Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday January 26, 2011
Happy Wednesday, Everybody!
Have a great proactive day
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Check In = tracy-la thurs jan 27
P.A. Thought for the Day
Compulsive procrastinator carry an awful load around with them. What a load lying or its cousin making excuses puts on your
shoulders! Pprocrastinating makes liars or excuse makers out of all of us compulsive procrastinators. In order to
explain why we haven't gotten things done or missed deadlines or can't meet deadlines, we have to lie or make excuses all the time -- either to others or often ourselves. We lie
or make excuses about why we're late and what we've been doing or haven't been doing
Many of us use excuses or lies knowing full well we’re procrastinating –
waiting for that excitement and adrenaline rush that’ll push us through
that all-nighter, and “successfully” finish on time.
When you are lying or making excuses you are only half alive because of the fear of being found out. When you
come into P.A., and get honest with yourself and with other people, that
terrible load of lying and makng excuses falls off your shoulders.
Have I got rid of that load of lying and making excuses?
What excuses do I make?
"Something else [insert_______] came up"
"I've got too much else to do right now"
"I don't really need to do this RIGHT NOW, I can wait till tomorrow or later today"
"I'll wait till I have three hours or a block of time to work on it"
"I'll start after __________ [check my email, finish the dishes, after eating, after this phone call]
"It's not the right time"
"It's not really that important, it can wait"
"I'll wait till I feel motivated or in the mood to do it"
"I need to do some more research in order to start"
"I'll get a good night's sleep and do it tomorrow."
Have I stopped making the above excuses? Let me catch myself in my excuses.
Meditation for the Day -- Surviving meant being born over and over. —Erica Jong
W have decided to live. And each day we make the decision anew. Each time
we call a friend, work a Step, or go to a meeting, we are renewing our
contract with life. We are being reborn. Before coming to this program
we died, emotionally and spiritually, many times. Some of us may have nearly died
physically. But here we are, starting a new day, looking for guidance
from one another. We are the survivors. And survival is there for the
We will have days when we struggle with our decision to
live. We will want to throw in the towel. We will want to give in or
give up. But we've learned from one another about choices. And the
choice to survive, knowing we never have to do it alone, gets easier
with time.
I am one of the survivors. Today is my day for celebration.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may rid myself of all fears and resentments, so that peace
and serenity may take their place. I pray that I may sweep my life clean
of fear and evil, so that good may come in.
Adapted From Twenty-Four Hours a Day
My Basics:
gratitudes, reading, affirmation,check calendar,plan to plan,action plan emailed to 2 others, checked vcml/emailExercise; Billing/emails prior day
Ask at end of day: did I complete 3 things on action plan?
Did I go to my appointments?
8:00 - 10:30 am Conference call re: Project A10:30 am electrician; took him 1 1/2 hours.12 pm Nonprofit event - follow up conference calls& emails on sameTook an hour - thought it would just be 1/2 hour. Not.1:15 school early pick up--picked up 3 other kids for playdate - meet babysitter at house2 pm Telephone conferece re: upcoming hearing; Called and left message; call again at 3 pm DONE2:00 - 2:45 pm conference re: Project FC3 pm Telephone conference call - follow up -Called and he'll call back DONE2:45 - 3 Conf call re: project E3:15 - 3:50 Misc calls/emails4:15 - 5:00 Exercise Ran 4 1/2 miles DONE
5:00 - 6:30 Kids' homework, early dinner[this was not well planned - helping/working with kid about homework takes a long time especially when kid has demand resistance ]6:45 pm Pick up merchandise for nonprofit party I'm in charge of on Sat or delegate
Made plans to work from 7 pm to 10 pm and did not do that. Unrealistic to think I can get that work done at home when I need to fix and eat dinner with my son. Only can do that if I stay at the office.
If not, why not?
fudoshin : day 9: 9:12pm
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
This is the ninth day that I have followed through with the following:
"I'm making a pledge to quit using the dating site(s) and Facebook for 90 days. I had written this on my 43things account, but I wrote that I wanted to avoid dating sites for a full six months, so I think 90 days is reasonable for a dating site. I also have a penchant for looking at and stalking certain people repeatedly on the dating website and online, which has prevented me from sanity. Just all out stalking certain people has been all out crazy; if I'm not stalking one person, it's another person. On times I've tried to quit the dating site before, I have visited people's dating profiles, even while not actually on the dating site. So part of my whole thing with quitting dating sites is also quitting stalking people's profiles that I've tried to date in the past. If I accidentally load a dating site, b/c I accidentally clicked on something obviously that doesn't count. You can hardly hang a cat on the Internet without hitting a dating site ad. Intention is everything. "
In other words:
date in the past, which includes trying to IM them. (I am now back on
day 3 for this, as I emailed someone Sunday, searched for his email
address online after seeing him IRL).
