Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday November 1st 2012
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” - Mother Teresa
Enjoy November everyone.
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Piqued CI
Goal: Tackle the 604 items in my Sent emails list (file, delete, add to to-do list).
Status as of 10:11 PM: 502 items left
Status as of 10:30 PM: 406 items left
Status as of 11:06 PM: 288 items left
Status as of 11:57 PM: 90 items left
Status as of 12:13 AM: 0 items left
How could this task, which seemed so impossible, now suddenly be done?
Making discomfort a daily goal is the key to making progress. Robert Leahy
clement ci
so now the problem is people with generators are running out of gasoline. And it's hard to get resupply trucks into the region. and many gas stations are without power.
But our generator is natural gas, connected to the house supply, so we are doing well.
Our water is still up, but the water company itself is running on generator power, so as long as their generator is up, we'll be ok with that.
So again we are very fortunate.
But i am in some indecision about what tasks to do, what to do next. I with i was better able to prioritize.
So this is my attempt at helping that. check in here. make a list, prioritize and start executing. Rather than sitting around fretting and stressing.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
clement ci 2
i didnt do what i said.. i wasted 1.5 hrs.
I need God's help and ask for it. I feel guilty. I'm giong to try again.
1. quiet time.
Wow! I thot that good guilt / bad guilt thing was just good advice. But it's actually in the bible. Or something very similar. The way i say it is
good guilt increases motivation to do better next time.
bad guilt decreases motivation to do better next time.
So, I had just chatted "i need to squash bad guilt" and then i read this in the bible:
Repentance doesnt mean just "being sorry" it means turning from one's wrong path to the right path ( even tho you still might fall short later ). This verse uses "grief" to describe the Corintians after they were scolded by Paul. So very close to, or perhaps identical to, guilt.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
it was 2 Corintians 7:10-11a, not 1st
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
re: clement ci
"Surrender and Take the Next Right Action
hi, just here to relate to your post ... I reached "impossible" today so I decided to meditate on the couch and let God speak to me. I just had to do it a second time, because I still can't get myself to write any articles and it's almost 9pm.
God told me this: "Stop trying to stop the struggle. Instead, put the struggle aside, ASIDE, and let me handle it."
This sort of goes in line with the issue of not inducing guilt on oneself, because the disappointment, struggle, etc. is just more trying to run things with our own minds. No, God told me to get out of my mind by setting those thoughts aside.
When I asked him "what should I do? I'm totally paralyzed!" He said focus on LOVE and having a relationship with me, that he loves me and wants to converse with me.
I got these 2 scriptures from my conversation with him:
Matthew 6:33 (seek first the kingdom of God and all will be added ...)
and especially Philippians 4:8 (meditate on these things, that which is good, lovely, etc.)
In other words, to sum up: do NOT keep trying to fix this procrastinating behavior/struggle. Seek God first, let him work with you and through you, and set aside your own struggling mind.
p.s. after my first powerful session with God earlier today, I actually found myself able to apply for a job!!! I stuck through the process for several hours and sent out letter/resume, first time in months. The writing, that's another story, so I'll be seeking God tonight ...
re: seek ye first, lavida
i have a reminder that goes off every hour that says "seek ye first..." That verse goes on to say "...and all these things will be added unto you."
so, basically, exactly what you said.
i know in my head that He can deal with my procrastination. It's step 2 after all. I just keep holding on. I dont know why.
I'm not sure what else to say. The gap between what i know and what i can actually live out is too big and discouraging. And being discourage about it is another example of it.
"I am powerless." I am waiting for God's salvation. And i KNOW it will come. That's one thing; i dont doubt anymore. I know this is temporary. It's just that those thoughts dont give me any encouragement.
But I am glad God granted you victory so you could apply for a job. That's huge!
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
re: not wallowing in guilt
Excerpts from BigBook of AA, page 86:
clement ci 3 - guilt and tasks planning
yep, exactly! 3 confirmations of that idea now. As if god was trying to get thru to me ;^)
ok, 6:54pm:
1. DONE: quiet time.
2. list tasks, prioritize, plan.
wait, i feel like i can do this ?!?!
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Tiptree CI
20 things for the month of November:
1. clock 160+ hrs
2. clean home and maintain
3. exercise 4 hrs/week (16 hrs)
4. read Anna Karenina
5. practice piano at least 1/2 hr/day (15.5 hrs)
6. practice guitar at least 1/2 hr/day (15.5 hrs)
7. reorganize/clean
8. sell $250 worth of stuff
9. cull/donate 50-100 items
10. read 30 books to each of my kids
11. read 2 technical books
12. play no computer/video games for at least a 1 week span
13. no arguments
14. get holiday gifts early
15. see 3 movies in theaters
16. 4-day weekend w/ family and no work
17. clear 5-8 bug items per week
18. write up budget plan for clearing debt
19. meditate daily
20. implement GTD
11.1.12 Babarino CI
Hi all!
Have eleven items on list today. Seems like a lot. Remembering that motivation follows action.
Committing to get two done in next hour.
Got two done. had to work on something else. committing to two more before lunch
Got two more done. On to next items.
completed eleven items. some items were not necessaryily "completed" but I took a look at them and figured out what next steps were needed and sometimes those steps had to be done the next day because of the time needed to complete.
It is important for me to just look at something and make any kind of progress on it. As long as I have made some progress, it is not just some thing that is lurking in the dark causing anxiety.
Vic November 1st 2012 Thursday
Show up (done) , cal, ex. November 1st 2012 Thursday
Thanks for starter EBe. reminds me of "tht's why today is 'THE PRESENT"
I hope I do not abuse this gift frommy HP
kromer 10:20 CI
I've been fighting with figures this week. I really want to focus and finish that today. I also need to do some chores, at home and work.
