack & back in files
  • make notes how task can be done easier next year
  • eat sth healthy
  • do dishes
  • check & answer email
  • phone P about M
  • phone SO, ask about F (not home, too late now)
  • put B in envelope for mailing
  • internet research: cheap train tickets for Xmas
  • internet research: extremely warm gloves
  • rejoice some more Smile

  • get ready for bed

EleanorBE's Thursday List

Didn't have time to make a proper list today. It's just one big list of logical things to do before my students show their work tonight and it's on a bit of paper! 

So I'm off to the Friday check-in, already up, to make my Friday list there! 

Vic 12/13/12

show up (done), cal, exer

finished/sent letter that triggered every "fear button" with all the "fear symptoms/fallout"

page 68 in the Big Book says:
we think fear ought to be classed with stealing. It seems to cause more trouble.
reviewed our fears thoroughly. We put them on paper, even though we had
no resentment in connection with them. We asked ourselves why we had
them. Wasn't it because self-reliance failed us? Self-reliance was good
as far as it went, but it didn't go far enough. Some of us once had
great self-confidence, but it didn't fully solve the fear problem, or
any other. When it made us cocky, it was worse.
Perhaps there is a better way-we think so. For we are now on a different
basis of trusting and relying upon God. We trust infinite God rather
than our finite selves. We are in the world to play the role He assigns.
Just to the extent that we do as we think He would have us, and humbly
rely on Him, does He enable us to match calamity with serenity.
We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our Creator. We can
laugh at those who think spirituality the way of weakness.
Paradoxically, it is the way of strength. The verdict of the ages is
that faith means courage. All men of faith have courage. They trust
their God. We never apologize for God. Instead we let Him demonstrate,
through us, what He can do. We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our
attention to what He would have us be. At once, we commence to outgrow


I never outgrew the fear and it took weeks to do this, but I can honestly say my HP did for me what I could not do for myself in an exchange of reaching out/talking/right people showing up/conditions to write and for that I am grateful and hopeful for the next item to do.


Got up and out of the house okay today, but am procrastinating on my writing. Here are my mini-goals for the day:

1. Write 1000 words--had to revise to 600

2. Post schedule

3. Write rec

4. Read 10 pages of Dan.'s story

5. Read screenplay.

6. Look for video

7. Go to bank 

8. Call Barbara

9. Clean purse

10. Swiffer house and do other chores

11. Email Reb. Patterson's lawyer

12. Wrap gifts

13. Write 10 cards

14. Make/eat dinner

15. Read

16. Journal

17. Uro.

18. Drink a smoothie 

19. Sort out Google/Chege 


kromer 10 CI

I'm working from home today, which I'm hoping will help my concentration on writing. we'll see. I can also go work at the library if I start getting distracted/having trouble working from home

Here is a step-by-step plan for what I need to do to get my paper done. I will do as much as I can on this today, and then need to finish this up tomorrow, before my mtg w/ my adviser.

I need to:
1)Do research for intro
2)Update intro

3)Revise first half of discussion
4)Revise 2nd half of discussion (working on this now)
5)Write results section on comp
6)Finish results section on mei init
7)Outline/brainsorm section on semi-synch
8)Write section on semi-synch
9)Re-write abstract
10)Edit figures
11)Do M&M (this will probably have to wait until winter break)
12)Edit figure legends (this will probably have to wait until winter break)

My goal is to get 8 of these tasks done today. 

I also need to go to a youth group event, and water poinsettias. And I want to drop by DR's apartment and pick up some scifi books.


Journey 10 am

Back in the office today . . . feeling tired and depressed for no apparent reason.  I went back to the gym this morning so maybe just a bit tired.   I won't post a todo list since I'm in the office but will check back if I get stuck.

Have a productive and enjoyable day everyone 

Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler

clement ci - day 36 attempting abstinence

9:35am : i started this post feeling guilty about yesterday, forgetting that i had an enormous emotional burden. God, please heal my mind. Today, this moment, is a new beginning. It's been 20 min since i last went off plan.

:) r1
:) ci
:) feed dogs
:) quiet time
:) r2
:) s task
:) m task
:) pj task
:) pb task
:) l task
:) a task
12:30-230 mtg
sort tasks. some things are coming due
do tasks.

10:29am : "I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do no serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive." - Romans 16:17-18

The bible, again, is so wise--because it speaks at the level human nature, and in 2000 years human nature has not changed. 2000 years ago people were serving their own appetites and by smooth talk and flattery deceiving many, and today, 2000 years later, the same thing is going on. The bible is truly timeless.

12:23pm : it's been 50 min since i last went off plan.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


movingalong's Thursday Nonperfectionist goals

Goal today:

  • ASK higherpower to tell me when it's Good Enough.
  • Be open to HEAR higherpower tell me when it's Good Enough.
  • STOP when it's Good Enough.