I am having a lot of thoughts circulating in my head right now, not necessarily concerning myself, but I was able to do well for myself by making a list of things I need to do. Tomorrow, I pray that my monies come in for my loan funding. I will sell my books back and drop the course I'm not going to take. I will get the paperwork that I need for my disabled student testing. But first, I must, must sell my books back in order to pay for my parking at the CalState, and whatever other needs I may have.
Sammy :: 01/26/11
Wednesday Already!? and yet at the same time.... Still Wednesday?!?!
Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer size of my "required materials" list for the 4 classes I am taking this semester. My guess is that the supplies will come to a total of $400, maybe even more! UGH. I am a poor college student in an art major. Why do they think I can afford all this!!? Frustrating.
To Do:
Purchase the rest of the supply list (or as much as possible by tomorrow!)
T/M Homework
P/T Homework
I'm giving myself permission to put off P/T homework until tomorrow morning, IF I get T/M homework and supply shopping done tonight.
tracy-la check in weds
Reading for day:
There is a saying in our group to the effect that if we fail to plan,
we plan to fail. If we do not have a plan (whatever we call it) each day, we leave
ourselves vulnerable to the attack of impulse and old habit.
Most of us find that we need to write down our three most important tasks and appointments.
Some of us call them in to a PA sponsor, even after the
initial twenty-one days of abstinence. We can then go about the
activities of the day without worrying about what we will do. We become
free to live without being obsessed with procrastinating because we have planned to do at least these tasks.
Our pride often
balks at the thought of calling another person and asking for help. We
do not like to be committed to a daily time or action plan. We like our "flexibility." Let's remember that we
tried to go it alone our own way, and that old way did not work. Let's
be willing to try a new way that has worked for hundreds of other 12 Step members
who have done food plans so they are now at normal weight.
By Thy Grace, Lord, may I follow my plan today.
[I call mine my action plan.]
Adapted From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations
gratitudes, reading, affirmation, check calendar, plan to plan, action plan emailed to 2 others, checked vcml/emailExercise;Billing/emails prior dayAsk at end of day: did I complete 3 things on action plan?
If not, why not?
Vic 1/26/11
Show up (done)
"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." - Proverbs 4:23
Hump Day with the Scribbler
get up at 6 (or 6:15...)
make bedexercisesweeps
coffee, paperhealthy breakfast
Update QuickenMusic marketing -call station, q DFW, foloup localssend BN queryQuery new prospectAfternoon
Mail Mike screenwriting bookDo 2 CIO /Request 2008 and 2009 1040sEvening
Had to put one of our cats down yesterday. He was a trooper and fought cancer for two months, but it was time to end his suffering. Feeling raw and sad, but also relieved.
I am grateful for the beautiful experience of having a great friend for the last 15 years, and for the fact that he is survived by his sister who seems to be enjoying all of the attention she is getting.
In the past I would have allowed this to push me into a work-avoidant mode, but I am choosing differently today.
DH and I have already made a lot of progress on the house and set up a chore chart, and it seems to be working so far!
Love to all.
1. Email C, D, J.
2. Answer other emails.
3. Prep email blast.
4. Send email blast.
5. Medicare forms for L.
6. Go to work.
7. Dinner
8. Laundry
Thank you all for the kind words
I'm going to keep on chugging, and make sure to practice good self-care today!
1. Email C, D, J.2. Answer other emails.
3. Make bed
4. Prep email blast. (Trying, need to get updated username/pword from client)(Update. They canceled iContact, just need to launch to contact list)
5. Send email blast.
6. Medicare forms for L.
7. Go to work.
8. Dinner
9. Laundry
10. Order new laptop power supply before it causes a work stoppage.
11. Finish bios edits (Made progress, sent first batch to C)
Prayers and kindest regards.
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
@ tabularasa
It's so hard to lose a pet- sending sympathies and thoughts of peace.
You must be really sad tabularasa, missing your cat after 15 years. Good job keeping working--make sure to take care of yourself!
Journey 10:30
Happy Wednesday!