Finish figures*Finish outline
*Write figure captions
*Email out
*Do geno. PCR
*Correct o/c cages (working on this now)
*Check on expts, restore (working on this now)
*Stop by store (lettuce, bread, eggs)
*Have bf over for dinner (eek!)
*Pack for trip
*Email about hotel
*MU notes
Elvira's Thursday
Here's what I want to do today:
go to massget advice about coughevents andmembershipwash hairweather permitting, move more of raised flower bed back (but it's chucking it down now)exerciseI think I'll have an early night tonight instead of finishing the list.
jay's thurday 1st nov
wash up
wash/dry clothes
look at finances
pack ebay parcel
pack R pacel
phone dentist & DH
phone about SM and make a DECISION * and act on it
fill out removal form
go post office
appt at 4
eat lentil stew
have a bath, wash hair and try to stay calm
work on 30 day plan with a postive outlook
REMEMBER THERE IS STUFF I CAN NOT CHANGE, try to figure out a way around it
Jack's check-in for the day
Salamander's check in - Thurs 1 Nov 2012
Thank you, EleanorBE, for starting the thread. I think being in the now and remaining there consciously as far as possible is key to helping me with my procrastination issues.
I would appreciate it if anyone who feels moved to comment on my post here would write to me privately rather than post in reply to this post - so I can still edit this post here. Thank you!
Alarm set: 0800
BreakfastShower and dress, make bedChange cat traysHome Visit
AS visit
Sweep kitchen floorClean kettleClean fridge/freezer doors"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Calypso's check-in
Grateful this morning. Today I am working though the parts that I need to write section by section, methodically, staying grounded, and in service of hp, hp will be done not mine.
Mole's check in
Thank you Eleanor and Mother T.
my writing, thanks to pomodoro an PA check ins, has been going well. Unfortunately, so well my arm injury, dormant these last five years, has flared up again so I am laboriously typing with one finger of my left hand.
this morning: draft of chapter near completion and mouldy apricot buds removed from tree.
healthy lunch eaten.
2 blue line
massage arm
declutter back room 1 pom
admin: pay J, banking, sign and send probate docs, email re ring fest permission. Email J (stop if arm hurts) 2 poms.
massage arm
4-5 gwalk with L
mem 1 pom
massage arm
check out voice recognition .
eat healthy meal.
wash up
write to R from G
massage arm
11 bed
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephoe and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Eleanor for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting4. Eat breakfast5. Take shower6. Get dressed7. Go to my podiatrist appointment at 10 a.m.8. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting9. Eat lunch10. Wash dishes
11. Do numbers12. Make the appointment for the PRG13. Eat dinner14. Read the meditations
15. Test blood sugar twice16. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meetingThanks for letting me share
Lavida 11/1 CI
"Surrender and Take the Next Right Action"
Yay Mother Teresa :)
Glad that yesterday is gone, because yesterday I failed again. Only 1 article done despite more motivation than usual. What gives? I have to say prayer constantly apparently, a few times just isn't enough. I NEED my HIGHER POWER TO RUN MY LIFE, before I run myself even deeper into the ground!
Help me, God, to get this writing done AND get myself a new job. I cannot move forward with my life homeless. Nothing and I mean nothing can work for YOUR purpose through me if I am unable to be in my own home and have resources. I need to be restored! Please, God, show me mercy, for all the horrendous financial mistakes I have made and keep making because I am a financial screw-up! Do for me what I clearly cannot do right now. Thank you, in Jesus' name, amen.
deleted double post
"Surrender and Take the Next Right Action"
to Lavida
Keeping you in my prayers
clement ci - internet is back
we were not the hardest hit by sandy, by any means, but we're still without power. But we have a generator. I have been very grateful and saying many prayers of thanksgiving to God for how fortunate we are. We did lose internet from mon-thu so 3 days, but it's ok.
Actually, it was quite clear that i needed internet access to work my program. Not being able to check in, and connect with fellow sufferers made it harder for me to stay focused and make forward progress. I tried to mimic the experience just on my non-connected ipod, and it helped, but not as much as being here.
we still had cell service ( thank God! ) and i still had the phone meetings and check-ins and they helped a lot. So again thank you God there too.
Actually, right now is an example--i was really down and anxious before coming here today. But i'm starting to feel better now.
Thanks for being here
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
re: clement ci - internet is back
hi clement, glad you made it through okay! good to see you back, lavida
ms thursday
the specifics
find out what gallerys have on.get internet fixed at work.spend time at work listening to others and with kindnessexercise, even if just a walk.write up in evening.the constants
eat with self care and careful with money.EleanorBE's Thursday List
So it's still Wednesday in the UK and I'm really cross that my cold won't go away and won't let me think straight. But this is NO EXCUSE for not paying this stupid bill that got sent to my old flat. I'll soon start getting nasty letters about it. So after teaching my class tomorrow I'm not allowing myself to leave for the library (or for home if I feel really terrible) til it's paid.
Just read Ms Thursday's list and really liked that she put 'listen to others with kindness'. I think I'll try to do something similar each day. Will think about this on train.
Skim re-read WW
If time, write a response to FF
Print out M groups
Go through work mail
Respond quickly to work mail where poss
Make list from other work emails
Contact M re A's workDo D's reference
Teach class
YAY! I did it! And in fact is was less than I though!PAY A.As BILL!!!
Tell W and IP re room
Read W's IP letter and respond
Print Gr chapter
Do copying for Friday classPlan Friday class
If well enough, go to library and finish refs for La chapter - was fine this morning but teaching an energetic class has sent temperature through the roof so won't be going to the library. Should be able to go Sat am to make up.
Go home and try to write GGF
Write to M re submission date - didn't do this. On it goes to Friday.