Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pheasants are heavy and prefer to stay on the ground. But they fly if they have to. A neighborhood cat chased this guy into a tree. Picture is from last winter.
Let's all try to have a good day today.
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Rexroth Check In
Not in a good space today and I am posting as is my committment
Up prayer and reflection
Try to sort out banking problem on phone
Out and pay cheque into bank and get info from them
French/English share - not as good as it could be as I had not prepared adequately
Home and rest - very tired and stressed
Email from friend which challenges me and to which I respond
Phone calls to try to sort out problem for a friend and get no where
Cooking which has not turned out well and overeat some of it
That's it for now
Clear up in kitchen
Maybe throw out cooking that has not worked
Write journal
and whatever else...
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Cleared up in kitchen including throwing out cooked stuff that was not fit to eat
Written journal
Spent time in prayer and reading bible and feel much better now
Phone freind to say I can't go out with him tomorrow
Bed and sleep and I need sleep
Night Folks
Journey noon
Really tired today from working saturday night. I asked for tomorrow off since I'm working this coming weekend too and I've got to get some rest before then. I'm having lunch with my daughter at 1, and I'm looking forward to that.
I've been to the gym, made my todo list, attended a meeting and done a few administrative things, and completed one MIT. I have four more MITs and I think I can complete one before I leave for lunch. So here goes.
Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr
Hard to get started
Worked Sunday, which was a struggle, then stayed up late to finish some financial divorce-related paperwork that I have been procrastinating about a few months. I hate all of this divorce business, which has been forced upon me. There is no winning, just hoops to be jumped through, which never seem to end.
Today I am having a hard time getting going. I am tired and my mood is sullen. I had a 9 AM phone meeting, and have been procrastinating since 10 AM. Actually, since 9 AM, since I put it on speaker phone and mindlessly surfed when my part of the meeting was over, half-listening in case my name got called again.
Alright, have to get back on track so I don't lose forward momentum from last week. Too late to meet goal of starting early. Reiterating the rest of my goals for the workday:
1. Eliminate unnecessary internet at work
2. Time tracking
3. Read email 4x work/2x personal (@ work)
4. Work 12 hours max (came in at 8:45 AM, need to leave by 8:45 PM; hopefully earlier because I am fatigued and want to get away from this place. It's funny. I like being here on the weekend because I am alone without distractions, but it makes starting another week that much harder.
Then, for the overnight period, additional goals:
1. Daily personal time
2. Sleep 8 hours minimum
3. Early to rise
4. Early to work
5. Early to get started in AM tomorrow
Back to report.
katia 7.11
Hey people! I think I'm going to be a weekday only check in-er for awhile- we go to the lakehouse every weekend (which is lovely!) and the internet is shoddy at best.
Things to do today-
-Vitamins and #1 #2 #3
-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
-Put sheets back on bed (Connor. AGAIN!)
-Find something to put down under sheets to save mattress pad
-Respond to forum PM
-Go to coffee shop and get application
-Ask R about Harry Potter
-Look for enhanced license
7.11.11 Check in
- Tag Robin
-Pull Robin items/call
-lori fiasco?
-tag house acct
-wedding dress?
-tag amy
-look at record/research options
-health insurance
Vic 7/11/11
Show upband suiting up )done)Thanks for the starter RB, reminds me that we are "birds of a feather" in some ways since liken the pheasants we fly "when we have to". I " have to " do things that work. Thanks for being here.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Rosebud for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meetingThings I will do today
1. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting2. Go to the 11:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in
3. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting4. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting5. Go to the 2:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in6. Go to the 4:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in7. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
8. Take shower9. Get dressed10. Eat brunch11. Eat dinner12. Make bed
13. Wash dishes14. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today15. Recycle
16. Clear the tables
17. Clear the floor
18. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.Thanks for letting me share
Scribbler's Blue Monday CI 8:14 a.m.
Nice starter, Rosebud. I'am feeling a little low today. Missing the kids who have been out of town on vacation and worsening financial troubles are weighing on my mind. I didn't get much done over the weekend and have jury duty today. Hopefully, I can get out of it, since I'm self-employed and having to be gone from work is very costly for me. I just generally have a foreboding of something bad happening. We'll see...
Get upat 6 (late on this today)Make bedExerciseHealthy breakfastCoffee, paperCheck-insGo for walkMorning
Update QuickenPay bills(way overdrawn again.)Do Million11 intvwDo second Million11 intvwAfternoon
Healthy lunchPack filesReport for jury dutyIf possible:
Update 5 custom pubsABSend music emailBookending...I didn't get picked for jury duty. And I saw how things could be worse: I could be 18 years old and on trial for armed robbery. To make it worse, I could be black and being judged by an all-white jury. Just thinking about it cheers me right up.
OMG, Rosebud your pictures are lovely & full of joy, thank you!!
Am thinking of applying for disability benefits. Know not easy to get. Not sure I can work anymore.
send resumes-write out 3 amends letters & read to sponsor
-new home for GoldieSmurf and Y's cat
-figure out hours & record
-make up hours for B
-DA meeting
OA meeting-sew skirt
-make DA phone calls
-Yoffee's food
-spending chart
food chart-look for jobs for E
laundry-clean bathroom, stairs & wash lr & dr floors
-brush Yoffee
brush Yoffee's teeth-
find out how to get to appt. todayHP CAN DO FOR ME WHAT I CANNOT DO FOR MYSELF.
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
kromer 8:10 CI
Busy day today!
Need to:
Extract DNA*Make schedule for the week
Go visit 2 apartments*Finish one-way comparison (will do this soon)
*Do other-way comparison (working on this now)
*Get list of "meiosis genes" (working on this now)
*Look at with arrays
*Look at meiosis genes o/w
Return lib. books*
Get subway pass*
Email MC and AG*
Plugs, setupRosebud, Monday July 11, 2011
Red = to Do Green = Done Blue = Tomorrow
Added later: Did I say "Blue = tomorrow"? I feel blue today!!!