Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday December 4, 2010

Happy Saturday

Have a great Proactive Day

Have a great catch up day

Smile Laughing Smile Wink

Vic 12/4

Show up (done)

Did basics and back from store. break and son's school and paperwork.

Thanks for being here.


kromer 12:30 CI

I had a really nice morning off, slept in a bit. (I had planned to get into work early, but...that's not what my body wanted, so that's OK. )

This afternoon is busy!

I'd say top priority is some tasks to take care of myself: prayer time (have been skipping this recently and it's messing with my head), go to bed on time (my sleep schedule is all out of whack), get some exercise (at least a walk), fix bike handlebars and lights so I don't hurt myself riding, make a shopping list.

Then, I have some relatively straightforward tasks, so for my own work and some for others. (I don't have to get all of these done, just as much as I can)
*Go through email, comments on CC's essay
*PCRs, gel extraction, P-C extraction
*Panoramic pict.
*Prep for tutoring
*Email CE
*Read 2 papers

OK, starting w/ PCRs

saturday tracy-la

Good day,

Pretty good day yesterday. Got 2 major work projects done.  I had to move one of the work projects with the client to my office instead of their office since project #1 took so long -- but client was okay with it.

Today. The basics (gratitude, check in/show up, reading (Letting Go theme for day), prayer, affirmation, check calendar) Done.

Exercise - schedule that in (running and new gym)


1.  Household things:

a.  change data plan on MiFi);

b.  get service call for water filtration system- set up at 1230 pm

c.  Unpack boxes and put away clothes - Do at least 3 hours. Work in 1/2 hour or hour blocks. Did 1 hour.    Found that workingin 15 min blocks on this is better.  30 was too long for me. For most work projects, 30 min is good -- but for this I need 15 min blocks -- tedious and overwhelming combined.

d.  Give boxes of dishes, furniture, etc. to friend. Call for pick up.

e.  Give other items to charity.

k.  Book water filtration service appt; get filters changed.  

l.  Pick up 1 son at music lesson at 6 pm. Leave by 5:30 pm.

2.  Work. Spent 1 hour on follow up emails and calls.

f.  Check emails at start of day / check calendar / work voicemail

g.  Finish Nov billing

h. Empty email.  Done through 11/30

i. Dec billing through Fri 12/3

j. Spend 2 hours on case management.

Will add to list once I get these done.

Have a great day. tracy-la


Pro3rd saturday plan


To do:

1.Write topic list for exam2

2. Revise for exam2

3. short break

4. Revise for exam2

5.  Prepare lunch

6. chill with fam

7. check email

8. feed cat

9. Review topic list for exam1

10. revise for exam 1

11. recreation

Rexroth Check In

Didn't sleep well last night I was excited with the productive work I did with my friend last evening

Up prayer and reflection
Dealt with simple emails and post
Composed a complex detailed email which I had not done yesterday and sent it
Checked I could still change the photos on my laptop and that I had not forgotton overnight
French study - felt a bit muddled over this and it is OK
Tidied up a bit and washed up and the sink is blocked and I am sure it is ice in the down pipe

Letter to landlords - not doing this is draining my energy
A bit more tidying up - as much as I can with the blocked sink

Regards a very positive and happy Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Written letter and I need to alter it a bit because it is too aggressive
Prayer and reflection

Bed and sleep

Night Folks


Today's Online meeting

There will be an online meeting today at 2:30 EST and 11:30 PST.  Go to the meeting chatbox.  Come on out and join us!

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program. this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life,

Thing I have done today

Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

Things I will do today

1. Clear tables

2. Eat breakfast

3. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

4. Take shower

5. Get dressed

6. Eat lunch

7. Go to church for pictures

8. Go to the online PA meeting

9. Clean bathroom

10. Declutter 3,000 e-mail

11. Clear couch

12. Make bed

13. Wash dishes

14. Do hair

15. Get sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight

16. Clear floor

17. Send out Al-Anon literature for today

18. Post Al-Anon literature for the coming week

Thanks for letting me share