Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 19th December 2006

I have checked that there is no posting for tuesday and kept a screen shot as advised by email!

Monica's picture

Monica's CI 3:30am

Sorry this is so late. I fell asleep around 7pm and totally missed my evening routine. I was depressed and wanted to lay down for awhile. I never thought I'd sleep this long. I guess all that shopping this afternoon made me tired.

I got an unexpected bonus last night. My son got his homework done. What usually happens is I wait 'til the morning and try to cram it in before taking him to school. It's always stressful doing it this way. But because of my procrastination, it's how we function. Yesterday, after school, he brought me his book bag and asked, "Can we do my homework now, Mommy?" Knowing that this is the better choice, I said sure. Now we should have a stress free morning and maybe even get to school on time.

Here are my tadas:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Facial
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Check Son's book bag for school papers
[x] Get Son ready for school
[x] Breakfast
[x] Take Son to school
[/] Pick up my room
[x] Take car in for repair
[x] Pick Son up from School
[o] Do more bedroom cleanup
[o] Cook Dinner
[o] Spray Shower
[x] Set out mouthwash
[x] Set Alarm (Just set it)
[x] Post BE for the evening
[x] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm (technically this is an "o" but I'm marking it as an "x" cause I was in bed during that time)
[x] Help Son with homework

Thomas C.: time for bed


- emailed student re: letter of recommendation
- transferring files and gathering materials for class
- rewrote letter
- didn't get farther

To-do tomorrow:

- continue preparing for phone interview
- actual phone interview
- email application
- raking leaves, cleaning house
- have air/heating guy over for estimate
- pick up house

jj's 10:00 pm CI

eat breakfast
make bed
wash hair/face, brush teeth
get dressed
select and wrap white elephant present
get food together for staff xmas party
leave at noon
xmas party and staff meeting 1:00 - 4:30
make supper/clean up dishes
scoop litter
empty garbages
spent too much time browsing this site!

Bed time to do's:
brush teeth/wash face

wrap R's xmas present
stop at mall and buy gift certificates for nieces

Today I'm thankful for: a fun xmas party with my co-workers, soy frozen dessert that has a lot less fat than ice cream and tastes just as good!

scarlett CI 11:50 pm

Last check-in - going to turn computer off now to avoid temptation to stay up late(r) and surf.

Next thing:
mail package/bills/voucher

Done since getting home:
feed cats/scoop pan
check that package fits
fix/eat dinner
find address for package
pay bills
prep package
prep voucher

scarlett CI 11 pm

Not getting to bed on time tonight. Oh, well.

Next thing:
Prep package for mailing

Done since getting home:
feed cats/scoop pan
check that package fits
fix/eat dinner
find address for package
pay bills

prep package
prep voucher
mail package, voucher, and bills

pro's last check-in - 10:15pm

I finished my bedtime routine (dishes washed, took pills, brushed teeth, contacts out, bed turned down). Now I just have to actually get into bed and go to sleep. It sure would be nice to get to sleep early enough to get up early. Problem is, I'm not tired yet because I've been going to bed later.

scarlett CI 7:07 pm

Little steps - didn't get bills paid but found the ones I need to pay and found the address for the package. Off to dance. Trying to be on time for once!

Next thing:
Leave by 7:20

Done since getting home:
feed cats/scoop pan
check that package fits
fix/eat dinner
find address for package

pay bills
mail package, voucher, and bills

scarlett CI 6:51 pm

Next thing:
Eat dinner
Pay car payment
Leave by 7:20

Done since getting home:
feed cats/scoop pan
check that package fits
fix dinner

fix/eat dinner
mail package and voucher

scarlett CI 5 pm

Uggh, another not really productive day. Did everything but the stuff I really needed to. I am *tired* to my bones.

Had dentist's appt this morning. I am a slowpoke, and maybe I just need to make peace with that.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Water tree
Go to dentist
Post re: trip
Email A & C re trip
Thank S
email Scott re: Feb
email fam re: trip and xmas plans
print agreement
email Nick re: license
check on shelving
buy parents' gift

enter comments review 1
enter comments review 2
review recog document
review R tix

fix/eat dinner
mail package and voucher
feed cats/scoop pan

Thomas C.

