Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
The thought of making a list of to-do items is paralyzing me. So, I'm just going to list one thing, do it, and then add a new item to the list. And while I'm at it, I may as well create conditions that increase my likelihood of success, such as listening to the rain forest CD while working. Very calming... CD became non-calming, so I ditched it for now.
1) Test SNP defect fix; planned start = 4:45 PM; actual start = 4:45 PM; took two 15-minute walks and purchased three books off of Amazon (eek!); however, did complete task at 6:25 PM.
2) Test IA2TE fix; planned start 6:30 PM; started on time; purchased yet another book off of Amazon!!! This is not good.
- rehearsal
- test bug
- test another bug
- modify xml code and create zip
- diagnose import issue
- work on documentation -- at least one doc completed
- work on IE issue
- edit adm. guide
- walk dog
- work thru 200 emails
- set waivers
- read 15-25 pp
- write test for options
- write test for access to blocked pp.
- meditate
I am just back from a work trip, which went pretty well.
I need to spend most of this afternoon relaxing, since I didn't really get a weekend and I want to be able to be productive this week. However, I also have a few things I need to get done. Here is the plan:
*Take a walk (at least 3 mi) *Finish typing up rough draft (will do this soon)
*Email adviser with draft+asking for mtg
*Add mtgs to schedule
*Call a friend+my mom (will do this soon) *Quickly check on expts
*Activate phone *Unpack, clean kitchen, clean room, clean bathroom, start a load of laundry
(will do this soon)
*Make a schedule for the week
Thanks for reposting the post-its, movingalong! and glad everyone likes them ... I thought it was great for PA when I saw it (and I'm also a post-it freak).
Thanks to Movingalong and Lavida for starting this thread.
My list for today
1. Invoice to G. Done
2. FH project - 10 mins.
3. Declutter paper piles in office Looking much better - clear space on desk now!
4. Exercise bike - 20 mins
5. Aviva website Done
6. E. newsletter
7. E-mail B Phoned instead
8. Money to joint a/c
9. Look at Pomodoro technique
Wishing everyone here a good day despite wet and windy weather in the UK
Well, I AM a late starter today. All of you here - fresh-faced and bushy-tailed, and it is noon again in my zone. Many thanks Movingalong and Lavida for getting the week going with such good thoughts.
Why did I not post my plan before ? The reasoning was that I really want to get a better going to bed habit going and thread starting and plan listing were making me quite late some nights. However, even without doing that I went to bed just as late. Really, I think I just need to be more realistic about time allocations, counting backwards from bed-time as if I were preparing a Christmas dinner. I know I feel much better if I have planned my day the evening before. And it is a pleasure to find snippets to start the thread when it comes down to me.
Yesterday afternoon was a bit grim, facing my muddle. I need to tak a HUGE breath and attack a bit of it, but not let a day go past when I don't even ten minutes. Every day for the rest of the year.
This morning was good writing - the freedom/pomodoro combo working well and becoming regular. Someone in a post these last few days talked about the SUcces of this burst technique is because we P's thrive on adrenalin rush deadlines and by specifying the expectation we have a whole sequence of mini-deadlines. Great insight. I wish I could rember which of you it was so that I could thank you properly.
Healthy lunch (nothing prepared & need to do some planning around this for the rest of the week). Eaten good burnt food and not much planning
Email H re survey done
CC plan and review - done possibly emails if time one
5.30 pm am running out of time - one hour before I go, must eat and do blue line.
10 min declutter binge
30 mins on planning tasks for making my house liveable
4 walk?
6 healthy meal
7 - 10 ringing
Get clothes etc ready for tomorrow
May not be checkingin tomorrow. Have to travel a long way for a funeral ( not someone close to me - supporting a friend).
Thank you to movingalong and lavida for the thread idea and putting it together. I'd prefer people not to offer comments here so that I can continue to edit the day as I go through my list. But if anyone has constructive feedback or encouragement to offer, please feel free to get in touch by private message.
