Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday December 2nd 2010
Well, seeing as though nobody else has done so, may I wish you all a jolly good and productive Thursday!
Hope everyone is well today.
Right, must get on!!!
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Findingaway check in
9.30 am (Friday)
Thanks for the starter Garu.
Today I have a deadline with my job application so will try working in the chatbox. Apart from exercises and meal break will not try to do anything else and will resist distractions.
I have made a deal with myself that if I can finish before 5 pm I can have the rest of the day off. For some reason this is quite disturbing to me, like I want to use all the time available, right up to the last minute. Maybe scared that if it really doesn't need all day, it shows how inefficient I am with my jobs, and that I really should be/could be doing more . . .
A bit late, but all done with some help from the chat box. Feels great!
Thank you all for this forum.
potential energy
I am recovering from an awful yesterday. I received an email from one of my employers that they received notice that I hadn't paid taxes from 2007- it was local and that he would have to deduct it from my next check. I called and immediately paid. But, here I am trying to look professional, responsible and so on, then this. As if things aren't hard enough at work, I really didn't need them to be notified about my tax issues, as well. Then, I called a client who I thought was very happy with my services and got yelled at for the next 15 min.
Times like these I envy those confined to a small cell day in and day out. And, the way Im going with not paying my taxes I may soon be joining them.
Well, back to cleaning and report writing.
1. mop2.fall decorations upstairs3.bring down all laundry4. finish a.w. report(potential energy)
Hope you have a better day today! Sending positive thoughts your way.
Can relate to your situation as I find it very hard to get out from under other's disapproval too, even though 'intellectually' I know it shouldn't matter so much.
tiptree CI
to do:
[ ] fix js load issue
[ ] Neb. change in main
[ ] ed. changes testable
[ ] fix small pub. issue
[ ] tweak zp download view
[ ] clean off.
[ ] finish DS
[ ] read ch. tech bk
[ ] write sys. inf. delta
[ ] clear 1887
[ ] practice guitar
[ ] meditate
[ ] exercise
clement ci 2
baw! checked in on the wrong day earlier.
going to chat to work out some work stuff. otherwise, i'll get stymied.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
katia- 12/2
Last night I didn't get as much done as I would have liked and realized I was burned out and desperately needed to recharge. This morning I got to thinking about that. Energy oscillates naturally, and instead of trying to force it and end up (probably) miserable and even more burned out, perhaps I just try and make sure that the high points are as productive as possible and the low points just essentials. It's a sine curve- I break even, I go above and beyond, I break even, I fall a little short, etc. The key is just to not let sinx=-1 for too long. Or, for that matter sinx=1, since even though it feels great to get a TON done, it's important to not do it so long that I crash hard for an extended period of time. Hopefully that makes sense.
It's a blizzard outside!
So I'm going to see how well I do making up old stuff and THEN see about adding things.
-Stuff from Nov 30th
-Stuff from Dec 1st
-#1 #2 #3 #4
-H2O #1#2 #3 $4 #5 #6 #7 #8katia list
-Stuff from Nov 30th-Stuff from Dec 1st-Vitamins/Fe#1/Bp#1-Fe#2/Bp#2-#1 #2#3 #4-H2O #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6#7 #8-Read Ch. 17 Sect 9-Review W16L3-Reading quiz-Activity-PS #39-Call loan office-Contact financial aid officeHappy with how things have been going, so added some "today things" yay
sine curve
o be still my nerdy heart :P
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Crazybug CI
Engaged in some physically damaging escapism behavior this morning that I had not done in ages...Feeling disheartened and therefore prone to give into procrastination.
So today will be a 'take it moment by moment' day. For the next hour I commit to making forward progress on a doable goal, acknowledge the negative feelings that will likely arise, respect them and continue forward at whatever pace I can...
I thank my HP for the existence of this forum.
Can relate to "physically damaging escapism." Thinking of you today.
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
thank you hope
Thanks, Hope. I guess upon second reading my statement sounds more drastic than what the immediate consequences would suggest.But it was still a poor decision and one that I must just forgive myself for and move on.
I truly appreciate your kind support. Thank you for being here and I wish you a blessed day.
Going to meditate for a few minutes to regroup and then will make small steps toward positive action.
hope4meandu checkin (10:00AM)
Thanks Garu for the starter!!
