Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday June 13, 2012
Step Five of PA:
Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
Have a great proactive day!
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clement ci
wow good day. i did everything on my list. Well, not quite true. Some things took longer than i thot. I had 3 MITs today and one big one. Made only a little progress on the big one. Ok so that's not good.
but, on the positive side, i did get a lot done and was balanced, not work-binging.
so B-
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
god to me
well while i was making my list of things i'm thankful for, i started feeling great and feeling connected to god.
And i was thinking about the christian music i listen to and how the artists are all so divergent and creative and yet how they convey the same central, biblical message in all their songs...
And i got to thinking that even tho i believe in One God, that's not limiting AT ALL!. In fact it's like having blurry vision, and then putting on glasses. One single set of glasses, but it helps me see the vast wide diverse world more clearly.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Love this, Clement <3
Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.
hjf2bme's check-in 6/13/12
As I check back life on the road to recovery from procrastination...I relaize that my auhter is one year older than me in earth years...I wil be sweet 16 in recovery years July 1st God willing! Today was my last day of work unti July 2nd...I have already started procrastinating! What kind of reovery s tat? WEll, I just don't do wll with unstructured time! So, I let myself have a little rest and now I have to get back on te wagon of no procrastinating...
Friday is the Dday for me...Daedline day..I have a professional organizer coming over!!
Ok, so strategies...break it down into manageable bites...God help me to be realistic...
Food...dinner...clean kitchen...go thru fridge...make a menu and shopping list...
Clothes...put in a load of laundry...go thru clothes left out to decide where it goes...
Transportation...clean check...gassed up check...fix back panels colleges for transripts... Sarah, Rita, Betsi,
Ok, that's enough for now...Ready or not, here I go!
Ask and you shall receive
Just want to report a success here I just had ...
I was on the couch, crying and praying, and I asked my Higher Power to give me work. When I finally got off the couch, I went to my computer and saw an email sitting there from my agency to apply for a remote part-time job they were offering me. I just sent in my resume! I can't believe how quickly my HP delivered. Just hope this gives some encouragement to everyone. Going through God is a much quicker and more successful way of making things happen. Of myself, I'm a mess. Thank you God.
re: Ask and you shall receive
Wow that's great! We have a very good God to bless you that way. Interesting, cuz i'm just about to make a list of things i'm thankful for. I'll put this on the list ;)
Along these lines, in the 7:30am phone mtg today the topic was faith and trust, with faith being believing, and trust being acting on that belief. Analogy of a rock climber and his ropes. Need to use them--depend on them for them to have a benefit.
Such good news!
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
What the hey: I'm back, at least for today.
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
ag ci
Much running around accomplished today for medical appts etc. Stopping now for lunch and check of to-do's:
Lunch (read RFQ)
Respond to vp on rfq
Pause for some Step 11
Blood draws, ship
Book chiro and massage
Bill client P
Look at checking account
Pay backlogs as funds allow
Some of the following may stretch out til Friday, but it's haunting my head so I want to capture it here and free up some mindspace:
Budget for the trip
Find replacement batteries for J scooter
Find a ramp for J's scooter (or another way to transport it on vaca)
put away IG files
Clear right side of desk
Clear 9 things from Task List pop-up
Clear 20 emails
Submit a draft special edition (childcare)
Check and set sprinklers
Stop paper and mail
Buy portable printer and printer paper
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
wrkinprogrss: 06/13/12
Hi and good wishes to all!
I like Lucky's idea of having a Ta-Da list instead of a To-Do list--thanks, Lucky! Here goes:
= done or done enough
= made or am making progress
**hi-pri or hard-scheduled for today:**
morning teeth care
think re priorities
call in Rx renewals
make ck-in post
email accountability buddy
make a pass through job email
address B's reply!
sing R song
eat something healthy
ABCDEF (preferably before noon)
shower, etc
handwash dbr for Thur eve
resolve some T proj details
del ld laundry
decide if doing other laundry today (dark load? pj's?)
remove some dup'd info from A
listen to an archived Marty Nemko radio show
incorporate P changes into A
5:00pm appointment with Dr. E
decide if going to farmer's market
spend 10 minutes consolidating trip-planning mindmaps and looking for most important action items
do Qi Gong
do Dr. Patrick exercises
make notes re possibilities for transport to airport
further NVC reading
evening teeth care
take bedtime Rx
**other recommended job work for today:**
start drafting change-tracking info re roadmap mvg from A to T and addition of Payroll info
submit timecard
clear more disk space
draft reply to K?
**recommended other items for today:**
start loading dishwasher
make dstore shopping list for Thur
aim for bed by 11:00pm
**useful or gratifying to do today:**
do a (timed?) journal writing re a "stone-skipping" Q
brainstorm re other bug next acts?
work on fs re-org for bkups
use balancer
**heartmind resource questions and ideas**
reframe "shoulds" to "prefers" and "chooses"?
practice finding the useful?
ask myself: what do I need right now? (besides centered feeling and confidence!)
ask myself: what superpowers do I have?
ask myself: where is the treasure in this experience?
katia 6.13
Things I've done already
-Replied to threads on (other) forum
-Made important connections
-Gotten me and my son dressed
High Priority
-Traffic court-Break down lab report-10% of break down chunks
-Business post on BMMedium Priority
-Decluttering. anything.
