Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 16 September 2010

"If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it"

-Olin Miller 

Friday Morning With .. The Scribbler!


  • get up at 7
  • make bed
  • exercise
  • coffee, paper
  • water plant
  • healthy breakfast
  • checkins 


  • Finish FC on new10
  • File new10 rewrite
  • Apply for job 
  • Send PC new query
  • Send PNC refi info


  • Healthy lunch
  • Send PP greehome outline
  • Do 2 BN posts  
  • Do 4 CIO
  • Deposit check
  • P/u B at 2:45


  • P/u C at 5
  • Fun w/kids
  • Email ME re: skeet


oops wrong day

One week of vacation and I need to  be retrained lol

late again. 4:00:

late again.

4:00: draw

6:00: make reseme, dinner

9:00: work on logos and buisness cards (I need a new concept)

Journey 4:20 pm

Ha, a bit late for a checkin eh?   I'm still on vacation, although I did work about an hour this morning, keeping up with email and keeping my project moving along somewhat while I'm gone.   

I feel great !  I guess I really did need a vacation!   We spent the day at the aquarium yesterday and today I've been puttering around the house.  

I finished cleaning out that messy desk drawer, went through some craft and sewing stuff upstairs, did some dishes and laundry, made a grocery store run, and now I'm finally getting ready to tackle the project I wanted to get done this week - clean out my closet.  ACK!  It's a mess.   But I'm going in there now and think about how to approach it in sections.  At least it's not as bad as it has been - there was a point where I could not walk into my walkin closet because it was so packed with crap lol.  I'll work on it for an hour and a half, then make dinner.   After dinner, I'll do whatever I feel like, I'm on vacation after all lol

I asked my hubby to replace one board on the porch that looked like it was getting rotten - and now he's out there replacing about half the porch.   (rolls eyes).  Well, I can't complain about him doing TOO MUCH work around the house now can I?


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


oops dupe

hope4meandu checkin (4:00PM)

Hi Dear Fellows,

Mr. Deez, thanks for starting us!!
I feel like I'm doing so well, that I don't need this anymore. That's why I'm here. Doing well, after so many years of not doing well, feels sublime.

-clean freezer or dust or clean bathroom

Have so much gratitude today for you all, this site and my HP. Especially because I'm looking at what I feel like doing in the house, cleaning wise, and what I'm willing to do a day at a time.

Of course, I still have procrastination areas which switch constantly. It seems like my anxiety lands on somehting and that's the new procrastination thing.

Anyway, waving hello to everyone!!

♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥

Sea urchin mind

12:59 PM: Have been awakening with a lot of mental 'noise' recently. I have too much going on, and too much change and uncertainty in my life at the moment. Have started experimenting a little with mindfulness meditation that Vic often mentions. Well, observing my mind as I try to quiet it, I realize that my mind wants to dart from one thought to another, mostly with anxiety, worrying about things I haven't done and the like, but also with unhelpful thoughts, such as replaying old arguments. If the goal is a 'one pointed mind', I am currently in a 'sea urchin mind' state (with a hundred points).

The practice did seem to help today, though, as I subsequently made some good progress on several things this morning, without too much dawdling. Starting to falter now, though, wanting to procrastinate more, and more confused about what to do next.

Goal 1: Have been working telecommuter style this morning (in my PJs), but need to get ready to go out to take care of business. Now 1:30 PM, goal is to ready by 2 PM. This is always very, very difficult for me. It usually takes me at least one and a half hours to get myself together (OCD, with procrastination sprinkled in along the way). Goal is to be, well, 'one-pointed' in this, focused on getting ready and getting out, nothing else.  

Goal 2: 2:00 - 2:30 PM: Work on putting together some financial paperwork that is (what else?) very overdue. Goal is not to finish, just to work on it a half hour.

Goal 3: 2:30 PM: Leave to pick up daughters from school, and take them to their after school activities. 

Back this evening to report.


re: sea urchin mind

Hi 4change . .. sounds like you are hanging in there .  . . when does the new job start?  


