Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I'm getting ready for bed - early-ish, but not really early enough. I'm not tired earlier, unfortunately.
It's very important to me to start getting up earlier. I'm going to set my alarm for 7am. I hate waking up to an alarm, but there's no other way to reset my internal clock. I need quiet time in the morning, and if I don't get up early I end up running very late.
I'm off the tracks. I'm not happy with the way my life is progressing (or not), and I'm thinking about what I need to do differently.
I have too much on my to-do list and it's not prioritized properly, so I'm spending too much time on stuff that doesn't matter, and not getting done the stuff that matters. This is an old issue with me, but I really need to solve it now. I can't move forward until I do. The crucial stuff I need to do simply never gets done.
Instead of making the usual to-do list, I'm going to put my to-do items on index cards that I can put in different physical piles (including a discard pile). I realize I can do the same thing wtih cut-and-paste on the computer, but for some reason that doesn't work for me.
I haven't answered the phone today, and checked email only minimally. I responded to one message that couldn't wait, and that is all. I don't want to get distracted by email.
Another thing I've been doing is keeping the TV off. I think that one of the reasons I have so little clue what I need to do and in what order is that I'm in a perpetual fog due to the television.
I've also started meditating again - focusing on my breath.
All this has miraculously halted my emotional eating - I have no impulses in that direction anymore.
I'm still feeling depressed, but the quieter I am, the more I focus inward and try to connect with myself, the more I have a sense of what I need to be doing to feel better.
We seem to be in a similar place, but there seem to be some signs of it getting better. The thing with the index cards is a good idea, especially making a discard list, and THROWING it away. My mind's so wired that doing more than a few minutes of meditation sets things on fire. Trying helps. I think this is called "riding the wave". Stay in there.
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Prep for meeting
Update master to-do list
To Do:
monthly report
respond to LCP email
delegate - review R tix
review leave
need space for AC – brainstorm next step
update start/finish grid
Now back to website3. Things might go quicker now as I am
a bit more familiar with the words and terms.
We have finished the interview quickly and all agreed
that we are not going forward with him.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 3 documents
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
Bro's pack to send ( queue far too long at post office).
admin done. Got phone call from guy - being late.
So we are interviewing him one hour later! It would have
been me, I would have simply got the guy's CV in the bin...
Now a bit of sports: how good a liar is he?
interview = finding people's lies.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 3 documents
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
Bro's pack to send ( queue far too long at post office).
The weather has been beautiful this week, but is changing for the bad later. There's so much undone around here. I think I'm going to get my parttime helper today.
1. Start with some prayer and reflection.
2. Focus on the main project in the shop, so I can reach a point to put it aside to do a couple of small jobs (money).
3. Get the next job laid out a bit at a time, and have my helper do what he can.
4. Order supplies for the week.
5. Call about a storage building for getting excess stuff out of the shop for Winter.
That's all for now. Good luck to everyone else.
I'm making progress, but the actual work part has been hard. Things aren't working well, and I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped. The trick, I guess, is getting as much done well insted of being held up on a few sections. If anyone has a spare pat on the back or prayer, I could use 'em.
Up prayer and reflection
sort stuff for legal/admin worker
go into town
pray in church
get money ATM
breakfast out
check emails
deal with post
discuss with worker ideas to progress legal stuff
above done and todo
email landlords over maintenance
go out for walk and shopping
attend to legal files probably write draft letters and/or notices
check cash and money for worker
write journal (I haven't for the last few days)
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Today I have done everything on my list and in addition have done some rearanging of furniture and bits in my flat and phoned to make arangements for an old sewing machine to be taken away so I have more space.
step54: read first page. There are 30 of them!!!!
Full of legal terms and subtilities. I am starting to understand
why yesterday I just felt like stopping. Now going to file number2.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 1 document
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
pro's last check-in - 12:15am (WEDNESDAY!!)
I'm ready for bed, though I don't know if I'll be able to get to sleep anytime soon.
pro's CI - 11:40pm
I'm getting ready for bed - early-ish, but not really early enough. I'm not tired earlier, unfortunately.
It's very important to me to start getting up earlier. I'm going to set my alarm for 7am. I hate waking up to an alarm, but there's no other way to reset my internal clock. I need quiet time in the morning, and if I don't get up early I end up running very late.
pro's CI - 4:35pm
I paid my credit card bills. One was two days late so I got a late fee. I hate when that happens. :(
Why do I pay bills late when I could easily have paid them on time? I pay a fortune in late fees.
pro's first check-in - 3:30pm
I'm off the tracks. I'm not happy with the way my life is progressing (or not), and I'm thinking about what I need to do differently.