-15 minutes doing 31 stuff-figure out registering for classes
Would be nice priority
-Recipes for saturday
-Rock Band
There's 26 chunks, so if I can do 3-4 tonite, I will be pleased.
double post- sry
How the heck did I double post. meh.
Progress: List for Wed. 6/13
Okay, day is starting around 12:30.
PRAYER is going to be an important part of my day today.
Pray every second, every minute, every hour if that's what it takes to connect with my Higher Power and surrender.
1. Take shower and get dressed, do makeup.2. Go get food.3. Watching my soap. I have to include this to get a realistic picture of how I spend my time and I am allowed to do things I enjoy.4. Read Bible devotional for today.
5. Do a 12-step workbook page.
6. Attend UA meeting. Since I missed all the meetings today and won't be around to do the night ones, I'll listen to a recorded meeting on how to use the timesheet.
7. Watched Joyce Myer on TV: topic was letting go of the past, battlefield of the mind.8. Take nap.
9. Get some food.
10. Leave at 6:15 for practice, which basically will take up the rest of the night.
Decided I will try to work nights (after practice tonight) and do all the dreaded tasks in the middle of night since I am having no success at all during the day. Will try:
allowed, again will do as little as possible. Just to start and say I
Just spent the last hour crying on the couch. I've hit bottom again. The main emotion is grief. Too much pain over the past 1.5 years. I've hit a plateau since starting recovery 4 months ago. In a lot of pain. Thanks to this forum for letting me share.
6pm update: I would classify today as Meltdown Mode and Total Insanity. I do not feel sane today. I think I've been attacked by demons or something. I think God is trying to teach me that it's Him or it's this demonic, Satanic nightmare of the world invading my thoughts. I can't sit on the fence anymore. If I want freedom, I have to surrender to God completely. This has been one of my really bad-to-worse days. Asking God to heal every traumatized cell in my body from head to toe. Amen.
"Non"-Progress Wed. 6/13 Check-In
Hello all,
I just woke up, at 10:30 even though my alarm was set for 5:30. Honestly, I just give up. I can't seem to surrender to my Higher Power to see what he wants for me or how to do this right. I don't know what to do for myself anymore.
I want to follow the schedule I made with the timesheet from UA, but it's not working. I want to get up early so I have enough time to do everything, but it's not working. I build up a lot of energy as the day/night goes on, and then I'm too hyped up to go to bed early. Spoke to a friend last night around 10 just when I was supposed to get ready for bed. Well I got to bed by around 10:45 but i need time to settle down before actually falling asleep -- didn't happen till 11:45, then took past midnight to actually sleep. So 5:30 wasn't realistic. Woke up to the alarm tired and stressed. Stayed in bed 5 hours.
I feel HOPELESS! You guys, what am I going to do? If I don't start doing my work from home, I will have no savings whatsoever in 3 weeks. This is my LAST CHANCE and I'm caving under the pressure. Doing a tiny bit of one thing doesn't seem like enough, yet when I plan something that could work, I FAIL EVERY TIME!
Can anyone further along in this program or (UA/DA) please help me figure out what to do? I know I'm supposed to turn my will over to Higher Power but I don't know how! I've lived my whole life trying to control me and I don't know any other way!!! HELP!!!! THANK YOU. (Not putting a progressive task list in this post so you can reply).
I wish I had answers, but I'm still desperately searching myself...Just writing to lend my support and understanding.
Thank you
Thanks, Crazybug :)
I'm trying to figure out what went wrong, and I realized that I'm trying too hard. I'm being perfectionistic and unrealistic. I can't expect myself to go from 0 to 100 right away.
I need to learn a. patience, and b. acceptance.
I need the patience for gradually changing my schedule. It takes the brain/body at least 3-4 weeks to change a pattern, so going to bed earlier and waking up earlier is just not going to happen right away in the drastic change I expected.
So I'm going to accept that for now, my days will have to end later and begin later. I can gradually change maybe by 1/2-hour increments over several weeks' time.
So ... will plan to start my day today around 12 or 12:30pm, and just accept that I probably won't actually get to sleep till around 12 or 12:30 am!
Thanks for listening and being here.
p.s. I just realized that my original post goes along well with today's Step 5 :)
progress re: bedtime
I know alot of people are really into waking up early and whatnot, but that just isn't me. I think it's more important to find "your" flow than try to mould yourself into someone else's. I know I would feel very resentful if I "had" to go to bed around 10-11. But I do try to keep it before 1 am unless I'm out.
I think it is very frustrating that we as a society have this 9-5 mentality. In other cultures it is perfectly acceptable to have dinner at 10 pm and take a midday nap.
Of course, if you have a job to get to that would be bad lol. But I think you can find a happy medium! Don't beat yourself up!
