Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
eat breakfast and post CI here
wash face/brush teeth
get dressed
make bed
leave for appointment at 9:30 (didn't leave till 9:45)
buy small gift for hairdresser on the way
hair appointment 10:30 - 12:30 (5 min. late)
eat lunch/read
buy gift certificates for nieces
buy other xmas gift and card for R
browse for gifts for friends' kids and neighbours
buy chicken noodle soup for sick hubby
make supper/clean up dishes/take recycling downstairs
bath/wash face
evening CI here
Evening to do:
brush teeth
read before bed
buy xmas gift for friends' kids/neighbours
Today I'm thankful for: compliment from a stranger, healthy fall and winter.
Hubby came home early today from work as he was feeling sick - bad cough, fever, nauseous. Please send all your healthy vibes my way as I'm scheduled to work the next 4 days. Everyone around me seems to be dropping like flies with stomach flu! Help!!
I spent the whole night shopping. I stayed out 'til the stores closed at midnight and I am exhausted. My evening routine is a bust and I don't plan on getting up on time tomorrow. I'm not even going to bother setting my alarm. I will wake up when I wake up.
Here are the final results:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Facial
[/] Devotional Time (will do some more now that I'm back home)
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Pack Son's book bag
[x] Get Son ready for school
[x] Breakfast
[x] Take Son to school
[0] Pick up my room
[0] Pick car up from repair shop (Car isn't ready yet)
[x] Continue devotional studies
[x] Pick up son at 3:30pm
[0] Pick up room
[x] Shop for more Christmas gifts
[0] Set out mouthwash
[0] Set alarm (not doing this tonight, too tired to care what time I wake up)
[0] In bed between 9:30 - 10:00pm
I'm back from a late meeting. I should start getting ready for bed.
I went to be early last night (or fairly early), and still didn't get up until 9am. I slept 9 hours, like a rock. It seems that no matter what time I go to bed, I sleep until 8-9am. I used to always get up at 7:30am.
Hi all!
Had an appointment today and got there 30 minutes early, yeah me. Had time to get a cup for french vanilla cap. and a bagel. And was relaxed for my appointment. Lateness is something I have trouble with.
Past tadas
wash dishes [done monday]
take out trash when i leave[done monday]
go to aunts[done monday]
spent tuesday with aunt before her x-mas vacation[done tuesday]
read new pt job handbook[done tuesday]
read new pt job code of conduct[done tuesday]
curl and set hair[done tuesday]
printed out aunts eticket from sister#2[done tuesday]
todays tadas
meds and vitamins[done]
pick up tape[done]
worked on foyer for 1hr[done]
todo today
set hair
clean 1/2 of foyer
back up hard drives on computer
have dinner
clean chicken
cook chicken
back exercises
back up to external drive
organizes computer files
organize favorites ie
organize favorites ns
one fax call
do fax
print tax forms
do 5 training sessions
Was dozing off at my desk, so I got up and did the dishes and made myself some tea and am eating an apple. Man, time flies, even if you are not having that much fun! :P
Already done:
email D
work dishes
Next thing:
review recog document - started
To do:
Check to see if comments are open
enter comments review 1
enter comments review 2
Feed cats/scoop pan
Fix/eat dinner
Find resume format
Rough out resume
Posting a yoga image to remind myself of the importance of balance and being gentle with myself.
As I've been doing since last Friday, I got up and immediately started job searching. I couldn't find five jobs to apply for today. I only found two. I've applied for everything that's out there - or that I can find, anyway. I've applied for 21 jobs since Friday.
It's a waste of my time at this point to be sitting here searching through lists. I'm just seeing the same jobs over and over. I'll move onto other things - like my back accounting.
I think it takes 2-4 weeks to get an answer to a job query. I don't know. I haven't gotten any responses so far - just spam or form letters from recruiters. Out of 21 applications I ought to get at least one interview, I'd think. Maybe.
I'm tired, discouraged, and freaked out about my financial situation...
I'm going to go get dressed now, and go outside for a walk.
Nothing focuses the mind like fear. Forget who said that, but it's true. I am dead broke, and very scared.
I'm glad I applied for all those jobs - that I've done as much as I can - but I don't feel any relief because I haven't gotten a single response. If I can get an interview, I almost always get the job. But it's hard to get an interview with so many others applying.
I know it's really scary for you right now, but you are making the choice to get out there and look and apply instead of hiding from the situation. That, to me, is worthy of recognition and encouragement.
So, way to go! Keep up the good work! And good luck!
I know this may sound silly, but, have you tried my friend found success there. You can post a free ad, listing your skills and also read/apply for positions in the job section.
