Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday January 7, 2011

Happy Friday, Everybody!!!

Thank God It's Friday!!!

Have a Great Proactive Day!!!


Smile Laughing Smile Laughing


Prep for Day
Make Bed
Clean Desk
Clean Room
Take out trash
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Read for FM Article (1 source)
Print CRF
Check PW Status
Read Planning Document
Check Down CDA Info

katia 1/7

Yay for weekends. But nay for homework. Now is frustrating because I try to get things done and I'm not putting them off, I just don't know how to DO some of the problems. Might see about meeting my prof or a TA to go over things.

Things to do today
-Bath for Connor
-#1 #2 #3 #4
-Set up meeting
-Work on as much math as I can
-Post on forum
-Try to work on hw
-Read some SophoclesFinished it! yay



lennon, thanks for starting the thread! and yes TGIF

Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Wait for FA answers 

-Talk to S about RA [DONE]

-Complete RA [DONE] 

-Figure out fix for low

-Test low r

-Test high r

-Test add c 

After Work 5PM-Sleep: 

-Make pro/con chart I talked about with J


-Document stuff for insurance

-ask mom about acctn

-mail john his headphones and letter [DONE]

-read contract

-release pr 

-plan to go over bank statement  w r

-send b bills

-reread saying no article

-reread ng contract article

-find ebook about st 

Ian's list & renewal, 1.7




  • call 1 - sponsor
  • morning prayer
  • meditation
  • journaling
  • daily renewal
  • readings
  • call 2
  • call 3
  • exercise
  • meeting



  • client #1: weekly analytics report
  • client #2: microcontent for topic pages
  • client #2: call Texas person
  • client #2: call Texas person
  • client #1: daily site report



  • groceries
  • pick up kids



  • I'm powerless over fear of being judged incompetent, and over impulses to avoid handing in deliverables that I'm afraid someone might base such a judgment on.
  • I can't manage my life. I quit. I'm out of management. I'm listening for guidance and information from Higher Power, I'm open to doing whatever it might suggest for me, and I'm willing to follow instructions.
  • I want to be sober today. This is what sobriety looks like, as best as I can see it today:
    • Inner Circle behaviors (bottom lines, abstinence requirements) — just for this one day, I'll do whatever it takes to abstain from:
      • sleeping to avoid work/reality
      • using my sexuality to avoid work/reality
      • working without a clear plan -- a prioritized to-do list, a time-boxed calendar
      • working outside the PA Chatbox -- e.g., failing to bookend each task
      • staying in vague, unstructured time during business hours
      • impulsive decisions about what to do, or work on, during business hours
      • perfectionism: seeking immunity from disapproval/judgment via a strategy of producing nothing until I feel total mastery over the subject, and then chipping away at a deliverable until I'm certain it is unassailably perfect. I'm not sober if I'm exceeding my time estimates more than 3x-4x.
    • Middle Circle (gray area; potentially signs of decline in spiritual condition)
      • working without a timer and without recording hours
      • working without trying to estimate how much time a task will take
      • working without trying to define scope of a task/project
      • Isolating
      • dishonesty
      • not communicating with people when plans change, when conflict or potential conflict arises, when I've done something I feel shame/embarrassment about
    • Outer Circle / top lines:
      • 3 phone calls a day
      • daily prayer
      • daily meditation
      • 5 minutes stepwork each day
      • 3 Meetings / week
      • regular exercise
      • Doing whatever's necessary for me to experience my work process as one of choice and freedom.
  • Only higher power can keep me sober, but I need others to connect to higher power — and other people can help me see things I won't otherwise see, and can help me be accountable.
  • this is just for today. I can stay abstinent for the rest of today, and I can do my best on all the other stuff for the rest of today. Tomorrow's not my concern.
  • I turn my will and my life over to walking whatever path the truth — the dharma — reveals to me.
  • In the 24 hours ahead: I intend to write quick spot inventories if/when fear and anxiety arise, then turn them to another person and to HP.

End o' the Scribbler's week

  • get up at 6 (slept in until 7:15.)
  • make bed
  • exercise (what happened? I was doing great before the holidays.)
  • sweeps
  • coffee, paper
  • healthy breakfast
  • checkins


  • Update Quicken
  • Music marketing - contact Alice
  • Send query


  • Healthy lunch
  • Draft Roadmap
  • Grocery shopping
  • P/u B at 2:45
  • Call 3 re: Multiunit /
  • P/u C at 5 (?)


  • Fun w/Kids
  • CK tire pressure
  • Fix Roboform
  • Healthy dinner
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 10:30

kromer 10:10 CI

OK, yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad essentially nothing done :(

And for some reason I was exhausted this morning, so I didn't get into work until 9:45, and I'm just now settling down to work.

And today I have scheduled stuff 1-3 and 4-9, so that doesn't leave that much time to work.

OK, well within though limits what can I get done?
I certainly need to check on experiments and do DNA extraction
And I need to drop off one set of samples and pick up another

Other than that, I'm looking at organizing/writing work. I'll do as many of the following as I can
Notes from mtg
R8 notes
Update lab nb (sb expt)
Update lab nb (other stuff)
RNA-seq in pres
western res in pres
Email about MH
R8 lit search
MK stuff in pres
Read a couple of papers

Clean bench

OK, going to start with some notes (on the "swallow that frog" philosophy)

Go get 'em Kromer!

Sending some energy your way (and some seasoning for that frog!) :)

My son loves the book you referenced - we always get a kick out of it.  At least you didn't have gum stuck in your hair yesterday!  :D

best wishes and ((hugs)) to you today.

Vic 1/7/11

 Show up (done) Snowing, but  it could be fun.

Thanks for being here.

Crazybug CI

Did horribly yesterday when it came time to tackle the 'big' task.  Went into total avoidance.  So today I will use the chatbox to 'keep me honest'.  A few clerical tasks to take care of first.

I just feel like if I can tackle this one big project and face it and chip away at it that I will make some sort of emotional breakthrough.

"Inspiration cannot be willed, though it can be wooed." - Anthony Storr

Wishing everyone a proactive day.

Rexroth Check In

Very disturbed night associated with first few days in new fellowship

Up eventually
Checked emails
Bath washed hair trimmed beard
Looked up and read info on new fellowship
Got rid of some high fat food which I don't need in view of my cholesterol levels

Tidy up in kitchen
Check meeting tomorrow
Write journal and start on step one
Mail when/if it comes
Look up more info on web

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Above and French study
Prayer and reflection

Bed and sleep

Night Folks


Not so 'carpe diem'.....

Today I woke up early, but apathy got the better of me and I wasted the morning...Embarassed

 Anyway, that's no excuse to waste the rest of the day, so here's my to-do list:

1. 4 hours work on thesis

2. Grocery shopping

3. Meditation

4. Evening AA meeting..


I hope you're all having a productive time of it!



My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

3. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

4. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

5. Pay rent

6. Do numbers

7. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

8. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks.

9. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

10. Take nap

11. Take shower

12. Get dressed

13. Make bed

14. Wash dishes

15. Eat brunch

16. Eat dinner

17. Test my blood sugar twice

18. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

19. Clear couch

20. Clear tables

21. Clear floor

22. Declutter 1,000 e-mail

23. Send out my numbers to the members of my PRG

24. Did an Action Plan

25. Pay a debt

Thanks for letting me share