Welcome! :)
Thanks Katia
Thank you, that is very true! And no, right now I don't have a 9-5 job to go to, so it's better for me to go with my own internal time clock I guess. :)
hi progress
well you sound so sane! In your 2nd post ;)
I doubt i have anything to say that will help. But i did want to say that turning it over to Higher Power does involve a feeling of losing control. It is trusting Higher Power that you wont run out of savings--or that if you do Higher Power will still be with you to guide you through that. It is really letting go.
So your reaction is actually a sign that you're on the right track. I have the same feelings often.
While letting go is really scary, people on the other side of that report back that if you can do it, when Higher Power fills the void it's way better.
I have not worked the steps myself. But i did join the sun night 8:30pm eastern phone meeting to work the steps as a group. I believe that in all the world there is not 1 single person who has worked the PA steps all the way thru. We will be the first ;)
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Thanks Clement
Well thanks for noticing that. See my latest post at the top of this page -- without doing any job search activities at all, all I did was cry and pray to God, and he actually delivered a job opp. immediately to my inbox. It's pretty amazing actually. Proof that surrender works! :)
Crazybug CI 10:32am
I wasted nearly 8 hours yesterday( and the day before...and so on...). This morning i have wasted 1hr 45min. So, I'm going to check into chat to keep myself on target today.
My goal over the next 2 hours is to:
1. Determine the goal of the analysis
2. Outline the steps to achieve analysis and what tools are needed
3. Begin logging time on the analysis
Shout out to Journey: 'enjoy the suck'!!
But first a small snack to keep blood sugar stable.
Thanks to everyone for being here.
Journey 8:30
Good morning . . .working from home again today. I got everything done yesterday but ended up working until 9 pm so I slept in a bit today. Today I need to be done by 5 pm so that I can make a nice dinner. Here's the list:
ExercisePlan foodBreakfastDP: Check RFCsDP: SFM researchadded - open SFM ticket with vendoradded - drop off hubby's truck at mechanicBuild RHM: copy libsM: batch jobCA: tape stuffteam meetingA lot but doable. Just keep in mind that once I get through this weekend I can take a day off to relax. And the BIC is back from two week vacation tomorrow so that will take some of the load off too. I'm overloaded with work right now but this is the last of three really hard weeks, and then things should be getting back to normal. I've had some hours here and there that I've gone into procrastination zombie mode but overall I think I've handled this rough month pretty well. *pats self on back* ha ha I literally just patted myself on the back *grin*. ok, off to exercise! Exercise is non-negotiable, I don't care how bad things are at work.
Update 11:45 open trouble ticket has taken most of the morning, which is ok because that's the highest priority this week. I'll work thru my todo list in priority order and get as much done as possible, but realize that some things will have to shift to tomorrow.
Embrace the suck!
Hazyjane check-in
Got up reasonably early, had a healthy breakfast followed by a nice walk in the sunshine (which was unexpected: I thought it was going to be raining solid til June 23rd!). With the dogs, obviously. Home, fed them, had a coffee then got to my NA meeting, which was lovely, very powerful and connecting. Now here I am and I feel the pull of procrastination tugging at me, do I let it or do I say NO!!! Let me live life as a free woman, with the support and guidance of my Higher Power let me have a useful, productive, satisfying and joy-filled day!!!!
go and support a new meetingwrite in journaldeclutter for 15 minutesplan my final piece of written workbut have realised that there's more written assignments left to do than I realised!!! And time is running out!!!contact everyone to remind them of tomorrow's rehearsaleat something healthy/tasty/quick for dinnerThat's a lot!!! I'd better get going...
Thanks everyone for this fellowship.
I also forgot I'd arranged to do a van job this evening which completely cut into the available time. But on the other hand, I earned some money and did someone a favour so it's all good.
tila - Wed
After a cancelled flight, two long layovers and a super-stressful journey I am able to sit down and check-in.
Plan for today:
4 LGs - 3 doneLR - finish up d 5, start reading d 6Since I'm still travelling, not sure about fully completing the planned tasks. i will try anyway.
Hypatia's check-in
Back after two days off work because the depression got the better of me. My apologies for not answering the helfpul posts in my depresion thread - the net nanny at work won't let me in to the thread as it's apparently "offensive"! And i havne't felt up to doing anything at home.
Today's plan, more in hope than expectation
Lucky's ta-da list
Dream journal
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting3. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting
4. Cook and eat breakfast5. Take shower
6. Get dressed
7. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in
8. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA check-in
9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
10. Work on my Third Step
11. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting12. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone OA meeting13. Warm up and eat lunch
14. Declutter 100 e-mail
15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
16. Fix my dinner
17. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
18. Eat dinner
Thanks for letting me share
Finding a way CI
Thanks for starting us, lennon.
At my desk before 9 am, have looked at a couple of emails. I have my list to follow, and resolve to log into chat if I get stuck. I will allow myself to do an 'easy' job first, as it's better than not getting started!