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


Thanks Jo

Thanks for asking. Hoping to start either first or second full week of October. Keeping fingers crossed that licensing and certification will go thru quickly. Sounds like you are enjoying AND making good use of your vacation. Peace to you. 

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the online and telephone meetings, and my life.

Things I did today

1. Wemt to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Went to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

3. Went to individual therapy

4. Ate breakfast

5. Ate lunch

6. Took a nap

Things I will do today

1. Post three days of Al-Anon literature

2. Clean out my e-mail (I cleaned out some e-mail)

3. Get my medicine ready for the next two weeks

4. Cut onions and put in jalepeno peppers to mix together

5. Cook dinner

6.. Eat dinner

7. Read Business book

8. Put clothes up

9. Get clothes ready for tomorrow

10. Do PA Check-in's

That's all I have

katia 9/16

Congrats to everyone who is doing so well! Idk, reading other people's check ins I'm getting good vibes.

I found out some terrible things on tuesday evening, and spent most of yesterday crying wishing I did not exist. There are some very unhappy circumstances in my life, and I'm really not sure what to do. I'm so sad, and nothing seems to be getting better. I'm so sorry if I bring other people down, but I need to explain that there's forces greater than my own procrastination issues making life unbearable. I try to post anyway because I need to at least get my assignments done, and doing physics seems to calm me down. Thanks, and sorry.

Things I'd like to do today-
Read Ch. 6 Sect 1-4
Notes Ch. 6 Sect 1-4
Reading Quiz
Work on PS #12
Copy PS #12 into notebook
Meet person at 6
Post question on forum
Take vitamins/iron
Try and finish Tuesday's list


I hope that the difficult parts begin to heal. Funny, I came across this quote today as I was struggling to find some peace as well:

humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And
once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be,
you can survive it.
” Bill Cosby

He has certainly endured his share of sorrow and should know.

Sending you warm thoughts and comfort. Crazybug


Katia, I hope things get better for you, and you are able to keep up with your studies also.

'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


Thanks journey and Crazybug!

You guys always seem to be cheering everyone up :)

So sweet. Trying to hang in there.

I like the quote from Mr. Cosby ;) Sometimes I'm crying my eyes out but still manage to say something to make my friend who I talk to laugh. In a good way.

We'll see! Need a little time I guess. Thanks. xoxoxo

Dreamweaver Check-in

Yesterday was my first PA day, and it was an awesome and focused day. My brain's response to yesterday--"See you are okay, you don't really need to do this everyday.  What a self-centered brain I have. LOL!

Here are my tasks for today:


Morning Activities

  • Morning Activities A
  • Morning Activities B
  • Morning Activities C

Mid-day Activities

  • Mid-day Activities A
  • Mid-day Activities B

Evening Activities

  • Evening Activities A


  • S/E Project A
    • Task A.5.3
    • Task A.4.2
    • Task A.4.3


The Scribbler's Thursday

Very late start today. Here goes:

Prep (just skip all this, who am I kidding, it's nearly noon)


  • Update tech10 w/PR contact, new TV info 
  • Return tech10 contract
  • Invoice re: tech10


  • Send tax payment
  • Shopping
  • Do 4 CIO 
  • Update New10 w/factchecking
  • P/U B at 2:45


  • P/u C at 5
  • Healthy dinner
  • Soccer practice 
  • D/o kids at 8 or so
  • Rehearse setlist
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 11

Agnus showing up

I didn't even show up yesterday. But today is a new day and I can start a new 24 hours anytime I need to.  The OA program recently added Plan of Action to its official list of tools for abstinence, so my OA sponsor has agreed to help me since this is clearly where I set myself up for trouble!

