Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 10 September 2010

Certainty, eagerness, go, perseverance, sureness

- Antonyms for 'procrastination' on


12:48 PM CDT: I have previously stated that procrastination is, for me, a pervasive approach to life, but this is really being underscored by my experiences between jobs. There are so many great things I could be doing, things I would enjoy, yet I am strangely reticent about getting started on any of them. Of course, it's hardly worth mentioning that I am also holding myself back from things I *don't* want to do, like household chores. Normally, when I am working, I can rationalize not doing those because I am too 'busy' with work. Everything takes time and seems like a slog to get started. Time I spend on one thing won't be 'available' to do something I might potentially enjoy more or benefit from more. So I just look at what I want and/or need to do, feeling frozen and frustrated, and eventually I just avoid making a decision. And nothing gets done. This won't cut it. 

Goal 1: 1-1:30 PM: Get prepared to go out. Back at 1:30 to report. 

Journey 1 pm & update

Running around like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off.   Last day of work before vacation.   Million things to do.   No time to procrastinate, and yesterday's black mood has lifted.   Later!  

UPDATE 4 pm - ok I gotta finish this one thing before I can leave for vacation.  It takes some figuring out and it's hard, and I really, really want to go on the internet instead of working on it.  Came here instead.  Back to work!


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


One thing I've discovered is how it's already more exciting to wake up every morning. It's because I now have a purpose with what I'm doing. The saying "motivation follows action" is so so true. 

 - Check-in Laughing

- shopping Laughing

- Check Arik Laughing

- Sign up G  - ONLY thing I didn't do :-( Overall I'm pretty content though :-)

- Sam Laughing

- Work - email J Laughing

- Work - at least 10 searches Laughing 

- Write L, P, M Laughing

- Email Mir Laughing

- Sol jour Laughing

- write D + M about WU Laughing

- hpn Laughing

- Call MM Laughing


BC 9/10

Thanks for starting the thread Lucky! I like the antonyms idea.

Tasks at work (8AM-5PM):

-Build cable for project 3

-Start building load for project 3 [DONE]

-Update reliability information [Partially Completed]

-Update degradation analysis with tran and comp  

-Read and refresh on failure analysis [Partially Completed]

-Finish testing project 1 if it is ready 

Tasks after work (5PM-Sleep)


-Buy a case of beer 

-Send out bills

-Customize lease

-Finish reading seo 

Friday Morning With .. The Scribbler!


  • get up at 7 (two snooze button pushes, not bad)
  • exercise
  • make bed
  • coffee
  • paper
  • water plants (thanks to Hermine, not necessary)
  • healthy breakfast
  • check-ins (trying to streamline this a bit) 


  • Run
  • Call mtg guy
  • Return mtg docs (I"m not doing this refi, these people are flat lying)
  • Call PPD
  • Call 4 re: Tech10
  • Call 4 re: New10


  • Prepare TYHP docs
  • Healthy lunch
  • File BN post (women?)
  • Do 4 CIO 


  • Replace water heater thermostat
  • Shop for hunting trip
  • Healthy dinner
  • Work on campfire songs
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 11 

Agnus ci 1015am

Hi all.  Slept poorly - the change in sunlight has triggered an early episode of mild depression but I can still pull out of it if I apply a full court press.  SO: resumed a good habit of starting my day with a 7am AA mtng, then had 1 of 4 sponsee calls (others are emailing me today instead), and...(drumroll)...I went to the GYM!!!  omg:O  Plus I got some groceries, welcomed and talked to son and friend who are doing some work around the house for us during their intermittent layoffs.  SO great to know several long-delayed projects are now in the hands of strong, capable men!  Some of my delayed projects are due to my transition from being a strong capable woman to having some physical limitations, and the new-to-me need to ask for help with more household tasks.

