Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday December 5th 2010

One step is infinitely more than nothing.

 I can keep going if I give myself credit my for my effort.

katia 12/6

Spent half the day crying for no really good reason, probably mostly due to barely any sleep last night. I am so unhappy, and don't even really want to celebrate Christmas. But it'd be better to show up anyway and generally getting things done makes me feel a little better. I'm fine though.

Things for today
-Too many pills to count
-Fill out financial aid form
-#1 #2

I'm not even sure. I need to study, but I'm so exhausted.

Journey 3 pm

Ah, I don't even feel like posting today, so that's probably when I most need to be here, so here I am.  I'm feeling tired and depressed and don't want to do anything . . .best thing to do is take care of myself and figure out what I can get done today and let the rest go.

I ended up working until 3 last night and I should have been done at midnight but had some problems.   I am still feeling bad from the gum surgery and I should be over that by now too.   I've had a headache since Wednesday and I can't shake it . .

the main thing I need to do is get Christmas presents decided on and order them. I have the budget, and  I have the 'little gifts' chosen - work, my husband's family (he has a gigantic family so they exchange small gifts or cards).   Also my mom's on Amazon.  I need to order one more thing on Amazon to get free shipping.  OK, here goes, I will order the small gifts now and that will be a start.

UPDATE 7 pm went to visit the grandkids instead!   My husband made dinner for me, guess he felt sorry for me lol.  NOW i'm going to do the dishes and then do that order.



'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


kromer 1:40 CI

Today is mostly a day for chores: I want to:
*Make a schedule for next week
*Bike stuff (new grips, clean, order snow tires, fix brakes)
*Grocery shopping
*Deal w/ email(mostly done)

I also want to do a little bit of academic work: panoramic picts, spec samples, figure out which boundary marker is better and email for specific information, 1 hr work on teaching portfolio, 2 papers.

OK, I'll start with email, ordering tires and find a recipe for dinner tonight. Then I'll spec samples, make schedule for the week and do the boundary marker stuff.  

Vic 12/5

Show up (done) Thanks for the started Chickadee, and the explaination below, I was trying to see it as a new type of staircase, etc., etc, ... you don't want to know...ha ha But now I can give myself credit for my effort!!!

In heavy "creative" procrastination mode as I try to focus on my son's Biology Recombinant DNA Lab intermittently. So far so good with the CLA action line reporting every 30 minutes to get me back on focus even if it is for one minute before I report my progress. The minutes add up.

Will check in later.


sunday from tracy-la

Good Sunday,

My affirmation for today is that I will have some fun. I love to work and love my work but when I get in that self-critical, I "should be more productive or more efficient" mode - it can suck the fun out of it. With so many rules (& creating more rules) along with the shame of the past -- I need to remember that I am disciplined and I will let myself have some fun with life even when I am taking action.

My basics: checking in/showing up; checking calendar; affirmation; gratitudes; prayer; plan to plan

Exercise- will go to gym or go for power walk with weights (ran yesterday). I should go to the gym since it's a new gym and I want to work on a routine where during the week I go at 5:30 am (since I'm an early riser) and just getting me out of the house helps my productivity a lot.

Son #3 Xmas shopping - ordered gifts -- took over an hour to find hard to find trendy skater high top shoes (and I'll be shocked if this place can really ship them so ordered another pair that are not sold out everywhere else).  Took 2 hours total since he showed me the shoes he wanted on the website, we went over gifts for other kids since they weren't around and it was a nice afternoon.  


Have a fun day everyone! tracy-la



PE 10

Happy Sunday!!

I am experiencing an unfamiliar organized and motivated feeling today...not sure what to make of it...hope Im not coming down with something.

To do: 1. decorations up  2. take dog stuff down  3.  org. closets in bedrooms   4.  org. office  5. REPORTS   6.  INVOICES


Garu 5/12

Not checked in Friday and Saturday, but the way my week is structured, I usually manage alright on those days anyway. Here's my Sunday list...

  • Sort out washing
  • Short report
  • Check e-mail
  • Complete dissertation structure
  • Start filming script (at least 2 pages)
  • Organise university tutorials
  • Start essay
  • Check on friend
  • Bedtime routine

Wish me luck!

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank chickadee for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Take a shower

3. Get dressed

4. Eat breakfast

5. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

6. Go to a religious meeting at 10 a.m.

7. Wash clothes

8. Eat dinner at my mother's apartment

9. Put clothes away

10. Make bed

11. Wash dishes

12. Post Al-Anon literature for tomorrow

13. Declutter 1,000 e-mail

14. Do numbers

15. Eat dinner

16. Get sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight

Thanks for letting me share

Rexroth Check In

Well here is a mystery. I posted earlier and it seems to have gone. I must have pressed the wrong button so here goes again.

Thanks for starting today's thread chickadee. Is the picture of a loom or a knitting machine?

Up prayer and reflection
Tried to unblock sink
French study which is going well
Peaceful time thinking of what I want to do in the future and the fact that I am now in a position to do most of what I want to.

Finish letter to landlords
Plan week
Check some financial stuff
Wash up when the water in the sink has gone down

That will do for now

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

My laptop keeps disconecting and I have generally had enough and I am going to bed and going to sleep.

Night Folks


Hi Rexroth, it's a real

Hi Rexroth,

it's a real old fashioned hand loom for making traditional tweed... weaving, like planting a seed, seems to me one of those metaphors for slow continual progress...

It's a great metaphor

Thanks chickadee, it's a great metaphor

tks and the tweed that

tks :)

and the tweed that is woven by hand, thread by thread, is stronger and more windproof than many a machine made fabric... Hmm... does that tell me that many small continuous efforts are better than a binge?

chick's CI




