Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Several years ago, a stray cat came to our house and gave birth to these kittens on our doorstep.  We took care of them, and kept the Mama_Cat and one kitten (Hi Mama_Cat!!!) Smile  

Later we found good homes for the others. Hope you all like the picture. Nice and cuddly, aren't they?

Let's try to have a good and productive day today. 

tiptree CI 4:30 PM

10 work tasks:

x review h. issues and send out email
- rerun mig. for O. coll.
- investigate dob issue
- investigate folder prev/next issue
- fix drilldown/num cases issue
- review code for testable fix
- set up rm
- transfer requirements to rm
- generate estimates in rm
- investigate broken coll. in pub.

5 personal tasks:

- bring items to thrift store
- clean office
- practice guitar
- exercise/stretch
- read for 3/4 hr


Didn't follow thru on any of my goals from Monday. Continued to struggle Tuesday and so far today. Closed the door to my office a little while ago (unfortunately it has a small rectangular window, so it's not completely private), and did a guided meditation online for about 15 minutes. Feeling a little calmer, will try to get back on track.

Goal 1: Make a new set of commitments for the next two weeks (6/29 to 7/12) regarding work, diet, and internet use, similar to those which helped guide me a great deal thru most of March and April

Goal 2: Eat an early lunch at 11:45 AM.

Goal 3: Work in 30 minute increments from 12;15 to 2:15 PM.

Goal 4: Take a self-development break from 2:15 to 2:45 PM and a real break from 2:45 to 3:15 PM.

Goal 5: Work in 30 minute increments from 3:15 to 6:15 PM.

Goal 6: Take a self-development break from 6:15 to 6:45 PM and a real break from 6:45 to 7:15 PM.

Goal 7: Work in 30 minute increments from 7:15 to 8:15 PM

Goal 8: Leave work at 8:15 PM

Goal 9: To bed by 10:30 PM

Back to report.

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Rosebud for starting this trend.

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Took shower

3. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Got dressed

5. Ate breakfast

6. Went to a doctor's appointment at 8:30 a.m.

7. Went to the pharmacy to get perscription medicine

8. Went to the drug store to get over the counter medicine.

Things I will do today

1. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

2. Go to the 11:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in

3. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

4. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

5. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

6. Go to the 4:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in

7. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

8. Eat dinner

9. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

Thanks for letting me share


Thanks for the thread Rosebud!

Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)

-read 1 hr s

-release s 

After Work 5PM-Sleep:

-go through accounts payable

-add chat 

-check yahoo email 

-get real quote from homeowners ins

-check how good homeowners ins company is 

-fix dryer vent

-get rr going

-fix website look

-make list of cust for email 

-checkout hw site

-tighten dining chair legs

-pay water bill

OK, I'm finally over my

OK, I'm finally over my cold. That means I finally need to get back on a normal schedule--I've been focusing on relaxing, now I need to get back to a little more self-discipline.

Shouldn't have too hard a time with that, since today is a busy day!

I need to make progress on MK's project. That means:
*PAS staining
*Check on expts

I need to try and figure out my housing situation for next year. I told my roommate yesterday that I was thinking about moving (scary convo, so I'm proud of myself that I had it). Today, I need to pray, talk to friend for advice, and spend 30 min working on application. (will pray and talk to friend soon)

And I need to take care of some other stuff:
*Grad teaching cert. program grad
*Work 1 hr on write-up
*Ask about pos. cont. probe (will do this soon)
*start bible study prep
*email about dinner party

*check whether I have DNA, collect if necessary

kromer 2 pm CI

OK, I'm finally over my cold. That means I finally need to get back on a
normal schedule--I've been focusing on relaxing, now I need to get back
to a little more self-discipline.

Shouldn't have too hard a time with that, since today is a busy day!

I need to make progress on MK's project. That means:
*PAS staining
*Check on expts

I need to try and figure out my housing situation for next year. I told
my roommate yesterday that I was thinking about moving (scary convo, so
I'm proud of myself that I had it). Today, I need to pray, talk to
friend for advice,
and spend 30 min working on application. (will do this after dinner) 

And I need to take care of some other stuff:
*Grad teaching cert. program grad (didn't make it to this)
*Work 1 hr on write-up (did 30 min)
*Ask about pos. cont. probe
*start bible study prep (will do this after dinner)
*email about dinner party
*check whether I have DNA, collect if necessary (didn't get to this)


Glad you are feeling better Kromer

Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr

Journey 9:30 kitties!

Happy Hump Day.  working from home today.   I've been to the gym, stopped by the grocery store for some essentials and came home to no internet.   Well, internet was fine but my wireless router was down.   It's been flaky lately, might be time to buy a new one.  Add 'research wireless hub' to list.  Sigh.

I have a nice peach and strawberry smoothie.   It's so much easier to eat healthy when I'm working from home - of course, it's also easy to overeat too because the kitchen is RIGHT THERE.   

I have a new and unfamiliar task to do and I don't want to do it.   I will tackle it first and get it out of the way.   Then I'll make todo list for the rest of the day.

