Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday, 21st September 2012
Out of clutter find simplicity,
From discord find harmony,
In the middle of difficulty, find opportunity.
:) and for a little humour on the human condition check out the cartoonist, Judy Horacek, whose theme this month is 'On Being'.
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friday was a wash out, saturday must do better
making my list the night before
didn't do my list today, mixture of waking up grumpy after pointless late night, not eating enough and streeful events all played a part. i didn;t go to the gym which was a mistake as i cope better with long term stress when i exercise
saturday 22nd september
12.00 email/phonecalls/texts ect
sort out baby clothes and list them elsewhere free
6.00 45 mins eggtimer leave spare room in a workable fashion
7.30 cook dinner sunday dinner x2, eat and wash up
chill and read ect, START MAKING 30 DAY PLAN IN NEW BOOK
bed bfore 11- long day sunday
7.00 cook dinner, eat and wash up
Makingithappen daily check in
Go to irs2.
Report identity and credit fraud with irs3.
Call parents4. Meet with owners of my new job5. Look at new apartment.6. File back taxes
7. Cook dinner
Tiptree CI
20 things to get done:
1. test bug
2. diagnose import issues
3. delete 10 instances
4. disabled item issue
5. test another bug
6. review open issues/requirements
7. edit guide
8. find poc code
9. write tests
10. clear out email
1. get teams set up
2. clean office
3. spend time w/ family
4. read 25 pp
5. practice guitar
6. exercise
7. watch DVD
8. clean bedroom
9. cull 10 items
10. meditate
InnerTruth's check-in
11 - 1 - work for client
1 - call client
1 - 2:30 - IFD
2:30 - run
3 pm - eat
3:15 - 4:15 - client work
4:15 - 4:30 - get ready for work
4:30 - 11:30 - work & travel
11:30 - wash dishes, get ready for class, make tomorrow's schedule
Today's goal is to actually do the things listed on my Daytimer. I am seeing a pattern where I do the work things, but not any of the things listed for my evening. My house looks like a tornado hit it. "I must do more"is today's mantra!!!
- Trial Brief
- Initial Evaluation Letter
- Speak to Jennifer about her duties
- 1 law essay
- 15 multiple choice
- 2 hour walk
- Clean the damn tornado! At least the downstairs! Break it down!
- S & A (minimum 30 min)
- Ask anonymous about the football game
- Transfer funds
- Make dinner - diet plate.
- Plan Saturday before I go to bed.
Vic 8/21/12
Show up (done), cal, exer
Hypatia's check-in
it's weird - I'm two reports away form clearing a backlog of over 100 reports, but I'm still struggling to get on and do them! My general allergy to report writing seems to have disappeeared, but with these last two it's almost as if I don't want to finish. It's not as if there's not a new lot of reports to do, but I think my brain is frightened of moving on to a better frame of mind.
sort out ICE accessfinish dictation from this morningverificationfinish yesterday's reportlunchreprint calendarH.
Maximo's check-in Fri 21 Sept 9 am
Thanks to Mole for starting today's thread, but won't look at cartoons till I've done at least 2 things on this list.
1. Geo invoice
2. Prep for interview
3. Interview QH
4. Fuel bills review
5. Slow cooker meal
6. Exercise bike (20 mins)
7. FH project 10 mins - why don't I just get this done - it's bugging me
8. Scanning 10 mins
9. Aviva stuff
10. J-P L letter (just popped up out of the blue)
Best wishes to all friends and comrades in the struggle here.
ms friday :)
I have done all the work I needed to and so today I am having a scheduled, and much appreciated, day off.
This site has been so helpful this busy week. thanks to all. x
tila - Fri
Wake up before 6 am.
