Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 18th June

Welcome to Saturday

How I spend my day is how I spend my life


I did pretty good: 3.5 hours out of an available 4 (0.5 fell to my internet addiction). However, most of that time was given to a considerably easier portion of my project, which was arguably unnecessary. Plus, even other than that, I didn't progress that much. I'm not sure if this is due to perfectionism or if I'm just not rushing myself. :P Hard to say.

fudoshin: checkin: 8:20pm

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


Man.  I want to keep myself getting up early this weekend, so that I can go to SOS in the morning.  I think I've identified earning money (mostly to pay the rent as my first priority), which means I need to brush my teeth, floss, use listerine and my periodontic tooth brush, before running on the treadmill. I'm going to create a chart in excel so that I can track my running program and cross off days on it.

Hypatia's late check-in

I am having a bad time at the moment.  I'm overwhelmed at work, and today (Saturday) I've done very little except some shopping, taking my husband out for a walk, and putting the dishwasher and the washing machine on.  It's now 1040pm!

I'm putting off washing my hair because I hate doing it but it feels horrible when it's this greasy, and we're visiting family tomorrow so I need a hairwash and a bath. (and I hate having a bath when my hair is wet). As you can see I'm tying myself in completely unnecessary knots.

I am now going to "just do it" - I will wash my hair right now, and have a bath before I go to bed,



Same deal as the past couple days, except I definitely have a solid block of at least three hours to work. My goal is not to let myself slip into my internet addiction or other distractions during that entire time.

Gwen D CI: Sunday 1:42 PM PST

Today I told myself I would go back to my office, but I don't seem to be doing that. I can't seem to leave the house until it is clean. But I haven't done anything like that yet. I would be satisfied with the day, 2 pm to 5 pm, if I could

X clean the bathroom and the kitchen thoroughly

X fridge, X dishes, X counters, X floors 

put away all those clean clothes.

make an appointment for a haircut sometime this week.

Tomorrow is fathers day.

Online Meeting Today

We have an online meeting in the meeting chatbox at 7:30 GMT or 3:30 p.m. New York Time.

Come and join us!

Vic 6/18/11

Show up (done)
Got on cla step meeting and now working on action line. So grateful for all the available tools. Thanks for being here. Tgis

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Rexroth for starting this trend

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

2. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

3. Go to the 3:30 p.m. online PA meeting

4. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting

5. Go to the 10 p.m. online EA meeting

6. Scan computer

7. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

8. Call NA Sponsor

9. Cook and eat brunch

10. Cook and eat dinner

11. Take shower

12. Get dressed

13. Call my friend concerning the religious meeting

14. Clear couch

15. Clear tables near the couch

16. Clear tables near the computer

17. Clean oven

18. Clean the bathroom sink

19. Do numbers

20. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

Thanks for letting me share

Rexroth Check In

Did not do well yesterday which has now gone and am determined to do better today

Up prayer plan reflection
Clean up, wash up, clean kitchen floor
Deal with emails
Write, research and post request for travel information
Do day one of medical test
Find cheapest on line and order a new Swiss Army Knife as I have not been able to get mine repaired for the last year and I am getting fed up with it
Bath and washed hair
Found list of recommended trekking equipment
Found trekking socks to take to try new boots
Written specifications for new day sack
No post yet and don't expect any now

Go out and meet friend for coffee (it would help out relationship if I were to suggest things to do and my mind is blank)
Check outdoor shop
Check book shop for travel books - near where I meet friend
Oh and get dressed before going out otherwise I shall be in trouble

All for now


Rexroth Check Out

Out to meet friend - decided that we are good friends and if we were different people we could have a closer relationship - reality is that we are as we are and reality is as it is
Into outdoor shop and met a young sales assistant who I would gladly lose in the wilderness anywhere - tried on boots and won't be back to that shop
Didn't have time to go to travel shop or to anywhere else and was almost late for meeting with friend - this is new as usually I give myself much too much time
Home and started detailed email and planning for trip abroad
Relaxed and watched programme on i-player

Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Folks