I'm working from home today. Feeling kinda sluggish this morning and getting a slow start. I've been to the gym and I had a 9 am conference call that went on forever. I could have done some multi-tasking during the call but I did not. So now I'm starting the day already feeling behind. I'm making my todo list now, then I have another meeting that should be short. After that I will make a healthy brunch and get down to business. I have a lot of work to do, but it's manageable and it's stuff I know how to do, so it's just a matter of focusing and getting as much done as possible.
I've been staying up too late for the past few nights and I'm feeling the effects of that. I need to make to tonight an early night regardless of American Idol lol.
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
kromer 10:15 CI
Bit of a late start this morning (but I had a late night last night, so that's OK)
MITs are:
Catch up on notes (made good progress on this)
Collect nt. samples, take a. samples to histologyWash and develop sbDeal w/ email, do emails & phone calls (have started this)
Start K IHCHave dinner with momDrop off order form
Next priority:
Watch recorded state of the union (watched half)
2 slides for Tuesday's presentation
Plan of attack for data analysis + microburst this
Get sci. ref counter workingPrayer time
Lower priority:
Get redirect handler/sample article retrieval working
Clean bench
Order FISH probes
OK, I'll start w/ a few min on ref counter, then I'll do the first step of nt sample collection, start washing sb, and start catching up on notes.
katia 1/26
sooo tired. . .up at 3,5,6, and 7. . .might have to take a nap later to feel a little more recharged. . .
-Vitamins-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8-Polish Paragraph 1not perfect, but finished and written-Work on Paragraph 2
-Email Adviser-Email prof-Calculate hours/write out check for babysitter-Read Thucydides Sect 1-15-Read Thucydides Sect 16-30
-Read Thucydides Sec 30-44
-Put Connor's clothes in new basketskind of sort of. not sure how I want them organized yetNighttime things
-Wash/Make up bottles-Pick out clothes for tomorrow (both of us)-Pack school bag
My list keeps growing! Oh noes!
I am about a third done with my paper. yay?
Goal- 2nd developing paragraph DONE tonite.
Crazybug CI
Feeling a little less fuzzy headed this morning. I think listening to my morning work affirmations/meditations does help to start me off on the right foot.
A few errands to run around for work this morning. Then on to tackle a few overdue smaller tasks. My goal today is to do 'good enough' and finish rather than seeking an unachievable perfection.
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection." - Mark Twain
Wishing peace, strength and forward progress to all PAers today...
hope4menadu check-in 9:00AM
Hi Friends,
Today is a scheduled day off, thank HP!!
To do:
-find drs. number & reschedule appt.
work out-
prepare for tomorrow-
make chicken-
start search for dog walking/sitting position again-watch a movie
-clean something
-find ent
-find G
-order water
get directions for tonight-order bird stuff
change nf to 3?-
call JM to schedule apptA task that I thought would be a sinch turned out to be an hours time & a problem. Ordering water cheaply. I'm stumped and don't know what to do, turning it over.
Of course, I have utter unwillingess to clean and though it sounds crazy, feel the forces against me. Whatever...
Wishing everyone abstinence from procrastination & an HP-inspired day!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
8:30 AM for Lark, 3:15PM (slow)
Must do for today.
X 1. Kitty box
X 2. Finish main work project
X 3. Order supplies for work
X 4. Set up and make a start on next work project
5. Do domestic swoop through house
X 6. Check back in here
lennon, thanks for starting the thread.
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out fix for low
-Test low r
-Test high r
-Test add c
-talk to D about vgsd
-see if vgsd is applicable to proj 3
-find pm and look at unit 4
-call v [DONE]
-call gps [DONE]
-call tl [DONE]
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-Document stuff for insurance
-followup with mom about acctn
-find and print 3 personal tax documents
-double check qb
-get 2011 calendars
-throwout broken rakes [DONE]
-take out trash [DONE]
-prepare weedwacker for warranty
-install new blinds in office
-install new blinds in j room
-take 8 from RI
-tally up b expenses and make sure all have been paid out
-do dishes [DONE]
-watch ch fight
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting3. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting4. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today5. Post Al-Anon literature for the rest of the week
6. Take shower7. Get dressed
8. Do hair
9. Prayer and meditation
10. Make bed
11. Wash dishes
12. Clear floor
13. Go to see my mentor at 3:30
14. Go to work aat 5:30 p.m.
15. Declutter 1,000 e-mail
16. Eat brunch
17. Eat dinner
Thanks for letting me share