Exam prep:
• Finish up d 6 (1 AL) + review - 2 hours (1 hr 15 mins)
• Readings wk 2/1-3, GSI/O 2 + GI/O S 5 - at least do 4 problems - 3 hours
• Declutter desk, l/r
• Continue on donation boxes, gift box to U
• Lunch, dinner
• Steam ws, r
• Order free cards, E’s blt (DXL), LE (OTC)
• Pay M bill
• S: Michls, VS, FF, Wag
My sanity:
• SDD v/q (4)
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting3. Go to part of the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting4. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting5. Cook and eat breakfast6. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting7. Wash dishes
8. Read the meditations
9. Read the DA readings
10. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone BDA meeting11. Go to the end of the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
12. Go to the 10:30 a.m. telephone BDA meeting13. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting14. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line15. Cook and eat lunch
16. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone OA meeting
17. Take shower18. Get dressed19. Eat dinner20. Go to woek at 5:30 p.m.21. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting22. Do my 10th and 11th Step in OAThanks for letting me share
Finding a way CI
Thanks for the starter, Mole, although unfortunately I spent far too much time at the great cartoon site.
Looking at my list, I might have to have my guilt party today, as the people I should have rung won't be around on Saturday. Cals to SO, WT, CM and NW. Even 2 or 3 of these would be something.
Other than that I need to persist with current projects (chat box was a big help yesterday), wash clothes, go for bike ride, wash dishes, shop and make dinner.
Jack's check-in for the day
postponed to monday1. chat R
3. lunch
12. dinner
13. go for a run? tbc X
18. read a bit of "The Procrastination Equation"
Amal's check-in
Thanks for starting the thread Mole and for the interesting link :)
Alarm set 9:00 am
Pro check-incontinue editing draftcooklog calories(diet)take walk
next day's list+Pro check-outmaking my friday list now (thursday night)
pick up parcel
check po account
look at finances
order skin care
reply to messages ect text/fb'phone
tidy/clean bathroom 30 mins
spend 45 mins sorting clothes to lost and TAKE PHOTO'S store them seperatly
SPEND 4X45 MINS EGG TIMER ON SPARE ROOM then make a written plan for furniure arrangement, move desk in there???
carry on as today clearing as go
bed 12
forgot something
If you forget something, you can always hit "edit post" and add it back in. Unless you or someone else has responded to you. I know I am grateful for this feature as I inevitably forget something!
Welcome :)
thanks katia
i'm able to cross out for some reason, must be my browser, i shouls sort it at some point..another thing i procrastinate on
EleanorBE's Friday list
Hi Mole. I nearly said 'Hi Einstein' then realized that's who the quotation was from. Thanks for starting us off.
Here's the Friday list - which has got some of Thursday's list on it I'm afraid.
Copy S and the MT extract
Upload above
Correct doc for training and send to printer
Print and copy above
Copy extracts for training
Finish training plan
Deliver training day!
Make sure E's ok
Check where you're going for evening...and
...go there.
Have a good day everyone.
Yoh - Friday 21/09
Thanks Mole, for always finding new ways to start the thread! Absolutely no procrastination on that :D
As said in yesterday's list, ironing on top of the list:
- Ironing
- Floor cleaning
- Bedroom finalizing (cleaning)
- Administration
- Create photobook
- Reading
Yoh - Friday 21/09 - failure
I feel bad seeing this now. I worked late, but that should not be an excuse to not do anything on the list.
Nothing of it is done and what I did was not important or urgent at all.
Better go to bed now and get an early rise tomorrow to make up for lost time. More luck to all of you!
Salamander's check in - Fri 21 Sep '12
Thank you, O Mole, for beginning the thread for us. I would appreciate no comments made here in this thread so I can continue to edit as I go along. Any helpful comments, positive vibes, good wishes or words of encouragement are gratefully received, however - please private message me. Thank you!
Facebook/Emails (while plumber is here)Dust downstairs - do this mindfullySweep kitchen floorPrint out scheduleFind double plug for bedroomWashing: in, out and put aroundLater/Evening:
Nails"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Mole's check-in
7.30 Cafe review, plan, blue line, prepare for S done except blue line
Hang out washing rain rain rain washing draped all over furniture.
9 - 12.30 complete scene for K with help from freedom and pomodoro done except I forgot to turn pomodoro on before blocking myself with freedom.
Email scene to K done DONE
Healthy lunch done
Transfer for gate not necessary
1.30 walk to city via hardware for string, n.end for stylus, ? For poppers, bank,cards for K and D, done
3 appointment with Sdone
4 shop for Eurofamily not done have to plan this better
6 home
txt L and B, note to A re meal, GW sub and trellis.
bring in washing ha
delete 20 emails
eat healthy tea
Get links for CC , gather victims for guilt party Y, G
Wash up