Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday June 14, 2012


Tool Five of PA:  Avoid Time Bingeing:

One reason procrastinators dread starting is that once they start they don't let themselves stop. Plan to work on a task for a defined period of time, then set a timer. When the timer goes off, you're done.

Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Smile Laughing

tila - Thur

Another busy day with family.


  • finish up LG
  • start on LR - 10 questions


katia 6.14

Holy crap look at the days go by.


Things to do today

Hard Scheduled
-Dentist appt
-Dinner with family (celebrating my sister's finishing high school classes)

High Priority
-Finish helping sister with paper
-Work on lab- title + abstract I will be happy
-Ask Erin about babysitting
-Plan for tomorrow

-Bake cookies for person who just helped me ALOT -> bought choc chips and made oat flour
-15 minutes Thirty-One stuff
-Declutter something -> got some stuff in the attic. well my mom and sister did. delegation ftw.

Something came up and had to get some of my old things together for a new mom. So that took up some time. I really need to do this damn lab report though.


 "stay constantly connected to my Higher Power through prayer"

What a lovely plan - I need to do that today also.  


And embrace the suck too! Laughing

Journey 10:30

Happy Thursday!   Back in the office today and feeling tired, but I have a lot to do.  I got a lot of work done the past couple of days working from home though, so I am on target to be ready for this weekend.  I have been really snappy and grumpy with my husband also and it's not his fault.   

Anyway, so far today I have been to the gym, read email, ran a meeting and dealt with several phone calls following up on the meeting.   Now I'm going to (finally) get a cup of tea and make my todo list.   

Embrace the suck!

Progress: Check-In Thurs. 6/14

Good morning! I'm happy to say that I'm actually up eating breakfast and it's only 9:30am. I went to bed quite late, around 12:30-1am, but naturally woke up at 6:30 without an alarm. Stayed in bed for 2 hours, but listened to phone meeting and watched some TV sermons. I made a choice last night that I would stay constantly connected to my Higher Power through prayer, and it is really helping me. The battle is in the mind so I keep praying for God's will and thoughts to stay with me.

I feel much more at ease making the choice to give my day over to God, letting him tell me what is the next right thing. That's why I'm not going to overschedule myself. i think I won't even write a planned task list today. Will just do the next right thing, and when it's done, cross it off the list. That feels better to me since the demand resistance has been a problem. I've also discovered that I need 2 hours to get ready for bed, and 2 hours to wake up out of bed. It may seem long, but this is what I usually do so there's no sense in fighting it. 

1. Attend a PA phone meeting. 

2. Watch inspirational sermons and take notes. 

3. Eat breakfast and supplements.

4. Attend UA phone meeting.

5. Read Bible.

6. Read Step 1 section of UA Step Workbook.

7. Update timesheet.

8. Read Step 1 chapter of the "12 and 12"

9. Eat lunch and supplements. 

10. Walk outside [did 25 minutes]


12. Did a 2nd microburst for work. 

13. Called a friend and chatted for a little while, helped to feel more connected. 

14. Went to a dreaded recovery meeting and sat through it for 2 hours to completion. Won't be going back though. 

vic 6/14/12

Show uo (done)

hjf2bme's check-in 6/14/12

Thanks Lennon for the tool for the day :o) 

Just for Today, I will:

7:30 drop off daughter and go for coffee with friends

oops for got to go to the store...ok so...took a shower and Put a load of laundry in...

11:00 write letters 

11:30 go to mtg 3:15 WHAT DID i DO FROM 1:15 TIL 3:15???? went and checked into transcripts status...must have surfed the web??? ugh! o well...back on the wagon...worked on the kitchen...having a hard time getting it done!!! wHAT THE HECK IS IT SYMBOLIZING TO ME?! Took a break at


5:45  neEd to get back to it! Bluck!!!!!!!!!! 


1:30 store

2:00 kitchen

3:00 living room

3:30  Laundry/ bedroom

4:00 Ellen email write letters

5:30 Dinner

6:30 mtg? den after

That's enough for now...ready or not, here I go :o) 

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Take shower

4. Get dressed

5. Fix and eat my breakfast

6. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.

7. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.

8. Go to the grocery store

9. Go to the library

10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

11. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

12. Cook and eat lunch

13. Declutter 200 e-mail

14. Do inventory of some the stuff in the storage unit

15. Eat dinner

16. Test blood sugar twice

17. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

18. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

19. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share