Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday March 5, 2012


Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Smile Laughing

Today I got a few thing done

 1. I was able to get a Return Authorization Number for the fancy internet signal booster that did not work. 
2. I got the root my nook I ordered Smile  It converts my nook into an andriod device or phone.  I am able to download my online class books and read them and take noted on my nook color.  Yeah....
3. Got one of my cust. facebook accts set up
4. Arrived at the online meeting with class mates
5. spoke to my MOM SmileSmileSmile

Lead me not into distractions or panic, but deliver me from failure. For I am a procrastinator..... Naddy

Findingaway CI

Tuesday 10.10 am

I did some work before I came over here as there was a work email I needed to deal with. Now I am having unnecessary anxiety etc over how I handled it - will try to let that go - compounded by how compromised I often feel in my line of work. That is a more serious issue, but I am still baffled as to what else I can do for a living at this point in my life.

I will try not to be distracted by waiting on a response to the email but focus on doing what I had already planned.Will do at least an hour on MIT before I look at other tasks, but will include them in my day.

Good wishes to everyone here for the day.

An even later check-in :)

I ask myself is there any point in checking in when the day is almost done? However, I'm here now so I may as well?

  • I only have a plan for the mornings. I need to stick to my routine, HP prayer, a little yoga, but I also need to have a progression onto other things. Note to self: before I go to bed, write myself a 'to-do list' for Tuesday.
  • Walked dogs, had breakfast, drove daughter to school so's she'd get there on time (and I wouldn't get a fine!)
  • Went to Uni. There til 4.15
  • Did some shopping there as had a money-off coupon for a particular supermarket, took ages, bought too much, three large bags to take home on the bus and train...

Later, after a rest, and some food, I loaded the dishwasher. And that's about it. I seem to not be feeling particularly enthusiastic today. And not too sure I'll get much more done, apart from brushing my teeth etc...

checking in late

i am a proponent of starting recovery WHENEVER! Meaning 2am on a day when i've done nothing? No time like the present to start recovery again. Many people here find it helpful to "show up" whenever you can in whatever shape you're in and post whatever you can, even if it's just "showing up." In my life it seems to help tilt the scales towards recovery, even if it's only just a slight tilt. but i can use everything i can get so it works for me.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


A late check-in to be sure

I didn't even get to email this morning before I ran out the door. Hauling my carcass out of bed is a major chore for me. 

-1 Haul carcass out of bed 

-2 Shower

-3 Brush teeth

-4 Meet JM

-5 Review financial records

-6 Job search

-7 Locate Nov. company

-8 Volunteer search for goodness sake

-9 Go to ATM

-10 Wash dishes

-11 Pet care 

-12 ~5 minutes on chanter 

- "A procrastinator's work is never done."

Agnus ci

I tried mind-mapping this weekend and found it works fine for my personal stuff but so far, it stinks as a tool for my work day! Not ready to pull it yet, but I'm so overwhelmed I can't even remember what I mapped out ... and I don't like not having a list to check off.  I suppose I could just make one - but if the point of mind-mapping is to overcome limitations of linear thinking, what would be the point?

Sigh. It's a simple program, for complicated people!

Right now my tum is telling me the next right thing, mind-mappingly or linearly, is to eat lunch ...and I'm listening!

"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16

wrkinprogrss: 03/05/12

Hi, Everyone, and good wishes for your week!

I want to feel better about how I use my time, today, than how I used it in most recent days. So:

I choose accomplishment in reality over escape, today, particularly in these ways:

* I choose to postpone doing any online puzzles or playing any online games until between 21:30 and 22:00--I know that doing even one, before that, is one too many, because one almost never feels like enough.
* I choose to do my non-fiction listening only before 22:00, and only during chores or exercise or travel before 18:00.
* I choose to do my fiction listening only between 18:00 and 22:00 and during chores or exercise or travel or project progress.
* I choose to read fiction by eye only between 20:00 and 22:00.
* I choose to experience silence after 22:00. I encourage myself to be in bed by midnight, even if the lights aren't out. I want to feel rested and energetic when I wake up, tomorrow! I want to enjoy at least three hours of morning, IN the late morning, rather than the small hours!

Done or Done Enough--I CELEBRATE THESE!: Laughing
In Progress--I take encouragement from these!: Smiling

****These are important!****
Smiling check-in/bookending/conditions
Smiling lead the V request
Laughing request A's from Sagar (and incorporate them!)
Laughing check/fix xrefs
Smiling chapter checklist work
Laughing update WN
Laughing shower, etc
Laughing check if 13:00 meeting (nope--not today!)
Laughing make shopping lists incl beet juice!
Smiling cook more rice!
uw ld laundry
Laughing decide next acts re lib books
Laughing shop for groceries!
clean bathroom sink
handwash dbr & 1 set braces
try oxy bleach on scarf
Smiling load dishwasher
Laughing use balancer
Laughing 15 min. Qi Gong
Laughing 10 min clearout progress (kitchen sink stuff)
Laughing bedtime Rx

