Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday December 7, 2012
Tool Nine of PA:
Develop Routines: To help structure your day and make a habit of things you always need to do, develop routines for what you do when you wake up, regular tasks of your workday, and what you need to do before going to bed.
Have a great proactive day!
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Piqued's check-in
It's 6:10 PM, but most of the day was spent at the doc's office rather than just task avoidance... Of course, post doc visit, there's been loads of avoidance because I am very tired from getting up six hours earlier than normal today. Let's see if I can get some stuff knocked off the list this evening.
Close reopened CQ; not worth the time to research discrepancies between the SP and the CMHooray! This solution was "good enough" -- glad I didn't shoot for perfect!!2)
"Ignoring last logout" CQFound several issues that dev needs to address before I can go further; did a great job on this...3) Deadlocking CQ
4) Flu shot
Four-hour doc appointment this morningDONE6)
30-minute brisk-ish walkDONE7)
Send txt to B about restarting exercise sessions9)
Reply to K's txt
Goals for another day:
1) Briefly test new feature (2 hours?)
2) Review install doc
3) Get going with cleaning/rinsing practices suggested by doc
EOD thoughts: The chatbox rocks... I've had two fantastic experiences using the chatbox to keep myself motivated and on task. #3 will have to move to another day's list since it is 2 AM. I may get a flu shot on the way home.
My realization
It's pretty hard to admit certain things about yourself. But it's time for me to do that. I've been battling a certain habit for some time now, and have been trying to keep it a secret. Sometimes I'm good at keeping it-check. And sometimes I go overboard. I have come to realize that I can't fight it alone. I need help. It's very hard and embarrassing for me to admit that. Now I have to find support to help me without potential employers finding out about it. I'll take my days a step at a time. My remaining day.
1. Do laundry
2. Go to grocery storw
3 get haircut
4. Clean apt.
5. Make financial plan to get out of debt
Vic 12/7/12 fri
Show up (done) bl, exer
showing up and connecting here is such a blessing because it is part of my recovery routine, and is reliable. Grateful.
thanks for started, hope to keep moving forward.
Innertruth's late start
After avoiding one of my creditors for months, I was on another call and got off it to talk to the creditor. I thought it was my client with his disappearing act.
He was really made at me. Asking me if I had any friends or relatives who could help me out. If I asked a friend for money, that would be the end of the friendship.
Talked to a credit counsellor and will go the personal bankruptcy route. Not right away, but probably in March or April when I file my 2012 income tax.
I need to spend some time this weekend preparing my back taxes. I know I won't get everything done, but I have established the end of the year as my deadline.
My self-esteem is shot. I went to a networking event the other day and I didn't know what to say about myself. I know other people are good at bullshit but I am not.
I know I need to think positive thoughts to get me up for the day.
Work for day:
Pay BMOCall YFinish assignmentRearrange school notesBed by 1:00 am
Hamlet's checkin
1. workout with Jeffrey
2. get hair cut
3. go to pharmacy
4. get equipment for birds
5. OR Research
6. Note to Phil
7. water plants
gotmusikk's Friday
Thank you Lennon for this week's worth of thread openers - it's been wonderful. :-)
process inbox (in 15 minute bursts)
I commit to doing at least 5 minutes of the following:
practice/back exercises
12-1 rehearse
1 - go out to buy shoulder rests
Icing on the cake is if I can finish picking Xmas presents for friends/family.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
kromer 10:30 CI
Today I need to:
Work on paper:
->Update outline
->Re-write abstract->Write one section
Do some lab chores:
Email about committee
Email MuPhoto slide for counts
Do some personal life stuff:
Email bfMicroburst xmas present list
Email about poinsettias
Do laundryBuy fruit
Go to youth group
clement ci - day 30 attempting abstinence
10:21am : this is the 30th day of attempting abstinence. Ie the last day of 1 month. Tomorrow i will look back.
:) ci
:) quiet time
:) R
:) sort tasks, hard choices today. God guide me.
:) task s
:) family requests, needs
:) task t
:) task e
:) task p
task b
task d
watch word for today--use timers. pay ATTENTION to timers, cuz i have timers going of all day, at least every hour in my iPod. set specific time limits for tasks that have a chance of taking to long. break long tasks up with other tasks and breaks. This to "return to sanity". This is to be in control of my tasks and time, not have my task be in control of me. This is to have the freedom to choose, not to be a slave to procrastination.
12:10pm : I almost went out of control. i didnt need to chk on that jpg, but i did, which led to a file missing, and a backup/sync problem and before i know it i'm in a full-fledged bender. But thank GOD for the wisdom of program, because if i had not JUST made some action commitments in the 11am mtg, i would not even notice i'm on a bender. So i was able to bring myself back. The program transforms the mind in a powerful way. sets expectations. brings sub-surface thots and patterns out into the light of day. it builds awareness. incredible.
But then i noticed that i literally can't concentrate today, even when i try. My mind just keeps wandering. I can't stop it. So, i see how it is. It is a day to not trust myself. My instinct and urge of what to do next is TOTALLY UNRELIABLE today. So...make a plan, and stick to it, no matter what i want to do at any given moment. If i ask god to guide my mine, then i can trust it; i can't trust my impulsivity.
"...The hour as come for you to wake from your sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the daytime not in orgies an drunkenness.not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires."- Romans 13:11-13e
12:53pm : It's been 1 min since i last went off plan. I'mn ot trusting my instincts. Just went thru 5 things not on my list that seemed like good things to do. Aborted all of them, by god's grace alone.
1:55pm : it's been, i'll give it 10 min, since i last went off plan. God's grace. Next on task list.
