Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday January 11, 2011

Happy Tuesday, Everybody!

Have a Great Proactive Day


Smile Smile Smile

Findingaway check in

11.05 am Wednesday
I am all over the place this week. Never really got back into a good routine after Christmas, even though I still got some things done, and now only 3 days before I take 2 weeks holiday. The holiday was meant to be with my husband as well as other family and friends, but now the separation with my husband is continuing. Seeing him for lunch today for first time in 2 weeks, although we have spoken on the phone. Lots of emotional turmoil going on for me.
I will list my other things for today, it will give me something to focus on. In fact, hard as this time is for me I have learned something - in the past if I was experiencing difficult emotions I would want to only do 'comforting' or 'escapist' activities to distract myself from the pain. Now I am seeing that 'work' activities can give me something other than the pain to focus on, and at least I end up feeling better about myself when I'm finished.
* exercises
* banking
* insurance call
* call to EB
* post office
* car mats and wipe
* preparation for field trip Thursday * dishes * cook dinner

tracy-la tuesday check in

Hi Everyone,


Checking in. Basics: gratitudes;affirmation; check calendar; plan to plan; billing for prior day; emails; phone check in (ideally 3 calls)

Woke up at 5 and tried to go back to sleep with no success. In future should just get up. I might as well make 5 am as my wake up time since that's when I wake up.

6:15 am - Project P

Project S

Get kids ready for school

 Will check in later.

Have a great day everyone.


kromer 9:30 CI

Kind of stressed out, I'm having trouble focusing and I don't have that much time to work!

OK, for today I need to do a few big things:
*Organize papers
*1 page of lab mtg reprot
*Test IHC

And a few small things:
*Check on expts
*Drop off samples
*Try to remove bike screw

*Contact CvV and ER
*Orders (started)

*Call brother

OK, starting with a page of the lab mtg report, then I need to start the test IHC around 11.

Journey 9 am

Another snow day!   I had a dentist appt. this morning but it was cancelled due to bad weather, and I'm working from home again.   I got an early start today, have already done my email and I'm almost done with my todo list.   After I finish my list and schedule for the day, I'll exercise and then get dressed in my 'work at home' clothes. 

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty good work day once I got started.   It was a weird day, kind of stressful with the weather and hubby trying to drive in to work on the iced over roads.   I wanted him to stay home but he doesn't like to do that.   I'm glad I can work from home so I don't have to make that decision.   But anyway, I had trouble concentrating all morning and didn't really get started working until noon, but then I put in a solid 6 hours and finished an important task so I felt pretty good about that.   We've had power and water all week so that's a good thing. 

So now, finish todo list, then exercise.   Later!



Never have an ordinary day!  - Pepperidge Farm (lol)

Vic 1.11.11


Show up (done) Pray to do the next right action and thank my HP for what I get done.

"The more you know the less you understand." Lao Tsu (or Lao Tse, the Dao De Ching)

pm ck in- walked.listened to phone meeting. lots on gratitude, keep it green, how quickly I forget. - didn;t even know I forgot.

Late work

I have a lot of make up work to do for school today. I'm going to eat breakfast and then get started.1. Economics-chp questions -study guide -project2. Precalculus- Makeup work for chp 10.-everything else (too much to type)3. Biology-chp 14 packet4. European-organize binder-study for test. (do this last because studying takes very long. Also I like this subject so I'll purposely take long to study for it and it will be the only one I study for)To the best if my ability I've broken everything down into chunks. They still seem overwhelming and I hate myself for procrastinating on them.

I'm sorry I had to disable

I'm sorry I had to disable the rich text. I didn't realize the type would look so cluttered. I forgot to add pray five times today. Forgetting that I think shows why my life is not as easy as it could be.

Let's go Tuesday!

Hi all... here's my to-do list for today:


  1. Up by 8am - slipped up here, and didn't roll out of bed until 8.45
  2. Seven hours (at least) of work on thesis - DONE
  3. Grocery shopping / errands  - DONE
  4. PA phone bridge at 13.30- DONE
  5. Meditation class at 1930- DONE
  6. Late OA meeting, at 2300- DONE


 I hope you all have a good day!




My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life. 

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

4. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

5. Test my blood sugar twice

6. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

7. Take shower

8. Get dressed

9. Go to the Vocational Alternatives group at 11

10. Print out my syllabus

11. Print out my other stuff

12. Get my textbooks from the book store

13. Go to my Internship at 1 p.m.

14. Go to Walgreens for folders and pens

15. Declutter 1,000 e-mail

16. Look through my syllabus in the new class

17. Eat brunch

18. Eat dinner

19. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

20. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

21. Clear couch

22. Clear tables

23. Clear floor

24. Go to the 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. telephone PA Check-in

25, Do numbers

Thanks for letting me share