I check craigslist every day - sometimes more than once a day. I haven't posted any advertisement of myself there, but I have on other sites that are specifically for jobs.
I've been looking for full-time jobs, so no, I haven't tried that one. Here's a list of the ones I check regularly (some of them):
Job Sites (weird site - no listings, seems they want money) (mostly for new college grads)
NYS Department of Labor (
Idealist has thousands of fulltime positions it is the largest non-profit job site can't hurt to check it out. Also, try my old employer JPM chase they have a lot of web related positions. I am not clear on your background but assume you create websites. Tell us exactly what type of job your are looking for so if we come across something we can let you know.
I slept way to long (I knew that would happen) and I spent the entire afternoon Christmas shopping again. I'm not going to beat myself up about it though, cause I have a lot of shopping to do before the 25th. My house is still a mess but I feel good that I got a lot of gifts purchased.
Here is my progress so far:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Facial
[/] Devotional Time (will do some more now that I'm back home)
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Pack Son's book bag
[x] Get Son ready for school
[x] Breakfast
[x] Take Son to school
[0] Pick up my room
[0] Pick car up from repair shop (Car isn't ready yet)
Evening todos:
[ ] Continue devotional studies
[ ] Pick up son at 3:30pm
[ ] Pick up room
[ ] Shop for more Christmas gifts
[ ] Set out mouthwash
[ ] Set alarm
[ ] In bed between 9:30 - 10:00pm
I feel very much like procrastinating. I'm home today for a phone interview and for an estimate on our heating and air system. Oh, and I'm not feeling well. But there's stuff to do. So I'm going to accept that it gets done a little slowly, but I'm not going to accept that it won't get done:
- prepare phone interview
- application to university
- phone interview, 11 a.m.
- send application, start preparing class
In between each of these (a back-and-forth between housecleaning and work):
Lap top broke Monday and repaired and in action today. Glad I didn't procrastenate over it.
Today today
up prayer and reflection
on phone to friend re collection laptop
test laptop as it arrives and panic when it does not work
phone repaires and sort it out over phone
sort remainder of legal/admin work with friend and do accounts with her
make provisional arrangement to meet with friend 2
do emails, post, phone messages
go back to bed feeling exhausted and unwell foot hurts
think what to do over MidWinter and list it
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
eat breakfast and post CI here
wash face/brush teeth
get dressed
make bed
leave for appointment at 9:30
buy small gift for hairdresser on the way
hair appointment 10:30 - 12:30
eat lunch/read
buy gift certificates for nieces
buy other xmas gift for R
buy xmas gift for friends kids/neighbours
make supper/clean up dishes
bath/wash face/brush teeth
read before bed
So worked till late on site1. Didn't finish all, but enough for
it to be passed on. Funny how a bit of pressure gets me moving :? .
I have to start with rewriting the meeting, then I 'll go back to
I'm up, I might as well check-in. I probably shouldn't go back to bed seeing as I have to get up in 30 minutes but I am anyway. Hey, what can I say, self-sabotage is what I do.
Morning Routine:
[ ] Get up at 5 am
[ ] Shower
[ ] Facial
[ ] Devotional Time
[ ] Dress to shoes
[ ] Pack Son's book bag
[ ] Get Son ready for school
[ ] Breakfast
[ ] Take Son to school
[ ] Pick up my room
[ ] Pick car up from repair shop
Good morning iwant2workharder. I *am* full of energy... full of energy to do everything but what I'm suppose to do. LOL! My favorite saying about procrastinators is, "Procrastinators rarely do nothing." That's me. I'm always busy doing the wrong thing.
jj's 10:25 pm CI
eat breakfast and post CI here
wash face/brush teeth
get dressed
make bed
leave for appointment at 9:30 (didn't leave till 9:45)
buy small gift for hairdresser on the way
hair appointment 10:30 - 12:30 (5 min. late)
eat lunch/read
buy gift certificates for nieces
buy other xmas gift and card for R
browse for gifts for friends' kids and neighbours
buy chicken noodle soup for sick hubby
make supper/clean up dishes/take recycling downstairs
bath/wash face
evening CI here
Evening to do:
brush teeth
read before bed
buy xmas gift for friends' kids/neighbours
Today I'm thankful for: compliment from a stranger, healthy fall and winter.
Hubby came home early today from work as he was feeling sick - bad cough, fever, nauseous. Please send all your healthy vibes my way as I'm scheduled to work the next 4 days. Everyone around me seems to be dropping like flies with stomach flu! Help!!
Monica's CI - 12:30am
I spent the whole night shopping. I stayed out 'til the stores closed at midnight and I am exhausted. My evening routine is a bust and I don't plan on getting up on time tomorrow. I'm not even going to bother setting my alarm. I will wake up when I wake up.