Doing much better emotionally, thank HP & this group (Clement, Katia).
Need to start working, since 1.5 hours just went by and haven't really done much work (as usual).
Procrastinating about:
-opening up credit card statement
-transferring balance to another credit card
POWERLESS (thanks Ian)
May you all have an HP inspired day!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Aww thanks hope :)
You're making me blush :P
Glad I could help, sending support!
The Scribbler's Thursday
get up at 6make bed
coffee, papercheckinsMorning
Update QuickenClean off deskMusic marketing- call TredwayBiz writing seminar(not doing this, the first part yesterday wasn't very good)Do Brauer intvw re: newcarDo MT intvw re: newcarCall 2 on Moment rewrite //Send 2 queries- UT, EAfternoon
File 1 BNP/u B at 2:45Evening
kromer 10 CI
Man, jet lag is annoying! I'm still on such a late schedule after my thanksgiving trip to the west coast.
Yesterday was rough, but looking back on it I actually got a decent amount of stuff done
Scheduled: Dinner 6-7, bible study 8:30-10:30
1)Finish updating doc and
email DRabout it (the most important part of this is done)2)
Start serial sections and DNA extractions3)Prereg
4)Small tasks: email RH, email CE, card, est. taxes,
stop by credit union,check on exptsOther tasks:
2 papers
Image cut slides (will do this soonish)
Get composite image
Look at old slides
Deal w/ email
OK, going to start w/ checking on expts, starting DNA extraction and starting serial sections. Then I'll work on the doc.
Journey 9 am
Good morning, and thanks for performing the service of starting us off this morning Garu.
I'm recovering from some minor surgery yesterday. I'm still a little woozy, but working from home today. I will take it easy today and I think I'll milk it one more day and work from home tomorrow too. I will work in the chat room since I'm home. That really does help me to stay focused!
I am very grateful for this site.
'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy
Feel better, quick, (((Jo)))
♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's emotional & physical healing.♥
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
French study
Check emails and post - not much post probably the snow
Wash up tidy up
Give advice over phone to friend
Check dates and check in diary
Write to Post Office
Rest I am much better but still very tired
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Checked dates - there was a meeting tonight which I'm missing as I don't want to walk through the snow
Spoken with friend for a long while on the phone
Checked bank accounts and my money is not yet transferred
Written most of the letter to the Post Office - I need to think before completing it
Washed up and cleaned up in kitchen and everywhere else
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Folks
Vic 12/2
Show up (done) Pray for next right action, and guidance. Basics.Remember.
Did what I needed to do yesterday. So grateful ful for my "basics" , including my showing up here that makes me feel "grounded".
Thanks for being here and the "jolly good" starter G- makes me happy just reading it.
thurs dec 2 check in for tracy-la
Gpood morning,
Up early (can't seem to sleep in) so time to get going on some projects. But first my basics: calendar checked; reading; gratitudes; prayer; affirmation; checking in and showing up; plan to plan. Done.
Things to Do:
Project S; Project N; Meeting at 10 am; Meeting at 4:30 pm; Finish Nov billing; Project G.
Have a great fearless day everyone or at least one where we know that if we confront our fears - just by taking action -- it goes a long way.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Garu for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Take shower3. Get dressed3. Go to a therapy group at 9 a.m.4. See therapist at 10:15 a.m.5. Write paper6. See nutritionist at 1:30 p.m.7. Send out Al-Anon literature for today8. Go to CLA Business Meeting at 6:45 p.m.
9. Go to face to face NA meeting at 8 p.m.
10. Eat brunch11. Prayer and meditation
12. Eat dinner
13. Make bed
14. Wash dishes
15. Post Al-Anon literature for the rest of the week16. Start posting Al-Anon literatre for next week
17. Recycle small boxes
18. Clear couch
19. Clear tables
20. Clear floor
21. Clean bathroom
Thanks for letting me share
Garu 2/12
Had another bad night of distractions. Is procrastinating in bed a common occurance? I often find myself watching pointless television or browsing the internet on the mobile to avoid both going to sleep and getting up? It's also tough there because there's nobody but yourself.
Anyway, today's list...
That's pretty much today. I'll come back and cross them off when I do them. Wish me luck!