Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Sunday October 31, 2010
Happy Sunday, everybody!
Happy Halloween, those in the States!
Have a great proactive and relaxing day!
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tracy-la halloween check in
Happy Halloween!
1. Check in - Show up - Done - Reading
2. Calendar - check - Done
3. Goals: (1) Finish L project (2) Timesheets for Thurs, Fri & Sat
3. Plan to Plan - Done
4. Gratitudes / Affirmations
In searching for behavioral strategies supporting change, read some interesting articles (not 12 step oriented but fit in with it) on how “will power” is not a very effective strategy in behavioral change. Itis much better to plan specific, individually tailored-strategies that take into account the task at hand and one’s personality characteristics.
The problem with using “will power” is that the mind is only as strong as its weakest moment. When one is tired, or sick, or under severe stress, cognitive abilities to manage choices and behavior decline. It is much better, for instance, to delete all cookies from the house rather than to say, “I will just not eat any cookies that I see.”
So one can employ different strategies for exercise adherence or working on a project— for example, set a routine time, exercise/work with a partner, remind yourself of your goals — but the strategy to “just do it” is not usually effective.
Interesting things since working out a plan that works for me -- or any of us -- is going to be a very personal thing. We are not all alike even though there are similarities in some of the issues we face.
kromer 4:20 CI
OK I have about 2 hours to work this afternoon (have already gone to church, done some election volunteering, done a little reading)
I'm a little stuck on what to work on...I think I'll look at splice forms for one gene in my data (looked at this visually, but I think I need to go back and do calculations), update lab nb, make EDTA (working on this now), read proposal (will do this soon) and work on colony mgmt.Then this evening I'll fix my door, clean the bathroom, do some reading and maybe take care on financial stuff
Starting with the splice forms.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Got up
Ate breakfast
Ironed clothes
Attended church
Talked to friend about procrastination
Attend procrastination online meeting
File papers
Call daughter
Vic 10/31
Ask God to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity , dishonest or self-seeking motives. Wow this prayer is really working, found something yesterday (by "chance") I had been looking for this over 10 months, ended up a very productive day.
Thanks for being here.
Rexroth Check In
Feeling the post travel blues today and a bit frustrated that I haven't the energy to get on and I have a cold and what I think is a stye on my eye
Up prayer and reflection
Out for supermarket shopping for deepfreeze
Listed the rest of the shopping I need
Spoke with brother on Skype at last
Emailed Hotmail to try to get my account unblocked
Washed up a large accummulation of stuff
Tidied up generally
Spent time on web most not constructively
Finish putting papers away so that I have a clear table to start work tomorrow
Check lists for this next week and up to the end of the year
Put rubbish out
Put washing machine on
Pack tea towels away when and if dry
I feel downhearted and know that this is a danger time for me. If I keep going I shall be fine, if I leave things I shall feel more and more miserable
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Made bed
Hung up washing to dry
Put bits from travel to soak
Tried to sort out Hotmail
Spoken on phone to friend
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Everyone
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Went to the 8 a.m. telephone DA Action GroupThings I will do today
1. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today
2. Declutter 1,000 e-mail
3. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks
4. Eat breakfast
5. Eat dinner
6. Take shower
7. Get dressed
8. Go to the 3:30 p.m. online PA meeting
9. Go to the 7 p.m. telephone DA Step Study
10. Call my DA Sponsor
11. Make bed
12. Wash dishes
13. Clear couch
14. Clear tables
15. Clear floor
Thanks for letting me share
My Day
Happy Halloween!
clean and organize my office
bring home reading material from ex-employee
read material while watching Vikings/Patriots game
pass out Halloween candy and takle photos of neighborhood kids to turn into local rag
have 2 big bellly laughs today!
thanks also for letting me share