Here are the final results:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Facial
[/] Devotional Time (will do some more now that I'm back home)
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Pack Son's book bag
[x] Get Son ready for school
[x] Breakfast
[x] Take Son to school
[0] Pick up my room
[0] Pick car up from repair shop (Car isn't ready yet)
[x] Continue devotional studies
[x] Pick up son at 3:30pm
[0] Pick up room
[x] Shop for more Christmas gifts
[0] Set out mouthwash
[0] Set alarm (not doing this tonight, too tired to care what time I wake up)
[0] In bed between 9:30 - 10:00pm
Goodnight everyone,
pro's CI - 10:40pm
I'm back from a late meeting. I should start getting ready for bed.
I went to be early last night (or fairly early), and still didn't get up until 9am. I slept 9 hours, like a rock. It seems that no matter what time I go to bed, I sleep until 8-9am. I used to always get up at 7:30am.
housereclaimer checkin 9:28pm
Hi all!
Had an appointment today and got there 30 minutes early, yeah me. Had time to get a cup for french vanilla cap. and a bagel. And was relaxed for my appointment. Lateness is something I have trouble with.
Past tadas
wash dishes [done monday]
take out trash when i leave[done monday]
go to aunts[done monday]
spent tuesday with aunt before her x-mas vacation[done tuesday]
read new pt job handbook[done tuesday]
read new pt job code of conduct[done tuesday]
curl and set hair[done tuesday]
printed out aunts eticket from sister#2[done tuesday]
todays tadas
meds and vitamins[done]
pick up tape[done]
worked on foyer for 1hr[done]
todo today
set hair
clean 1/2 of foyer
back up hard drives on computer
have dinner
clean chicken
cook chicken
back exercises
back up to external drive
organizes computer files
organize favorites ie
organize favorites ns
one fax call
do fax
print tax forms
do 5 training sessions
scarlett CI 4 pm
Was dozing off at my desk, so I got up and did the dishes and made myself some tea and am eating an apple. Man, time flies, even if you are not having that much fun! :P
Already done:
email D
work dishes
Next thing:
review recog document - started
To do:
Check to see if comments are open
enter comments review 1
enter comments review 2
Feed cats/scoop pan
Fix/eat dinner
Find resume format
Rough out resume
Posting a yoga image to remind myself of the importance of balance and being gentle with myself.
scarlett CI 2:55 pm
Already done:
email D
Next thing:
Check to see if comments are open
To do:
enter comments review 1
enter comments review 2
review recog document
Posting a yoga image to remind myself of the importance of balance and being gentle with myself.
new 'next thing'
review recog doc
That was a 'note to self.' ;) I had to change priorities and that is my shorthand for the next thing I needed to work on.
Wrong password 3 times = locked out for 30 min.
pro's first check-in - 2:45pm
As I've been doing since last Friday, I got up and immediately started job searching. I couldn't find five jobs to apply for today. I only found two. I've applied for everything that's out there - or that I can find, anyway. I've applied for 21 jobs since Friday.
It's a waste of my time at this point to be sitting here searching through lists. I'm just seeing the same jobs over and over. I'll move onto other things - like my back accounting.
I think it takes 2-4 weeks to get an answer to a job query. I don't know. I haven't gotten any responses so far - just spam or form letters from recruiters. Out of 21 applications I ought to get at least one interview, I'd think. Maybe.
I'm tired, discouraged, and freaked out about my financial situation...
I'm going to go get dressed now, and go outside for a walk.
That's a lot of applying. You've stayed really focused on this, so congratulations.
but not a single reply
Nothing focuses the mind like fear. Forget who said that, but it's true. I am dead broke, and very scared.
I'm glad I applied for all those jobs - that I've done as much as I can - but I don't feel any relief because I haven't gotten a single response. If I can get an interview, I almost always get the job. But it's hard to get an interview with so many others applying.
true AND
I know it's really scary for you right now, but you are making the choice to get out there and look and apply instead of hiding from the situation. That, to me, is worthy of recognition and encouragement.
So, way to go! Keep up the good work! And good luck!
re: but not a single reply
I know this may sound silly, but, have you tried my friend found success there. You can post a free ad, listing your skills and also read/apply for positions in the job section.
I check craigslist every day - sometimes more than once a day. I haven't posted any advertisement of myself there, but I have on other sites that are specifically for jobs.
Re: no reply
Have you tried
They have temp/consultant/full time/parttime positions
I've been looking for full-time jobs, so no, I haven't tried that one. Here's a list of the ones I check regularly (some of them):
Job Sites (weird site - no listings, seems they want money) (mostly for new college grads)
NYS Department of Labor ( (few listings) ( ( (most info)
Job Search Engines (seems good) (local classifieds) (poor)
I've also gone to a number of company sites.
