Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 3 December 2010
Well it's Friday, the last day of the working week.
Welcome from a snowy London.
Let's get it done.
Regards Rexroth
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Seattleguy1968s Check-In
Seattleguy1968s Check-In
make protein shake and drink :D
Project A :D
Project B :D
Project C
:D = Done
pe 6
send invoice!Vic 12/4
Show up (done) Grateful for not shutting down last night in mist of confusion and got out for my walk, used tools, reached out. So got up my xmas decorations and walk my nightly clean sink/kitchen discipline intact.
Working on school work with son. Humble enough to make a "joint plan" we both have adhd and work well together because we can navigate around our blocks becuase we recognize our blocks in each other. my problem is to start and stay on task so I can explain. So that is my plan now.
Thanks for being here together doing what works.
katia 12/3
In keeping with the sine curve idea, I'd say yesterday sinx=-0.5. Moving up lol though I was pleased with what I accomplished though it wasn't everything.
A good hunk of today will be spent taking the small one to the doctor's (just a weight check, no worries!), but I'd be sooo happy to get my LAST problem set done today!!!
-Vitamins/Fe#1/Bp#1-Fe#2/Bp#2-#1 #2 #3 #4-H2O #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8-Shower-Dr. Appt-Get books out of attic?
-Look into supplement-Order baby sling-Email K-Reply to A
-Review W16L3-Reading quiz-Activity-PS #39-Do some more apartment searching-Take tutoring evaluation test-Think about meaningful, creative Christmas presents I can give family
Just recopied some old stuff. Kinda depressed. Meh. Later y'all.
Firefly CI
Stayed home yesterday and worked on my laptop without Internet connection. It was an unusually productive day! So today I need to stay off this website and out of the chatbox, unless I need to do bursts with others. Signing off…
(Love that encouragement, Rexroth: Let's get it done.)
End o' the Scribbler's Week
make bed
coffee, papercheckinsMorning
Update QuickenClean off deskMusic marketingRewrite MomentBLAfternoon
Lunch w/C(moved to Wednesday)Feed VatoBike rideEvening
friday for tracy-la
Good day:
Checking in today. Basics: checking calendar; gratitudes; affirmation; prayer; reading; plan to plan. Done.
Got a lot unpacked but still living in boxes and having to focus on work amid the chaos. Need to work from home while I wait for cable/internet installer. Hope they show.
Will edit this later as I complete a 1/2 hour block of work. For some reason, listing the tasks is not as important for me as showing that I am working. I have a separate list of my top 3 tasks. Just starting and staying on task helps me get it done and finish it.
Will check in later and use chatbox as needed. Have a good day everyone.
All my best to everyone here,
kromer 10:15 CI
Kind of annoyed with myself...I stayed up really late last night, then slept in this morning and now I feel totally thrown off.
OK, well I can pull myself together today. I need to:
Check on expts*
Finish document(this is taking so long!!!) (almost done!) (done!! yay!)*Finish DNA extraction and start PCRs (making progress!)
*Get panoramic image of 2 sections(probably not gonna happen today)
Lower priority:
*email RH, CE, card (some of these might happen...)
*Fingure out boundary marker and order if needed
*2 papers
*Deal w/ email
*Est taxes (might happen...)
Scheduled: seminar 12:15-1:15, youth group 5-9
OK, feeling really stuck but I can microburst the document and then go check on expts.
Crazybug CI
Doing better today. Woke up more mentally refreshed after spending an evening in a planned and very fun way in the fellowship of some fun creative women. Something I don't do nearly enough of.
I have a big project due on Monday and I know that I'll probably have to work over the weekend to get it done, but I'm going to grind through using 15 minute microbursts to accomplish what I can on the task.
First I have some small, immediate tasks to clear out first:
-call about ck
-call about s placement
-call about planning p
-Start cycles of work on Monday's project.
My reward today will be to call and order the item that I have been saving up for and that is a major purchase I have wanted for a very long time. That should give me incentive!
"Either actions will conquer fears or fears will conquer actions." - Orrin Woodward
Setting aside all fears today and just taking action... Best to all...
Journey 8 am
Good morning . . .still recovering from that minor surgery on Wednesday. I thought I would be all well by now, I guess I ain't as young as I used to be eh? Anyway, I wimped out and called in another 'work from home' day today.
I was a chatbox dropout yesterday, I faded as the afternoon went on but I got one of my big tedious tasks completed, by working on it in 15 minutes chunks and taking big breaks between the chunks. I'll work in the chatbox again today, try to stick with it and get done a little earlier today. I ended up working until 8 pm last night because I was determined to finish this one thing, but of course I wasn't working the whole time, I was resting a lot between work tasks.
I'm going to take a shower, make a todo list, eat something, and then work in the chatbox. It's still uncomfortable to eat and I'm sure that's one reason my recovery is being delayed, I am def not eating right.
OK I'm rambling . . . laters!
'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy
clement ci
wow i'm the 2nd post of the day. i have some decisions to make (minor ones) but i sense i might put them off and waste hours. so dont do that.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails
Checked to see if money transferred between banks - it hasn't been!
French study
Finish letter to Post Office
Write letter to Landlords
Post both of above
Detailed email re trip abroad
Post on site re travels
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Sorted out a load of banking
Finished letter to Post Office and gave it to friend to post
Now't else from list but -
Friend came round and I wrote letters for him and then
He advised on my photographs from my trip and taught me the basis of changing them on the laptop
He checked a video made abroad and advised on it
Also advised on use of my photo for various presentations
Finally he made a very professional photo of a lump which I need for my medical complaint - he is professional in the file/video/photo field
So much constructive done which was different from what I set out to do
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
What a good day and I am giving thanks
Night Folks