Phone re course letter
By 1000
Gym - NO (migraine)
Phoned MH
After 1630
Change cat trays (10 mins)
Take out rubbish
Clean microwave (15 mins) NO
Clean bathroom sink (5 mins)
Put away things in bedroom (10 mins)
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
My check-in for today. (I prefer not to receive replies so can can keep editing and updating this list, but any kind thoughts, prayers or wishes are more than welcome.)
1. prep & chat R 9am
2. finish work on SCP for > 6 hour in bursts - use Chatbox bursts to keep motivated & on track done 4 hours, can continue Tues
- read Adn
- punctuation
- polish new scenes
- use chatbox check-n as needed
3. lunch
4. continue SCP work
5. Email friends, social events
6. summary email to flatmates + emergency contacts
7. email ACE MLC & GRO
8. email Critics & Tues workshop new friends
9. check glasses lost property HK
10. email draft agenda to EKB
11. dinner
12. go for a run? tbc
13. room tidy 10 mins
14. chill out time - 2 hours (put away cds? tbc)
15. check money to ZNT
16. skype JH eve, check in JH, & run SCP opening past JH tbc
17. read a bit of "The Procrastination Equation"
18. Be aware of end of day bedtime procrastination before when I should go turn in for the night, to push through my demand resistance at going to sleep, and be in bed by midnight for a deserved night's rest. Affirm to myself that I am worthy of good self care and repose.
To try to defeat the belief that the chronic tiredness from lack of sleep that I feel that is exacerbating my compulsive task avoidance and lethargy is what I need to avoid unpleasant emotions and feelings of loneliness that I am afraid might come up and plague me. And have a week's good sleep to aid my recovery from chronic undersleeping.
And to try to gently work through any unpleasant withdrawal symptoms from any increased productivity today Monday as I move to recovery from my debilitating addiction to procrastination & compulsive task avoidance.
Contact College about overdue assignments Sign and date work contract Have Permissions Agreement form signed by employer Get contract to Mandy Get PA form sent off!(I feel a bit sad that "fill in form x" and "send form off x" work better than just "forms") Leave bedroom tidy
Ask neighbours if they have a bicycle pump I can borrow
Check car oil and water
Leave for lunch at midday, not later
I do enjoy the post-its Lavida!
Good luck in your exam Amal.
Thanks for starting us off, movingalong. And good luck with your driving exam, amal. Not something you can put off I guess!
Here's my list for tomorrow
Go through work mail, answering anything that can be done quickly.
Put things from emails that can't be done quickly in diary and lists
Check out M's reply to R
Read P's new version of Q/W F application
Redraft my version of above
Send above to Jonathan and back to P
Send above to K, with explanation
Go to library
Read intro plan and work on a section
work on 2nd-to-final draft of L chapter - got to the end of the day without doing this which once again proves that writing must come at the beginning of the day.
Check in to work mail at tea time - give quick answers where poss
WingArtist's Check-in
2 days till my classes begin! Hope my old habits stay away from my productive hours.
Here's my agenda:
Piqued's check-in
The thought of making a list of to-do items is paralyzing me. So, I'm just going to list one thing, do it, and then add a new item to the list.
And while I'm at it, I may as well create conditions that increase my likelihood of success, such as listening to the rain forest CD while working. Very calming...CD became non-calming, so I ditched it for now.1)
Test SNP defect fix; planned start = 4:45 PM; actual start = 4:45 PM; took two 15-minute walks and purchased three books off of Amazon (eek!); however, did complete task at 6:25 PM.2)
Test IA2TE fix; planned start 6:30 PM; started on time; purchased yet another book off of Amazon!!! This is not good.elvira's evening
A sudden onslaught of stuff that has to been done tonight and the upshot is that I haven't done any of it.
I will go to bed soon, but before I do I will
hack back the jasmine to clear a path to the back doorput the rubbish output the side gate key where the builder will find it tomorrowmake some room in the back hallway for the builder to get to the tapclear some room round the kitchen sinkleave the kitchen window key where he'll find itremove embarrassing personal items in the bathroom from sightTiptree CIwr
to be done:
- rehearsal
- test bug
- test another bug
- modify xml code and create zip
- diagnose import issue
- work on documentation -- at least one doc completed
- work on IE issue
- edit adm. guide
- walk dog
- work thru 200 emails
- set waivers
- read 15-25 pp
- write test for options
- write test for access to blocked pp.
