Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Good Morning. Another week - and it is almost Fall already. People are coming back from vacations. Visitors have left. Time to Get Things Done!
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wrkinprogrss: 8/1/11
Lovely photo--thanks!
To cultivate recovery motivation, I will:
Post this at Procrastinators AnonymousCheck my balance mindmap(good enough)To improve my personal integrity and deal with personal life logistics, I will:
Do at least 4.4 hours of job work, including the following tasks:Attend team meetingFile at least 2 multi-part bugs; preferably moreSubmit timecardMake progress on at least 2 of the other job work items that are due this week:Work with teams to create release notes(good enough progress for today)Send manager feedback about proposed objectivesReview balance mind-map for where I left off in taking notes on The Procrastination Equation, and re-listen or skim library copy to assess whether I want to take further notes now(good enough)Return The Procrastination Equation to the libraryPay storageTo maintain or improve my physical and emotional health, I will:
To improve my overall time use, I will:
Allow the computer to shut itself off at 22:00, if it's on at that timeFor EXTRA CREDIT, I may also be glad to:
Good luck with your day, everyone!
It's August 1st
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Rosebud for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting4. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting5. Made two business phone calls6. Called my CLA SponsorThings I will do today
1. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
2. Eat brunch3. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting4. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting5. Wash clothes6. Put clothes away
7. Cook and eat dinner8. Take shower9. Get dressed10. Pay bills11. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.12. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone CLA meeting13. Go to the 11 p.m. telephone ACA meeting12. Make bed
13. Wash dishes
14. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today
Thanks for letting me share
Need to focus
...but feeling scattered. Busy week. Three intense days of work, where I have fallen behind yet again. Then children coming to visit for the first time. Time to put up or shut up about establishing some kind of work-life equilibrium, as I have to get the apartment reasonably ready for guests over the next few evenings. Can't do it - and haven't done it so far - working until late, going home just in time to get ready for bed.
Goal 1: Get cracking in 30 minute blocks, no internet
Goal 2: Deal with expected interruptions as serenely as possible
Goal 3: Wrap up today's work by 5:30 meeting
Goal 4: Leave after 5:30 meeting if possible; if not possible, at least leave by 8 PM
Goal 5: Purchase a few items
Goal 6: Work on getting the guest bathroom clean
Goal 7: Go to bed by 11 PM
Back to report
kromer 10:40 CI
OK, for today I need to mostly work on EA's project:
*Finish data check (more or less done, though I'll probably do a little more obsessing)
Email new stats*Finish rough write-up (working on this now, have made very good progress)
*Methods section(have made a little progress on this)
Also need to:
*Do financial stuff
*Email KA, email about mtgs, add mtgs to calendar
Rexroth Check In
Rosebud, thanks for the start and the flowers
Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posting and post
Started work on reply to complex reply to a complaint I made about treatment at a local hospital, I could have left it until I got back from travels but in recovery am doing it now
Ordered some trainers on the web
Phoned to ask yet again for a PIN from my bank
Out to see minister at church
Saw minister at church and home
Complete hospital letter
Email landlords regarding key
Write to driver abroad in case he does not get my email
That will do for today
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Completed letter, all fout pages of it, and posted it, filed a copy and put all the files well away. This might well be the last I see of it.
Devoted some time to thinking if it was worth my while complaining
Emailed landlords over key
Decided to give driver till tomorrow to respond
Tidied up a lot
Put rubbish out
Washed up
Threw out some older rubbish
Wrote up journal
Prayed and reflected
Relax in the humid heat and maybe sleep
Night Folks
Journey 9:30 I'm back baby!
Well, sorta half-a$$ed back. I am in the office. I am still not completely well but much much better. I stayed up all day yesterday and even walked the dogs a little. I am ready to get back to normal, it has been 7 days. NOTE TO SELF: get a flu shot this year.
I have loads of work to do although I did make my todo list at home this morning and also caught up on the laundry and the critical chores yesterday. Not back to the gym yet, maybe tomorrow morning I'll take a walk to get back into the mode of exercising. I lost two pounds while I was sick though! Two more pounds and I'll be at my pre-quit smoking weight. Of course it took me 7 years to get here lol.
Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr
Two thumbs up Journey
The health and the weight! Cheers.
Thanks 4change!
and good luck with the kid's visit. Now you can be the 'fun' parent, spoil them, and send them home rotten.
Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr
Thanks for the thread Rosebud!
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)
-read 1 hr s
-work with me
-find sd
-finish rad
-finish cm
-find af [DONE]
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-go through accounts payable
-add chat to site
-get real quote from homeowners ins
-check how good homeowners ins company is
-send out 20 emails for rr
-tighten dining chair legs
-start blog
-put earbuds in computer bag
-make better password sheet
-order fridge filter
-clean air filters
-pay ticket
-buy shoe rack [DONE]
-bring receiver to shop [DONE]
-replace flourescent bulbs [DONE]
-clean up garage
-set up dmz
-deposit cash [DONE]
today's ONE thing...
cancel daily newspaper
Hypatia's check-in
Beautiful picture, and one of my favourite flowers.
Monday morning, and I've got an admin day all day. The theory is that I'm going to complete the outstanding paperwork for one particular area of work.
check typinggive J meeting agendaset 1set 2If there's any time left, I'll plan a work schedule for when I get back from leave.
Rosebud, Monday July 31, 2011
I have several fuchsia plants. I have grown most of them from tiny little cuttings. Then I have taken cuttings from those - and they have multiplied.
I have far too many now. I don't know where to put them. And they need way too much care. I had not thought they would survive last winter. But they did.
Soon time to sort into "keep - donate - throw away".
But I think I will try to keep the one in the photo. It is huge. The flowers are huge. I will have to put it into the basement again before frost is coming on, maybe end of September or beginning October?
I just got up. Next action will be breakfast and meds.
Much later - 07:40 PM aleady. Drove DS to work. Did some shopping (for enjoyment). Later made dinner. Laundry. Dishes. Plant work. Etc.