Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday June 12, 2012


Promise Four of PA:

Well planned and completed actions will be our new way of life, organizing will become a second nature.  The desire to daydream, task avoidance and the dread of actions will disappear, as we find pleasure and spiritual fulfillment in completing the task before us.

Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Smile Laughing

clement ci--procrastination addiction SMH

so i have something kinda "funny" to report.

monday ( yesterday ) was a horrible day. I woke up depressed, unmotivated, totally overwhelmed with all i had to do. I had an overdue task from last week, and then a new urgent task on top of that.

But God had been leading me in a new way down step 1 & 2. That is, i can not do this myself. I am powerless. He says : "My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness."

So i set out to trust God on his promise. And by fits and starts i stumbled my way thru, barely having enuf motivation to do the next step, pretty much miserable the whole time.

And today ( tue ) i got a commendation for my work on Mon, for stepping in and accomplishing and important task for the team on short notice.

Go figure!!!!!

One cool thing about God doing it not me, is it removes my guilt. If i accept that i can't do it, then i can't feel guilty about it. I can feel behind, pressure, but not guilt. That helped take the edge off emotionally, which helped me take those tentative, halting steps forward Mon.

(SMH = shaking my head)

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Clement - inspiring, thank you!

Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.

Crazybug 6/12/2012 CI

Yikes. I'm back again. Both my feet have holes in them from where I've been shooting...

Everything feels like a fuzzy mess in my head and I'm seeing the dark cloud on the horizon of an impending storm due to my procrastination. I just have to tell myself that I can avoid that storm by taking one step at a time.


thank you all for (still) being here. I have made little progress since last I visited...

Me too

I'm looking at the clock and once again realizing that the whole day is now gone, and in order to start my planned schedule properly tomorrow, I won't be able to make up the time tonight. Which means one less day of money earned. <sigh> ... I also am feeling a fuzzy mess in my head right now! Perfect way to describe it actually. The whole day/week has been like that. Run by my "I don't feel like it" mantra. But right, it's not too late if we just take one step at a time.

wb CB

Embrace the suck!

thank you!

Yes! That will be my goal. I like it! You're always such an 'upper' Journey. Laughing Thank you.

wrkinprogrss: 06/12/12

Hi and good wishes to all!

Here's my list for today--too long to be realistic, but roughly sorted by priority and roughly sequenced for efficiency, and with white space added for breathing:

Big Smile = done or done enough
Smile = made or am making progress

**hi-pri or hard-scheduled for today:**

Big Smile make a pass through job email
Smile think re priorities
Big Smile laundry: for Patrick? onto racks?

Big Smile sing R song
Big Smile eat something healthy
Big Smile ABCDEF (preferably before noon) (did at bedtime, but I did it!)

Big Smile shower, etc
Big Smile put car in shade

Big Smile S course progress (successfully finished)
Smile make shopping lists

Big Smile 3:00pm meeting with A
Big Smile 4:45pm appointment with P (think re what to report, beforehand)
Smile shop for food

Big Smile do Qi Gong
Big Smile do Dr. Patrick exercises

**recommended job work for today:**

address B's reply
resolve some T proj details

remove some dup'd info from A
incorporate P changes into A

draft reply to K
start drafting change-tracking info re
roadmap mvg from A to T
addition of Payroll info?

submit timecard
clear more disk space

**recommended other items for today:**

Big Smile make ck-in post
plan/arrange transport to airport
Big Smile unload dishwasher
Big Smile email accountability buddy
aim for bed by 11:00pm

**useful or gratifying to do today:**
brainstorm re other bug next acts?
work on fs re-org for bkups
use balancer

**heartmind resource questions and ideas**

reframe "shoulds" to "prefers" and "chooses"?
practice finding the useful?
Smile ask myself: what do I need right now? (centered feeling and confidence!)
ask myself: what superpowers do I have?
ask myself: where is the treasure in this experience?

Tiptree CI

progressive list of next actions/completed tasks:

1) walk dog

Agnus ci

Already done: Sponsee and sponsor calls, dog to vet, breakfast, some housecleaning and laundry, coupons, mailsort, booked J dr appt, addressed my healthcare, amended timecard, light email for work.  Next up:
Step 11
put away IG files
Clear right side of desk
Clear 9 things from Task List pop-up
Clear 20 emails
Submit a draft special edition (childcare)
Take J to haircut, pick up dog, pick up J
Check financials
Budget vacation
<pause and evaluate next right steps>

"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16

Progress: Tuesday 6/12/12

Feeling depressed this morning because I miss my ex. The crying session last night made me more tired and once again, I couldn't get up this morning at 6:30. At least it's still the morning though.

First tasks of the day: 

1. Get dressed and go out to get some coffee. 

2. Eat breakfast

3. Do a *microburst* for 5 minutes (set with a timer) to start
my writing assignment. I'll do whatever is the next right thing to do
for it during this microburst.
 Thanks to Journey for this quote which I'll apply to the writing task: "Embrace the suck!"[DIDN'T WORK ON ASSIGNMENT BUT SPENT 10 MINUTES DOING PREP]

4. Check account balance

5. Completed Day 4 of interactive Bible-based course

6. Working on this week's timesheet to plan schedule ahead.

7. Read Bible and supporting books. 

8. Do one (of three) 12-step workbook from either: UA, Coda, or church group. 

9. Attend 7:15 UA meeting


11. 5-minute *microburst* looking for jobs to apply to.