JJ, if I'm tired it often takes me a few days to catch up. As that's happening, I'm still tired--sleep nine hours and still drag myself out of bed. But after a few days it gets better.

Not that I'm allowing that to happen right now. I didn't get a decent amount of sleep last night. Did some work last night after wife & daughter went to bed. Good work, jobsearch prep, but now I'm tired, and spent OVER AN HOUR this morning playing Mini-Putt and reading online newspapers. Procrastination and tiredness...

Anyway, I didn't check in yesterday at the end. Well, I got as far as turning in grades. That was good. I still have one student's issue to deal with, but that's all. Here's today's list:

- send letters of recommendation for student

- gather materials for class I'm teaching next quarter

- go to library

- rewrite application letter to university

- start prepping class

- start new article

Will update as stuff gets done.

scarlett CI 12:36 pm

Change in "next thing" - forgot that website goes down during lunch hour.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Water tree
Go to dentist
Post re: trip
Email A & C re trip
Thank S
email Scott re: Feb
email fam re: trip and xmas plans
print agreement
email Nick re: license

Next thing:
read agreement

To do:
make sure comments are open
enter comments review 1
enter comments review 2
set up meeting
review recog document
review R tix

fix/eat dinner
mail package and voucher
feed cats/scoop pan
buy parents' gift

jj's 9:50 CI

Set alarm for 8:00, then snoozed and listened to radio news program until 9:30 - why is it so hard to get up, even after a decent amount of sleep?????

To Do:
eat breakfast
make bed
wash hair/face, brush teeth
get dressed
select and wrap white elephant present
wrap R's xmas present
get food together for staff xmas party
leave at noon
xmas party and staff meeting 1:00 - 4:30
stop at mall and buy gift certificates for nieces
make supper/clean up dishes
scoop litter
empty garbages

I can't decide whether it's better to make a really long todo list, or only include what I think I'll actually do. Maybe if I make it longer it will motivate me to accomplish more. Then again it could depress me sufficiently that I'll do nothing?!

master to-do lists

I think it can be discouraging to put too many things on your to-do list for the day. Still, you don't want to forget things that you may not have time to do today, but still need to do. For this, many people create master to-do lists, and then pick items off it for their daily to-do lists.

Some people posted Master To-Do lists each month in the "Questions and Comments" board. If you take a look, you'll see them. (They'd get lost in the check-ins board.)

scarlett CI 11:46 am

Had dentist's appt this morning. I am a slowpoke, and maybe I just need to make peace with that.

Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Water tree
Go to dentist
Post re: trip
Email A & C re trip
Thank S
email Scott re: Feb
email fam re: trip and xmas plans

Next thing:
make sure comments are open

To do:
enter comments review 1
enter comments review 2
call Nick re: license
set up meeting
review recog document
review R tix

fix/eat dinner
mail package and voucher
feed cats/scoop pan
buy parents' gift

pro's first check-in - 9:10am

I just got up. I slept soundly for 9 hours last night - must have been tired. Time to get going now.


You mean, in case I said there was a thread started and there really wasn't??

8:25 CI for Lark

Lately my life has been alot like pushing snow with a shovel. I'm making progress, but the pile of snow I'm pushing is getting large. Today I'm hoping to empty a great deal of it.
To Do:
1 morning routine
2 get rid of one project
3 get rid of the next project
4 make hair appointment
5 do book work for half an hour
6 go to meeting and do some shopping
7 plan what needs to be done for the rest of the year
Thank you.

Lark's 10:45 CI, Not a good day

Got some things done, but received a call that the fellow who works part time for me passed away last night. Sort of had the wind knocked out of me. Doing something is better than nothing, but I'm putting plans aside for a while. Good night

Monica's picture

Very Understandable

Peace be with you Lark. May heart goes out to you.


So sorry for your helper.

so sorry

Lark, so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and sympathies are with you. Take care.

sorry to hear that.

Take the time you need to deal with this...


iwant2workharder - CI 12:04

Things are not going very slowly, but progress is progress.
Just having a small break.