- meditate
kromer 3:20 CI
I am just back from a work trip, which went pretty well.
I need to spend most of this afternoon relaxing, since I didn't really get a weekend and I want to be able to be productive this week. However, I also have a few things I need to get done. Here is the plan:
*Finish typing up rough draft (will do this soon)*Take a walk (at least 3 mi)
*Email adviser with draft+asking for mtg
*Add mtgs to schedule
*Call a friend+my mom (will do this soon)
*Quickly check on expts
*Activate phone
*Unpack, clean kitchen, clean room, clean bathroom, start a load of laundry(will do this soon)
*Make a schedule for the week
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Took shower3. Got dressed4. Went to my nurse's appointment at 9 a.m.5. Cook and ate breakfast6. Went to tha 12 noon telephone ACA meetingThings I will do today
1. Cook and eat dinner
2. Wash dishes
3. Get tomorrow's forum ready
4. Clear tables
5. Do the EA reflection for today
6. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
7. Do my 10th and 11th Step for OA
Thanks for letting me share
Lavida CI Mon. 9/24
Thanks for reposting the post-its, movingalong! and glad everyone likes them ... I thought it was great for PA when I saw it (and I'm also a post-it freak).
Post resume on job site / start searchingDONETuesday:
WingArtist's Check-in
2 days till my classes begin! Hope my old habits stay away from my productive hours.
Here's my agenda:
InnerTruth's work for today
A client was supposed to send me work for today and he hasn't done it yet.
What I'm going to do is work on my homework and keep checking my email every half hour or so.
Also do my laundry at 12:30 and go for a short run while it's in the dryer.
When I come home at 10:30 pm I'm not going to watch TV. I'll do my reading for class until midnight.
So until I get my work from my client, I can't start prioritizing it.
It seems like two weeks ago I had so much time on my hands. Now I'm so busy I can't get everything in.
Still problem with sleeping too much!
Vic 9/24/12
Show up (done), cal, exer
Thanks for starter L and MA
For me, in addition, 2 top slogans:
attitude of gratitude
tila - Mon
So happy for the brand new week. Plan for today:
Continue LG- d 1-5 (52.5 hours left)Stop @ RA (tp) & SF (exchange oo), PODinner, kitchen, prep tsh for DHKodos--6:50
Thanks for the starter, Lavida. Hope you're settled in your new place.
6:50-7:50 copyedits DONE!
7:50 move car/eat breakfast DONE!
8:10-8:40 copyedits DONE!
8:40-9:10 get ready for work, gather things for post office DONE!
9:10 commute DONE!
9:30-4:45 work (breaks for lunch took it! and e-mail DONE!) on time, with hair only slightly damp!
4:45-5:30 post office DONE!
5:30-6:30 editing DONE!
6:30-10 to-dos; clean (clutter), water plants; eat dinner; shower, vit. and prep for tom.; languages; read
Have a great day, everybody!
Hypatia's check-in
back at work, and the afternoon is filling up with things I MUST do. But I must also try and keep up with the paperwork
write prescriptioncomplete this morning's reportsfind and file I's papersH.
ms monday
find out why email shortcut doesn't work.act on whatever j says.tell home people about 2 hours on new proposal in 15 min clumps.Maximo's check-in Mon 24 Sept 8:30 am
Thanks to Movingalong and Lavida for starting this thread.
My list for today
Looking much better - clear space on desk now!
Phoned instead
1. Invoice to G.
2. FH project - 10 mins.
3. Declutter paper piles in office
4. Exercise bike - 20 mins
5. Aviva website
6. E. newsletter
7. E-mail B
8. Money to joint a/c
9. Look at Pomodoro technique
Wishing everyone here a good day despite wet and windy weather in the UK
Mole's check-in
Well, I AM a late starter today. All of you here - fresh-faced and bushy-tailed, and it is noon again in my zone. Many thanks Movingalong and Lavida for getting the week going with such good thoughts.
