Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday April 5th, 2011


Wishing everyone a happy and productive Tuesday!


hope4meandu day 2 here; day 9 at work

Thanks findingaway for the fresh starter!!

Sorry guys don't have time to post, but I've been very busy and productive - thanks to you all!!!

Love you guys and have a great day!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

Scribbler's Tuesday CI 2:29 p.m.

Late. It happens. Hugely productive day yesterday. Onward...


  • Coffee, paper


  • Update Quicken
  • Deliver Meals on Wheels


  • Healthy lunch
  • Music- add new venues, send 5 emails.
  • Send query - TE?
  • Write GM piece
  • Work on taxes


  • Soccer practice
  • Song doctor
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 10:30

tiptree CI

to do:

- rem. files from cust. inst.
x sec. fix testable
x figure out test inst. issue from S.
- impl q., ann., im/cap import
- impl usr conf option
- exercise
- read ch. jq bk
- file nails and then practice cg for 1/2 hr
- read 2 DD articles
- mail check
- return DVD
- if time, tinker w/ possibilities for L. enhancements

kromer 12:15 CI

Feeling a little scattered and panicked.

The morning was a mtg (got in a little late, so that's all I've gotten a chance to do today.)

Submitted a paper yesterday, which is really exciting but also means I'm behind.

I might have a student working with me tomorrow, so I need to clean off my bench and desk so that the student will have somewhere to work.

I've promised people a probe order, figure update, passport email, email to FWC about narthex, schedule, getfit, and solexa protocol. So I need to get those out the door.

I have to send samples to MK, submit samples for histology, and check on expts. 

Finally, I have class, and want to go dancing this evening (so that I can get some exercise and see friends.)

Hypatia checking in at 5pm

I haven't stopped all day - seeing clients all morning, then two meetings, then an hour dealings with e-mail and urgent problems.  No reports written at all sadly.

And I'm NOT staying late at work to write reports as I need to do them while I'm fresh.  I will clear my in-tray before I go home, so will probably stay over about half an hour.  It's so nice to come in in the morning to a pristine in-tray.


Journey 11 am & updates

Happy Tuesday!

Just got back from taking my doggie to the vet and now I'm working from home. I'm starting Instant Boss, turning off Wendy Williams, and getting to work. I'll check back when my todo list and schedule is done.

Update 1 pm: todo list and schedule done, email read and replied, worked on project for about an hour. Now lunch break!

Update 3:20 not focusing as well after lunch, and had several interruptions for questions/assistance. Back to project now for an hour. Closing email and putting IM on 'busy' for one hour.


Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent. Maxwell Maltz

Today, I hope to accomplish

Today, I hope to accomplish the following:


12:00 Leave for work

6:00 Return from work

6:30 Begin introduction to essay for school

8:30 Page 1

10:00 Page 2

11:30 Page 3

12:30 Page 4

1:30 Page 5

2:00 References / Submission

2:30 Sleep


Good luck to everyone :)

Vic 4/5/11

  Show up (done)

Together we can do what we could never do alone......have a great Tuesday!

katia 4.5

Lots to do today!

-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3
-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
-Finish reading Bio article #2
-Online Bio assignment due at 5 submitted at 4:59! hahaha
-Finish 1st math assignment
-3 problems second math assignment
-3 problems second math assignment
-3 problems second math assignment
-Call re appt
-Get mail

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank findingaway for starting this trend.

Thing I have done today

Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

Things I will do today

1. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

2. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

3. Test blood sugar twice today

4. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

5. Take shower

6. Get dressed

7. Cook and eat brunch

8. Cook and eat dinner

9. Make bed

10. Wash dishes

11. Go to the Internship at 1 p.m.

12. Go to the 7:30 face to face NA meeting

13. Finish the assignment for Office Management

14. Write paper for my leadership class

15. Post Al-Anon literature for tomorrow

16. Declutter apartment for 15 minutes

17. Go to 10;30 and 11:30 PA check-in

Thanks for letting me share

snuz check in for tues.


howdy everyone!  Hope check ins and everything are going well for folks today! 

i think i'll leave today at this:

  1. ask off for doctor appt
  2. transfer request
  3. write justification letter  written, signed, and in the mail!!!!!!!!!! woot.

hopefully less is more!  I'm wondering if i shouldn't just come out and tell the person i'm worried about finding out about my problem that i have a problem.  i'm working up to it maybe.

i guess for today at least, less is more. it's so much about remembering that every single thing I do is for me too, so i can feel good about what i do. 

All the best today!



great article:


Phylomon - Check in

Thanks for getting us started, findingaway

- Call Burt

- Email Richard

- Call JA

- Documentation

- Talk with SL

- Deploy fix


fudoshin: day 78: 4:14am

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


This is the 78th day that I have followed through with the following:

  • 90 days away from dating sites and facebook
  • 90 days of not stalking people's profiles of people I've tried to date in the past
  • 90 days of not stalking people online that I've tried to date in
    the past. (I am now back on day 41 for this).
  • No Internet chat, aside from employment or twelve-step.  This
    includes not stalking people on AIM or other chat networks, whom I've
    tried to date in the past. (I'm on day 6
    of this.)
  • 56 days of exercise: on day 6 of this.


findingaway, thanks for starting the thread! 

Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)

-Deal with 1 issue [DONE]

-Deal with 2 issues [DONE]

-Deal with 3 issues [DONE]

-Deal with 4 issues [DONE]

-Deal with 5 issues [DONE]

-Deal with 6 issues [DONE]

-Deal with 7 issues 

-Deal with 8 issues 

-Deal with 9 issues 

-Deal with 10 issues  

After Work 5PM-Sleep:

-Document stuff for insurance

-order postcard thank you cards

-finish spreadsheet of c products 

-fix hole in garage

-bring trimmer and receipt to authorized service center [DONE]

-buy ramen [DONE]

-exercise [DONE]

-install office on b comp [DONE]

-make key copy

-buy more contacts 

-d c2 [DONE]

-d hl2 [DONE]

Finding a way check in

10.15 am Tuesday

Just checking in rather tnan posting a list as I don't think it makes me more accountable than a private list. But will check in again later today to report on progress. Also want to keep using the chat box when I get stuck/off task.

Yesterday I noticed that I am avoiding making calls and reaching out to people that I need to do if I'm not to become isolated. This is certainly not a paid job but very important for my well being. I wil try again today.

Thank you all for being here.