Elvira's Thursday

Here's the master plan (in blue). Today's actual activity in black:

  • At some stage in the day:
    • Get out of the house
    • Speak to someone (phone or face-to-face) Both these will be fulfilled by optician appointment
  • For at least half an hour
    • Physical Exercise will walk into town
    • Mental exercise will do crossword
  • For at least an hour (not necessarily all at once):
    • Housework clear top landing. clear dining table
    • Self-care (eg wash or mend clothes, wash hair) put clothes in wash
    • Something creative      work on crib set
    • Christmas preparation  sort out what cards and wrapping materials i need; replenish if nec.

macphd check in 11.32 gmt

I am going to read one case strickland v washington and try using the pomodoro approach with the focus boost timer

13.10 gmt I have managed to do 3 x 25 min chunks with 5 mins breaks. I am going to resume after lunch. I am feeling that if I look at work in terms of time rather than a thing to do it seems less scary...after all I can only there are only so many hours in the day. The amount of time it takes is the amount of time it takes. I'm also very bad at judging how long something will take and get annoyed if it takes longer than I think / rush it to get it done.

Did another 2 x 25 min chunks.

Did another 10mins.- I feel like i am running out of steam..I am going to a have a break for a couple of hours and then try for 2 more 30 min sessions


Back at 17.47 am going to do 2 x 30 mins or finish case whatever comes first. Finished at 18.56. Total time worked today 3h15. I am happy with that considering I did nothing for many weeks. Im hoping to pick up momentum and get in a habit but baby steps I guess.



Knitfisher's Checkin Thurs 13th Dec 09:36

Second late night in row for me. I was doing nice things (especially the performance I did last night) but I feel very tired this morning. I also ate really badly these past two days because I wasn't leaving time and planning for eating when I'm out and about. I need to feed myself today.

Today I will: 

  • Do lots of work for P at least 10 poms. This is what pays for those nice things remember. I did 9/10 which is excellent, but at the expense of everything else on the list.
  • Do S
  • Call R (today is the day!)
  • Call Fwy
  • Washing
  • Washing up
  • Have a good filling lunch.
  • Email J  (fun thing)
  • Text R
  • Research mobility centre
  • Finish invoicing
  • Post J card
  • Be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can.


Rexroth Check In 08.15

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posts

x wash up
x Out to shop - and thanked shop person who looked after me when I fainted last week
Check todo list for week
x Phone friend re business email - done and I should not have been so grumpy with him - he came round later and wasted my time or rather I wasted my time by inviting him round - I need to sort this out
x Work on book - done very constructive work
Craft work yet again not done
x Write journal
x Deal with post - wasn't any

Also some difficult emails which I had been putting off and some French study

Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Rexroth 22.52

support to Rexroth

Congrats on getting some work done on your book!

Prayers for your health.

Thank you movingalong

Thank you movingalong - apologies for not replying sooner. I was so exhausted last night that I could not think clearly. My friend exhausts me.

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Fix breakfast

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Take shower

5. Get dressed

6. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.

7. Go to individual therapy at 10:30 a.m.

8. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

9. Go to get my medicine

10. Cook and eat dinner

11. Wash dishes

12. Take out garbage

13. Take out recycling

14. Go through mail

15. Clear tables

16. Clear floor 

17. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share


Thanks moving along - good enough street is my fave street!


  • readings 
  • HIO
  • gym and pool
  • meet am 
  • banking
  • post package
  • return texts
  • decide hair appt
  • meet v and give medals
  • call m-p
  • email or call Karl
  • bring v to coffee lady
  • decide diary
  • cards
  • journal
  • ring sponsor
  • let go g
  • HIO
  • finish list for adv
  • write specific letter p
  • g addresses 
  • decide if emailing it
  • write letter pols
  • w in
  • go t oc appointemnt 
  • cook dinner
  • email m re fin
  • do list for dr appt tomorow

ms thursday



  • get up at 7.00
  • shower
  • walk to meeting
  • meeting at 10.30
  • buy s on way home
  • work on titles (bursts)
  • plan next project moves.
  • review fridays work
  • p list
  • order o christmas present
  • pay in money
  • sort papers on desk
  • GYM


  • eat nutritious food mindfully 
  • watch spending


Mole's check-in

Thank you movingalong for starting the thread. What a great name you have chosen. I feel as if I am both floundering and stagnant after a few weeks of heavy external demands. Hard to structure again.

9-12.30 work on writing with strict pomming. Pom breaks! Get drinks water garden take out compost. NO going into the house.

healthy lunch veg and chicken

write 5 Xmas cards 

Post office: buy walnuts Epsom salts bananas 

 2.30 review writing at cafe  

tidy kitchen table

make plan for rest of Dec


check fridge

cook and eat healthy meal

Relax / memoir

bed at 11