I have a trip tomorrow - 10 days of respite for Mom plus keep working my job. Mom has a caregiver 9-4 M-F but I am so anxious: is it really ok leaving J alone? can I really manage Mom and my job? etc. "God, please remove my fears and direct my thinking to what you would have me be.  Let me rely on you, not my own resources, to face each day as it comes. Amen." Today:
Finish my breakfast (it’s dragged on for an hour now due to interruptions of phone, email, FedX delivery, J and my own anxiety)
Write a letter for a client
Email that letter and another thing to client for a 1:30pm conference call
Be on the 1:30 pm conference call
Remind Jof his 2:30 dr appt
Return missed sponsee call from this morning (two others in crisis, helped them 8-11am)
Pay bills
2:45 lunch
3pm webinar
4pm staff meeting
5:30pm gym: 20 minutes treadmill, 5 minutes light weights, (no lifts without supported elbows!), 5 minutes stretching
6:15 home, dinner
6:45 walk dog
7pm leave for MI Step meeting
Call M: does she still want OA help?
9:30 pack for trip
10pm bed

Keepin it up

10:00 check out bookstore(s)

11:30 make calls for jobs, follow through

12:30: work out

1:45: lunch

2:30: check mail

3:00: make 4 sketches + work on painting

5:30: check mail again

6:00: look for new wheels for scooter

7:00:  Dinner

8:00: read, free time

wh.syl Sept 16, 2010 keep up good work

Hi,  I am so happy that  all 3 of you started today's thread. I hope everyone has  success.

 I did not   get my goals done  this weekend. 

  I was in a lot of pain.

I went to the Dr on Monday had an appendectomy that afternoon.

Yesterday, (Tuesday)  I came home.


Work to update my Google Calendar. 

Write checks and work on correspondence. 










speedy recovery

Don't put off getting better! :D  Just kidding!  I hope you heal quickly and are back on your feet soon.  Crazybug

wh.syl appendectomy!

Wow, feel better soon!


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


kromer 10:50 CI

Feeling kind of scattered today but I've actually done some decent work (I've done sec. reading and some Y reading, had prayer time, gathered stuff for GCF social, packed lunch and dinner, come to lab and checked on expt)

In the rest of the day I need to:
*Deal w/ email inc. email to gpa
*2 AR papers (will do this in the evening)
*Finish Y reading (have made some progress)
*Finish techniques reading (will do this soon)
*Study plan for RA in devel (will do this soon)
*Finish poster (modulo final proofread) and email poster title
*Help w/ GCF social

If I have more time:
*How RA gets to T
*Quickly review pos. controls
*Go over 3 days of CSB100 material

OK, going to start w/ a little work on poster. Then I'll deal w/ email and come up w/ study plan on RA in revel. 


BC 9/16

Been having trouble lately, I think I need to break up my larger tasks into smaller more specific tasks.

WORK [8AM - 5PM]: 

-Get heatshrink [DONE]

-Get wiring [DONE]

-Attach load for project 3 

-Finish building cables for project 3

-Finish tr analysis for project 3

-Finish com analysis for project 3


-Pay pest control company

-Call dp, kk, kl, ac, jc, rs, ec about ff 

-Go for a run

-Reread SE documents

-Think of 3 keywords for project a 

-Give r b and k ls to sign



Crazybug CI

Realize I've been fighting off a cold for the past couple of days which has contributed to my low energy level.

Several high priority projects this morning:

  • draft fed docs
    • tackle at least 3 in draft form for review/comment
  • write draft of data procedure

These are big projects with many multi-steps in them. The key to keeping moving is to really do some quality planning.

Need to plan breaks and rewards today to keep myself going.

Even the smallest step is infinitely more than nothing.

crazybug roundup

wow. got none of the tasks that I posted done today. Was interrupted by and ended up working on a seemingly urgent but questionably high priority task.  Handled it though event though I was actively fighting back an impending anxiety attack.

Been having a very tough past few days emotionally and have been endlessly casting around my mind trying to figure it out.  This evening as I was adding a new vitamin to my weekly pill case I realized that I had forgotten to put one of my primary depression/anxiety meds in there.  Don't know how long I've been off of thim, but the ability (or rather inability) to cope with day to day activities has been seriously thrown off course.  If ever I doubted that medications help mental illness...I do not doubt now.

It may take a couple of days to get back up to speed, but I feel relief to have found the source of my recent difficulties.  


Done Shower
Done Breakfast
Done Vitamins