Re: fulltime
Idealist has thousands of fulltime positions it is the largest non-profit job site can't hurt to check it out. Also, try my old employer JPM chase they have a lot of web related positions. I am not clear on your background but assume you create websites. Tell us exactly what type of job your are looking for so if we come across something we can let you know.
thanks, but...
...I don't want to give that much information about myself. I need to keep my anonymity. But thanks for the offer to help.
Monica's CI - 2:30pm
I slept way to long (I knew that would happen) and I spent the entire afternoon Christmas shopping again. I'm not going to beat myself up about it though, cause I have a lot of shopping to do before the 25th. My house is still a mess but I feel good that I got a lot of gifts purchased.
Here is my progress so far:
[x] Get up at 5 am
[x] Shower
[x] Facial
[/] Devotional Time (will do some more now that I'm back home)
[x] Dress to shoes
[x] Pack Son's book bag
[x] Get Son ready for school
[x] Breakfast
[x] Take Son to school
[0] Pick up my room
[0] Pick car up from repair shop (Car isn't ready yet)
Evening todos:
[ ] Continue devotional studies
[ ] Pick up son at 3:30pm
[ ] Pick up room
[ ] Shop for more Christmas gifts
[ ] Set out mouthwash
[ ] Set alarm
[ ] In bed between 9:30 - 10:00pm
scarlett CI 2:40 pm
Haven't done much of anything today. Just going to post one thing to try and build some momentum.
Next thing: email D
Will check in @ 3 pm.
iwant2workharder - CO 19:52
meeting stuff nearly there. 2 steps left.
I am going now as the friend I went to cheer up
is throwing a last minute party! yeahhh.
Bye all.
No pics as I am in a hurry as I am picking up a few people on my way there!
Thomas C.
I feel very much like procrastinating. I'm home today for a phone interview and for an estimate on our heating and air system. Oh, and I'm not feeling well. But there's stuff to do. So I'm going to accept that it gets done a little slowly, but I'm not going to accept that it won't get done:
- prepare phone interview
- application to university
- phone interview, 11 a.m.
- send application, start preparing class
In between each of these (a back-and-forth between housecleaning and work):
- laundry
- pick up our messy house
- vacuum
That's it for now.
Rexroth 16.15 GMT
Lap top broke Monday and repaired and in action today. Glad I didn't procrastenate over it.
Today today
up prayer and reflection
on phone to friend re collection laptop
test laptop as it arrives and panic when it does not work
phone repaires and sort it out over phone
sort remainder of legal/admin work with friend and do accounts with her
make provisional arrangement to meet with friend 2
do emails, post, phone messages
go back to bed feeling exhausted and unwell foot hurts
think what to do over MidWinter and list it
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
That's it folks
jj's 9:00 am CI
Alarm set for 8:00 - up at 8:45
eat breakfast and post CI here
wash face/brush teeth
get dressed
make bed
leave for appointment at 9:30
buy small gift for hairdresser on the way
hair appointment 10:30 - 12:30
eat lunch/read
buy gift certificates for nieces
buy other xmas gift for R
buy xmas gift for friends kids/neighbours
make supper/clean up dishes
bath/wash face/brush teeth
read before bed
iwant2workharder - CI 15:39
Still on the meeting review.
To Do
- Meeting : 6 steps
- Site1
iwant2workhader - CI 11:30
So worked till late on site1. Didn't finish all, but enough for
it to be passed on. Funny how a bit of pressure gets me moving :? .
I have to start with rewriting the meeting, then I 'll go back to
To do
- meeting : 6 steps
- Site1
Monica's CI 4:30 am
I'm up, I might as well check-in. I probably shouldn't go back to bed seeing as I have to get up in 30 minutes but I am anyway. Hey, what can I say, self-sabotage is what I do.
Morning Routine:
[ ] Get up at 5 am
[ ] Shower
[ ] Facial
[ ] Devotional Time
[ ] Dress to shoes
[ ] Pack Son's book bag
[ ] Get Son ready for school
[ ] Breakfast
[ ] Take Son to school
[ ] Pick up my room
[ ] Pick car up from repair shop
Hi monica
Hi Monica,
Seems that you are full of energy!
re:Hi monica
Good morning iwant2workharder. I *am* full of energy... full of energy to do everything but what I'm suppose to do. LOL! My favorite saying about procrastinators is, "Procrastinators rarely do nothing." That's me. I'm always busy doing the wrong thing.
Productivity to you,