12. 15-minute block of musical practice

13. 15-minute block of physical exercise

I will take my Higher Power's advice I heard while still half-asleep: "Turn over your mindset to me. Yes, you will do the physical actions, but they will be driven by me if you turn them over to me." (This is part of Step 3, making a decision to turn my life and my will (and my mind) over to the care of God). 

I am grateful for having the TV on to keep me company, and for the beautiful day outside today, and also for the nice guy who served me my coffee and told me to make sure I smile every time I see him. I am also grateful to my Higher Power for reminding me that I can turn to him, and for this forum and my phone meetings. 


Journey 9:30 &

Heya - haven't been here a whole lot for the past week or so but doing ok.   Today I am working from home and feeling tired and overwhelmed but I gotta get through this week, then I can take a day off.    I have a lot to do and having a hard time getting down to it so I will post todo list here and check things off today. 

So far, I have done an exercise video, checked email and calendar and started some copy jobs going.   Then I vegged out for a while just staring at my personal email and reading the news.   I'll get the next copy job going, change clothes, and then make todo list.   I have a meeting in an hour so I want to have todo list done by then.

Update 1:30 several interruptions (I have the duty pager this week) and some difficulty getting back on track after said interruptions.   But here's the list for the rest of the day:

  1. Finish copies - still working on this in between other tasks
  2. Work on alloc 1 hour
  3. Work on RH 1 hour - maybe finished for today?
  4. Work on XCF 1 hour
  5. Work on M 1 hour
  6. 15 minutes on CAT
  7. proc research if time
  8. cat litter
  9. laundry - started
  10. quick dinner
  11. fill up vitamins
  12. upstairs hall
  13. read the foot book

This is a lot, but I have a lot to do and I don't have to make dinner tonight cause DH is fasting for a medical test, so I'll have a sandwich or something.  Should be done about 7:30ish which will give me plenty of time to relax and get to bed early.



Embrace the suck!

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Take shower

4. Cook and eat breakfast

5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

6. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

7. Read AA and DA literature

8. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in

9. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA check-in

10. Call my DA sponsor at 11:30 a.m.

11. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

12. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

13. Declutter magazines

14. Warm up and eat lunch

15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone DA meeting

16. Declutter 200 e-mail

17. Warm up and cook and eat dinner

18. Go to the 7 p.m. telephone OA meeting

19. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

21. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

22. Get tomorrow's forum ready

Thanks for letting me share

Findingaway's Tuesday

My Tuesday is nearly over but it was moderately successful and I thought it would be nice to post here about something going well.

I left the house on time this morning for my field trip even though it was very cold and frosty (winter here in the southern hemisphere), and I had been up late getting a quote done and sent. At the site I got a reasonable amount done, and I was home in time to have dinner with my husband before he went out. I even got the dishes and some other chores such as unpacking the car done before 8 pm :) For many years I was always doing the dinner dishes around 10 pm or later.

Recently my husband has been telling me how he has learnt a lot of things from me - this is VERY different to what he has said in the past! and it's good! But I have realised, and also told him, that I have learnt from him too. Just watching how he goes about getting things done, and then relaxes, without procrastinating, has somehow helped me. Although sometimes it has made me feel bad in comparison, too.

Well just before you all think I am making too much of how well I am doing I can tell you that I still have a long list of things I haven't got to, and I haven't sorted any paperwork for months. 

But wanted to share my sense of progress!

Thank you if you have read this far, and for being on this journey with me. And wishing you all the best for today!

congrats to findingaway!

Yay for your calmly excellent accomplishments of Tuesday, findingaway! \Laughing/

Thanks for telling us about them--encouragement by example is something I like a lot. Smile

Thanks for sharing!


re: getting things done, and then relax

My husband can do that too, and it amazes me.  I can never just do the stuff that needs to be done and then chill out! 

Embrace the suck!

living with others who can/can't "just do it"

Not sure which is worse: Living with someone who completely doesn't get our problem...or with someone who also has it!  My husband is a far worse procrastinator than I am, and was so even before he became disabled.  Sometimes I'm jealous that he now has an "excuse," and I often need to surrender resentments about how the workloads of our life together are all on my shoulders.  On a really good day, he can manage his own meds, make his own breakfast and small meals, put away dishes, do laundry, feed the dog, fetch mail (but not manage paperwork or money), and drive to the corner store.  On a bad day he can't get out of bed or think clearly enough to use the telephone...and my resentments and fears can easily spin into demand resistance and compulsive procrastination.

But yesterday I got a taste of the "other side" - someone who totally doesn't get our problem.  One of my work projects was assigned to the supervision of the Corporate Perfectionist, who takes great delight in catching my mistakes and pointing out my delays, especially in front of our bosses.  Talk about resentments!  I'm beside myself with angry feelings today, so some writing is definitely in order. I want to get my channels cleared, and return to being a channel of my Higher Power's grace and peace so I have a better chance of geting things done (and then maybe even relaxing!).

"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16

The opposite of us

I know what you mean about people on the other side -- in fact, I was raised by them. Real go-getters who are able to just 'DO IT' as soon as a task comes their way. I guess their ability to do this caused me to feel like I never had to do anything so I went to the opposite extreme. I so wish I could be a "just do it" sort of person!