I have too much on my to-do list and it's not prioritized properly, so I'm spending too much time on stuff that doesn't matter, and not getting done the stuff that matters. This is an old issue with me, but I really need to solve it now. I can't move forward until I do. The crucial stuff I need to do simply never gets done.
Instead of making the usual to-do list, I'm going to put my to-do items on index cards that I can put in different physical piles (including a discard pile). I realize I can do the same thing wtih cut-and-paste on the computer, but for some reason that doesn't work for me.
I haven't answered the phone today, and checked email only minimally. I responded to one message that couldn't wait, and that is all. I don't want to get distracted by email.
Another thing I've been doing is keeping the TV off. I think that one of the reasons I have so little clue what I need to do and in what order is that I'm in a perpetual fog due to the television.
I've also started meditating again - focusing on my breath.
All this has miraculously halted my emotional eating - I have no impulses in that direction anymore.
I'm still feeling depressed, but the quieter I am, the more I focus inward and try to connect with myself, the more I have a sense of what I need to be doing to feel better.
I can identify.
We seem to be in a similar place, but there seem to be some signs of it getting better. The thing with the index cards is a good idea, especially making a discard list, and THROWING it away. My mind's so wired that doing more than a few minutes of meditation sets things on fire. Trying helps. I think this is called "riding the wave". Stay in there.
iwant2workharder - CI 18:27
Yes indeed, already Tuesday...
Done 14 documents. Still have 16 documents to read in detail. I guess I am getting familiar with the words. Going for a break.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 14 documents
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
Bro's pack to send ( queue far too long at post office).
scarlett CI 10:10 am
It's Toooooooooozzzzzday.
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Prep for meeting
Update master to-do list
To Do:
monthly report
respond to LCP email
delegate - review R tix
review leave
need space for AC – brainstorm next step
update start/finish grid
iwant2workharder - CI 15:56
Now back to website3. Things might go quicker now as I am
a bit more familiar with the words and terms.
We have finished the interview quickly and all agreed
that we are not going forward with him.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 3 documents
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
Bro's pack to send ( queue far too long at post office).
iwant2workharder - CI 15:12
admin done. Got phone call from guy - being late.
So we are interviewing him one hour later! It would have
been me, I would have simply got the guy's CV in the bin...
Now a bit of sports: how good a liar is he?
interview = finding people's lies.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 3 documents
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
Bro's pack to send ( queue far too long at post office).
The weather has been beautiful this week, but is changing for the bad later. There's so much undone around here. I think I'm going to get my parttime helper today.
1. Start with some prayer and reflection.
2. Focus on the main project in the shop, so I can reach a point to put it aside to do a couple of small jobs (money).
3. Get the next job laid out a bit at a time, and have my helper do what he can.
4. Order supplies for the week.
5. Call about a storage building for getting excess stuff out of the shop for Winter.
That's all for now. Good luck to everyone else.
Lark CI at 1:25 PM
I'm making progress, but the actual work part has been hard. Things aren't working well, and I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped. The trick, I guess, is getting as much done well insted of being held up on a few sections. If anyone has a spare pat on the back or prayer, I could use 'em.
iwant2workharder - CI 13:36
step54: done doc 3. There are still 27 to do.
Hopefully things will get quicker and quicker.
Gosh I need to get the admin now and be ready to
interview this guy.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 3 documents
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
Rexroth 12.10
Todo today
Up prayer and reflection
sort stuff for legal/admin worker
go into town
pray in church
get money ATM
breakfast out
check emails
deal with post
discuss with worker ideas to progress legal stuff
above done and todo
email landlords over maintenance
go out for walk and shopping
attend to legal files probably write draft letters and/or notices
check cash and money for worker
write journal (I haven't for the last few days)
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 23.05
Today I have done everything on my list and in addition have done some rearanging of furniture and bits in my flat and phoned to make arangements for an old sewing machine to be taken away so I have more space.
I am tired, grieving and grateful.
Regards Rexroth
iamworkingharder - CI 12:46
step54: done the second doc. There are still 28 to do.
Hopefully I will be quicker and quicker.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 2 documents
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
iwant2workharder - CI 10:40
step54: read first page. There are 30 of them!!!!
Full of legal terms and subtilities. I am starting to understand
why yesterday I just felt like stopping. Now going to file number2.
Ta Da
- website3 : step 54 - 1 document
To Do
- website3: 9 steps
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take
iwant2workharder - CI 09:15
Already tuesday. December in 3 days???!!!
Gosh time passes sooo quickly.
Back to step54: first read the papers again.
Ta Da
To Do
- website3: steps 51,54,55,56,58,59,60,61,62
- website1: 7 steps
- IT meeting: 26 steps
- break at 13:00 ( admin)
- meeting to interview guy1 (14:00).This will have to take