To Do

- step1 : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Monica's picture

Monica's CI 5:15am - Morning Routine

Thanks everyone for the welcome and encouraging comments. It was a nice surprise to see them all this morning. I've posted todo/tada lists on other boards before but I've never had this kind of support or encouragement. So thank you. Well I'm 30 minutes behind already so I better get going. Toady's todos:

[x] Get up at 5 am
[ ] Shower
[ ] Facial
[ ] Devotional Time
[ ] Dress to shoes (Can you tell, I'm a flylady fan? )
[ ] Check Son's book bag of school papers
[ ] Get Son ready for school
[ ] Breakfast
[ ] Take Son to school
[ ] Pick up my room
[ ] Take car in for repair

flylady question

How long have you been following flylady? I was thinking about starting in January. What do you find helpful/not so helpful about her?

Monica's picture

re:flylady question

I found flylady roughly 3 years ago.
- Control Journal - a book that keeps track of your day
- Baby step concept - an idea to take projects in small doses
- Set Routines - set and manageable daily todo lists
- Reminder emails (mixed blessing. see dislikes)
- Automated emails - there were just way to many emails for me. I became overwhelmed by them. It was even worse when I was at the height of my procrastination. It served as a constant reminder of what I wasn't doing. Several of the "motivational" emails came across more like commercials to me. Many times I felt like I was being sold the "flylady" concept.

I don't subscribe anymore but I do try to follow the program. I visit the website occasionally to see what they are working on in any given week. The site also posts the daily emails, so you can read the ones you want without getting all of them everyday in your inbox.

You can also buy the flylady book and forgo the online support all together. The book covers the whole program without the commitment of being a member of their group.

Finally, I found Marla's (flylady's) story inspiring.

Hope this helps,

if your problem is housework

FlyLady is about housework - making up schedules for cleaning. If you sign up for her mailing list, she sends zillions (and I mean, ZILLIONS) of autocratic emails about how you must wear shoes in the house, and what you should be doing at different times.

If your problem is housework and you're the type who likes to be told what to do, I guess it could be helpful.

Monica's picture

CI - 8:30am

I started picking up my room, you cant tell by looking at it but I did do some. While I was returning stuff my kids left in my room to their rooms I began to become upset at how messy there rooms are. I was tempted to fuss at them for not keeping there rooms in order. then I remembered, "Oh, they're following my lead. :( " So, I've made a new promise to myself. I will not require my children to do anything that I am not doing. Once I get my act together I will have earned the right to say something to them. Who knows? Maybe once I keep my room clean, they'll start following my new habit.

Well I'm off to take my 7 year old to school and then the car in for repair. When I get back I'll do some more on my room and post an afternoon todo list.

[x] Get up at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Facial
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Check Son's book bag for school papers
[x] Get Son ready for school
[x] Breakfast
[ ] Take Son to school
[/] Pick up my room
[ ] Take car in for repair

Monica's picture

CI - 3:00 pm

I didn't do anything this afternoon. My girlfriend came over and convinced me to go Christmas shopping with her. Being the procrastinator that I am, it didn't take much convincing. So my afternoon was a bust, as far as house work goes. I did get a lot of stocking stuffers though :)

I finished everything on my morning todo list but picking up my room. I will attempt to do some of that this evening.

Morning Routine:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Facial
[x] Devotional Time
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Check Son's book bag for school papers
[x] Get Son ready for school
[x] Breakfast
[x] Take Son to school
[/] Pick up my room
[x] Take car in for repair

Evening Routine
[] Pick Son up from School
[] Do more bedroom cleanup
[] Cook Dinner
[] Spray Shower
[] Set out mouthwash
[] Set Alarm
[] Post BE for the evening
[] Go to bed between 9:30 pm - 10:00pm

first check-in

Hi Monica,

Your [] and [*] are very nice.


Monica's picture

re:first check-in

Thank you

iwant2workhader - CI 10:00

Good morning to all.

So went to cheer up a good friend. We concluded that her
tormentor has his own problems and only God can make him change if God likes him enough to want him to improve...
We had some good laughs. Took a cab back home as we drunk quiet a bit.
I do not know how she makes her cocktails as they can't be seen without beeing tasted. I will need to get a cab to her place this evening! She won't be home so I will just pick my car and leave a nice note in her letterbox.

Meeting this morning. Today I have to deal with website1 and get
it in by tomorrow morning for the colleague. That's 10 steps when counting well.

First reviewing the steps.

To Do
- site1 : steps 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10