Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday January 12, 2011
Happy Wednesday, Everybody!
Have a Great Proactive Day
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clement ci
ok, it's late, but i have two things to do, but i feel anxious when i try to do them.
but, i have TOOLS. namely, pick next right action--SMALL ACTION--do it, report it, repeat.
Thank you all! Thank you HP!
UPDATE: i went to bed LATE but i finished everything. I also wasted some time. good and bad.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
lol vic
your yes was humorously large :D
but very encouraging. thanks. made me smile.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
fudoshin: checkin 8pm
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
Hey peops.
brush teeth
use H2O
endtufted brush
call sponsor about second step stuff
Findingaway check in
Thursday 11 am
Thanks for the starter lennon.
Still not going well. Today I did have a field trip planned but it is pouring rain despite being the middle of summer here, so have cancelled. Going in to the office would have been a good alternative but tired, depressed and did not manage the switch. So wasting time AGAIN.
To do:
Thank you all for this forum.
katia 1/12
Sick! Not fun.
Also might have to drop one of my classes because it is SO hard and I just am not settled enough to juggle everything.
Things to do today
-Vitamins-#1#2 #3 #4 #5-Read Euripides
-Sect 5.2 Math problems
-Figure out what to do with schedule
-Reply to LLL emails
-Reply babysitting emails
-Go to ATM-Get mail-Get dressed-Make bedHump Day with the Scribbler
get upat 6 (slept in until 7:30.)make bedexercise(finally got this done)sweeps
coffee, paperhealthy breakfast
Update QuickenMusic marketingSend querycall 2 re: investorsAfternoon
Healthy lunchGrocery shoppingP/u B at 2:45Evening
tracy-la wednesday
Good day,
Checking in. Did basics. Will check in later.
Have a good day everyone. Grateful to be here.
Reading for day:
I am grateful to have found PA. Without it, I would still be floundering in
despair. I would still be alone, without understanding friends, without purpose,
and without hope.
I am grateful to be
abstaining from compulsive procrastination just for today. I do not have to
worry about tomorrow, because if I live well today, tomorrow will take care of
I am grateful for a new
life, for new strength growing out of old weakness.
When I am full of
gratitude, there is no room left for anger, envy, fear, or hatred. Nor is there
room for pride, since when I am grateful I am humbly aware of my dependence on
my Higher Power. Being filled with gratitude is ever so much better than filling
my time with time wasting activities or spending my time compulsively
May I gratefully
abstain today and every day.
Adapted From Food for
Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters
Admin./Ck calendar/Emails/ Billing for prior dayRun - done2.
Project S3.
Business meeting 10:304.
Admin - return calls, etc. 12:30 - 1 pm1 pm - 1:25 lunch1:25 - 3:05 Client Dvpt3:05 - 7:15 Various projectskromer 9:50 CI
Incredible snow storm today! I havve an easy commute so I'm here today, but it's pretty empty.
It would be easy to slack (since no one else is working) but I'm seriously behind. Specifically, I need to:
Check on expts*
Contact CvVand ER*Finish orders (did about half of this)
Finish IHC*
30 min focused work on organizing/notes*Start new IHC
*Do Dazl analysis and add to lab mtg pres
*Finish Rec8 and Kitl parts of pres/
writeup*Finish prelim expts part of write-up
Whew! That's a lot. I think I can do it though. I'll start with finishing the IHC1/12
lennon, thanks for starting the thread!
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out changes from FA
-Figure out fix for low
-Test low r
-Test high r
-Test add c
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-Make pro/con chart I talked about with J
-Document stuff for insurance
-ask mom about acctn
-read contract
-release pr [DONE]
-plan to go over bank statement w r
-send b bills [DONE]
-reread saying no article
-reread ng contract article
-find ebook about st
-change b pws
-find receipts for printer
1.12 Ian's list & daily renewal
Thought of the Day: Today I'm willing to abstain from doing anything I'd feel the need to hide from others, anything that'd challenge my willingness to be honest.
morning prayerdaily renewalto-do listWORK
client #2: workflow.ppt reviewPERSONAL / ERRANDS
Vic 1-12-11
Show up (done)
Don't "feel" like doing anything but beat myself up for all I have not done. This is even sounding a little insane to even me, so I must be getting a bit better.
'Telling us to obey instinct is like telling us to obey 'people.' People say different things: so do instincts. Our instincts are at war... Each instinct, if you listen to it, will claim to be gratified at the expense of the rest. "
C. S. Lewis
1 pm in ck in: "feel" so much better. By accepting my feelings and doing one thing at a time, am feeling better, saner.
Lucca's to-do list, Wednesday
Hi everyone... well' here goes Wednesday... I can see I need to work on getting up on time...
I hope you all have a good day... thanks for being there for me!
Journey 8 am
Good morning! Still working from home, this is my regular work from home day, so didn't have to make that weather decision this morning. Tomorrow I'll have to make the decision whether or not to try to make it in. Actually, not too difficult, if the schools are closed I'll wimp out. I'm not that great of a driver anyway and with snow and ice, forget about it! I got an early start today and I have already done email, calendar, and todo list. Now I'm going to exercise for an hour and take a shower, then start on that list!
Yesterday was a pretty productive day and I felt good about it. Let's do it again today!
Never have an ordinary day! - Pepperidge Farm (lol)
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting3. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting4. Go to meditation at 12:10 p.m.
5. Take shower6. Get dressed
7. Make bed
8. Wash dishes
9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
10. Test my blood sugar twice11. Eat brunch12. Eat dinner
13. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
14. Go grocery shopping
15. Do homework
16. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today17. Read the syllabus in one of my classes.18. Declutter 1,000 e-mail19. Go to the PA Check-in'sThanks for letting me share