My list has grown unrealistic but I'm afraid if I don't keep carrying it forward I will forget something important.  So, onward through the fog! General schedule today:

  • eat breakfast by 1030
  • eat lunch by 130
  • eat dinner by 530
  • dog park by 630
  • lv for mtng by 715


  • revisions for MtC on WP (pending client feedback today)
  • Check GM slides - due Monday
  • Outrch text
  • action items from yesterday's mtng
  • sb-where am i?
  • weekly reports
  • review planning doc for colleague
  • mail hard copy expenses
  • create and file monthly reports
  • Draft fp ltr
  • email APs per requests
  • call CW on EM for status


  • white paper re staffing
  • catch up on youth intr proj
  • wf3 proposals: FPO tr (record 9/17, post 9/22) and Hd2Sv (11/4, 9)
  • order ppts for FPO and Hd2Sv
  • Sched to write copy


  • Return calls: Dr, pest control, 1 sponsee
  • Call UFP for copies of invoices -tried too late, they're closed
  • Sched cecu appt for car loan
  • call car insurer
  • read updates on all CoPs - did two of 6
  • resched mtng with SW re HC SGA
  • get that fed xwalk list nailed
  • finish contract briefs and send eg to team
  • sched vr presentation
  • sched myself a dermatology appt
  • sched massage
  • haircut, mani/pedi
  • microburst one pile of personal paperwork

Agnus ouch-ey

This has been a most unsatisfying day for work progress!  I have not accomplished  a single MIT. Having workmen in the house, J doing poorly and my own pain levels pretty high, just proved too distracting all around. Less than 2 honest billable hours today. I'm disappointed in myself.

BUT I need to look on the positive side and avoid the downward spiral. I am clean and sober and abstinent, and have chances to be helpful to others I sponsor and to J who suffers far more than my worst days. There's a women's AA and Alanon conference in town for the weekend, the dog had playtime with my granddaughter so he can live without a walk tonight, I still have time for a shower, dinner and haircut on my way to the conference. 

In the interest of my recovery, I choose to forgive myself for being unproductive at work today, and to trust that my Higher Power can still make everything OK.

(((Agnus))) You should

(((Agnus))) You should ABSOLUTELY forgive yourself and be proud of getting anything done in those circumstances - hope both you and J feel better today!

Crazybug CI 9:17

Had a successful day in regards to complete abstinence of 'recreational surfing' at work. My goal is to build upon that success and do the same today.   I will keep working on my assess/microplan/microburst technique and use the chat box to keep me focused.  Here's my overall goals for the day:

  • filing
  • Bkpg
    • reconcile
    • report
    • enter chgs
  • brief assessment of new site
  • review progress on doc

I may be able to get to more, but will leave at that for now.

Found a few quotes that gave me some smiles:

  • I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.- Jennifer Unlimited 
  • "Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."- Dennis Wholey (1937-)
  • "I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours." --Jerome K. Jerome
  • “I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure”

I hope everyone has a great day!:)


kromer 8:55 CI

Late start this morning.

Tasks are:
Breakfast, prayer time
Finish reading about splicing
Basic biochem review
Go over 10 methods from sheet
Get talk (without slides) in semi-final form and practice

OK, going to start with prayer time (relatively quick), then I'll do splicing review and methods review

Vic 9/10

Show up (done) Think it through

The tools worked yesterday and I escaped the black hole of no return.

For me, I think I need to change the slogan "It works when you work it" to "It works, work it" and skip or cross out the "when" word

Also, I looked on like for almost an hour and could not find an antonymn for the "noun" procratinator, interesting. Thanks for being here.

Helen's CI - 9:50 am

DONE Prayers

DONE email 

DONE Walk  

DONE Rely to important email 

Afternoon snooze (100 mins) (with alarm) 

Post DVD/phone package

Letter to NHS

Washing up

Read books (40 mins) 

Study (20 mins )  

Cook lovely lunch 

Call Dad  

Job hunting(40 mins )  

Search jobsite & collect suitable vacancies 

DONE Call agency to register Well done me, breakthrough!

Art project (40 mins ) 

Clean fridge 

Package & post  book & camera


Edge's CI - 9:23am

Morning :) Thanks for starting the thread, Lucky :*

- shower (rev)
- spray1
x lact
- tidy house and room
- ATM (all)
- get antibiotic meds
- buy mob credit
- send friends E message
- give kids E money
- greenp1
x trent
- greenp2
- spray2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Lucky CI

Before work:
Up by 7 Smile 
Check in Smile 
Cut fringe  Smile
Straighten hair Smile
Sort handbag Smile

Prayer time - Part done
Read some of A's book
Full makeup Smile

Update spreadsheet, send around & ask for comments Smile
Contracts - Part done
S backup & file deletion- Part done
PDP stuff 
Reorg PDP/compliance meeting
Post Smile
Email - Part done
Paper - Part done

Macmillan Smile
Plan travel Smile
Pay E, buy present and email her  Smile

After work:
To theatre!Smile
Check in Smile
BED straight after check in