Why did I not post my plan before ? The reasoning was that I really want to get a better going to bed habit going and thread starting and plan listing were making me quite late some nights. However, even without doing that I went to bed just as late. Really, I think I just need to be more realistic about time allocations, counting backwards from bed-time as if I were preparing a Christmas dinner. I know I feel much better if I have planned my day the evening before. And it is a pleasure to find snippets to start the thread when it comes down to me.
Yesterday afternoon was a bit grim, facing my muddle. I need to tak a HUGE breath and attack a bit of it, but not let a day go past when I don't even ten minutes. Every day for the rest of the year.
This morning was good writing - the freedom/pomodoro combo working well and becoming regular. Someone in a post these last few days talked about the SUcces of this burst technique is because we P's thrive on adrenalin rush deadlines and by specifying the expectation we have a whole sequence of mini-deadlines. Great insight. I wish I could rember which of you it was so that I could thank you properly.
Healthy lunch (nothing prepared & need to do some planning around this for the rest of the week). Eaten good burnt food and not much planning
Email H re survey done
CC plan and review - done possibly emails if time one
5.30 pm am running out of time - one hour before I go, must eat and do blue line.
10 min declutter binge
30 mins on planning tasks for making my house liveable
4 walk?
6 healthy meal
7 - 10 ringing
Get clothes etc ready for tomorrow
May not be checkingin tomorrow. Have to travel a long way for a funeral ( not someone close to me - supporting a friend).
Finding a way CI
Thanks for the starter movingalong and lavida - I like it a lot!
I have made my new lists for this week, hope I can make some progress. For today:
keep going on K and C projects: 1.allocations2. figures,ring N,decision re Tues, redo template, read new material.Home:
doctor's appt,time and talks with G,dishes,cook dinner,music practice x1 only 2, phone callsto Jand T.Best wishes to everyone today :)
Salamander's check in - Mon 24 Sep '12
Thank you to movingalong and lavida for the thread idea and putting it together. I'd prefer people not to offer comments here so that I can continue to edit the day as I go through my list. But if anyone has constructive feedback or encouragement to offer, please feel free to get in touch by private message.
BreakfastDressPhone re course letterBy 1000
Phoned MHAfter 1630
Change cat trays (10 mins)Take out rubbishClean bathroom sink (5 mins)Put away things in bedroom (10 mins)"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Jack's check-in for the day
My check-in for today. (I prefer not to receive replies so can can keep editing and updating this list, but any kind thoughts, prayers or wishes are more than welcome.)
1. prep & chat R 9am
2. finish work on SCP for > 6 hour in bursts - use Chatbox bursts to keep motivated & on track done 4 hours, can continue Tues
3. lunch
4. continue SCP work
13. room tidy 10 mins
16. skype JH eve, check in JH, & run SCP opening past JH tbc
17. read a bit of "The Procrastination Equation"
Monday's list
Contact College about overdue assignments
Sign and date work contractHave Permissions Agreement form signed by employerGet contract to MandyGet PA form sent off!(I feel a bit sad that "fill in form x" and "send form off x" work better than just "forms")Leave bedroom tidy
Ask neighbours if they have a bicycle pump I can borrow
Check car oil and water
Leave for lunch at midday, not later
I do enjoy the post-its Lavida!
Good luck in your exam Amal.
EleanorBE's Monday List
Thanks for starting us off, movingalong. And good luck with your driving exam, amal. Not something you can put off I guess!
Here's my list for tomorrow
Go through work mail, answering anything that can be done quickly.
Put things from emails that can't be done quickly in diary and lists
Check out M's reply to R
Read P's new version of Q/W F application
Redraft my version of above
Send above to Jonathan and back to P
Send above to K, with explanation
Go to library
Read intro plan and work on a section
work on 2nd-to-final draft of L chapter - got to the end of the day without doing this which once again proves that writing must come at the beginning of the day.
Check in to work mail at tea time - give quick answers where poss
Write To Dos from work mail
up earlyrehab hospresearch g for jmeet sponsorgo to uni and print out research onggo to meetingjournalLove the post-it-notes
Love the post-it-notes lavida and movingalong!!! will keep reading them throughout the day :)
Alarm set 9am
Pro check-ingo over driving materialdriving exam(yikes)log calories (diet)take walk(1 hour)Tuesdays' list + Pro check-out