Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Didn't get the things I planned to do yesterday. Seems I work on the little things and not the big things. like most procrstinators, I have no idea how long it takes to complete certain tasks.
Work for today 11:30 - 1 - cold calling newsletter article
1- 2 - Conference article
2- 2:30 - lunch
2:30 - 3:30 - Column
3:30 - 4:30 - test usability and links
4:30 - 5 - review work emails
5 - 6 - Search Internet for jobs
6 - 7 - Run, dinner
7 - 9 - Update job search spreadsheet, prioritize jobs and apply for 2 jobs
9 - 10 - Call Cheryl
10 - 11 - one load of dishes, put away groceries, store nightime food in top cupboard, clean up front hall
11 - 12 - Update and post to social media sites, schedule for Thursday, update Daytimer
Good morning! Working from home today and getting a slow start due to some shocking news at work - my boss just quit (or was fired?). So I have spent the morning gossiping with my coworkers lol. But now, time to make todo list for the rest of the day and use the time I have left wisely as I have a lot of work to do.
Back to my attempt at learning to jog this morning, but of course after a week off I scaled it back a lot. I have learned through hard experience that overdoing it will backfire in a big way. When it comes to physical exercise, your heart and lungs are ready to increase activity long before your knees and back and ankles have built up enough stamina, and whammo injury puts you on the sidelines for 6 weeks. Not that I'm any kind of athlete or anything, but I am trying to get in reasonable shape for my age, and I ain't no spring chicken.
OK, todo list, and I'll check back if I get stuck. I am feeling back to normal after a little cold/flu thing so now I am all ADHD wanting to do everything at once, so I need to slow down and single thread my work, focusing on one thing at a time.
Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr
Thanks for starting, Rosebud. I have a show tonight I have barely rehearsed for. It will be interesting to s ee how that goes. Also, lots of work to do. Onward...
Rexroth Check In and Out
I've had a confusing and upsetting day which I am glad is nearly over. I'm checking in and out as that is my basic committment.
Night Folks
kromer 12 CI
Got some disturbing news about my research project.
So, I'm having trouble focusing
I'll do my best to focus. I'm going to hopefully have a chance to talk this news over with my advisor today.(done!)
In the meantime, some easy-ish tasks:
Check on expts (1 hr)*GC mtg (1-3)*Start geno (1 hr)
*c.f (30 min)
*update calendar(30 min)*plan staining (1 h)
*Lit (1.5 hrs) (got through about half of this)
Starting with lit. and calendar)
Wednesday's check-in
Didn't get the things I planned to do yesterday. Seems I work on the little things and not the big things. like most procrstinators, I have no idea how long it takes to complete certain tasks.
Work for today
11:30 - 1 - cold calling newsletter article1- 2 - Conference article
2- 2:30 - lunch
2:30 - 3:30 - Column
3:30 - 4:30 - test usability and links
4:30 - 5 - review work emails
5 - 6 - Search Internet for jobs
6 - 7 - Run, dinner7 - 9 - Update job search spreadsheet, prioritize jobs and apply for 2 jobs
9 - 10 - Call Cheryl
10 - 11 -
one load of dishes, put away groceries, store nightime food in top cupboard, clean up front hall11 - 12 - Update and post to social media sites, schedule for Thursday, update Daytimer
11 - 12 -
Journey 11 am
Good morning! Working from home today and getting a slow start due to some shocking news at work - my boss just quit (or was fired?). So I have spent the morning gossiping with my coworkers lol. But now, time to make todo list for the rest of the day and use the time I have left wisely as I have a lot of work to do.
Back to my attempt at learning to jog this morning, but of course after a week off I scaled it back a lot. I have learned through hard experience that overdoing it will backfire in a big way. When it comes to physical exercise, your heart and lungs are ready to increase activity long before your knees and back and ankles have built up enough stamina, and whammo injury puts you on the sidelines for 6 weeks. Not that I'm any kind of athlete or anything, but I am trying to get in reasonable shape for my age, and I ain't no spring chicken.
OK, todo list, and I'll check back if I get stuck. I am feeling back to normal after a little cold/flu thing so now I am all ADHD wanting to do everything at once, so I need to slow down and single thread my work, focusing on one thing at a time.
Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Rosebud for starting this trend.
Thing I have done today
Did morning prayerThings I will do today
1. Take shower
2. Get dressed
3. Put clothes away
4. Make bed
5. Wash dishes
6. Pay bills
7. Eat brunch
8. Skin chicken
9. Clear couch
10. Clear tables
11. Clear floor
12. Send out Al-Anon literature for today
13. Post Al-Anon literature for tomorrow
14. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
15. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
16. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
17. Cook and eat dinner
18. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
19. Go to the 11 p.m. telephone ACA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Thank you for beginning
Thank you for beginning today's thread, Rosebud.
- finish script
find D items
- write e-mail addressed to A
- edit method
- fix intro
print jot note methodChores
Clean room/bathroom- Do dishes
- Registered for fall courses
- Cleaned room, organized desk
Scribbler's Hump Day CI 9:11 a.m.
Thanks for starting, Rosebud. I have a show tonight I have barely rehearsed for. It will be interesting to s ee how that goes. Also, lots of work to do. Onward...
Get upat 6Make bedCoffee,paperbreakfastCheck-inswalkor runMorning
Update QuickenP,BN,ABSend music emailS/u IQCall 3 re: claimtechCall 3 re: food11Afternoon
lunchRewrite KerrvilleEvening
Thanks for the thread Rosebud!
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)
-read 1 hr s
-work with me
-find sd [DONE]
-finish rad [DONE]
-talk to mk about cm [DONE]
-read 1 hr eeh
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-add chat to site
-get real quote from homeowners ins
-check how good homeowners ins company is
-send out 20 emails for rr
-tighten dining chair legs
-figure out blog url
-make better password sheet
-order fridge filter
-clean air filters
-pay ticket
-take flourescent bulbs to hd [DONE]
-clean up garage
-buy fruit [DONE]
-modify desk [DONE]
-move paintings [DONE]
-put up drvr release form [DONE]
-laundry [DONE]
First check in
Hi everyone!
My plans for today:
Get up before 7Find Material for future lessons and print it outDrive to lessons punctuallyGive lessonsGo to the drugstore
Lunch and write shopping list
Draft contents for paper
Sort Interviews
Answer one e-mail
Contact one friend
Go grocery shopping
Wash clothes
Spend TV free time with SO
Rosebud, Wednesday August 3, 2011
I just got up. I have the house to myself. Coffee is ready. Starting slow and easy: