Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday, 9 September, 2010

re: amazing

Yes!  I did have one episode of surfing, but got back on track - it is pretty amazing how much more productive I can be when I don't have the option of the internet for distraction! 

Well this was supposed to be a reply to Crazy Bug but it's in the wrong place . . .oh well, . . .waves at CB.


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

Great Job Jo!

Getting back on track is the key!  I veered a little off course this morning, but am determined to be able to reward myself this afternoon for abstaining from frivolous internet usage.  Got up and got something healthy to eat and a glass of water, forgave myself and renewed my resolve.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day! :)

Lucky CI redux

Wow, thank you for all the birthday wishes!


Before work:
Up by 6 smiling
Check in smiling
Shower smiling
Straighten hair smiling

Prayer time - Part done!

Audio typing smiling
Send S occ health form details :)
Update spreadsheet, send around & ask for comments - Part done
Contracts - Part done
S backup & file deletion
PDP stuff
Reorg PDP/compliance meeting
Post :)
Termination :) 

Check bank :)
Check S's desk :)
Buy cakes, 3x raffle tickets, birthday present & card for S :)
Contact C re flowers and money  :)

After work:
Email/forum - Part done
Writing (F)
Clear kitchen
Pack contact lenses :)
Laundry - In progress
Talk to C re hair :)
Dog face wash
Wash face/moisturise/floss/brush teeth
Tomorrow's list
Email report
Check in
BED straight after check in

katia 9/9

Better late than never. . .Although I admit alot of the morning was spent dealing with physical ailments. Blargh! Ah well.

I did NOTHING yesterday, sorry. Although I'm not going to beat myself up over it since then I'll prob lose today too.

But I DID do well on my test tuesday! Yay.

Things I would like to do today:
Read Ch. 4 Sect 1-6
Notes on Ch. 4 Sect 1-6
Reading Quiz
Work on PS #8
Copy PS #8 into notebook
Put dishes away
Take vitamins and iron
Go to grocery store
Clear clothes off desk chair
Make apple dumplings to enjoy!
Call Person
Email other person
Check out online math course

We shall see. . .thanks guys for being there!

Happy Birthday Lucky!

Edit- I haven't been able to sit at my desk for more than a year. Now I can. Woo!
Edit- It's plugging away!
Edit- So. . .I didn't do as well on my test as I thought. I truly would not settle for anything less than perfect because I am SOOOO familiar with the material. I'm very disappointed and am not even sure I can continue the course if I cannot get an A+. It is alot of money. I'm just so upset. Sorry for the vent.

Still going strong!

There were two things on my to-do list I didn't finish yesterday. But as I wrote in my procrastination journal, it was justififed as I spent a lot of time doing another thing on the list - i just underestimated the amount of time it would take to complete that task. It was a classic  case of time optimism - something I´m working on - but I had a very productive day, and I'm looking forward to being productive today as well!

 - finish FAQ - DONE

- finish procrastination plan - DONE

- meeting w H (don't be late)  - DONE

- arrange x with P  - DONE

- hpn - DONE

Good luck everybody!

EDIT/UPDATE: I did it! Again, I underrestimated the time some of the tasks would take. I was also running slightly late for the meeting - I have to start dealing with my time optimism. But overall I'm happy to have completed it all. I can do it!!! :-)

kromer 12:15 CI

OK, the next 4 days will be a little crazy...I'm visiting my grandpa and mom, so I'll have some crazy mix of taking care of my grandpa, supporting my mom, cleaning the house and studying.

I have no idea how much I'll manage to get through, but here's a list of things to work through.
*Diagram potential improvements to slides (on paper, since I don't have ppt or illustrator with me)
*Basic biochem review (partway done)
*Review splicing (halfway done)
*Go through methods chapt. of MCB+KO methods

OK, heading to chatbox now. 

Thursday with the Scribbler


  • get up at 7
  • make bed
  • exercise
  • coffee
  • paper
  • healthy breakfast
  • check-ins (I'm probably spending too much time on this)


  • get doc notarized
  • call Whirlpool
  • Call 9 re Tech10


  • Healthy lunch
  • Draft location
  • P/u B
  • P/U C


  • Help kids w/homework
  • Soccer?
  • Healthy dinner
  • D/o kids by 8:30
  • Go by sis's
  • Bed by 11


clement ci

enjoyed reading everybody today.

pretty good day so far, but a little binge-y, so here i am :D

make list, do dailies.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Agnus ci

Good morning!  I am powerless over procrastination and my life has become unmanageable. I have come to believe that a Power Greater than myself can restore me to sanity. I am making the decision to turn my will and life (thinking and action) over to the care of this Higher Power as I understand him/her/it - which to me is God.  So...God, please grant me serenity today to accept things I cannot change, courage to change things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Whew, I needed that today.  Now, with God's help I will stay focused and forward-moving! :-)

MITs that are also MUTs:

  • revisions for MtC on WP
  • final check on GM narrative
  • synch with slides (vr call)
  • send GM narrative, (slides too?)
  • Outrch text
  • sb-where am i? MIT
  • monthly reports
  • Draft fp ltr
  • deliver/pick up @ atty
  • email APs per requests
  • call CW on EM for status


  • white paper re staffing
  • catch up on youth intr proj
  • wf3 proposals: FPO tr (record 9/17, post 9/22) and Hd2Sv (11/4, 9)
  • order ppts for FPO and Hd2Sv
  • Sched to write copy


  • email C today's mtng info and Letting Go prayer
  • Call UFP for copies of invoices
  • Sched cecu appt for car loan
  • call car insurer
  • sched vr presentation
  • read updates on all CoPs
  • resched mtng with SW re HC SGA
  • get that fed xwalk list nailed
  • finish contract briefs and send eg to team
  • Agnus midway ci

    MITs that are also MUTs:

    • revisions for MtC on WP
    • final check on GM narrative
    • synch with slides (vr call)
    • send GM narrative, (slides too?)
    • Outrch text
    • sb-where am i? MIT
    • monthly reports
    • Draft fp ltr
    • deliver/pick up @ atty
    • email APs per requests
    • call CW on EM for status
    • ADDED: prep for 2pm mtng
    • ADDED: attend 2pm mtng
    • ADDED: send notes from 2pm mtng 


    • white paper re staffing
    • catch up on youth intr proj
    • wf3 proposals: FPO tr (record 9/17, post 9/22) and Hd2Sv (11/4, 9)
    • order ppts for FPO and Hd2Sv
    • Sched to write copy


  • email C today's mtng info and Letting Go prayer
  • Call UFP for copies of invoices
  • Sched cecu appt for car loan
  • call car insurer
  • sched vr presentation
  • read updates on all CoPs
  • resched mtng with SW re HC SGA
  • get that fed xwalk list nailed
  • finish contract briefs and send eg to team
  • ADDED: J help 
  • ADDED: 3 loads laundry
  • solidarity


    For what it's worth I'm standing in solidarity with you, rooting for you and believe in you! Just take it little bits at a time.

    “Thou, O God, dost sell us all good things at the price of labor”  Leonardo da Vinci

    thanks crazybug!


    Vic 9/9

    Show up (done) Think things through.

    Rough start this morning- coda stuff and family relationships. Need to use tools to not get sucked in or drug down. I am becoming aware that Coda stuff is very tied into the procrastination, need to work harder now not to get sucked into the black hole. Time for walk. 

    (PA friends)

    Escaped the black hole gravitational pull, for now. Read, write, talk, listen, pray as my old sponsor would say. Thanks for being here. I feel it saved me from my collapse.


    May you find peace and forward momentum today!

    solidarity ((vic))

    praying for you (and me): May the Higher Power grant us inspiration, intuitive thoughts and good decisions to stay as far back from the edge of the black hole as possible today!

    Journey 9:30 ugh

    I am both very stressed and very unmotivated at work today!   Thanks to Crazy Bug for the inspiring post 'Building on Today's Success', that is helping me to get started this morning.   I'm on vacation next week, so I'm partly in vacation mode, worried about money issues, and worried about work stuff.   It's ironic that the more stressed I am about work, the more I tend to procrastinate.  What's up with that?   But I'm going to follow CrazyBug's lead and do NO WEB SURFING during work hours.   I too have been trying to limit my web surfing, but I haven't tried just cutting myself off.   This is brilliant! (facepalm) why didn't I think of this?  and can I do it?  No weather channel, no CNN, no wikipedia?  Just for today, I'll try it.  

    Going for coffee, making a todo list, and then getting started on my tasks yay!  


    'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


    Thanks Jo.  Whew! It feels tough to not go to my normal 'refuge (denial!) websites'. But I've succeeded so far today! 

    It also occurred to me that that goal is very definable and therefore you know if you've 'abstained' or not and can reward yourself accordingly.  I've got a great reward for myself at the end of the day today if I meet this goal.  It makes it a little easier to abstain...

    Best wishes to you!

    re: whew!

    yay! This is going to be very good for me. I've been allowing myself to surf on "breaks" but it's still very distracting and I often exceed my planned break. And it doesn't look good if someone walks by. So, on breaks I'll allow myself to come here or to olganon for support, but no recreational surfing until I'm off the clock.  I love it.  Thank you.  


    'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy


    I can't believe how much better my day was without checking my personal e-mails and surfing at work. Amazingly the world didn't fall apart. :D I hope it was the same for you. I'm determined to make it through tomorrow without surfing too. Wanna try it with me?  I wish you all the best!

    you can do it jo!

    I also notice the urge to procrastinate seems worse under stress. Guess that connects the dots between us and the better-understood addictions.  That God for pro and friends who discovered that "the names and faces have been changed to protect the innocent" but the causes and solutions are the same! :-)

    Thanks Ag

    Very good point!    

    'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

    Crazybug CI

    Will work on the success strategies from yesterday. Proud of myself that I have stuck to my goal (so far!) of not checking personal e-mail or surfing.

    Overall goals for today:

    • Download H statement
    • Reconcile statements
    • Reimburse mileage
    • Create initial CF report
    • Email about need to invoice
    • 30 minute assessment of new site
    • Find bc online
    • Call RB and get payment information for invoice
    • Check QB on server to see if remotely accessible 
    • get new e addresses

    now on to 'micro planning' and 'microbursts'.

    BC 9/9

    Thanks for starting the thread Edge!

    Tasks at work (8AM-5PM):

    -Build cable for project 3

    -Build load for project 3 

    -Update reliability information [Partially Completed]

    -Update degradation analysis with tran and comp  

    -Read and refresh on failure analysis [Partially Completed]

    -Set up project 1 [DONE] 

    Tasks after work (5PM-Sleep)

    -Workout [DONE]

    -Buy bbq food [Canceled]

    -Send out bills

    -Call bro [DONE]

    My Day Today

    I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life

    I want to thank Edge for starting the trend.

    Things I have completed

    1. Prayer time

    2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

    Things I will do today

    1. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

    2. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

    3. Go to the 11:00 a.m. telephone PA meeting

    4. Go to the 11:15 a.m. telephone DA meeting

    5. Go to the 1:00 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

    6. Take shower

    7. More Prayer and meditation

    8. Clear floor

    9. Clear couch

    10. Clear tables

    11. Read business book

    12. Finish Acronyms for leadership class

    13. Read computer book

    14. Do computer work

    15. Make bed

    16. Wash dishes

    17. Eat brunch

    18. Cook chicken

    19. Fix and eat dinner

    20. Post Al-Anon literature for tomorrow

    21. Go through storage boxes and organize things.

    22. Call for PA Check-in's

    That's all I have

    Lucky CI

    It's my birthday and this threadstarter gives me sooo mmuch joy!

    Before work:
    Up by 6 :)
    Check in :)
    Shower :)
    Straighten hair :)

    Prayer time - Part done!

    Audio typing :)
    Send S occ health form details
    Update spreadsheet, send around & ask for comments
    S backup & file deletion
    PDP stuff
    Reorg PDP/compliance meeting

    Check bank
    Check S's desk
    Buy cakes, 3x raffle tickets, birthday present & card for S
    Contact C re flowers and money

    After work:
    Writing (F)
    Clear kitchen
    Pack contact lenses
    Talk to C re hair
    Dog face wash
    Wash face/moisturise/floss/brush teeth
    Email report
    Check in
    BED straight after check in

    happy birthday!

    hope you had a great one and have a great year to come!

    Happy (belated) birthday!

    Appropriate, eh for a PA site?Laughing

    I hope it was wonderful. You are a special individual, from whom I've learned alot already.

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday! Your posts over the weekend were inspiring.

    Just hoping you have some fun stuff planned too :)


     Make a wish! (don;t worry if candles do not blow out it will still come true) V

    Happy birthday Lucky!

    Have a great day!

    Happy Birthday

    Enjoy your special day. 

    I want you to know you inspired me as well, by all your energy and hard work.


    Thanks wh.syl, that means a

    Thanks wh.syl, that means a lot!

    Happy b-day Lucky!

    Smile Have all the fun you can stand! Smile

    Happy Birthday Lucky!


    'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

    Happy birthday, Lucky!

    Have a good one! Milk it for all it's got! :D

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

    Edge (anxiety)

    Hi, edge

    I think that your quote is SO TRue.   I will keep looking at this each day  It is so inspiring.

    wh.syl :)

    Glad you liked the quote, wh.syl :) I ended up choosing it as my sig because I related to it so much. All of my anxiety (and I sometimes have a lot of it) results from inaction, so I use the quote as a reminder that getting things done will ultimately help me breathe easier. :*

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

    tuffl CI

    thanks for starting Edge. today's list is short. 


    DONE shower

    DONE breakfast

    DONE clean kitchen

    clean dishwasher - too late. well, it's an excuse, i know, but i don't wanna do it anymore today. tomorrow! promise!

    DONE Laughing meet with J

    tidy study - tomorrow


    alright. alright. i changed my mind. i still want to get some things done, for the good feeling of it. here's the plan:


    DONE Smile tidy study (10)

    DONE Smile clean dishwasher (15)

    call M (10) - tried, didn't answer, remembered he said something about going out tonight, will see if he calls back

    DONE Smile 10 c (25)


    feeling good about having done all of this. now i can go on, do some planning, eat, go to bed, read, sleep and start fresh tomorrow. have a productive happy thursday all of you! thanks for being here! Smile


    eat something

    think about f (10)

    make a plan for tomorrow (10)

    go to bed, maybe read something, haven't done that in ages

    Edge's CI - 11:47am

    Morning :)

    - shamp
    x spray1
    x lact
    x greenp1
    - dishes & clean kitchen
    - call K and resched
    - ATM (all)
    - get antibiotic meds
    - set vacation dates
    - balance budget
    - read rest of contract
    - file official papers
    - set reminder for assignment 1 (10 words)
    - set reminder for assignment 2 (time management 2 days)
    - set reminder for ad text
    - work on sponsors package
    - trent
    - greenp2
    - spray2
    - clean room
    - bh:eb

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

    Edge's CI - 1:40pm

    - shamp
    x spray1
    x lact
    x greenp1
    x dishes & clean kitchen
    x clean kitty litter + water bowl
    x clean room
    x bh:eb
    - call Nat about gift
    - call K and resched
    - ATM (all)
    - get antibiotic meds
    - set vacation dates
    - balance budget
    - read rest of contract
    - file official papers
    - set reminder for assignment 1 (10 words)
    - set reminder for assignment 2 (time management 2 days)
    - set reminder for ad text
    - work on sponsors package
    - trent
    - greenp2
    - spray2

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

    Edge's CI - 4:40pm

    - shamp
    x spray1
    x lact
    x greenp1
    x dishes & clean kitchen
    x clean kitty litter + water bowl
    x clean room
    x bh:eb
    - call Nat about gift
    x call K and resched
    - ATM (all)
    - get antibiotic meds
    - set vacation dates
    x balance budget
    - read rest of contract
    x file official papers
    - set reminder for assignment 1 (10 words)
    - set reminder for assignment 2 (time management 2 days)
    - set reminder for ad text
    - work on sponsors package
    x trent
    x greenp2
    x spray2

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

    Edge's CI - 9:19am (Fri)

    I need to shorten my to-dos.

    x spray1
    x lact
    x greenp1
    x dishes & clean kitchen
    x clean kitty litter + water bowl
    x clean room
    x bh:eb
    x call K and resched
    x balance budget
    x file official papers
    x trent
    x greenp2
    x spray2

    - set reminder for assignment 1 (10 words)
    - set reminder for assignment 2 (time management 2 days)
    - set reminder for ad text
    - work on sponsors package
    - read rest of contract
    - ATM (all)
    - get antibiotic meds
    - set vacation dates
    - give kids E money
    - send friends E message
    - call Nat about gift
    - shamp

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson