Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Website2 went ahead well. So there is 3 parts to do.
Even had the time to go to the restaurant for once!
This list will be used tomorrow. Going home now.
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3, part4
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
- talk to brother this evening
- website2 : 3 parts left
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
- pay home phone bill
- get tax return ( got fined!). new deadline is December...
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
I spent 1.5 hours eating breakfast and reading a book. I need to move now. If I leave too late, I'll hit rush hour traffic and a 3.5 hour drive will become a 6.5 hour drive.
Now working on website2. Going through all the papers and docs.
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- website7
- finance report
- talk to brother this evening
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
- pay home phone bill
- get tax return ( got fined!). new deadline is December...
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- talk to brother this evening
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
- pay home phone bill
- get tax return ( got fined!). new deadline is December...
God, there was a big queue in the shops: all with their
Xmas presents!
I am just going to do some phoning now.
I'll have also to go and get my Xmas presents!
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- pay home phone bill ( lunch time)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
Today I'm going to finish the current project in my shop. I've been putting it off since last week, and it can be finished in less than a day.
The remainder of the time will be spent on cleaning and tidying the shop.
So now I am attacking website2- gathering all the docs first, not an easy thing as my paper system need to be sorted.
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- copy job advert from specs given
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- get present for another kid ( lunch), wrap, post
- hire a new tech guy : bring job advert directly ( lunch)
- write postcard to aunt ( lunch time)
- pay home phone bill ( lunch time)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
- course : book myself ( fill forms and give it for approaval) ( lunch time)
- arrange meeting with friend for the new business
Today all I want to is to finish the current project in my shop, which I've been picking at for a few days.
Next, I've going to sweep and put things away.
Too often I start new things before finishing others, so I'm going to only get caught up with these two things, if it takes till bedtime.
So the IT guys have been doing my software. I guess they must have checked here to understand what I was looking for. It is very simple ( for me) and quite nice. I am supposed to test it during this month. :) . So no paper method?
I am now booked for my course and I am looking to book myself for 2 manual courses in 2007 (prepare trip ). Got my website1 part done and received the additions. So 3 parts to do and that's it. All the computers are going for an internet security stuff. So I have to get as much done as possible this week as next week, I guess we won't have internet access!
Met a friend and we are thinking of setting up a company to help people find a job and keep it. With the number of unemployed here, we will have a lot of work.
So now back to .... website1: part1.
This is more a boring stuff: checking that details are OK. ( 48 files).
To Do
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- get present for another kid ( lunch), wrap, post
- hire a new tech guy : send job advert ( morning)
- write postcard to aunt ( lunch time)
- pay home phone bill ( lunch time)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
Hi, Website2 went ahead
Website2 went ahead well. So there is 3 parts to do.
Even had the time to go to the restaurant for once!
This list will be used tomorrow. Going home now.
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3, part4
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
- talk to brother this evening
- website2 : 3 parts left
To Do
- website2 : part1, part2, part3
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- website7
- phone admin
- finance report
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
- pay home phone bill
- get tax return ( got fined!). new deadline is December...
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
pro's CI - 2:10pm
I'm leaving very late - again. Oh well...
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pro's CI - 12:50pm
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pro's CI - 12 noon
Ta Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pro's CI - 11:30am
I spent 1.5 hours eating breakfast and reading a book. I need to move now. If I leave too late, I'll hit rush hour traffic and a 3.5 hour drive will become a 6.5 hour drive.
iwant2workharder - CI 16:22
Now working on website2. Going through all the papers and docs.
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- website7
- finance report
- talk to brother this evening
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
- pay home phone bill
- get tax return ( got fined!). new deadline is December...
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
website 1 finished?
Have you finished Website 1 now?
out of town Monday and Tuesday
I'm driving to New England today, back tomorrow, so I won't be checking in.
it's not 2007 yet
The thread starter had the subject "Monday 13th November 2007. 2007? :p I'm fixing it.
iwant2workharder - CI 15:15
Got some very nasty phone calls.
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- talk to brother this evening
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
- pay home phone bill
- get tax return ( got fined!). new deadline is December...
iamworkingharder - CI 14:50
God, there was a big queue in the shops: all with their
Xmas presents!
I am just going to do some phoning now.
I'll have also to go and get my Xmas presents!
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- get present for another kid ( lunch)
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- pay home phone bill ( lunch time)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
- Wrap kid's present and post
- buy postcard and write postcard to aunt
- send job advert for new tech guy
- write list of people for Xmas/New year present, postcard
finishing old projects today
Today I'm going to finish the current project in my shop. I've been putting it off since last week, and it can be finished in less than a day.
The remainder of the time will be spent on cleaning and tidying the shop.
hello Lark
hello Lark,
Seems you know what you have to do!
i want 2 work harder
iwant2workharder - CI 12:10
So now I am attacking website2- gathering all the docs first, not an easy thing as my paper system need to be sorted.
Ta Da
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- copy job advert from specs given
To Do
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- get present for another kid ( lunch), wrap, post
- hire a new tech guy : bring job advert directly ( lunch)
- write postcard to aunt ( lunch time)
- pay home phone bill ( lunch time)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)
- course : book myself ( fill forms and give it for approaval) ( lunch time)
- arrange meeting with friend for the new business
just for today
Today all I want to is to finish the current project in my shop, which I've been picking at for a few days.
Next, I've going to sweep and put things away.
Too often I start new things before finishing others, so I'm going to only get caught up with these two things, if it takes till bedtime.
So the IT guys have been doing my software. I guess they must have checked here to understand what I was looking for. It is very simple ( for me) and quite nice. I am supposed to test it during this month. :) . So no paper method?
I am now booked for my course and I am looking to book myself for 2 manual courses in 2007 (prepare trip ). Got my website1 part done and received the additions. So 3 parts to do and that's it. All the computers are going for an internet security stuff. So I have to get as much done as possible this week as next week, I guess we won't have internet access!
Met a friend and we are thinking of setting up a company to help people find a job and keep it. With the number of unemployed here, we will have a lot of work.
So now back to .... website1: part1.
This is more a boring stuff: checking that details are OK. ( 48 files).
To Do
- website1: part1, part2, part3
- website2
- website3
- website4
- website5
- website6
- work with IT group for website1-5
- phone admin ( lunch)
- finance report
- get present for another kid ( lunch), wrap, post
- hire a new tech guy : send job advert ( morning)
- write postcard to aunt ( lunch time)
- pay home phone bill ( lunch time)
- phone doctor for trip ( need medical info) ( lunch time)
- phone tax to get forms ( lunch time)
- phone accountant for one number ( lunch time)