Update 9:50 the egregious task is done, or as much as I can do until I get an answer to a question.   I'll revisit it when I get the answer and try to get the paperwork/approvals part of it done today.

Now todo list for the rest of the day.   I'd better check my calendar first, I haven't done that yet!

Update 2 pm - 2 of 6 MITs completed, and one of them was the above paperwork.  Now I need to make an unpleasant phone call, then I will take a lunch break.

Update 3:30 I made the unpleasant phone call, including being on hold for 20 minutes.   But, I've been dreading it and it's done now.  I had a nice healthy lunch also.   Now what's next?   I feel like I deserve some goofing off time after the dreaded phone call, but let's press on instead.  Ok, I have an easy one - Catch up email which is totally out of hand.   I'll do that next.

Update 4:30 Inbox down from 400 to 50.  That's good enough.  Now for the last MIT of the day.

Update 6:30 all MITs completed.   I worked in a couple of quick things that were lower priority, but not much.   I guess those lower priority things will become MITs pretty soon lol.   Anyway, now to make some dinner, do the dishes, and fold a load of laundry, and I'm done for the day.

See y'all tomorrow.



Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr

Scribbler's Hump Day CI 7:55 a.m.

The starter reminds me that I am done taking care of my sister's cats while she was out of town. Good to have that off the sked. Let's see if it helps any...


  • Get up at 6 (6:30, kind of late)
  • Make bed
  • Exercise
  • Healthy breakfast
  • Coffee, paper
  • Check-ins
  • Rehearse


  • Update Quicken
  • Pay bills
  • C/o gift basket biz
  • Q - AB, BN
  • Send music email
  • Draft Monroe


  • Healthy lunch
  • Call 2 re: insaxioms
  • Call 1 re: CMOCEO
  • Draft two HITEC //
  • File 1 BN
  • Apply for health ins
  • Voice lesson
  • Send custom pub email


  • Healthy dinner
  • Rehearse w/RB (moved to tomorrow)
  • Bed by 10:30 or so


  • Cut grass
  • G inspection sticker
  • C/o space rental biz
  • P/u kids
  • Grocery shop
  • File insaxioms

Pyrotecher CI Wed 29 Jun 2011

Check-in at 3:30 am

Thank you for the warm fuzzies, Rosebud. Makes me want to go hug my pets.

I haven't been here for a while (last CI was mid-April). Once again I'm here after a failure. Once again I didn't adequately plan for a hard deadline in my contract-based business and this time it cost me a possible contract. The worst is that this is a repeat situation and I knew better. I even thought I was allowing extra time but in the end I lost control of the situation (insufficient allowance for delays I couldn't control but should have anticipated). This episonde has at least one person (in addition to myself) observably upset with me and others that I've let down.

 Now I have to pick myself up and move on to the next task, which includes working with the guy I made upset. Gonna be a challenge, but the sooner I can adjust my mind to the new task, the better it will be.

Rexroth Check In


Up early after two nightmares/anxiety dreams and glad to be awake
Prayer and reflection
Checked emails
Put on washing machine
Tried on and wore new boat shoes
Out to Post Office to send letters and get certificates
Chemist for medicine for trip
Food shop for freezer and because I has a money off voucher which was due to run out today - I've put off using many of these until it was too late
Home and unpack into freezer
Check emails again

Find and file receipts from shopping
Put out rubbish
Hang up washing
Start on complex admin task which won't get any simpler if I don't do it

That will do for now

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Done above except that the start on admin was a very small start and also:
Washed up and cleared up
Got a translation regarding someone to swap converstion with
Packed some defective trainers to send back - I had been putting this off for ages
Checked medicines for going away and checked the list of todos for the trip
Spent some time (too long) on the web - I am wasting a lot of time this way and need not to if I am to get other things done

Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Folks


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Green is DONE. Red is UNDONE. 

  1. Got up,  opened bedroom window, etc.
  2. made coffee
  3. Fed cat
  4. Unloaded dishwasher
  5. Let out cat
  6. Following up on computer, wrote couple of messages
  7. Logged into Chat
  8. Started today's check-in
  9. Get up f rom computer, it is allmost 11:00 AM
  10. Make my bed
  11. Put dirty dishes into dishwasher
  12. Small tidy up here and there
  13. Have a quick shower (hot day again)
  14. PAPER WORK!!!
  15. PAPER WORK!!!!
  16. PAPER WORK!!!!!
It is almost 08:00 PM - and I don't know where the day went. I did write a letter, which might (or might not)  make a difference. And did some other postings. After dinner I slept for a couple of hours.
I may have the house to myself for the nex 1 - 1 /2 hours. But I am still feeling sleepy and disorienter after my nap - and don't know if I will be able to doing anything with complicated paper issues tonight. Starting evening list fromhere - although not an ambitious one:
  1. Shower and hair
  2. Take out the garbage (collected from various room)
  3. Tidy up computer desk 
More to follow (hopefully)
Soon midnight. Need to transfer my "reds" for tomorrow's list. time to get ready for bed 
  Today I feel like running away from everything - and NOT with a smile