****These Are a GOOD Idea!****

submit timecard
cook something! (g-g?)
ins. claim filing progress
journal re car maintenance timing
journal re vacation planning nxt acts
tax data entry progress!
order new uw

****I'd Be Glad to have Done These****
practice Havi Brooks' Shiva Nata, etc
Laughing mail bill payment
Laughing take some time for photography
paper s/s/t progress/neatening
email s/s/t progress
photo s/s/t progress
anti-virus scan
Smiling dream scene sketching progress
listen to dance performance music
Smiling listen to more of The Silent Speaker
consider next audiobook purchases
consider possible date activities
make progress on Tai Chi notes
water front bed, do 5 min weeding
Smiling update calendar & clearout goal

****These Are Worth Noting, Too****
Laughing brushed teeth and splint

marcelor first check-in 8.30 a.m.

Attended my very first meeting yesterday and now posting for the first time. Grateful for finding this site and feeling hopeful.

Done today: breakfast, showered, dressed, and at desk by 8.30 a.m.  Smile

To do:




Create a master to-do list (get things out of my worrying mind and onto paper) made a good start

Plan for the week ahead

Wait until after 6 p.m. to check on any ID or C sites

Sort out access to BE ING  - need to call them tomorrow before 8 PST

Write to M  I did it! Why couldn't I have done this two months ago?!

Plant lemon tree

Find out conference date and start on abstract - at least 20 minutes Did 20 minutes

Renew library books

Write to CFC - feels good to get that done - we'll see what happens

Check skandia

All I can think of for now.

It was a warm-up to-do list (including no real writing), but I did it! Finished everything :-) Will try to step it up tomorrow.



kromer 11:30 CI

To do today:
Get control ideas for MK (working on this now)
Email MK
Orgnaize slides to stage
Photo 2


Bible study

I'll add more if I finish all this

Journey 11 am

Welcome to another week!   I've been MIA for a few days because NO INTERNET.  The cable company cut our line while installing a new line next door :(   No cable, no internet for 3 days, wah.   How did I ever survive without them?   All fixed now though.

I'm finally getting back to normal after a terrible cold.   It last two weeks!   And people around the office are still hacking up lungs so I guess I'm not the only one who's been sick.   I was still feeling fatigued over the weekend but finally today I'm almost back to normal, or what passes for normal :)

I went to the gym this morning although still taking it a little easier than normal - I did my full time on the elliptical but a little slower than usual.   I've finished reading all email in my overstuffed inbox, and done the agenda for the noon  meeting.   Now I can squeeze a little bit of real work before that meeting starts.



"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.  Try again.  Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Went to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

4. Tested my blood sugar after fasting

5. Took shower

6. Got dressed

7. Ate breakfast

8. Went to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 10:30 a.m. telephone check-in

2. Wash dishes

3. Do numbers

4. Make a phone call

5. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

6. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

7. Sort the storage box

8. Eat lunch

9. Test blood sugar two hours after lunch

10. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

11. Get tomorrow's forum ready

12. Read my assignment

Thanks for letting me share

Innertruth's 10 am check-in

Didn't get anything done over past few days. Very depressed!Frown

What I will do for the rest of day:

10 - 1 - Book food for Wednesday event. Email job contact.

Go through job opportunities. Apply for 3 jobs.

Apply for positions for convention registration.

1- Lunch and get ready for work

1:30 - 8:30 - Work and travel time (go to drugstore get sympathy card and milk)

8:30 - 1 hour clean bathroom (if not tired after standing on my feet) otherwise read professional development stuff until 11 pm 

Recycler CI Mar 5 6:10am


Thanks for the threadstarter, lennon! :)

5:30am Up, walk puppy, feed puppy, eat breakfast, take caffeine tablet.

Today I have to clean the floor. So I'm doing that instead of walking for exercise, so I have taken a caffeine tablet to help me with that. Will give the caffeine tablet a few minutes to kick in.

6:35am. Have bagged up 3 bags of trash. Was working on 4th bag, but puppy was "helping" too much, so taking a little break. See if puppy will calm down in a few minutes.

7am. Two more bags of trash bagged up. Puppy continues to "help." Friend is coming on Tuesday to help me for real. Have I done enough until then? Taking another break.

Also this morning: 9:15am go to 10am counseling appt.

Have a great day, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Rexroth Check In 08.54

Thanks for starting lennon

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posts
Checked museum location and opening times
Checked hospital appointment time, place and preparation

Check mail when it comes
Study French
Tidy up a little
Take it easy and rest
Bath and wash hair and get myself ready
Out to museum which is beside the hospital
Hospital appointment for tests which are simple and non intrusive - I might find out unofficially if I need another operation or not
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out 23.02

Above - I don't need another operation and I am happy about that.

and so to sleep

Night Rexroth

Moving's Monday Momentum!

My word for the day is "momentum".

Thank you higherpower for supplying momentum ...
by teaching me to start without waiting for motivation.