2:19pm : it's been 34 min since i last went off plan. For today, that's a miracle. God has been good to me and an idea popped into my head as to how to handle my competing priorities. 1 hr on each, rotating.
2:30pm : it's been 45 min since i last went of plan.
5:27pm : gosh lots of family interruptions. I believe i made the right choice to address them. Grant me the wisdom to tell the difference, Lord. So i'll say i've been on plan for 4h 42min. continuing tasks.
10:03pm : It's been 9h 18min since i last went off plan. A bulk of that was unstructured, but pre-planned, family time. Actually while it was planned, it was a very loose plan, so i'm not sure if it counts.
12:46am : It's been 12h 01 min since i last went off plan. And that was a good 1hr 43min work block. On plan. And i was right to be overwhelmed today, cuz after God righted my ship is worked steadily and still didnt get 2 of the things done. But they were ordered. So they were the most ok out of the set of important tasks. Thank you God for renewal today.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Journey 9 am
ugh the bad headaches turned into a full blown stomach virus yesterday so i called in sick and stayed in bed all day. Picked it up from the grandkids over the weekend I guess.
Anyway back in the office today and I have a lot to do to get ready for this weekends test and also I have to plan Monday's meeting. When those things are done I will go home and crash. I'm feeling a lot better than I did yesterday, but still a bit shaky and weak.
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
wake up/clean up prep
wake up/clean upprep food
drive to work
punch in
pa check in
water plants
triage L C
work on back L c
Knitfisher's checkin Fri 7th Dec
Hi Everyone,
Started off the morning better than previous days, but am careful not to be over-confident and waste time as I have done. I have a lot of non-work stuff to do today so need to be mindful of getting that stuff done without getting distracted.
It's looking like a 15 mins at a time day today so that's how I will work. I am going out tonight and have triumphed by booking myself in to have my brows done so I can feel a bit more confident. I will also be painting my nails for once which I never normally bother with. So even if I don't have anything new to wear, I can feel good about myself.
First posted:10am
In no particular order:
Email queries/update to F (5)Update calendar for next week (10)Get brows done & collect boots (30)Call Solicitor (5)Email N&S (5)Paint nails (10)Try on outfit (10 ish ;-) )Leave to see mum no later than 4pm. Well, sort ofGood luck everyone.
Suppenkasper Friday
Hello everyone, and thanks lennon
List for Friday
1000 fs, d
1020 prepare folders, check stuko-lists
1045 togb
1120 stuko+prep_monday+u
1600 home+break
1730 markings
1900 tidy appartment
2000 markings
2200 EOD
I changed my plan - I'm going to have dinner with a buddy. As I was productive until now, I think I can justify this...
Good luck everyone!
Update before going to bed:
Really enjoyed my evening. I'll try to go to bed within 20 minutes. Tomorrow there will be another day! Peace
Rexroth Check In 08.54
I've had a good night's sleep and am ready for another constructive day.
Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posts
x Check post when/if it comes
x Study French - a little as not well see below
x Work on book - a lot I have now read and organised all my notes in hard copy, email and word; revised my todo list having found the original and I am ready to write
x washed up and cleared up in kitchen - not on my original list
x Out for food shopping - this did not go well, I got to the check out and fainted, the store staff were very helpful and walked me to the bus stop where I got the bus home and have been in bed ever since. I didn't get my shopping either and I have plently of food in so that is OK.
that will do for now...
Regards Rexroth
Feel free to reply 15.08
Oh no, I hope you are feeling better!
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
Rexroth Check Out 23.02
Thanks journey - I do feel a lot better now
Went home to bed and have got up briefly to do things and am now going to sleep.
Washed up
Took rubbish out
Cleared table - I want to have my working week for work and the weekend free so I need to clear all my work material from the table when I stop on Friday
Lots of prayer and reflection
and so to bed
Night Rexroth
ms friday
check inlistening and directnessclean spaceask p etc about next fridayeat with kindness and self careno nappingcareful with moneyjay's friday 7 th
make a smoothie
go to gym??? or for a walk
l'woods returns
housing ass waste
free ebay?
gym bill
make lentil stew
wash up
tidy living room
tidy bedroom 15 mins
phone mum
phone r
print off art ticket and check directions, read about it, be ready, decide what to wear
put dates in diary
phone p m art??
fb banned for today,
text M gym- sort money out
make doc's appointment - walk there
have bath,
leave flat all tidy and ready for the morning
1 hour work on complaint* x 2
x3 days will be 6 hrs
stay calm, exercise and it will be ok
Salamander's check in - Fri 7 Dec 2012
Thank you, pro, for maintaining these boards for the fellowship. Thanks also to you, lennon, for starting the thread. These reminders of the Tools are very helpful to me.
Best wishes to my fellow procrastinators with your day ahead.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
thanks Lennon!
up earlyreadingsHIOtidy
pool and gymgo u print out database and letter m re jjwsmeet m 12.00meeting 1.00meet supervisor3.00discuss plandecideHIOgroceriesbankingring sponsorreadingsdinnerHIObedMy Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting4. Eat breakfast5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting6. Take shower7. Get dressed8. Go Christmas shopping9. Eat lunch10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting11. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line10. Fix dinner11. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone OA meeting12. Go to part of the 4 p.m. telephone DA meeting
13. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.14. Eat dinner15. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meetingThanks for letting me share
EleanorBE's Friday list
Hi all. Thanks to Lennon for starting.
Friday goes like this -
Get up quite early and finish packing for weekend
Take phone off charger and pack it
Get p for G
Go to work.
Check work mail
Write to E, copying in D, re mod
Prepare seminars
Run seminars
Go through diary checking out next weekDo more work on new mod
Write to Ms
Meet M students 4-5, if needed
Check work mail 2
Meet G and get train for weekend.